209 research outputs found

    Explicit model of cumulative surface location error for milling processes

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    Az ifjúságügy értelmezése

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    A tanulmány célja, hogy egy átfogó modell bemutatásával áttekintést adjon a fiatalokkal foglalkozó társadalomtudományi diszciplínák és az ifjúsággal kapcsolatos feladatok kapcsolatrendszeréről. Míg Európában az ifjúságügy kialakulásának folyamata alaposan körüljárt, maga a terület felnőtt a társzakmák mellé, szektorokon átívelő, integrált koncepciót és önmeghatározást dolgozott ki, addig Magyarországon ennek nemcsak a gyakorlata, de kutatása is hézagos, Ezen hiátust részben pótlandó az alábbi tanulmány fő célja tehát, hogy bemutassa az ifjúságügy magyarországi értelmezésének kereteit. Egyfelől tárgyaljuk azt a három hagyományt, amelyben az ifjúságügy magyarországi kialakulása gyökerezik: a pedagógia, a szociális és közművelődési tradíciókat; másfelől bemutatjuk a magyar ifjúságügy berkeiben kidolgozott modellt, amely integrált szemléletével igyekszik az európai értelmezéssel koherens módon meghatározni az ifjúságügy magyarországi értelmezését

    Experimental Validation of Cumulative Surface Location Error for Turning Processes

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    Az ifjúságügy európai hagyománya – a History of Youth Work könvvsorozat

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    On the R\'enyi-Ulam Game with Restricted Size Queries

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    We investigate the following version of the well-known R\'enyi-Ulam game. Two players - the Questioner and the Responder - play against each other. The Responder thinks of a number from the set {1,,n}\{1,\ldots,n\}, and the Questioner has to find this number. To do this, he can ask whether a chosen set of at most kk elements contains the thought number. The Responder answers with YES or NO immediately, but during the game, he may lie at most \ell times. The minimum number of queries needed for the Questioner to surely find the unknown element is denoted by RUk(n)RU_\ell^k(n). First, we develop a highly effective tool that we call Convexity Lemma. By using this lemma, we give a general lower bound of RUk(n)RU_\ell^k(n) and an upper bound which differs from the lower one by at most 2+12\ell+1. We also give its exact value when nn is sufficiently large compared to kk. With these, we managed to improve and generalize the results obtained by Meng, Lin, and Yang in a 2013 paper about the case =1\ell=1

    Waterfowl population survey of the Marcali reservoir (2007–2008).

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    This study has shown that the Marcali reservoir is an important waterbird wetland habitat espe- cially during the migration period. Based on our findings early springtime season proved to be the most important season concerning bird activities on the reservoir. The reservoir and its surroundings are not spe- cifically important as breeding areas; although, some strictly protected species can be found among the breed- ing species. It is noteworthy to mention the strong disturbance (waterfolw hunting, intensive fishing, poaching) in the area that can have a negative impact on the breeding success of bird species. The results of similarity measures showed remarkable differences between the bird communities of different seasons. Waterbird com- munities of the spring season and summer season showed the highest similarity, since part of the species observed during the spring surveys were most probably breeding species that remained in the reservoir area for the summer. Comparison based on bird species diversity showed significant differences between communi - ties of the different seasons. Diversity was higher both in the breeding and the migration season compared with the winter period characterized by the lowest species richness and number of individuals. Water level has proved to be an important determining factor of waterbird species richness

    Surface Error and Stability Chart of Beam-Type Workpiece in Milling Processes

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