9,855 research outputs found

    Dynamical effects of self-generated magnetic fields in cosmic ray modified shocks

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    Recent observations of greatly amplified magnetic fields (δB/B∼100\delta B/B\sim 100) around supernova shocks are consistent with the predictions of the non-linear theory of particle acceleration (NLT), if the field is generated upstream of the shock by cosmic ray induced streaming instability. The high acceleration efficiencies and large shock modifications predicted by NLT need however to be mitigated to confront observations, and this is usually assumed to be accomplished by some form of turbulent heating. We show here that magnetic fields with the strength inferred from observations have an important dynamical role on the shock, and imply a shock modification substantially reduced with respect to the naive unmagnetized case. The effect appears as soon as the pressure in the turbulent magnetic field becomes comparable with the pressure of the thermal gas. The relative importance of this unavoidable effect and of the poorly known turbulent heating is assessed. More specifically we conclude that even in the cases in which turbulent heating may be of some importance, the dynamical reaction of the field cannot be neglected, as instead is usually done in most current calculations.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Weak magnetism phenomena in heavy-fermion superconductors: selected μ\muSR studies

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    The behavior of the so-called weak moment antiferromagnetic states, observed in the heavy-fermion superconductors UPt3_3 and URu2_2Si2_2, is discussed in view of recent μ\muSR results obtained as function of control parameters like chemical substitution and external pressure. In UPt3_3, the Pd substitution for Pt reveals the dynamical character of the weak moment order. On the other hand, μ\muSR measurements performed on samples in which Th substitutes U suggest that crystallographic disorder on the magnetic sites deeply affects the fluctuation timescale. In URu2_2Si2_2, a phase separation between the so-called hidden order state, present at ambient pressure, and an antiferromagnetic state, occurring under pressure, is observed. In view of the pressure-temperature phase diagram obtained by μ\muSR, it is deduced that the respective order parameters have different symmetries.Comment: To appear in: J. Phys.: Cond. Matte

    The new versatile general purpose surface-muon instrument (GPS) based on silicon photomultipliers for μ{\mu}SR measurements on a continuous-wave beam

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    We report on the design and commissioning of a new spectrometer for muon-spin relaxation/rotation studies installed at the Swiss Muon Source (Sμ\muS) of the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI, Switzerland). This new instrument is essentially a new design and replaces the old general-purpose surface-muon instrument (GPS) which has been for long the workhorse of the μ\muSR user facility at PSI. By making use of muon and positron detectors made of plastic scintillators read out by silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs), a time resolution of the complete instrument of about 160 ps (standard deviation) could be achieved. In addition, the absence of light guides, which are needed in traditionally built μ\muSR instrument to deliver the scintillation light to photomultiplier tubes located outside magnetic fields applied, allowed us to design a compact instrument with a detector set covering an increased solid angle compared to the old GPS.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figure

    Probing the phase diagram of CeRu_2Ge_2 by thermopower at high pressure

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    The temperature dependence of the thermoelectric power, S(T), and the electrical resistivity of the magnetically ordered CeRu_2Ge_2 (T_N=8.55 K and T_C=7.40 K) were measured for pressures p < 16 GPa in the temperature range 1.2 K < T < 300 K. Long-range magnetic order is suppressed at a p_c of approximately 6.4 GPa. Pressure drives S(T) through a sequence of temperature dependences, ranging from a behaviour characteristic for magnetically ordered heavy fermion compounds to a typical behaviour of intermediate-valent systems. At intermediate pressures a large positive maximum develops above 10 K in S(T). Its origin is attributed to the Kondo effect and its position is assumed to reflect the Kondo temperature T_K. The pressure dependence of T_K is discussed in a revised and extended (T,p) phase diagram of CeRu_2Ge_2.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Evidence for spin liquid ground state in SrDy2_2O4_4 frustrated magnet probed by muSR

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    Muon spin relaxation (μ\muSR) measurements were carried out on SrDy2_2O4_4, a frustrated magnet featuring short range magnetic correlations at low temperatures. Zero-field muon spin depolarization measurements demonstrate that fast magnetic fluctuations are present from T=300T=300 K down to 20 mK. The coexistence of short range magnetic correlations and fluctuations at T=20T=20 mK indicates that SrDy2_2O4_4 features a spin liquid ground state. Large longitudinal fields affect weakly the muon spin depolarization, also suggesting the presence of fast fluctuations. For a longitudinal field of μ0H=2\mu_0H=2 T, a non-relaxing asymmetry contribution appears below T=6T=6 K, indicating considerable slowing down of the magnetic fluctuations as field-induced magnetically-ordered phases are approached.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, to be published as a proceeding of HFM2016 in Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS

    Precursor Plerionic Activity and High Energy Gamma-Ray Emission in the Supranova Model of Gamma-Ray Bursts

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    The supranova model of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), in which the GRB event is preceded by a supernova (SN) explosion by a few months to years, has recently gained support from Fe line detections in X-ray afterglows. A crucial ingredient of this model yet to be studied is the fast-rotating pulsar that should be active during the time interval between the SN and the GRB, driving a powerful wind and a luminous plerionic nebula. We discuss some observational consequences of this precursor plerion, which should provide important tests for the supranova model: 1) the fragmentation of the outlying SN ejecta material by the plerion and its implications for Fe line emission; and 2) the effect of inverse Compton cooling and emission in the GRB external shock due to the plerion radiation field. The plerion-induced inverse Compton emission can dominate in the GeV-TeV energy range during the afterglow, being detectable by GLAST from redshifts z≲1.5z \lesssim 1.5 and distinguishable from self-Compton emission by its spectrum and light curve. The prospects for direct detection and identification of the precursor plerion emission are also briefly considered.Comment: ApJ vol.583, in pres

    Magnetic quantum critical point and superconductivity in UPt3 doped with Pd

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    Transverse-field muon spin relaxation measurements have been carried out on the heavy-fermion superconductor UPt3 doped with small amounts of Pd. We find that the critical Pd concentration for the emergence of the large-moment antiferromagnetic phase is ~0.6 at.%Pd. At the same Pd content, superconductivity is completely suppressed. The existence of a magnetic quantum critical point in the phase diagram, which coincides with the critical point for superconductivity, provides evidence for ferromagnetic spin-fluctuation mediated odd-parity superconductivity, which competes with antiferromagnetic order.Comment: 4 pages (includes 3 figures); postscript fil
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