35 research outputs found

    Genetic Divergence between Freshwater and Marine Morphs of Alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus): A ‘Next-Generation’ Sequencing Analysis

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    Alewife Alosa pseudoharengus, a small clupeid fish native to Atlantic Ocean, has recently (∼150 years ago) invaded the North American Great Lakes and despite challenges of freshwater environment its populations exploded and disrupted local food web structures. This range expansion has been accompanied by dramatic changes at all levels of organization. Growth rates, size at maturation, or fecundity are only a few of the most distinct morphological and life history traits that contrast the two alewife morphs. A question arises to what extent these rapidly evolving differences between marine and freshwater varieties result from regulatory (including phenotypic plasticity) or structural mutations. To gain insights into expression changes and sequence divergence between marine and freshwater alewives, we sequenced transcriptomes of individuals from Lake Michigan and Atlantic Ocean. Population specific single nucleotide polymorphisms were rare but interestingly occurred in sequences of genes that also tended to show large differences in expression. Our results show that the striking phenotypic divergence between anadromous and lake alewives can be attributed to massive regulatory modifications rather than coding changes

    Inhibition of Plasmodium falciparum Oocyst Production by Membrane-Permeant Cysteine Protease Inhibitor E64d

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    During asexual intraerythrocytic growth, Plasmodium falciparum utilizes hemoglobin obtained from the host red blood cell (RBC) as a nutrient source. Papain-like cysteine proteases, falcipains 2 and 3, have been reported to be involved in hemoglobin digestion and are targets of current antimalarial drug development efforts. However, their expression during gametocytogenesis, which is required for malaria parasite transmission, has not been studied. Many of the available antimalarials do not inhibit development of sexual stage parasites, and therefore, the persistence of gametocytes after drug treatment allows continued transmission of the disease. In the work reported here, incubation of stage V gametocytes with membrane-permeant cysteine protease inhibitor E64d significantly inhibited oocyst production (80 to 100%). The same conditions inhibited processing of gametocyte-surface antigen Pfs230 during gametogenesis but did not alter the morphology of the food vacuole in gametocytes, inhibit emergence, or block male exflagellation. E64d reduced the level of oocyst production more effectively than that reported previously for falcipain 1-knockout parasites, suggesting that falcipains 2 and 3 may also be involved in malaria parasite transmission. However, in this study only falcipain 3 and not falcipain 2 was found to be expressed in stage V gametocytes. Interestingly, during gametocytogenesis falcipain 3 was transported into the red blood cell and by stage V was localized in vesicles along the RBC surface, consistent with a role during gamete emergence. The ability of a membrane-permeant cysteine protease inhibitor to significantly reduce malaria parasite transmission suggests that future drug design should include evaluation of gametogenesis and sporogonic development

    Species identity matters when interpreting trophic markers in aquatic food webs.

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    In aquatic systems, food web linkages are often assessed using diet contents, stable isotope ratios, and, increasingly, fatty acid composition of organisms. Some correlations between different trophic metrics are assumed to be well-supported; for example, particular stable isotope ratios and fatty acids seem to reflect reliance on benthic or pelagic energy pathways. However, understanding whether the assumed correlations between different trophic metrics are coherent and consistent across species represents a key step toward their effective use in food web studies. To assess links among trophic markers, we compared relationships between major diet components, fatty acids, and stable isotope ratios in three fishes: yellow perch (Perca flavescens), round goby (Neogobius melanostomus), and spottail shiner (Notropis hudsonius) collected from nearshore Lake Michigan. Yellow perch and spottail shiner are native in this system, while round goby are a relatively recent invader. We found some evidence for agreement between different trophic metrics, especially between diet components, n-3:n-6 fatty acid ratios, and stable isotope ratios (δ13C and δ15N). However, we also observed significant variation in observed relationships among markers and species, potentially due to taxonomic variation in the specific diet items consumed (e.g., chydorid microcrustaceans and Dreissena mussels) and species-specific biochemical processes. In many of these latter cases, the invasive species differed from the native species. Understanding the effects of taxonomic variation on prey and predator signatures could significantly improve the usefulness of fatty acids in food web studies, whereas diet contents and stable isotopes appear to be reliable indicators of trophic niche in aquatic food webs

    Functional analysis of the exported type IV HSP40 Protein PfGECO in <i>Plasmodium falciparum</i> gametocytes

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    During Plasmodium falciparum infection, host red blood cell (RBC) remodeling is required for the parasite's survival. Such modifications are mediated by the export of parasite proteins into the RBC that alter the architecture of the RBC membrane and enable cytoadherence. It is probable that some exported proteins also play a protective role against the host defense response. This may be of particular importance for the gametocyte stage of the life cycle that is responsible for malaria transmission, since the gametocyte remains in contact with blood as it proceeds through five morphological stages (I to V) during its 12-day maturation. Using microarray analysis, we identified several genes with encoded secretory or export sequences that were differentially expressed during early gametocytogenesis. One of these, PfGECO, encodes a predicted type IV heat shock protein 40 (HSP40) that we show is expressed in gametocyte stages I to IV and is exported to the RBC cytoplasm. HSPs are traditionally induced under stressful conditions to maintain homeostasis, but PfGECO expression was not increased upon heat shock, suggesting an alternate function. Targeted disruption of PfGECO indicated that the gene is not essential for gametocytogenesis in vitro, and quantitative reverse transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR) showed that there was no compensatory expression of the other type IV HSP40 genes. Although P. falciparum HSP40 members are implicated in the trafficking of proteins to the RBC surface, removal of PfGECO did not affect the targeting of other exported gametocyte proteins. This work has expanded the repertoire of known gametocyte-exported proteins to include a type IV HSP40, PfGECO

    Temporal Variation in the Niche Partitioning of Lake Michigan Salmonines as it Relates to Alewife Abundance and Size Structure.

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    Stable isotope analyses offer a useful means for quantifying ecological niche dimensions, though few studies have examined isotopic response of an ecological community with respect to resource gradients such as fluctuations in prey availability. Stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes were measured for Lake Michigan salmonines and their prey collected from 2014 to 2016. Bayesian ellipse and mixing model analyses were used to quantify isotopic niche characteristics and diets, respectively, among species and years. During the three-year study period, abundance and size structure of preferred alewife prey changed substantially and offered an opportunity to explore predator isotopic niche response and diet shifts along a prey resource gradient. Results suggested increased reliance on alewives, especially small alewives, over the study period and were consistent with greater availability of this prey. However, differential use of alewife size classes and alternative prey sources by salmonine predators was apparent, which suggested possible resource partitioning. Characterization of ecological niche overlap using stable isotopes likely requires consideration of shared resource availability as well as specific prey and habitat preferences.The accepted manuscript in pdf format is listed with the files at the bottom of this page. The presentation of the authors' names and (or) special characters in the title of the manuscript may differ slightly between what is listed on this page and what is listed in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript; that in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript is what was submitted by the author

    The effect of white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) ovarian fat deposition on caviar yield and nutritional quality: introducing image processing method for sturgeon ovary fat determination

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    Image analysis can predict the fat content of sturgeon ovaries that had been categorized as having a low, medium, and high fat content based upon the caviar yield expressed as a percent of the total ovary weight, and were correlated with the chemical measurement of total fat (R 2 = 0.83). The fatty acid composition of eggs was not influenced by ovary fat content. Palmitic acid (16:00) was the most abundant saturated fatty acid and oleic acid (18:1n-9) the most predominant monounsaturated fatty acids in sturgeon eggs regardless of the ovary fat content. No significant differences (P > 0.05) were observed in docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) in eggs from fish with different fat ovaries. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) coupled with principal component analysis indicated no significant difference in chemical compositions in sturgeon eggs separated from ovaries of different fat contents confirming the fatty acid composition results