4 research outputs found

    „Bibliothekarisches Grundwissen“ von Klaus Gantert – eine Rezension aus studentischer Sicht

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    Die Autorin rezensiert das bedeutende Standardwerk „Bibliothekarisches Grundwissen“ von Klaus Gantert in der neunten Auflage. Sie gibt einen Überblick über die wichtigsten Inhalte des Buches, erläutert den Mehrwert des Werkes zu Recherchezwecken für Studierende und spricht eine klare Nutzungsempfehlung aus.The author reviews the important core literature „Bibliothekarisches Grundwissen“ by Klaus Gantert in its ninth edition. She provides an overview of the most important contents of the book, explains the value of the work for research purposes and gives a clear recommendation for use

    Welche Probleme gibt es bei der Lizenzierung von Onlinemedien in Öffentlichen Bibliotheken? : Ein Aufsatz aus dem Sommersemester 2020 im Seminar „Bestandsmanagement“

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    Öffentliche Bibliotheken haben durch das Angebot aktueller Lizenzmodelle Schwierigkeiten bei dem Erwerb und der Ausleihe von elektronischen Medien. Das deutsche Urheberrecht bietet Bibliotheken momentan keine gesetzlich verankerten Freiheiten für den Verleih elektronischer Medien. Mit dem Konflikt um die Lizenzierung von E-Books zwischen dem Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels und dem Deutschen Bibliotheksverband, scheint eine schnelle Lösung für eine nutzungsfreundliche Onleihe in weiter Ferne.Im Beitrag werden die Positionen des Börsenvereins und des Bibliotheksverbandes erklärt und auf Basis des geltenden Urheberrechtes erörtert. Neben den Argumenten beider Seiten werden gängige Lizenzmodelle für E-Books und ihre möglichen Fortentwicklungen untersucht. Um die Auswirkungen alternativer Lizenzmodelle zu beleuchten, wird in der Ausarbeitung zudem die Nutzung der Onleihe und die daraus resultierende Veränderung in der Erwerbungspolitik von Öffentlichen Bibliotheken dargestellt. Nach Abwägung aller Aussagen und Lösungsmöglichkeiten kann eine Klärung der Problematik nur durch den Gesetzgeber erfolgen.Public libraries have difficulties in acquiring and lending electronic media to their users due to current licensing models. German copyright laws do not offer a guaranteed right for libraries to provide e-books online. In view of the conflict between the German Publishers and Booksellers Association and the German Library Association concerning the Iicensing of digital media, a quick solution seems to be a long way off.In this paper the positions of the German Publishers & Booksellers Association and the German Library Association are explained and discussed based on the German copyright law. In addition to the arguments of both sides the current licensing models and possible alternatives are examined. In order to shed light on the benefits of new licensing models the paper also discusses the utilization of e-books in libraries and the resulting changes in the acquisition policy. After consideration of all statements and possible solutions the answer to the problem of lending e-books online can only be given by the legislator

    Harmonisation of Material Emission Labelling Schemes in the EU

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    Growing awareness about requirements for healthy indoor air has resulted in a demand for products demonstrated to be safe for use in indoor environments. Emissions from construction products have been identified as a significant source of indoor air pollution since the beginning of the 1980Âżs. Different approaches to evaluate construction products have emerged over time, and considerable practical experience has been gained during recent years. In some markets, emissions originating from indoor construction products have been noticeably reduced by developing quality criteria and labelling systems. A detailed review of the existing labelling schemes was compiled in 2005 in the European Collaborative Action, Report 24. This paper reports on ongoing activities concerningthe development of a harmonised evaluation concept that is under elaboration by the Danish ICL, the German AgBB, the Finnish M1 and the JRC/IHCP/PCE.JRC.I.2-Chemical assessment and testin

    ECA report no. 27 on “Harmonisation framework for indoor products labelling schemes in the EU”

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    Harmonisation of indoor products labelling schemes in the EU is an important aspect of the European Commission’s policy making process in the field of indoor air quality and associated health effects. This report describes the outcome of recent activities and a roadmap setting out the steps being taken by a preparatory working group led by the European Commission for establishing an EU wide harmonisation framework for labelling schemes which consists of core and transitional criteria. The harmonization framework proposed in ECA report no. 27 will help the convergence of existing mandatory and voluntary labelling schemes in EU. This report is the final product of an initiative, coordinated by the JRC-IHCP at Ispra and integrated into the EU strategy on indoor air quality led by the EC Directorate General for Health and Consumer Affairs. This initiative started in 2010 with an international workshop “Harmonized framework on indoor material labeling schemes: challenge with a global perspective”. Member States, the industry and the consumers are concerned by it. Labeling of products will help building designers and consumers making informed choices about the products (existing or new) in the market which are used in indoor environments and also removing existing barriers in trade of consumer products used indoors.JRC.I.1-Chemical Assessment and Testin