222 research outputs found

    A perzsa tudományosság kialakulása a klasszikus korban (mesterség és elmélet) = The development of Persian Scholarship in the Classical Period (Practice and Theory)

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    Az iszlámkori Iránban a perzsa nyelvű tudományos tevékenység megjelenése és első eredményei döntően az arab nyelvű tudományok nyomdokain születettek meg. Az első évszázadokban a tudományok nyelve az arab volt, de a tudományok művelői között nagy számban megtalálhatóak voltak az iráni, többségükben perzsa származású tudósok, államférfiak és udvari tisztségviselők is, akik az abbászida birodalom szellemi életében kiemelkedő szerepet játszottak. A most záruló kutatásunk alapvetően két-irányú volt: egyrészt konkrét (grammatikai, logikai, irodalomelméleti, művészettörténeti stb.) forrásokkal foglalkoztunk (a), majd megpróbáltuk az ezekből a vizsgálatából adódó tanulságokat (terminológia, elemzések, definíciók) a szakterület korabeli elméleti kérdéseket tárgyaló forrásaival egybevetni (b). Végül mindezeket a részterületi kutatási eredményeket, tanulságokat egy általánosabb perzsa tudománytörténet szélesebb keretébe illesztettük, egy korai iszlámkori perzsa tudománytörténet ill. művészettörténet megírásával (c). Pályázatunk lezárásaként, az eredményeket, résztanulmányok (angol és magyar nyelven) mellett, egy könyvben foglaltuk össze, mely magyar nyelven először tárgyalta ezeket a kérdéseket (2007). | Iranian scholarship in the Persian language appeared comparatively late in the 10-11th centuries following in the wake of Muslim scholarship in Arabic. Nevertheless, from the very outset scholars of Iranian stock helped develop various branches of human and rational sciences such as grammar, lexicography, logic, literary sciences, history, history of fine art, medicine, mathematics, astronomy, or geography, etc. Our research aimed at twofold goals: it scrutinized sources (manuscripts, lithographs, printed matters) and carried out field works by collecting various sorts of data concerning literary and linguistic sciences and fine art history in Iran (a). Relying on evidences gained from the analyses of the sources under investigation (e.g. terminological facets, types of definitions, etc.) a detailed account of some important points in the development of human sciences could be given (b). The results gained from this research have been published in a separate volume (c: 2007)

    Efficacy of drug-eluting balloon in patients with bare-metal or drug-eluting stent restenosis.

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    INTRODUCTION: In spite of improving results, the treatment of in-stent restenosis (ISR) of bare-metal stents (BMS), and particularly drug-eluting stents (DES), is a challenging clinical problem. There are promising but limited follow-up data concerning drug-eluting balloons in the treatment of BMS and DES restenosis. The goal of this real-world registry was to assess the long-term safety and efficacy of drug-eluting balloons in the treatment of BMS and DES restenosis. METHODS: In this prospective registry, 82 patients with BMS or DES restenosis treated with paclitaxel-eluting balloons were enrolled. The primary endpoint was ischemia-driven target lesion revascularization (TLR); a secondary endpoint was the rate of major adverse cardiac events (MACE) at 28 months. RESULTS: Thirty-five patients (42.7%) had DES ISR and 16 patients (19.5%) presented with an acute coronary syndrome. The success rate of drug-eluting balloon inflation was 97.6%. The median (interquartile range) duration of follow up was 28.0 (25.0-30.3) months. The rate of TLR was 24.5%, and was not significantly higher in the DES-ISR group than in the BMS-ISR group: 29.0% vs. 21.1%, respectively (p=0.687). There were two cases of definite stent thrombosis in the BMS-ISR group and one probable subacute stent thrombosis in the DES-ISR group. The overall MACE rate was 37.0% and did not differ between the DES-ISR and BMS-ISR group (40.8% vs. 34.7%, respectively; p=0.994). CONCLUSIONS: This real-world registry provided less favorable long-term results for drug-eluting balloons in the treatment of BMS restenosis and in DES restenosis, compared to the promising mid-term results of previous studies. The TLR rate was slightly but not significantly higher after DES restenosis compared to BMS restenosis treatment

    Robust Resilience of the Frontotemporal Syntax System to Aging.

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    UNLABELLED: Brain function is thought to become less specialized with age. However, this view is largely based on findings of increased activation during tasks that fail to separate task-related processes (e.g., attention, decision making) from the cognitive process under examination. Here we take a systems-level approach to separate processes specific to language comprehension from those related to general task demands and to examine age differences in functional connectivity both within and between those systems. A large population-based sample (N = 111; 22-87 years) from the Cambridge Centre for Aging and Neuroscience (Cam-CAN) was scanned using functional MRI during two versions of an experiment: a natural listening version in which participants simply listened to spoken sentences and an explicit task version in which they rated the acceptability of the same sentences. Independent components analysis across the combined data from both versions showed that although task-free language comprehension activates only the auditory and frontotemporal (FTN) syntax networks, performing a simple task with the same sentences recruits several additional networks. Remarkably, functionality of the critical FTN is maintained across age groups, showing no difference in within-network connectivity or responsivity to syntactic processing demands despite gray matter loss and reduced connectivity to task-related networks. We found no evidence for reduced specialization or compensation with age. Overt task performance was maintained across the lifespan and performance in older, but not younger, adults related to crystallized knowledge, suggesting that decreased between-network connectivity may be compensated for by older adults' richer knowledge base. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT: Understanding spoken language requires the rapid integration of information at many different levels of analysis. Given the complexity and speed of this process, it is remarkably well preserved with age. Although previous work claims that this preserved functionality is due to compensatory activation of regions outside the frontotemporal language network, we use a novel systems-level approach to show that these "compensatory" activations simply reflect age differences in response to experimental task demands. Natural, task-free language comprehension solely recruits auditory and frontotemporal networks, the latter of which is similarly responsive to language-processing demands across the lifespan. These findings challenge the conventional approach to neurocognitive aging by showing that the neural underpinnings of a given cognitive function depend on how you test it.The Cambridge Centre for Ageing and Neuroscience (Cam-CAN) research is supported by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (grant number BB/H008217/1).This is the author accepted manuscript. It is currently under an indefinite embargo pending publication by the Society for Neuroscience

    The influence of reaction conditions on the oxidation of cyclohexane via the in-situ production of H2O2

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    The oxidation of cyclohexane via the in-situ production of H2O2 from molecular H2 and O2 offers an attractive route to the current industrial means of producing cyclohexanone and cyclohexanol (KA oil), both key materials in the production of Nylon. Herein we demonstrate that through the in-situ production of H2O2 supported AuPd nanoparticles catalyse the formation of KA oil under conditions where activity is limited when using molecular O2, with no loss in catalytic activity observed upon re-use. The effect of key reaction parameters, including reaction temperature, catalyst mass and H2:O2 ratio are evaluated

    Atomic Force Microscopy of height fluctuations of fibroblast cells

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    We investigated the nanometer scale height fluctuations of 3T3 fibroblast cells with the atomic force microscope (AFM) under physiological conditions. Correlation between these fluctuations and lateral cellular motility can be observed. Fluctuations measured on leading edges appear to be predominantly related to actin polymerization-depolymerization processes. We found fast (5 Hz) pulsatory behavior with 1--2 nm amplitude on a cell with low motility showing emphasized structure of stress fibres. Myosin driven contractions of stress fibres are thought to induce this pulsation.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Effect of cardiac resynchronization therapy with implantable cardioverter defibrillator versus cardiac resynchronization therapy with pacemaker on mortality in heart failure patients: results of a high-volume, single-centre experience.

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    AIMS: There are limited and contradictory data on the effects of CRT with implantable cardioverter defibrillator (CRT-D) on mortality as compared with CRT with pacemaker (CRT-P). METHODS AND RESULTS: We evaluated the long-term outcome of patients implanted with a CRT-D or CRT-P device in our high-volume single-centre experience. Data on all-cause mortality were derived from clinic visits and the Hungarian National Healthcare Fund Death Registry. Kaplan-Meier survival analyses and multivariate Cox regression models were used to evaluate all-cause mortality in patients with CRT-D vs. CRT-P, stratified by the aetiology of cardiomyopathy. From 2000 to 2011, 1122 CRT devices, 693 CRT-P (LVEF 28.2 +/- 7.4%) and 429 CRT-D (LVEF 27.6 +/- 6.4%), were implanted at our centre. During the median follow-up of 28 months, 379 patients died from any cause, 250 patients (36%) with an implanted CRT-P and 129 patients (30%) with an implanted CRT-D. There was no evidence of mortality benefit in patients implanted with a CRT-D compared with a CRT-P in the total cohort [hazard ratio (HR) 0.98, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.73-1.32, P = 0.884]. In patients with ischaemic cardiomyopathy, CRT-D treatment was associated with a significant 30% risk reduction in all-cause mortality compared with an implanted CRT-P (HR 0.70, 95% CI 0.51-0.97, P = 0.03). In non-ischaemic patients, there was no mortality benefit of CRT-D over CRT-P (HR 0.98, 95% CI 0.73-1.32, P = 0.894, interaction P-value = 0.15). CONCLUSIONS: In heart failure patients with ischaemic cardiomyopathy, CRT-D was associated with a mortality benefit compared with CRT-P, but no benefit of CRT-D over CRT-P in mortality was observed in non-ischaemic cardiomyopathy

    Receptive field atlas and related CNN models

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    In this paper we demonstrate the potential of the cellular nonlinear/neural network paradigm (CNN) that of the analogic cellular computer architecture (called CNN Universal Machine | CNN-UM) in modeling different parts and aspects of the nervous system. The structure of the living sensory systems and the CNN share a lot of features in common: local interconnections ("receptive field architecture"), nonlinear and delayed synapses for the processing tasks, the potentiality of feedback and using the advantages of both the analog and logic signal-processing mode. The results of more than ten years of cooperative work of many engineers and neurobiologists have been collected in an atlas: what we present here is a kind of selection from these studies emphasizing the exibility of the CNN computing: visual, tactile and auditory modalities are concerned

    Emergence of low-symmetry foldamers from single monomers

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    Self-assembly is a powerful method to obtain large discrete functional molecular architectures. When using a single building block, self-assembly generally yields symmetrical objects in which all the subunits relate similarly to their neighbours. Here we report the discovery of a family of self-constructing cyclic macromolecules with stable folded conformations of low symmetry, which include some with a prime number (13, 17 and 23) of units, despite being formed from a single component. The formation of these objects amounts to the production of polymers with a perfectly uniform length. Design rules for the spontaneous emergence of such macromolecules include endowing monomers with a strong potential for non-covalent interactions that remain frustrated in competing entropically favoured yet conformationally restrained smaller cycles. The process can also be templated by a guest molecule that itself has an asymmetrical structure, which paves the way to molecular imprinting techniques at the level of single polymer chains