3,450 research outputs found

    Impacts of Watershed Development Programmes: Experiences and Evidences from Tamil Nadu

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    The overall performance of watershed development programmes has been examined in the state of Tamil Nadu. The impacts of major watershed development programmes have been outlined in terms of biophysical impacts, environmental impacts, socio-economic impacts and overall economic impacts. It is pointed out that the watershed development activities have made significant positive impacts on various biophysical aspects such as soil and water conservation, soil fertility, soil and water erosion in cropped area, changes in cropping pattern, cropping intensity, production and productivity of crops. Watershed development activities have shown significant positive impacts on water table, perenniality of water in wells, water availability for cattle and other domestic uses, etc. The overall economic impacts have been evaluated in terms of NPV, IRR and BCR. The peoples’ participation in watershed development activities has been found satisfactory but the optimal level is yet to be achieved. Training of farmers has been found effective in disseminating technical knowledge. According to the study, the future strategy should be the movement towards a balanced approach of matching the supply-driven menu with a set of demand-driven activities. Peoples’ participation, involvement of Panchayati Raj Institutions, local user groups and NGOs along side institutional support from different levels, viz. the Union Government, the state, the district and block levels should be ensured to make the programme more participatory, interactive and cost-effective. Convergence of various rural development programmes around the watershed could be ensured to promote holistic development of watersheds. For its continued success, the programme, should be economically efficient, financially viable, technically feasible and socially acceptable while ensuring equity. For, sustainable development, regular and routine monitoring of environmental parameters is important as environmental enhancement increases the credibility and acceptability of the programme.Agricultural and Food Policy,

    Impact of Drip Irrigation on Farming System: Evidence from Southern India

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    The micro irrigation in general and drip irrigation in particular has received considerable attention from policy makers, researchers, economists etc. for its perceived ability to contribute significantly to groundwater resources development, agricultural productivity, economic growth, and environmental sustainability. In this paper, the impact of drip irrigation has been studied on farming system in terms of cropping pattern, resources use and yield. The drip method of irrigation has been found to have a significant impact on resources saving, cost of cultivation, yield of crops and farm profitability. Hence, the policy should be focused on promotion of drip irrigation in those regions where scarcity of water and labour is alarming and where shift towards wider-spaced crops is taking place.Agricultural and Food Policy,

    Differentials on Passing Ability between Universal Attackers and Blockers of Volleyball Players

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    The purpose of the study was to find out the differentials on passing ability between universal attackers and blockers of college level volleyball players. To achieve this purpose of the study 15 universal attackers and 15 blockers from various colleges were selected as subjects. The subjects who participated in St. Joseph’s inter collegiate volleyball tournament held at Cuddalore, Tamil Nadu, India during the academic year 2013-2014. The age of the selected subjects are ranged from 18 to 25 years. The selected subjects were tested on passing ability through Brady Volleyball Test. The collected data were statistically analyzed using independent t-test. The result of the study showed that no difference exist between universal attackers and blockers of volleyball players on passing ability (t = 0.41, p > 0.05). It is concluded that passing ability of universal attackers and blockers in volleyball found to be same

    Can Participatory Watershed Management be Sustained? Evidence from Southern India

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    Watershed development is a very important rural development programme in India. This paper studies 60 community groups in 12 micro-watersheds in South India to understand how villagers cooperate to manage watershed related tasks. The paper examines the factors that affect collective participation in watershed management and how cooperation changes once the State withdraws and hands control over management to panchayat raj institutions and other groups. The study finds that watershed institutions in most cases become inactive once the project period is over. The analysis of factors that influence on-going maintenance of watershed structures indicates that collective action emerges when user groups are small and homogenous and communities are dependent on a large number of wells. Wealthy user groups are likely to be more active when a project is on-going. The results suggest that watershed development should be given more emphasis where wells are the predominant source of irrigation. Further, greater success is likely where user groups have more knowledge and control over funds available for maintenance activities after the state withdraws

    Socio-economic impacts of the adoption of MIS (Micro-irrigation system) among small and marginal farmers of Coimbatore district, India

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    Considerable attention has been given to micro-irrigation technologies by policymakers to help farmers in overcoming water scarcity problems. In this paper, the potential impacts of MIS on farmers’ livelihood and economic viability of using drip in banana cultivation were analyzed using discounted cash flow techniques. The study focused on small and marginal farmers of Coimbatore district of Tamil Nadu as they were provided with 100% subsidy. Adoption of MIS increased the total cropped area (6.54%), extended area under irrigation (6.55%), increased cropping intensity (69.19%) and irrigation intensity (70.95%). Investment on drip irrigation system by farmers were found financially feasible (NPV Rs.43,851.16, BCR 1.42 and IRR 30.88%). The study also brought out the constraints faced by farmers in the adoption of MIS such as lack of technical support, the inefficiency of the system with poor quality water and damage caused by animals. The research work would be helpful in understanding the advantages of using MIS by small and marginal farmers and problems encountered by them in adoption even though the investment was economically viable. &nbsp

    Representation of Temporal Relationship Among Events

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    Representation and Reasoning about a temporal information became a crucial aspect for many of the natural language process applications namely question answering system temporal summarization etc., Temporal information exists majorly in two forms i.e either in in the form of qualitative nature or quantitative. Temporal information extraction is vital to project the relation among the events that occur in any scenario. This information intern enables to answer queries about date, duration and other temporal nature of events. This paper focus on automatic extraction and representation of temporal relation among the events. Few attributes of TIMEML tags namely and are used to retrieve temporal information among events. Reasoning was applied to retrieve the unknown information from the known ones. Experiments were conducted on TIMEML corpus and the results obtained from the experiments were found to be encouraging

    A Domestic Case Studies Probability to Overcome Software Failures

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    Computers are the pervasive technology of our time. As computer become critically tied to human life, it also becomes more important that interactions with them are under control. They are no longer a novelty, but are integrated into the fabric of our world, performing both high and low-level tasks. That is, computers may be used to eliminate heavy, redundant work and more. Sophisticated machines have been deployed to perform remote surgery or detect subterranean landmines in repopulated civilian areas. The increasing importance of computers in our lives means that it is essential that the design of computer systems incorporates techniques that can ensure reliability, safety and security. This paper will examine technological mishaps involving the use of computers. This review will include notorious software bugs that have affected finance, communication, transit, defense, health and medicine and others systems or industries. The sequence and etiology of these accidents will be discusses as well as how catastrophes may be avoided in the future through lessons and practices based on research

    Primary Fallopian Tube Cancer : A Rare Gynecological Malignancy

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    Primary fallopian tube carcinoma is a rare gynecological cancer. Loco regionally advanced disease is clinically difficult to differentiate from similar stage ovarian and primary peritoneal carcinomas. Early stage fallopian tube tumors, despite having unique clinical presentation are provisionally diagnosed as an ovarian carcinoma due to rarity and symptom overlap with these more common gynecological cancers. We present a case of early fallopian tube cancer provisionally diagnosed as an ovarian carcinoma and review the current literature regarding etiology and treatment
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