15 research outputs found

    Mometasone and desloratadine additive effect on eosinophil survival and cytokine secretion from epithelial cells

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    Although antihistamines and topical corticosteroids are used in combination to treat allergic rhinitis, their additive effect has not been yet demonstrated. The aim was investigate the antiinflammatory additive effect of mometasone and desloratadine on cytokine and sICAM-1 secretion by epithelial cells, and on eosinophil survival stimulated by human epithelial cells secretions from nasal mucosa and polyps. Methods Epithelial cells obtained from nasal mucosa or polyps were stimulated with 10% fetal bovine serum in presence of mometasone (10-11M-10-5M) with/without desloratadine (10-5M). Cytokine and sICAM-1 concentrations in supernatants were measured by ELISA. Peripheral blood eosinophils were incubated during 4 days with epithelial cell secretions with (10-11M-10-5M) and/or desloratadine (10-5M) and survival assessed by Trypan blue. Results are expressed as percentage (mean ± SEM) compared to control. Results Fetal bovine serum stimulated IL-6, IL-8, GM-CSF and sICAM-1 secretion. In mucosa and polyp epithelial cells, mometasone inhibited this induced secretion while desloratadine inhibited IL-6 and IL-8. The combination of 10-5M desloratadine and 10-9M mometasone reduced IL-6 secretion (48 ± 11%, p < 0.05) greater extent than mometasone alone (68 ± 10%) compared to control (100%). Epithelial cell secretions induced eosinophil survival from day 1 to 4, this effect being inhibited by mometasone. At day 4, the combination of mometasone (10-11M) and desloratadine (10-5M) provoked an increased inhibition of eosinophil survival induced by cell secretions (27 ± 5%, p < 0.01) than mometasone (44 ± 7%) or desloratadine (46 ± 7%) alone. Conclusions These results suggest that the combination of desloratadine and mometasone furoate have a greater antinflammatory effect in an in vitro model of eosinophil inflammation than those drugs administered alone

    Allergen-specific immunotherapy provides immediate, long-term and preventive clinical effects in children and adults: the effects of immunotherapy can be categorised by level of benefit -the centenary of allergen specific subcutaneous immunotherapy

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    Allergen Specific Immunotherapy (SIT) for respiratory allergic diseases is able to significantly improve symptoms as well as reduce the need for symptomatic medication, but SIT also has the capacity for long-term clinical effects and plays a protective role against the development of further allergies and symptoms. The treatment acts on basic immunological mechanisms, and has the potential to change the pathological allergic immune response. In this paper we discuss some of the most important achievements in the documentation of the benefits of immunotherapy, over the last 2 decades, which have marked a period of extensive research on the clinical effects and immunological background of the mechanisms involved. The outcome of immunotherapy is described as different levels of benefit from early reduction in symptoms over progressive clinical effects during treatment to long-term effects after discontinuation of the treatment and prevention of asthma. The efficacy of SIT increases the longer it is continued and immunological changes lead to potential long-term benefits. SIT alone and not the symptomatic treatment nor other avoidance measures has so far been documented as the therapy with long-term or preventive potential. The allergic condition is driven by a subset of T-helper lymphocytes (Th2), which are characterised by the production of cytokines like IL-4, and IL-5. Immunological changes following SIT lead to potential curative effects. One mechanism whereby immunotherapy suppresses the allergic response is through increased production of IgG4 antibodies. Induction of specific IgG4 is able to influence the allergic response in different ways and is related to immunological effector mechanisms, also responsible for the reduced late phase hyperreactivity and ongoing allergic inflammation. SIT is the only treatment which interferes with the basic pathophysiological mechanisms of the allergic disease, thereby creating the potential for changes in the long-term prognosis of respiratory allergy. SIT should not only be recognised as first-line therapeutic treatment for allergic rhinoconjunctivitis but also as secondary preventive treatment for respiratory allergic diseases

    Measurement of inflammatory mediators of mast cells and eosinophils in native nasal lavage fluid in nasal polyposis.

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    BACKGROUND: Nasal polyposis (NP) often coexists with asthma, rhinitis and sinusitis. Polyp histology typically shows chronic, eosinophilic inflammation. The inflammatory cell infiltrate generally includes eosinophils, lymphocytes, plasma cells and mast cells. OBJECTIVE: To gain insight into the natural history of NP, we analysed mediator levels and leukocyte values in nasal fluids and eosinophil cationic protein (ECP), total IgE levels and eosinophils in the blood in several groups of both allergic and non-allergic patients with nasal polyps and in patients with allergic rhinitis (AR). METHODS: Thirty-two patients with nasal polyps entered the study. As a control group, we studied 55 patients with AR, i.e. 20 patients with seasonal AR to grass pollen, 24 with AR sensitive to Parietaria and 11 with AR sensitive to house dust mite (HDM). Eighteen patients with nasal polyps were also allergic patients (8 were sensitive to Parietaria and 10 were sensitive to HDM), whereas 14 were non-allergic patients. Tryptase and histamine values were assayed in nasal fluids, whereas total IgE was determined in serum. ECP values were assayed both in nasal fluids and serum. Eosinophils were quantified both in the blood and nasal fluids. RESULTS: Tryptase levels were significantly higher in the nasal lavages from patients with NP than in those from patients without NP (4.7 vs. 3.5 U/l, p < 0.001) and correlated with symptom scores (r(s) = 0.42, p < 0.0001). The median levels of histamine in nasal fluids from patients with NP were also significantly higher than those observed in patients without NP (50.0 vs. 21.3 ng/ml, p < 0.001), but did not correlate with symptom scores. Finally, the median levels of ECP in nasal fluids from patients with NP were significantly higher than those observed in patients without NP (38.1 vs. 16.1 ng/ml, p < 0.001) and correlated with symptom scores (r(s) = 0.38, p < 0.001). Analysis of variance showed that, among the variables studied, the presence of nasal polyps was the factor responsible for the higher levels of tryptase, histamine and ECP in nasal fluids. With regard to leukocyte counts in nasal fluids, no significant differences were observed between rhinitis patients with NP and those without NP. With regard to serum ECP and serum total IgE, no significant differences were detected between the two groups under study. Blood eosinophil levels in patients with NP were significantly higher than those observed in patients without NP (5.8 vs. 5.6, p = 0.002). Analysis of variance showed that both the presence of nasal polyps and the type of sensitisation were important. Considering the total symptom scores, no significant differences were observed between rhinitis patients with NP and those without NP. CONCLUSIONS: The present findings are consistent with the view that chronic eosinophil mucosal inflammatory disease in NP involves a self-sustaining mechanism, i.e. local release of inflammatory mediators, independent of allergen stimulation of nasal mucosa. Increased release of inflammatory mediators contributes to the development of nasal polyps, determining oedema and an increased recruitment of inflammatory cells. Besides eosinophils, mast cells also play a key role in this process

    Clinical study on Alternaria spores sensitization

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    Abstract: sensitization to fungi spores is often associated with sensitization to other allergens and so it is difficult to estabilish the exact cause of illness. the aim of the study was to evaluate a group of patients monosensitized to Alternaria and to establish the prevalence, periodicity and clinical profile of this kind of sensitization. 37 subjects who were monosensitized to Alternaria (prick-test positive), according to a previous epidemiological study were evaluated. Clinical symptoms and the period of their occurrence were taken into consideration as well as immunological parameters (RAST). 20 patients (over 50%) included in the study proved to be affected by asthma associated with other allergic symptoms and 22 patients (60%) presented perennial symptoms. The RAST carried out on 34 monosensitized subjects proved positive in 11 and negative in 23. Alternaria sensitization is characterized by a perennial periodicity with severe respiratory symptoms (asthma) which occur primarily in children. Prick test is preferable to and more reliable than RAST as a diagnostic test

    An epidemiological survey on the allergological importance of some emerging pollens in Italy

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    Abstract: Epidemiological studies on the pollens responsible for allergic diseases throughout Italy are lacking. Routine diagnostic panels consist prevalently of grass, Parietaria, weeds, birch, olive and mugwort. Considering the great variety of Italian geographical areas and the observation of the growing allergological importance of new botanical species (e.g., ambrosia), a survey on pollen species considered "minor" was necessary. A panel of "emerging" pollens (birch, hazelnut, alder, hornbeam, cypress, ragweed) and a routine panel were used to skin prick test 2,934 consecutive outpatients with respiratory pathology of suspected allergic origin, in 21 centers across Italy. A specific questionnaire was compiled. It was found that 20.1% of patients did not react to allergens tested, 28.2% were positive for at least one emerging pollen and 51.7% did not react to emerging pollens but tested positive for at least one allergen from the routine panel. The prevalence of single pollen species was related to geographical areas. Ragweed pollen was shown to provoke asthma much more frequently than other pollens. Hitherto scarcely considered pollens play a considerable role in causing allergic diseases in Italy. In the great majority of patients, positivity for these pollens was associated with positivity to the better recognized group of pollen allergens, although in some cases they were the primary pathogenic agent. We suggest that these more recently considered allergens be included in routine diagnostic panels

    Anisakis simplex allergy: a murine model of anaphylaxis induced by parasitic proteins displays a mixed Th(1)/Th(2) pattern

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    The study of the singular hypersensitivity reactions to Anisakis simplex (A.s) proteins, may help us to undestand many of the unknown immune interactions between helmiths infections and allergy. We have developed a murine model of allergy to A. simplex, that mimics human A. simplex allergy to study the specific aspects of anaphylaxis induced by parasites. Male C3H/HeJ mice were intraperitoneally sensitized to A. simplex. Mice were then intravenous or orally challenged with A. simplex. Antigen-specific immunoglobulins, polyclonal IgE, anaphylactic symptoms, plasma histamine levels and cytokine profiles were determined. Comparative IgE immunoblot analyses were also performed. Specific IgE, IgG(1) and IgG(2a) were detected in sensitized mice since week 3. Polyclonal IgE raised and peaked with different kinetics. Intravenous A. simplex challenge produced anaphylaxis in mice, accompanied by plasma histamine release. Oral A. simplex challenge in similarly sensitized mice did not caused symptoms nor histamine release. Numerous A. simplex allergens were recognized by sensitized mouse sera, some of them similar to human serum. The A. simplex stimulated splenocytes released IL-10, IFN-γ, IL-4, IL-13 and IL-5. We describe a new animal model of anaphylaxis. It exhibits characteristics of type I hypersensitivity reactions to Anisakis simplex similar to those observed in allergic humans. Different responses to i.v. or oral A. simplex challenges emerged, which did not reflect a window tolerization period. The cytokine profile developed (mixed Th(1)/Th(2) pattern) differed from the observed in classical models of anaphylaxis or allergy to food antigens. This model may permit to investigate the peculiar allergic reactions to parasitic proteins