14 research outputs found
Structuration de la collaboration interprofessionnelle dans les services de santé de première ligne au Québec
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal
Role Clarification Processes for Better Integration of Nurse Practitioners into Primary Healthcare Teams: A Multiple-Case Study
Cet article s'intéresse aux processus de clarification des rôles professionnels lors de l'intégration d'une infirmière praticienne spécialisée dans les équipes de première ligne au Québec.Role clarity is a crucial issue for effective interprofessional collaboration. Poorly defined roles can become a source of conflict
in clinical teams and reduce the effectiveness of care and services delivered to the population. Our objective in this paper is to
outline processes for clarifying professional roles when a new role is introduced into clinical teams, that of the primary healthcare
nurse practitioner (PHCNP). To support our empirical analysis we used the Canadian National Interprofessional Competency
Framework, which defines the essential components for role clarification among professionals. A qualitative multiple-case study
was conducted on six cases in which the PHCNP role was introduced into primary care teams. Data collection included 34
semistructured interviews with key informants involved in the implementation of the PHCNP role. Our results revealed that the
best performing primary care teams were those that used a variety of organizational and individual strategies to carry out role
clarification processes. From this study, we conclude that role clarification is both an organizational process to be developed and a
competency that each member of the primary care team must mobilize to ensure effective interprofessional collaboration.IRSC, MSS
High efficient differentiation of functional hepatocytes from porcine induced pluripotent stem cells
Hepatocyte transplantation is considered to be a promising therapy for patients with liver diseases. Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) provide an unlimited source for the generation of functional hepatocytes. In this study, we generated iPSCs from porcine ear fibroblasts (PEFs) by overexpressing Sox2, Klf4, Oct4, and c-Myc (SKOM), and developed a novel strategy for the efficient differentiation of hepatocyte-like cells from porcine iPSCs by following the processes of early liver development. The differentiated cells displayed the phenotypes of hepatocytes, exhibited classic hepatocyte-associated bio-functions, such as LDL uptake, glycogen storage and urea secretion, as well as possessed the metabolic activities of cytochrome P-450 (CYP) 3A and 2C. Furthermore, we compared the hepatocyte differentiation efficacy of our protocol with another published method, and the results demonstrated that our differentiation strategy could significantly improve the generation of morphological and functional hepatocyte-like cells from porcine iPSCs. In conclusion, this study establishes an efficient method for in vitro generation of functional hepatocytes from porcine iPSCs, which could represent a promising cell source for preclinical testing of cell-based therapeutics for liver failure and for pharmacological applications. © 2014 Ao et al
Nurses joining family doctors in primary care practices: perceptions of patients with multimorbidity
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Among the strategies used to reform primary care, the participation of nurses in primary care practices appears to offer a promising avenue to better meet the needs of vulnerable patients. The present study explores the perceptions and expectations of patients with multimorbidity regarding nurses' presence in primary care practices.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>18 primary (health) care patients with multimorbidity participated in semi-directed interviews, in order to explore their perceptions and expectations in regard to the involvement of nurses in primary care practices. Interviews were audio-recorded and transcribed. After reviewing the transcripts, the principal investigator and research assistants performed thematic analysis independently and reached consensus on the retained themes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Patients with multimorbidity were open to the participation of nurses in primary care practices. They expected greater accessibility, for both themselves and for new patients. However, the issue of shared roles between nurses and doctors was a source of concern. Many patients held the traditional view of the nurse's role as an assistant to the doctor in his or her various duties. In general, participants said they were confident about nurses' competency but expressed concern about nurses performing certain acts that their doctor used to, notwithstanding a close collaboration between the two professionals.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Patients with multimorbidity are open to the involvement of nurses in primary care practices. However, they expect this participation to be established using clear definitions of professional roles and fields of practice.</p
Interprofessional collaborative practice within cancer teams: Translating evidence into action. A mixed methods study protocol
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A regional integrated cancer network has implemented a program (educational workshops, reflective and mentoring activities) designed to support the uptake of evidence-informed interprofessional collaborative practices (referred to in this text as EIPCP) within cancer teams. This research project, which relates to the Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario (RNAO) Best Practice Guidelines and other sources of research evidence, represents a unique opportunity to learn more about the factors and processes involved in the translation of evidence-based recommendations into professional practices. The planned study seeks to address context-specific challenges and the concerns of nurses and other stakeholders regarding the uptake of evidence-based recommendations to effectively promote and support interprofessional collaborative practices.</p> <p>Aim</p> <p>This study aims to examine the uptake of evidence-based recommendations from best practice guidelines intended to enhance interprofessional collaborative practices within cancer teams.</p> <p>Design</p> <p>The planned study constitutes a practical trial, defined as a trial designed to provide comprehensive information that is grounded in real-world healthcare dynamics. An exploratory mixed methods study design will be used. It will involve collecting quantitative data to assess professionals' knowledge and attitudes, as well as practice environment factors associated with effective uptake of evidence-based recommendations. Semi-structured interviews will be conducted concurrently with care providers to gather qualitative data for describing the processes involved in the translation of evidence into action from both the users' (n = 12) and providers' (n = 24) perspectives. The Graham <it>et al. </it>Ottawa Model of Research Use will serve to construct operational definitions of concepts, and to establish the initial coding labels to be used in the thematic analysis of the qualitative data. Quantitative and qualitative results will be merged during interpretation to provide complementary perspectives of interrelated contextual factors that enhance the uptake of EIPCP and changes in professional practices.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>The information obtained from the study will produce new knowledge on the interventions and sources of support most conducive to the uptake of evidence and building of capacity to sustain new interprofessional collaborative practice patterns. It will provide new information on strategies for overcoming barriers to evidence-informed interventions. The findings will also pinpoint critical determinants of 'what works and why' taking into account the interplay between evidence, operational, relational micro-processes of care, uniqueness of patients' needs and preferences, and the local context.</p
A model and typology of collaboration between professionals in healthcare organizations
Abstract Background The new forms of organization of healthcare services entail the development of new clinical practices that are grounded in collaboration. Despite recent advances in research on the subject of collaboration, there is still a need for a better understanding of collaborative processes and for conceptual tools to help healthcare professionals develop collaboration amongst themselves in complex systems. This study draws on D'Amour's structuration model of collaboration to analyze healthcare facilities offering perinatal services in four health regions in the province of Quebec. The objectives are to: 1) validate the indicators of the structuration model of collaboration; 2) evaluate interprofessional and interorganizational collaboration in four health regions; and 3) propose a typology of collaboration Methods A multiple-case research strategy was used. The cases were the healthcare facilities that offer perinatal services in four health regions in the province of Quebec (Canada). The data were collected through 33 semi-structured interviews with healthcare managers and professionals working in the four regions. Written material was also analyzed. The data were subjected to a "mixed" inductive-deductive analysis conducted in two main stages: an internal analysis of each case followed by a cross-sectional analysis of all the cases. Results The collaboration indicators were shown to be valid, although some changes were made to three of them. Analysis of the data showed great variation in the level of collaboration between the cases and on each dimension. The results suggest a three-level typology of collaboration based on the ten indicators: active collaboration, developing collaboration and potential collaboration. Conclusion The model and the typology make it possible to analyze collaboration and identify areas for improvement. Researchers can use the indicators to determine the intensity of collaboration and link it to clinical outcomes. Professionals and administrators can use the model to perform a diagnostic of collaboration and implement interventions to intensify it.</p
Évaluation de l’implantation du programme d’intéressement au titre d’infirmière praticienne spécialisée
Les résultats de l'évaluation de l'implantation du programme d'intéressement au titre d'infirmière praticienne spécialisée (IPS) montrent une grande valorisation du rôle de l'IPS et une perception généralisée de la contribution significative de celle-ci au système de santé québécois. L'introduction de ce nouveau rôle a nécessité un engagement important des organisations, la mobilisation d'un ensemble de ressources, une collaboration soutenue entre différents groupes impliqués et la mise en place d'un ensemble d'activités pour favoriser l'implantation du rôle ainsi que l'intégration des ces nouvelles professionnelles. Cette mobilisation des ressources s'est faite malgré des conditions non optimales d'implantation, surtout pour les premières cohortes. En effet, la formation était en développement, les structures de formation dans les milieux de soins n'étaient donc pas toutes en place et les ressources ont été jugées insuffisantes dans les milieux d'enseignement. Les questions légales et réglementaires ont été finalisées en cours de route. De façon générale, il y a eu une implication importante des différents acteurs que ce soit le MSSS qui a implanté le programme, les IPS elles-mêmes qui ont dû s'adapter à tous les changements survenus en cours de formation, les gestionnaires des milieux qui ont montré beaucoup de souplesse pour accommoder ces changements, les médecins spécialistes qui ont encadré ces infirmières et les responsables académiques qui ont mis sur pied une formation de qualité avec peu de ressources. Les principaux défis à relever sont de quatre ordres : l'intégration du rôle de l'infirmière praticienne à la pratique infirmière en milieu de soin, l'attraction des candidates, la rétention des IPS et la pérennisation du rôle.Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux du Québe
Nursing practice in primary care and patients’ experience of care
PURPOSE: Nurses are identified as a key provider in the management of patients in primary care. The objective of this study was to evaluate patients’ experience of care in primary care as it pertained to the nursing role. The aim was to test the hypothesis that, in primary health care organizations (PHCOs) where patients are systematically followed by a nurse, and where nursing competencies are therefore optimally used, patients’ experience of care is better.
METHOD: Based on a cross-sectional analysis combining organizational and experience of care surveys, we built 2 groups of PHCOs. The first group of PHCOs reported having a nurse who systematically followed patients. The second group had a nurse who performed a variety of activities but did not systematically follow patients. Five indicators of care were constructed based on patient questionnaires. Bivariate and multivariate linear mixed models with random intercepts and with patients nested within were used to analyze the experience of care indicators in both groups.
RESULTS: Bivariate analyses revealed a better patient experience of care in PHCOs where a nurse systematically followed patients than in those where a nurse performed other activities. In multivariate analyses that included adjustment variables related to PHCOs and patients, the accessibility indicator was found to be higher.
CONCLUSION: Results indicated that systematic follow-up of patients by nurses improved patients’ experience of care in terms of accessibility. Using nurses’ scope of practice to its full potential is a promising avenue for enhancing both patients’ experience of care and health services efficiency