66 research outputs found

    The influence of spacially and socially degenerated zones on city's t ouristic image – the example of Łódź

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    Łódź jest trzecim pod względem wielkości miastem w Polsce, a przy tym unikatowym ze względu na wielokulturowy krajobraz miasta przemysłowego. Reputacja Łodzi jest jednak wyjątkowo słaba na tle innych polskich metropolii, a w opinii publicznej Polaków miasto jawi się jako zaniedbane, nieatrakcyjne i niebezpieczne. Analizując ogólnodostępne dane statystyczne nie można nie zauważyć, że Łódź cechuje większy niż w innych miastach odsetek osób bezrobotnych, słabo wykształconych, starzejących się, korzystających z pomocy socjalnej. Także zabudowa miejska jest często w złym stanie technicznym i wizualnym, zwłaszcza w centrum miasta, czyli na obszarze, na którym znajduje się najwięcej ważnych obiektów zabytkowych stanowiących główne atrakcje turystyczne. Mimo wszystko w wielu innych przypadkach, m.in. pod względem wielkości przestępczości lub liczby bezdomnych, Łódź nie odstaje negatywnie od innych dużych miast. Autorzy postawili w związku z tym pytania: co jest przyczyną złej opinii o mieście i dlaczego nawet wśród osób które je odwiedzą, niewielki odsetek poleciłby je jako cel wyjazdu turystycznego? Zdaniem autorów problemem Łodzi jest przenikanie się miejskiej przestrzeni turystycznej ze strefami zdegradowanymi społecznie oraz przestrzennie

    Simulation of electron-positron annihilation into hadrons with the event generator PHOKHARA

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    The precise determination of the cross section for electron-positron annihilation into hadrons is one of the central tasks of ongoing experiments at low energy colliders. These measurements have to be complemented by Monte Carlo generators which simulate a large number of final states and include higher order radiative corrections. With this motivation in mind the generator PHOKHARA is extended to version 8.0, thus allowing for the simulation of final states with zero, one or two real photons. At the same time corrections from the emission of one or two virtual photons are included, such that a full next-to-next-to leading order generator is available. The stability and consistency of the program is tested. The results (for muon-pair final states) are compared to the programs KKMC and MCGPJ and implications for the analysis of various hadronic final states are investigated

    First records of Isohypsibius pushkini Tumanov, 2003 (Tardigrada, Eutardigrada, Hypsibiidae) from Poland

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    First records of Isohypsibius pushkini from small ponds in western Poland are described. So far, these are the only records of this species apart from its type locality in Russia. We present some remarks on the ecology of the species, as well. Moreover, we present the first ever microphotographs of I. pushkini

    Invasive Cx43^{high} sub-line of human prostate DU145 cells displays increased nanomechanical deformability

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    Connexin(Cx)43high cells are preferentially recruited to the invasive front of prostate cancer in vitro and in vivo. To address the involvement of Cx43 in the regulation of human prostate cancer DU145 cell invasiveness, we have analysed the nanoelasticity of invasive Cx43high sub-sets of DU145 cells by atomic force microscopy (AFM). The Cx43high DU145 cells displayed considerably higher susceptibility to mechanical distortions than the wild type DU145 cells. Transient Cx43 silencing had no effect on their elastic properties. Our data confirm the relationship between the invasive potential, Cx43 expression and nanoelasticity of the DU145 cells. However, they also show that Cx43 is not directly involved in the maintenance of DU145 invasive phenotype

    Feeding patterns in Eubranchipus grubii (Dybowski 1860) (Branchiopoda: Anostraca) and its potential influence on the phytoplankton communities of vernal pools

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    Filtration patterns in the fairy shrimp Eubranchipus grubii were analysed under laboratory conditions using water containing phytoplankton from their actual locality in western Poland. After 48 hours of feeding, we compared the structure of algal communities in water samples in treatments with males, females and control. The mean filtration rate for E. grubii was relatively high (14,488 mL h-1) in comparison to other crustacean filter feeders and was higher for females than for males. Fairy shrimps grazed effectively on all 11 dominant phytoplankton taxa and there was no sign of overall preferences with regard to taxon, cell volume, length or shape. Female fairy shrimps removed significantly more cells of three taxa (Cryptomonas erosa, C. ovata and Trachelomonas volvocina). The differences between sexes did not depend on the cell volume or length of particular phytoplankton taxa but were significantly related to their initial abundance, initial biomass and shape. The higher the abundance and biomass of the algal taxa, the more intensively it was grazed by females than by males. Females were also observed to graze more on spherical and elongated cells. In conclusion, our results show E. grubii to be an effective, generalist filter feeder capable of significantly influencing the phytoplankton community of a vernal pool. Possible implications of such grazing pressure are also discussed

    Discrepancy between clinical and histological effects of DHA supplementation in a rat model of pouchitis

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    Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) potentially modulates inflammatory processes. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the influence of DHA supplementation on the expression of intestinal inflammation and nutritional status in rats which have undergone restorative proctocolectomy. Twenty-four Wistar rats were operated. After the induction of pouchitis, animals were randomly divided into a control group (CG) and supplementation groups receiving respectively a semi-synthetic diet without or with DHA (in a lower or higher dose, respectively known as the lower dose, LD, and higher dose, HD, groups) for six weeks. Selected nutritional parameters were assessed. Histopathological and immunohistochemical analysis of pouch mucosa specimens was also performed. The effectiveness of feeding and quality of stools were significantly better in the HD group than in the CG. The intensity of inflammation (Moskovitz scale) was higher in HD and LD than in CG (p = 0.03 and p = 0.0006, respectively). Nevertheless, pouch adaptation (Laumonier scale) was more significant in LD than in CG (p = 0.007). On the other hand, tissue expression of IL-1α and IL-10 was higher in HD and LD than in CG (IL-1α, p = 0.009 and p = 0.05, respectively; IL-10, p = 0.04 for both). DHA supplementation has no impact on body weight gain. Yet it seems that it may improve the effectiveness of nutrition and stool quality in rats which have undergone restorative proctocolectomy. Simultaneously, it increases the intensity of pouch adaptation and inflammation. The specificity of observed changes is not clear. However, it may imply potential modulation of inflammatory processes of pouch mucosa

    Trace elements and rat pouchitis

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    The procedure of restorative proctocolectomy is associated with a complete removal of the colon and slight reduction of ileum length, which together can lead to systemic shortages of trace elements. Inflammatory changes in the pouch mucosa may also have some impact. However, there is no data on trace elements in pouchitis. Therefore, in the present study we aimed to assess the effect of acute pouchitis on the status of selected trace elements in rats. Restorative proctocolectomy with the construction of intestinal J-pouch was performed in twenty-four Wistar rats. Three weeks after the surgery, pouchitis was induced. Eight untreated rats created the control group. Liver concentrations of selected micronutrients (Zn, Cu, Co, Mn, Se) were measured in both groups six weeks later, using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Liver concentrations of trace elements did not differ between the study and the control groups. However, copper, cobalt and selenium concentrations [μg/g] were statistically lower (p<0.02, p<0.05 and p<0.04, respectively) in rats with severe pouchitis (n=9) as compared with rats with mild pouchitis (n=7) [median (range): Cu - 7.05 (3.02-14.57) vs 10.47 (5.16-14.97); Co - 0.55 (0.37-0.96) vs 0.61 (0.52-0.86); Se - 1.17 (0.69-1.54) vs 1.18 (0.29-1.91)]. In conclusion, it seems that acute pouchitis can lead to a significant deficiency of trace elements