25 research outputs found

    Potret Kehidupan Lesbian Kota Pekanbaru

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    Lesbians are women who have sex with same-sex love, or commonly referred to homosexual women the emotional relationship that involves love and affection of two men who had sex at the both women. Background this study caused because many women were in a relationship with a woman in a loving relationship that is serious in dating status in Pekanbaru city, but human nature created in pairs. This study aims to investigate the characteristics of lesbians in Pekanbaru city in this case the researchers start with the data in depth informant, lesbian characteristics according to age, education level, religion, ethnicity, labels in the community, and how to distinguish heterokseksual lesbian women, whose activities are often carried out lesbians This collective group of lesbians in Pekanbaru and activities that are often done as a couple lesbinya lesbians at home and outside the home and the factors that cause a person become lesbians. In this study the respondents amounted to ten people from the community KBBP (Large Family Belog Pekanbaru), respondents came from various backgrounds ranging from students to students. Data collection was done by observation study in which researchers took direct participation in the lives of the respondents either at home or in the lesbian community as well as in-depth interviews to the respondents. From the findings of the field can be seen that in terms of age is still old lesbians 15 years to 22 years, the average has a very good education, the majority religion of Islam and the five respondent is a native of Soweto and five other people are migrants, the majority of ethnic Malay and Minang, six respondents in this study is the butch and femme four people are. The cause of these respondents into lesbianism caused because the four-person family unfavorable influence, fourJom FISIP Volume 1 No. 2 Oktober 2014 2more people because the influence of the environment and the wrong friends thatwent along with trying to be a lesbian, the rest of the respondents were two otherscaused because the desire itself that is being hurt because of trauma factorbecause the former lover and want to be faithful to his male lover who had died.Keywords: Lesbian, Potrait, Sexual Deviation

    Profil Ibu Rumah Tangga yang Bekerja sebagai Penyapu Jalan di Kota Pekanbaru

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    This research was conducted to find out how the recruitment process and the factors that influence the Housewife chose to work as a street sweeper in Pekanbaru. Where in this Pekanbaru City street sweeper more women than men. To find out how the recruitment process and factors such mempengaruhui Housewife chose to work as a street sweeper in Pekanbaru, the authors conducted data collection by using the technique of direct interview with the respondents using a list of questions prepared in advance, and also that researchers obsevarsi directly observing the behavior of the respondent. Using purposive sampling technique that researchers have determined the subject of research with the assumption or opinion of himself as a subject research. Results of research conducted that the recruitment process Housewife be a street sweeper in Pekanbaru is relatively easy because the terms are defined not difficult to include are: photocopy KK (family card), a copy of ID card (Identity Card), and a cover letter. Street sweeper is supervised by a foreman at each working area, street sweeper was divided into two, namely: sweeper median (1), sweeper sand (2). The median is the sweeper sweeping trash system with the middle area of the road that separates the space between the right and left of the road, while the sweeper sand or so-called sweeper edge is swept trash system aupun sand with right or left area roads. The husbands income is not sufficient is one of the factors that affect their work as a street sweeper. Allocation of their income to meet their childs school fees in addition to working as a street sweeper they can meet the needs of themselves without having to like buying clothes, veil, powder, and else.Keywords : Motivation , Status and Role , Women and Wor

    Knowledge, Awareness and Perception of Contraception among Students in a Public University

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    Introduction: The Contraceptive Prevalence Rate (CPR) in Malaysia is the most vulnerable group. This is one of reason for the increased incidence of teenage pregnancies. University students in particular face new challenges in sexual health including contraceptive. Method: Cross-sectional, descriptive study conducted among university students at a public university in Malaysia. Using purposive sampling technique, 500 students participated in this study which was conducted over a period of four months from December 2016 to April 2017. Self-administered questionnaire consisted of 32 questions divided in four sections, socio-demographic profile, the knowledge, awareness and perception on contraception was used in this study. Descriptive analyses were executed for each variable. Result: In total, 500 students participated in the study, 86.6% were female and 11.4% male. Ages ranged from 18 to 28 years old and the mean age was 21 years old (SD: 1.57). Majority of them were among Malay ethnicity (97%); 1.2% of them were married; 70.4% was currently studying at degree level and only 38.2% were among non-sciences students. More than half of the participants ever heard of contraceptive method (67.2%). Mean knowledge score of the participants was 4.41±1.33 while awareness score of participants was 20.64± 3.15. More than half of participants disagreed or strongly disagreed (52.7%) that only womenareresponsibletousecontraceptivemethodswhile54.2%ofthemagreedand strongly agreed that contraceptive pills do not guarantee 100% contraception. More thanhalfoftheparticipants’agreedandstronglyagreedthathealthcareprovidersmust provide counselling on contraceptive methods (62.4%) and sex education including contraception should be introduced in early age (55%). Conclusion: The deficiency of contraceptive knowledge; and the importance and effectiveness of contraceptive measures call forth the university on the needs of comprehensive education and culturally-sensitive aimed at promoting healthy decision-making about family planning and STI prevention. It is important to understand the major obstacle in gaining knowledge and utilizing contraceptive among university students. &nbsp

    Knowledge, Attitude and Practice towards Dengue Fever among University Students

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    Background: Dengue is a viral disease transmitted to humans by the bite of infested females of the main vector Aedes aegypti and to lesser extent Aedes albopictus mosquitoes.Knowledgeregardingdenguefever(DF)isveryimportantamongstudents to create awareness for practicing the prevention and increase the student’s attitude levels. Objective: To assess the knowledge, attitude and practice regarding Dengue Fever among University Students. Methods: The study design was cross-sectional design. This study was conducted in at nine campuses in two states in Malaysia. A purposive sampling technique was used of 1144 students who residing in this public university collegesfrom the selected setting and willing to participate in the study. Self-administered questionnaire consisted of four sections, socio-demographic profile, the knowledge, attitude and practice related to dengue/ mosquito control. The data were entered and analyzed using IBM Statistical Packages for Social Science (SPSS) for Window, version 23 and descriptive analyses were executed for each variable. Results: In total, 74% of the participants were female and 26% male, ages ranged from 18 to 39 years. Overall 97.8% of them ever heard of DF and the predominant source of the information was media (86.4%). Fever, joint pains and headache was well known as a symptom of DF for most of students. They knew that Aedes mosquitoes transmit DF(94.8%)andstagnantwateristhemainsourceformosquitobreeding(94.8%).Many participants aware that removal of stagnant water (89.2%), using mosquito repellents (88.9%),tightlycoveringwatercontainers(86%)andtheuseofwindowsscreenandbed nets (82.5%) able to prevent mosquito breeding and reduced contact with mosquitoes. Consulting a physician for DF (92.7%), taking plenty of rest (86.1%) and drink plenty of water (81.4%) was the best management for DF. Most of the students agreed (97.3%) that dengue is a serious illness. They agreed that communities should actively participate in controlling the vectors of dengue virus (94.7%) in which controlling the breeding places of mosquitoes, a good strategy to prevent DF (97.5%). Thus, this study revealed that the respondents had perceived inadequate knowledge (85.0%), poor attitude (58.0%) and poor practice (88.0%) of Dengue fever. Conclusion: In conclusion, although this study discovered that the students’ had basic knowledge, aware of the seriousness of the disease and practiced some level of prevention related to DF but the needs of educational programs adapting transformational learning and strategies by the university such as developing student’s friendly and continuous information regardingDFaspartofhealthpromotionstrategiesandtheneedsofholisticapproach, community participation and cooperation is important to impart knowledge and foster good practices in the prevention and controlling of dengue not only in the campus but trigger good practice among the community in general

    Grip force measurement of soft- Actuated finger exoskeleton

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    Over recent years, the reseach in the field of soft actuation has been extensively increased for achieving more complex motion path with smooth, high flexible movement and high generated force at minimum operating pressure. This paper presents the study on gripping force capability of soft actuators applied on glove-type finger exoskeleton, developed in motivation to assist individuals having weak finger gripping ability in their rehabilitation exercise towards hand function restoration. The exoskeleton utilizes five cylindrical shaped pneumatic bending actuators developed in the lab, which use fiber reinforcement as a cause of bending motion that drive finger’s flexion movement. Four right-handed healthy volunteers simulated paralysis participated in the study. At 200kPa safe operating pressure, the soft exoskeleton worn by the subjects demonstrates the ability to provide adequate grip force. The grip force generated from exoskeleton worn on passive right hand is 4.66 ± 0.2 N and 3.61± 0.2 N from passive left hand, both higher than the minimum grip forces measured to hold the Hand Dynamometer of 240 g. It shows good potential to be used as a finger rehabilitation assist device

    Microalgal biomass generation via electroflotation: a cost-effective dewatering technology

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    Microalgae are an excellent source of bioactive compounds for the production of a wide range of vital consumer products in the biofuel, pharmaceutical, food, cosmetics, and agricultural industries, in addition to huge upstream benefits relating to carbon dioxide biosequestration and wastewater treatment. However, energy-efficient, cost-effective, and scalable microalgal technologies for commercial-scale applications are limited, and this has significantly impacted the full-scale implementation of microalgal biosystems for bioproduct development, phycoremediation, and biorefinery applications. Microalgae culture dewatering continues to be a major challenge to large-scale biomass generation, and this is primarily due to the low cell densities of microalgal cultures and the small hydrodynamic size of microalgal cells. With such biophysical characteristics, energy-intensive solid–liquid separation processes such as centrifugation and filtration are generally used for continuous generation of biomass in large-scale settings, making dewatering a major contributor to the microalgae bioprocess economics. This article analyzes the potential of electroflotation as a cost-effective dewatering process that can be integrated into microalgae bioprocesses for continuous biomass production. Electroflotation hinges on the generation of fine bubbles at the surface of an electrode system to entrain microalgal particulates to the surface. A modification of electroflotation, which combines electrocoagulation to catalyze the coalescence of microalgae cells before gaseous entrainment, is also discussed. A technoeconomic appraisal of the prospects of electroflotation compared with other dewatering technologies is presented

    Hydrocephallus in the Department of Child Health, School of Medicine University of North Sumatera Dr. Pirngadi Hospital, Medan

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    A retrospective study 10 find out the incidence of hydrocephalus in the Paediatric Neurology Subdivision Department of Child Health, School of Medicine, University of North Sumatera/Dr. Pirngadi Hospital Medan, was carried out in the period of 1986- 1989. The number, age groups, causes and treatment were reviewed. The cases consisted of 45 children; 28 males (68.2%) and 17 females (27.8%). Most of the patients (34 = 75.5%) were found in the age group of 1 year or younger and the rest (11 = 24.5%) were tn the age group of more than I year. The youngest was 2 days old and the oldest was 5 years and 6 months old; 33 cases were congenital, 5 cases were acquired and 7 cases were unknown causes. Conservative treatment were introduced to almost all cases, and four cases had ventricular peritoneal shunt