27 research outputs found

    A new search-and-rescue service in the Mediterranean Sea: a demonstration of the operational capability and an evaluation of its performance using real case scenarios

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    Abstract. A new web-based and mobile decision support system (DSS) for search-and-rescue (SAR) at sea is presented, and its performance is evaluated using real case scenarios. The system, named OCEAN-SAR, is accessible via the website http://www.ocean-sar.com. In addition to the website, dedicated applications for iOS and Android have been created to optimise the user experience on mobile devices. OCEAN-SAR simulates drifting objects at sea, using as input ocean currents and wind data provided, respectively, by the CMEMS and ECMWF. The modelling of the drifting objects is based on the leeway model, which parameterises the wind drag of an object using a series of coefficients. These coefficients have been measured in field experiments for different types of objects, ranging from a person in the water to a coastal freighter adrift. OCEAN-SAR provides the user with an intuitive interface to run simulations and to visualise their results using Google Maps. The performance of the service is evaluated by comparing simulations to data from the Italian Coast Guard pertaining to actual incidents in the Mediterranean Sea

    Design and acoustic tests of the ATHENA WFI filter wheel assembly development model towards TRL5

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    The filter wheel (FW) assembly (FWA), developed by the CBK Institute, is one of the critical subsystems of the wide field imager (WFI) instrument on board the Advanced Telescope for High Energy Astrophysics—mission of the ESA Cosmic Vision 2015-25 space science program (launch scheduled around 2035). The instrument has to collect soft x-rays with very high quantum efficiency, thus WFI requires extremely thin optical blocking filter (OBF). Due to its thickness (∼150 nm) and large area (∼170 mm × 170 mm) needed to achieve a 40 ′ × 40 ′ instrument field of view, the filter is extremely vulnerable to acoustic loads generated during Ariane 6 rocket launch. On the other side, FW mechanism has to provide high overall reliability, so it is more favourable to launch the instrument in atmospheric pressure (without vacuum enclosure for filter protection). Design efforts of the FW subsystem were focused on two issues: providing maximal possible sound pressure level suppression and smallest possible differential pressure across the OBF, which should prevent filters from damaging. We describe the design of a reconfigurable acoustic-demonstrator model (DM) of WFI FWA created for purposes of acoustic testing. Also, the acoustic test campaign is described: test methodology, test criteria, and results discussion and its implication on future FWA design. In general, tests conducted with the FWA DM showed that current design of WFI is feasible and the project can be continued without introducing a vacuum enclosure, which would significantly increase system complexity and mass

    SeaConditions: a web and mobile service for safer professional and recreational activities in the Mediterranean Sea

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    Reliable and timely information on the environmental conditions at sea is key to the safety of professional and recreational users as well as to the optimal execution of their activities. The possibility of users obtaining environmental information in due time and with adequate accuracy in the marine and coastal environment is defined as sea situational awareness (SSA). Without adequate information on the environmental meteorological and oceanographic conditions, users have a limited capacity to respond, which has led to loss of lives and to large environmental disasters with enormous consequent damage to the economy, society and ecosystems. Within the framework of the TESSA project, new SSA services for the Mediterranean Sea have been developed. In this paper we present SeaConditions, which is a web and mobile application for the provision of meteorological and oceanographic observation and forecasting products. Model forecasts and satellite products from operational services, such as ECMWF and CMEMS, can be visualized in SeaConditions. In addition, layers of information related to bathymetry, sea level and ocean-colour data (chl a and water transparency) are displayed. Ocean forecasts at high spatial resolutions are included in the version of SeaConditions presented here. SeaConditions provides a user-friendly experience with a fluid zoom capability, facilitating the appropriate display of data with different levels of detail. SeaConditions is a single point of access to interactive maps from different geophysical fields, providing high-quality information based on advanced oceanographic models. The SeaConditions services are available through both web and mobile applications. The web application is available at www.sea-conditions.com and is accessible and compatible with present-day browsers. Interoperability with GIS software is implemented. User feedback has been collected and taken into account in order to improve the service. The SeaConditions iOS and Android apps have been downloaded by more than 105 000 users to date (May 2016), and more than 100 000 users have visited the web version

    The Athena X-ray Integral Field Unit: a consolidated design for the system requirement review of the preliminary definition phase

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    A new cell for the study of in situ chemical reactions using X-ray absorption spectroscopy.

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    An in situ cell for reductive and oxidative treatments at different temperatures that allows the possibility of recording data as a function of temperature has been designed and constructed for X-ray absorption experiments at the GILDA beamline BM08 of ESRF. The cell is linked to a mass quadrupole spectrometer providing control of the reaction gases and monitoring of the products. The apparatus allows measurements to be performed both in transmission and fluorescence geometry. The cell was tested by studying the CO oxidation reaction promoted by a Pt/ceria-zirconia-supported catalyst. The CO(2) yield is correlated with the structural results confirming the existence of a strong metal-support interaction between the Pt metal clusters and the ceria-zirconia support

    Buccolingual Inclination Control of Upper Central Incisors of Aligners: A Comparison with Conventional and Self-Ligating Brackets

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    Objective. The upper incisorstorque expression is essential for the orthodontic treatment accuracy.Various orthodontic devices areclaimedtohavedifferentinclinationcontrolcapacity.Thepurposeofthisretrospectivestudywastocomparetheradiographic buccolingualinclinationof upperincisorsinpatientstreatedwith three differentorthodontictechniques.Material andMethods. Conventional brackets (Victory, 3M), self-ligating appliances (Damon Q, Ormco), and aligners (Invisalign, Align Technology) were tested. Cephalometric data of 25 patients with similar skeletal and dental pretreatment parameters were collected for each technique.Position changesof upper centralincisorswere assessed with radiographic evaluationbefore and after therapy.Three different parameters were considered: 11∧SnaSnp, 11∧Ocl and I+ TVL. All variables were measured before (T0) and after (T1) treatmentandtheirvariationovertreatmentwasassessed.Results.Whenevaluatingangularmeasurements,11∧SnaSnpand11∧Ocl anglesshowedthehighestnumericvariationwithconventionalbrackets.Lowestvalueswerereportedwithaligners.However,the differences among various techniques were not significant for both angles (P>0.05). Also I+ TVL linear value variation did not showsignificantdifferencesamongthedifferentgroupstested(P>0.05).Conclusion.Conventionalmultibracketsapplianceshowed thehighestincisalpositionvariationsovertreatment,butthedifferencesamongvariousgroupswerenotsignificantlydifferent

    The filter and calibration wheel for the ATHENA wide field imager

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    The planned filter and calibration wheel for the Wide Field Imager (WFI) instrument on Athena is presented. With four selectable positions it provides the necessary functions, in particular an UV/VIS blocking filter for the WFI detectors and a calibration source. Challenges for the filter wheel design are the large volume and mass of the subsystem, the implementation of a robust mechanism and the protection of the ultra-thin filter with an area of 160 mm square. This paper describes performed trade-offs based on simulation results and describes the baseline design in detail. Reliable solutions are envisaged for the conceptual design of the filter and calibration wheel. Four different variant with different position of the filter are presented. Risk mitigation and the compliance to design requirements are demonstrated