37 research outputs found

    Prediction of Renal Acid Load in Adult Patients on Parenteral Nutrition

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    Metabolic acidosis and metabolic bone disease are frequent complications in patients on parenteral nutrition (PN). A common contributor to these complications could be a daily high renal acid load. This study aims to find a method for predicting the potential total acid load (PTAL) and the pH of the compounded parenteral nutrition mixtures. The pH and titratable acidity (TA) of fifty compounded mixtures were measured. The potential metabolic acid load (PMAL) was calculated by considering the amount of nutrients that are acid producers and consumers. The PTAL of the TPN mixtures was calculated by adding TA to PMAL. Multiple linear regression analyses were used to develop a predictive model for the TA and pH of the compounded mixtures. The predicted TA and pH values of the analyzed mixtures agreed with those measured (Passing-Bablok analysis). The PTAL was >50 mmol/day for 82% of the mixtures, >75 mmol/day for 40% of the mixtures, and >100 mmol/day for 22% of the mixtures. The prediction of the renal acid load in patients on long-term PN could allow more appropriate acid-base balancing. Moreover, predicting the pH of such mixtures could be useful to pharmacists to assess the stability and compatibility of the components in the compounded mixtures

    DTM-based morphometry of the Palinuro seamount (Eastern Tyrrhenian Sea): Geomorphological and volcanological implications

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    We present a high resolution DTM of the Palinuro Seamount (PS, Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy) resulting from the processing of multibeam swath bathymetry records acquired during the second leg of the “Aeolian 2007” cruise. PS consists of several superimposed volcanoes aligned along a N100°E strike and measures 55×25 km. The western and the central sectors result from the coalescence of collapse structures (calderas) with younger volcanic cones. The eastern sector reveals a more complex and articulated structure. In the central sector, a volcanic crater with a well-preserved rim not obliterated by erosional events suggests a volcanological rejuvenation of this sector. The presence of flat surfaces on the top of the seamount may be due to the formation of marine terraces during the last sea-level lowering. Lateral collapses on the northern and southern flanks of the seamount are probably related to slope instability, as suggested by the presence of steep slopes (25–40°). The main fault affecting PS strikes N65°E and shows a right lateral component of movement. E–W and N10°E striking faults are also present. Assuming that theN100°E deep-seated fault,which is responsible for theemplacement of PS,movedwith sinistral slips, we interpret the N65°E and the N10°E faults as right-lateral (second order) shear and left-lateral (third order) shear, respectively. Due to the particular location of the Palinuro Seamount, the data presented here allow us to better understand the volcanism and the geodynamic processes of the Tyrrhenian Sea

    DTM-based morphometry of the Palinuro seamount (Eastern Tyrrhenian Sea): Geomorphological and volcanological implications

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    We present a high resolution DTM of the Palinuro Seamount (PS, Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy) resulting from the processing of multibeam swath bathymetry records acquired during the second leg of the “Aeolian 2007” cruise. PS consists of several superimposed volcanoes aligned along a N100°E strike and measures 55×25 km. The western and the central sectors result from the coalescence of collapse structures (calderas) with younger volcanic cones. The eastern sector reveals a more complex and articulated structure. In the central sector, a volcanic crater with a well-preserved rim not obliterated by erosional events suggests a volcanological rejuvenation of this sector. The presence of flat surfaces on the top of the seamount may be due to the formation of marine terraces during the last sea-level lowering. Lateral collapses on the northern and southern flanks of the seamount are probably related to slope instability, as suggested by the presence of steep slopes (25–40°). The main fault affecting PS strikes N65°E and shows a right lateral component of movement. E–W and N10°E striking faults are also present. Assuming that theN100°E deep-seated fault,which is responsible for theemplacement of PS,movedwith sinistral slips, we interpret the N65°E and the N10°E faults as right-lateral (second order) shear and left-lateral (third order) shear, respectively. Due to the particular location of the Palinuro Seamount, the data presented here allow us to better understand the volcanism and the geodynamic processes of the Tyrrhenian Sea

    Situation awareness in sports science: Beyond the cognitive paradigm | [Situacijska svijest u sportskoj nauci: Van kognitivne paradigme]

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    n sports, the awareness that cognitive-perceptual abilities, such as anticipation, decision-making, and awareness of the situation are prerequisites for excellent performance is increasingly spread. Experienced athletes develop, as a result of a long practice, sophisticated task-specific knowledge structures that enable them to deal with situations more effectively and efficiently than others. Elite athletes, for example, selectively perform a visual scan of the scene, focusing their attention on relevant sources and discarding irrelevant information at the same time. Additionally, experienced athletes are more aware of events that can be probabilistically occurring in a given situation and are able to capture contextual signals that can facilitate predicting future events. These skills act in complementarity with a vast repertoire of strategies and tactics available and with the knowledge of their rapid speediness in a given situatio

    Preliminary work about the basis data for monitoring youth soccer team planning training

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    The youth soccer is always important especially for the assessment and the data of development of skills. The monitoring of them it could be important for the trainer to reorganize the planning of training and for the adaptation to individual athlete Aim of the study is to recruit the quantitative data about the anthropometric and performance aspects for reutilize to rearrangement of training planning. Method is experimental and has to carry out the usual parameters for monitoring the trainings. Anthropometric data are weight, height, BMI and performance data are Vo2max (Cooper) speed triangle test (three corner run) and speed test with (dribbling) on a sample are 13 athletes of 13 years old that play championship under 14 . BMI Data shows 6 weight, 4 in overweight risk and 3 in overweight. Cooper test data shows 2 above- average, 5 average, 5 below average and 1 poor. Mean speed triangle test 32.38 seconds, mean dibbling test 25.39 seconds. The results have to be useful for tool method of training

    Physical and sport education testing by quantitative and qualitative tools in assessment in senior school: A proposal

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    What is commonly referred to as evaluation is the result of two operations, the first of which is represented by the measurement/ evaluation and the other by the assessment. The assessment is a milestone in the teaching-learning process both for the teacher who, thanks to objectives tests, can assess the student’s performance, and for the pupils who, through the data collected by the teacher can achieve a self-assessment of the developed competences and so stimulate the learning process. This study, carried out in lower junior secondary school, points out the improvements obtained by 20 students through quantitative tests in the first term; during the summative evaluation of the first term, the students were submitted to a questionnaire that enables them to self evaluate and assess the importance of the objective tests used by the teacher. The goal is to highlight the importance of self-assessment in the teaching-learning process also as a motivation instrument for the learner. Specifically, the aim of this study is to search a testing model for physical and sport education in senior school students and to verify the relation between quantitative and qualitative aspects for themselves. Method is experimental according to case study theory. The results show improvements in quantitative variables, while the self-perception questionnaire showed that 73% of the students feel more motivated in performing physical activities knowing they are subjected to quantitative tests. In conclusion, the assessment is a milestone in the teaching-learning process as it allows you to analyze the initial situation, check and re-orient the educational choices, make a summative evaluation of the school year

    Performance Improvement in Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test Level 2 and During Official Matches: The Role of Speed Endurance Training Production in Élite Football Players

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    This study aims to examine the performance improvement in yo-yo intermittent recovery test level 2 (IR2) and official matches, during a competitive season in professional football players (Italian 3rd Division Series C, 2019- 2020). Twenty-eight (n=28) élite football players participated in this study (age 21.4±3.3; body weight 79.7±3.4; height 182.4±5.5; fat mass 9.2±1.9), without goalkeepers. In the pre-season (4 weeks, from July to August), the players performed yo-yo intermittent recovery test level 2 (IR2), to evaluate aerobic and anaerobic performance before the start of the season. Every player has been analysed with a K-GPS Live device 50Hz (K-Sport Universal STATS, Italy) and Polar Team System PRO 2 heart-rate sensor (Polar Electro, Finland) to recorder maximal heart rate. After 12 weeks of training (in season), the same players repeat an IR2 test to check performance improvements and verify whether the training programme is correct. The first element was to determine whether the improvement in distance covered during a test is better, the same, or worse with respect to the pre-season. After 12 weeks of training, the difference between the first trial (pre-season) and the second one (in-season) is statistically significant (ES: 0.48; p<0.05; 24%). At the same time, there has been a significant improvement in match physical performance. Regarding the importance of speed endurance training during a season, it is necessary to improve performance in IR2 test after 12 weeks and improve maximal oxygen uptake and glycolytic enzyme activity. Comparing match performance before (T1) the second trial IR2 with match performance after second (T2) trial of this test, there are statistically meaningful changes