15 research outputs found

    New easy-plane CPN−1\mathbb{CP}^{N-1} fixed points

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    We study fixed points of the easy-plane CPN−1\mathbb{CP}^{N-1} field theory by combining quantum Monte Carlo simulations of lattice models of easy-plane SU(NN) superfluids with field theoretic renormalization group calculations, by using ideas of deconfined criticality. From our simulations, we present evidence that at small NN our lattice model has a first order phase transition which progressively weakens as NN increases, eventually becoming continuous for large values of NN. Renormalization group calculations in 4−ϵ4-\epsilon dimensions provide an explanation of these results as arising due to the existence of an NepN_{ep} that separates the fate of the flows with easy-plane anisotropy. When N<NepN<N_{ep} the renormalization group flows to a discontinuity fixed point and hence a first order transition arises. On the other hand, for N>NepN > N_{ep} the flows are to a new easy-plane CPN−1\mathbb{CP}^{N-1} fixed point that describes the quantum criticality in the lattice model at large NN. Our lattice model at its critical point thus gives efficient numerical access to a new strongly coupled gauge-matter field theory.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure

    First-order superfluid to valence bond solid phase transitions in easy-plane SU(NN) magnets for small-NN

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    We consider the easy-plane limit of bipartite SU(NN) Heisenberg Hamiltonians which have a fundamental representation on one sublattice and the conjugate to fundamental on the other sublattice. For N=2N=2 the easy plane limit of the SU(2) Heisenberg model is the well known quantum XY model of a lattice superfluid. We introduce a logical method to generalize the quantum XY model to arbitrary NN, which keeps the Hamiltonian sign-free. We show that these quantum Hamiltonians have a world-line representation as the statistical mechanics of certain tightly packed loop models of NN-colors in which neighboring loops are disallowed from having the same color. In this loop representation we design an efficient Monte Carlo cluster algorithm for our model. We present extensive numerical results for these models on the two dimensional square lattice, where we find the nearest neighbor model has superfluid order for N≤5N\leq 5 and valence-bond order for N>5N> 5. By introducing SU(NN) easy-plane symmetric four-spin couplings we are able to tune across the superfluid-VBS phase boundary for all N≤5N\leq 5. We present clear evidence that this quantum phase transition is first order for N=2N=2 and N=5N=5, suggesting that easy-plane deconfined criticality runs away generically to a first order transition for small-NN.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, 1 tabl

    Quadrupolar quantum criticality on a fractal

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    We study the ground state ordering of quadrupolar ordered S=1S=1 magnets as a function of spin dilution probability pp on the triangular lattice. In sharp contrast to the ordering of S=1/2S=1/2 dipolar N\'eel magnets on percolating clusters, we find that the quadrupolar magnets are quantum disordered at the percolation threshold, p=p∗p=p^*. Further we find that long-range quadrupolar order is present for all p<p∗p<p^* and vanishes first exactly at p∗p^*. Strong evidence for scaling behavior close to p∗p^* points to an unusual quantum criticality without fine tuning that arises from an interplay of quantum fluctuations and randomness

    R\'enyi entanglement entropy of critical SU(NN) spin chains

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    We present a study of the scaling behavior of the R\'{e}nyi entanglement entropy (REE) in SU(NN) spin chain Hamiltonians, in which all the spins transform under the fundamental representation. These SU(NN) spin chains are known to be quantum critical and described by a well known Wess-Zumino-Witten (WZW) non-linear sigma model in the continuum limit. Numerical results from our lattice Hamiltonian are obtained using stochastic series expansion (SSE) quantum Monte Carlo for both closed and open boundary conditions. As expected for this 1D critical system, the REE shows a logarithmic dependence on the subsystem size with a prefector given by the central charge of the SU(NN) WZW model. We study in detail the sub-leading oscillatory terms in the REE under both periodic and open boundaries. Each oscillatory term is associated with a WZW field and decays as a power law with an exponent proportional to the scaling dimension of the corresponding field. We find that the use of periodic boundaries (where oscillations are less prominent) allows for a better estimate of the central charge, while using open boundaries allows for a better estimate of the scaling dimensions. For completeness we also present numerical data on the thermal R\'{e}nyi entropy which equally allows for extraction of the central charge.Comment: 8 pages, 13 figure

    Reduction of the sign problem near T=0T=0 in quantum Monte Carlo simulations

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    Building on a recent investigation of the Shastry-Sutherland model [S. Wessel et al., Phys. Rev. B 98, 174432 (2018)], we develop a general strategy to eliminate the Monte Carlo sign problem near the zero temperature limit in frustrated quantum spin models. If the Hamiltonian of interest and the sign-problem-free Hamiltonian---obtained by making all off-diagonal elements negative in a given basis---have the same ground state and this state is a member of the computational basis, then the average sign returns to one as the temperature goes to zero. We illustrate this technique by studying the triangular and kagome lattice Heisenberg antiferrromagnet in a magnetic field above saturation, as well as the Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a modified Husimi cactus in the dimer basis. We also provide detailed appendices on using linear programming techniques to automatically generate efficient directed loop updates in quantum Monte Carlo simulations.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    Diagnosing weakly first-order phase transitions by coupling to order parameters

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    The hunt for exotic quantum phase transitions described by emergent fractionalized degrees of freedom coupled to gauge fields requires a precise determination of the fixed point structure from the field theoretical side, and an extreme sensitivity to weak first-order transitions from the numerical side. Addressing the latter, we revive the classic definition of the order parameter in the limit of a vanishing external field at the transition. We demonstrate that this widely understood, yet so far unused approach provides a diagnostic test for first-order versus continuous behavior that is distinctly more sensitive than current methods. We first apply it to the family of QQ-state Potts models, where the nature of the transition is continuous for Q≤4Q\leq4 and turns (weakly) first order for Q>4Q>4, using an infinite system matrix product state implementation. We then employ this new approach to address the unsettled question of deconfined quantum criticality in the S=1/2S=1/2 N\'eel to valence bond solid transition in two dimensions, focusing on the square lattice JJ-QQ model. Our quantum Monte Carlo simulations reveal that both order parameters remain finite at the transition, directly confirming a first-order scenario with wide reaching implications in condensed matter and quantum field theory.Comment: Published versio

    Universal features of entanglement entropy in the honeycomb Hubbard model

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    The entanglement entropy is a unique probe to reveal universal features of strongly interacting many-body systems. In two or more dimensions these features are subtle, and detecting them numerically requires extreme precision, a notoriously difficult task. This is especially challenging in models of interacting fermions, where many such universal features have yet to be observed. In this paper we tackle this challenge by introducing a new method to compute the R\'enyi entanglement entropy in auxiliary-field quantum Monte Carlo simulations, where we treat the entangling region itself as a stochastic variable. We demonstrate the efficiency of this method by extracting, for the first time, universal subleading logarithmic terms in a two dimensional model of interacting fermions, focusing on the honeycomb Hubbard model at T=0T=0. We detect the universal corner contribution due to gapless fermions throughout the Dirac semi-metal phase and at the Gross-Neveu-Yukawa critical point, as well as the universal Goldstone mode contribution in the antiferromagnetic Mott insulating phase

    Kagome model for a Z(2) quantum spin liquid

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    We present a study of a simple model antiferromagnet consisting of a sum of nearest-neighbor SO(N) singlet projectors on the kagome lattice. Our model shares some features with the popular S = 1/2 kagome antiferromagnet but is specifically designed to be free of the sign problem of quantum Monte Carlo. In our numerical analysis, we find as a function of N a quadrupolar magnetic state and a wide range of a quantum spin liquid. A solvable large-N generalization suggests that the quantum spin liquid in our original model is a gapped Z(2) topological phase. Supporting this assertion, a numerical study of the entanglement entropy in the sign free model shows a quantized topological contribution