90 research outputs found

    Steroid-Based Liquid Crystalline Polymers: Responsive and Biocompatible Materials of the Future

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    Steroid-based liquid crystal polymers and co-polymers have come a long way, with new and significant advances being made every year. This paper reviews some of the recent key developments in steroid-based liquid crystal polymers and co-polymers. It covers the structure–property relationship between cholesterol and sterol-based compounds and their corresponding polymers, and the influence of chemical structure and synthesis conditions on the liquid crystalline behaviour. An overview of the nature of self-assembly of these materials in solvents and through polymerisation is given. The role of liquid crystalline properties in the applications of these materials, in the creation of nano-objects, drug delivery and biomedicine and photonic and electronic devices, is discussed

    Large-area van der Waals epitaxy and magnetic characterization of Fe3GeTe2films on graphene

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    Scalable fabrication of magnetic 2D materials and heterostructures constitutes a crucial step for scaling down current spintronic devices and the development of novel spintronic applications. Here, we report on van der Waals (vdW) epitaxy of the layered magnetic metal Fe3GeTe2 (FGT) - a 2D crystal with highly tunable properties and a high prospect for room temperature ferromagnetism (FM) - directly on graphene by employing molecular beam epitaxy. Morphological and structural characterization confirmed the realization of large-area, continuous FGT/graphene heterostructure films with stable interfaces and good crystalline quality. Furthermore, magneto-transport and x-ray magnetic circular dichroism investigations confirmed a robust out-of-plane FM in the layers, comparable to state-of-the-art exfoliated flakes from bulk crystals. These results are highly relevant for further research on wafer-scale growth of vdW heterostructures combining FGT with other layered crystals such as transition metal dichalcogenides for the realization of multifunctional, atomically thin devices.They also acknowledge the provision of beamtime under the project HC-4068 at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF), located in Grenoble (France). ICN2 researchers acknowledge support from the European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 881603 (Graphene Flagship)

    Local well-posedness for the space-time Monopole equation in Lorenz gauge

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    It is known from the work of Czubak that the space-time Monopole equation is locally well-posed in the Coulomb gauge for small initial data in Hs(R2)H^s(\mathbb{R}^2) for s>1/4s>1/4. Here we prove local well-posedness for arbitrary initial data in Hs(R2)H^s(\mathbb{R^2}) with s>1/4s>1/4 in the Lorenz gauge.Comment: To appear in NoDE

    Reproducibility of different screening classifications in ultrasonography of the newborn hip

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Ultrasonography of the hip has gained wide acceptance as a primary method for diagnosis, screening and treatment monitoring of developmental hip dysplasia in infants. The aim of the study was to examine the degree of concordance of two objective classifications of hip morphology and subjective parameters by three investigators with different levels of experience.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In 207 consecutive newborns (101 boys; 106 girls) the following parameters were assessed: bony roof angle (α-angle) and cartilage roof angle (ÎČ-angle) according to Graf's basic standard method, "femoral head coverage" (FHC) as described by Terjesen, shape of the bony roof and position of the cartilaginous roof. Both hips were measured twice by each investigator with a 7.5 MHz linear transducer (SONOLINE G60S<sup>Âź </sup>ultrasound system, SIEMENS, Erlangen, Germany).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Mean kappa-coefficients for the subjective parameters shape of the bony roof (0.97) and position of the cartilaginous roof (1.0) demonstrated high intra-observer reproducibility. Best results were achieved for α-angle, followed by ÎČ-angle and finally FHC. With respect to limits of agreement, inter-observer reproducibility was calculated less precisely.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Higher measurement differences were evaluated more in objective scorings. Those variations were observed by every investigator irrespective of level of experience.</p

    Study of cosmogenic activation above ground for the DarkSide-20k experiment

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    The activation of materials due to exposure to cosmic rays may become an important background source for experiments investigating rare event phenomena. DarkSide-20k, currently under construction at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso, is a direct detection experiment for galactic dark matter particles, using a two-phase liquid-argon Time Projection Chamber (TPC) filled with 49.7 tonnes (active mass) of Underground Argon (UAr) depleted in 39Ar. Despite the outstanding capability of discriminating / background in argon TPCs, this background must be considered because of induced dead time or accidental coincidences mimicking dark-matter signals and it is relevant for low-threshold electron-counting measurements. Here, the cosmogenic activity of relevant long-lived radioisotopes induced in the experiment has been estimated to set requirements and procedures during preparation of the experiment and to check that it is not dominant over primordial radioactivity; particular attention has been paid to the activation of the 120 t of UAr used in DarkSide-20k. Expected exposures above ground and production rates, either measured or calculated, have been considered in detail. From the simulated counting rates in the detector due to cosmogenic isotopes, it is concluded that activation in copper and stainless steel is not problematic. The activity of 39Ar induced during extraction, purification and transport on surface is evaluated to be 2.8% of the activity measured in UAr by DarkSide-50 experiment, which used the same underground source, and thus considered acceptable. Other isotopes in the UAr such as 37Ar and 3H are shown not to be relevant due to short half-life and assumed purification methods

    Measurement of isotopic separation of argon with the prototype of the cryogenic distillation plant Aria for dark matter searches

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    The Aria cryogenic distillation plant, located in Sardinia, Italy, is a key component of the DarkSide-20k experimental program for WIMP dark matter searches at the INFN Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso, Italy. Aria is designed to purify the argon, extracted from underground wells in Colorado, USA, and used as the DarkSide-20k target material, to detector-grade quality. In this paper, we report the first measurement of argon isotopic separation by distillation with the 26&nbsp;m tall Aria prototype. We discuss the measurement of the operating parameters of the column and the observation of the simultaneous separation of the three stable argon isotopes: 36Ar , 38Ar , and 40Ar . We also provide a detailed comparison of the experimental results with commercial process simulation software. This measurement of isotopic separation of argon is a significant achievement for the project, building on the success of the initial demonstration of isotopic separation of nitrogen using the same equipment in 2019
