3,891 research outputs found

    Development of an innovative method for the evaluation of fungal contamination of surfaces

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    The objective of this technical report is to compare the ability to capture fungal spores through samples performed with three different methods: Rodac contact plates, cotton pad and a pad prepared with a dusting cloth (DC pads) selected from those available on the market. The tests were conducted using a suspension of Aspergillus niger conidia equal to 0.5 MacFarland diluted 1/30, 1/40, 1/50, 1/100. With each of these dilutions 3 sterile tiles of stainless steel were contaminated, each divided into 16 small squares, in the center of which 0.1 ml of the dilution chosen was placed and left to dry (for a total of 12 sheets). In addition, we have used other 6 tiles to repeat the experience with dilutions 1/40 and 1/50. A total of 288 squared surfaces were contaminated: 96 of these were sampled with Rodac contact plates, 96 with cotton pads and 96 with DC and then inseminated in Petri plates. Sabouraud dextrose agar was used as culture medium for the first 12 plates, while, for the other 6 plates Sabouraud dextrose agar added with lecithin and polysorbate 80 was used. All plates were incubated at 37 degrees for 18 hours. To estimate the differences among the sampling methods and the dilutions tested, multiple linear regression was used. The analysis showed that the number of colonies harvested at dilution 1/40 is 13% higher (P = 0.09) than the number harvested at dilution 1/50 and the number of colonies harvested at dilution 1/30 is 6% higher than dilution 1/50 (P = 0.52). With regard to the comparison between the number of colonies harvested with Rodac contact plates, with cotton pads and DC pads, regression analysis shows that cotton pads harvest a number of fungal cfu 5 times higher than those detected with Rodac plates, while DC pads harvest a number of fungal ufc 6 times higher than those detected with Rodac plates (P < 0.00005). These results, although preliminary, indicate that DC pads are a sensitive and simple approach for the environmental control of fungal contamination

    Thermal monopoles and selfdual dyons in the Quark-Gluon Plasma

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    We perform a numerical study of the excess of non-abelian gauge invariant gluonic action around thermal abelian monopoles which populate the deconfined phase of Yang-Mills theories. Our results show that the excess of magnetic action is close to that of the electric one, so that thermal abelian monopoles may be associated with physical objects carrying both electric and magnetic charge, i.e. dyons. Thus, the quark gluon plasma is likely to be populated by selfdual dyons, which may manifest themselves in the heavy-ion collisions via the chiral magnetic effect. Thermodynamically, thermal monopoles provide a negative contribution to the pressure of the system.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, RevTeX 4.

    Spatial targeted vector control is able to reduce malaria prevalence in the highlands of Burundi.

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    In a highland province of Burundi, indoor residual spraying and long-lasting insecticidal net distribution were targeted in the valley, aiming also to protect the population living on the hilltops. The impact on malaria indicators was assessed, and the potential additional effect of nets evaluated. After the intervention--and compared with the control valleys--children 1-9 years old in the treated valleys had lower risks of malaria infection (odds ratio, OR: 0.55), high parasite density (OR: 0.48), and clinical malaria (OR: 0.57). The impact on malaria prevalence was even higher in infants (OR: 0.14). Using nets did not confer an additional protective effect to spraying. Targeted vector control had a major impact on malaria in the high-risk valleys but not in the less-exposed hilltops. Investment in targeted and regular control measures associated with effective case management should be able to control malaria in the highlands


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    High concentrations of Vanadium have been measured in the groundwaters of the volcanic island of El Hierro. Values ranging from 19.4 to 288 μg/L are much higher than those generally found in natural water samples (< 1 μg/L). Such increased contents mainly derive from the water-rock interaction processes within the aquifer formed by Vanadium-rich basaltic rocks. The mobility of Vanadium in these groundwaters is further enhanced by their oxidizing and alkaline conditions. Possible consequences on human health due to the consumption of these V-rich waters should be investigated

    Behavioural aspects in ass during the end of pregnancy and ass and their foal during the first week post–partum in Martina Franca breed

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    AbstractThe study was carried out to investigate behavioural pattern in ass during the end of pregnancy and in asses and their foals during the first week after foaling. The study was performed on a total of 17 asses and 8 foals of Martina Franca breed reared outdoors free- ranging over the natural scrub area. In particular, for the behavioural observations on ass before the foaling 9 asses on the last month of pregnancy were considered, while, during the first post-partum week the observations were performed on 8 couples of dams and their foals. The behavioural observations were performed in a fenced area (4000 m2) from 08:00 to 20:00 using scan sampling with 5 min intervals. The data were collected by trained observers and recorded on a protocol form which considered the following main behavioural aspects: eating, drinking, walking, resting up, standing, and other behaviours. Within the class of other behaviours it was included secondary behaviours as grooming, vocalisation, playing, defecation, sniffin..

    Epigenetic changes and nuclear factor-\u3baB activation, but not microRNA-224, downregulate Raf-1 kinase inhibitor protein in triple\u2011negative breast cancer SUM 159 cells

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    Raf-1 kinase inhibitor protein (RKIP) is a tumor suppressor and metastasis inhibitor, which enhances drug\u2011induced apoptosis of cancer cells. Downregulation of RKIP may be significant in the biology of highly aggressive and drug\u2011resistant tumors, for example triple\u2011negative breast cancers (TNBCs). Potential causes for the low levels of RKIP expressed by SUM 159 TNBC cells were investigated in the present study. Bisulphite modification, methylation specific\u2011polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and a TransAM NF-\u3baB assay were performed and the results suggested that various mechanisms, including methylation of the gene promoter, histone deacetylation and nuclear factor\u2011\u3baB (NF\u2011\u3baB) activation, but not targeting by microRNA\u2011224 (miR/miRNA\u2011224), as determined by transfection of pre\u2011miR\u2011224 miRNA precursor or anti\u2011miR\u2011224 miRNA inhibitor, may downregulate RKIP in these cells. Furthermore, reverse transcription\u2011quantitative PCR, western blotting,3\u2011(4,5\u2011dimethylthiazol\u20112\u2011yl)\u20115\u2011(3\u2011carboxymethoxyphenyl)\u20112\u2011(4\u2011sulphophenyl)\u20112H\u2011tetrazolium cell growth assay and flow cytometry revealed that in SUM 159 cells, the demethylating agent 5\u2011aza\u20112'\u2011deoxycytidine (5\u2011AZA), the histone deacetylase inhibitor trichostatin A (TSA) and the NF\u2011\u3baB inhibitor dehydroxymethylepoxyquinomicin (DHMEQ) enhanced RKIP expression and resulted in significant cell growth inhibition and induction of apoptosis. 5\u2011AZA and TSA mainly produced additive antitumor effects, while the combination of DHMEQ and TSA exhibited significant synergy in cell growth inhibition and induction of apoptosis assays. Increasing evidence that aberrant activation of NF\u2011\u3baB signaling is a frequent characteristic of TNBC highlights the fact that this transcription factor may be a useful target for treatment of such tumors. In addition to DHMEQ, proteasome inhibitors may also represent valuable therapeutic resources in this context. Notably, proteasome inhibitors, in addition to the inhibition of NF\u2011\u3baB activation, may also restore RKIP levels by inhibiting proteasome degradation of the ubiquitinated protein. The current results contribute to the understanding of the molecular mechanisms of RKIP downregulation in TNBC and suggest possible novel therapeutic approaches for the treatment of these types of cancer

    Avalanche dynamics of radio pulsar glitches

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    We test statistically the hypothesis that radio pulsar glitches result from an avalanche process, in which angular momentum is transferred erratically from the flywheel-like superfluid in the star to the slowly decelerating, solid crust via spatially connected chains of local, impulsive, threshold-activated events, so that the system fluctuates around a self-organised critical state. Analysis of the glitch population (currently 285 events from 101 pulsars) demonstrates that the size distribution in individual pulsars is consistent with being scale invariant, as expected for an avalanche process. The waiting-time distribution is consistent with being exponential in seven out of nine pulsars where it can be measured reliably, after adjusting for observational limits on the minimum waiting time, as for a constant-rate Poisson process. PSR J0537−-6910 and PSR J0835−-4510 are the exceptions; their waiting-time distributions show evidence of quasiperiodicity. In each object, stationarity requires that the rate λ\lambda equals −ϵν˙/- \epsilon \dot{\nu} / , where ν˙\dot{\nu} is the angular acceleration of the crust, is the mean glitch size, and ϵν˙\epsilon\dot{\nu} is the relative angular acceleration of the crust and superfluid. There is no evidence that λ\lambda changes monotonically with spin-down age. The rate distribution itself is fitted reasonably well by an exponential for λ≥0.25yr−1\lambda \geq 0.25 {\rm yr^{-1}}. For λ<0.25yr−1\lambda < 0.25 {\rm yr^{-1}}, its exact form is unknown; the exponential overestimates the number of glitching pulsars observed at low λ\lambda, where the limited total observation time exercises a selection bias.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa
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