14 research outputs found

    The Determinants of Trust in Food Safety from the Perspective of Generation Z Students

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    Theoretical background: Trust plays an important role in market relations and is a valuable bridge between the consumer and the producer. Given the importance of food, trust in its safety certainly plays a key role. There are many determinants affecting food safety trust. Due to its growing role in society, Generation Z (Gen Z) and its views on the subject should be taken into account. All the more so because this generation is skeptical, cautious, and sensitive in economic, environmental, cognitive, and social terms. Purpose of the article: The objective of the study is to identify the determinants of trust in food safety among Polish students representing Gen Z consumers. A subsidiary objective is to identify whether trust in food safety is influenced by their socio-demographic and cognitive characteristics. Research methods: A face-to-face survey method was used and 374 respondents were participating in the study. The influence of twelve determinants on trust in food safety was assessed. Cronbach’s alpha statistics were used to assess the questionnaire scale’s reliability. The KMO index (Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin) and Bartlett’s test of sphericity were applied to know the appropriateness of performing factor analysis. To simplify and reduce the number of sources of confidence in food safety identified in the study, a factor analysis was conducted using the principal components method and Varimax rotation with Kaiser normalization. To find the relationship between sociodemographic variables and the studied variables multiple regression was applied. Statistical analyses were performed using IBM SPSS Statistics 29. Main findings: The reliability of the questionnaire used in the study has been confirmed. We distinguished three groups of determinants influencing food safety trust, and these are: “Place of food production and sale”, “The way of food production and supervision”, and “External socio-economic environment”. This type of classification can be considered our original contribution to the study, as well as the fact that among the individual determinants analyzed, we identified those with the highest importance in building food safety trust. These are the country of origin, the requirements of the country’s legal and market system as well as the activities of consumer and producer organizations. It was shown that socio-demographic and cognitive characteristics play a role in perceptions of product safety and in inducing trust in food safety


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    Odpowiedni poziom bezpieczeństwa uzyskuje się dzięki podjęciu różnych działań, w tym wdrożeniu systemu zarządzania bezpieczeństwem usług. Podnoszenie tej poprzeczki jest niezmiernie ważne, ponieważ konkurencja pomiędzy portami lotniczymi jest wielka. Celem pracy jest ukazanie systemów zarządzania jakością w portach lotniczych. Zastosowano metodę krytycznego przeglądu literatury oraz studium przypadku.  Zapewnienie bezpieczeństwa wymaga spełnienia wymagań prawnych oraz wdrożenia systemów zarządzania w obszarze bezpieczeństwa i jakości świadczonych usług. Jest to niezmiernie ważne ze względu na to, że transport lotniczy jest coraz powszechniej stosowanym środkiem transportu. Wprowadzanie systemów zarządzania pomaga w utrzymaniu bezpieczeństwa na odpowiednim poziomie oraz pozyskiwaniu nowych klientów.  W pracy opisano systemy funkcjonujące w Międzynarodowym Porcie Lotniczym Katowice w Pyrzowicach.Słowa kluczowe: systemy zarządzania jakością, port lotniczy

    Just Culture Maturity Assessment Tool and Its Application in Medium-Sized Food Company in Poland

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    Theoretical background: Ensuring food safety requires the development of an appropriate food safety culture, including its important subculture – just culture (JC). JC is a fair, proportional, and transparent way in which individuals are held accountable for errors. JC in the food sector is an element of food safety culture and is one in which all employees within a food company are encouraged to provide and feel comfortable providing food safety-related information. It is an atmosphere of trust in which food handlers are convinced they will be treated fairly based on their actions rather than the outcome of those actions, in the case of positive, as well as negative food safety. No approach for the food sector for measuring this phenomenon is seen in the literature. Purpose of the article: The article aims to present a proposal for a tool for assessing just culture in a food company and to discuss the results of empirical validation of this tool in a selected organization. Research methods: A literature review was conducted to identify tools for measuring JC in different industries. The primary research method was a case study, including a documentation analysis, based on the READ approach. The just culture maturity assessment tool (JCMAT) used by the company was statistically verified. To interpret the results, the so-called Enlighten 4C Food Safety Culture model was applied. Main findings: The JCMAT has proven to be a reliable tool for exploring JC maturity. A set of dimensions were proposed to constitute JC. The surveyed organization has reached the “awakening” maturity level. Socio-demographic characteristics did not have a major impact on respondents’ opinions about the JCMAT statements


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    This paper investigates the phenomenon of food safety culture (FSC) from the perspective of SARS-CoV-2-related hazards. The importance of FSC in the context of organizational culture, and its role in strengthening the quality and food safety management system were explained. The aim of the article is to propose the tool to measure and assess the level FSC concerning the risk connected with SARS-CoV-2 contamination. The SARS-CoV-2-based FSC assessment tool have been developed and the reliability of this tools have been confirmed. It was possible to identify the overall and the partial FSC levels in seafood company and to show which variables most significantly affect the employees behavior, and beliefs against food safety, and based on that areas for further improvement. The tool propsed by us may be applied by various food entities, especially those interested in meeting the mandatory requirements contained in the current EU food law

    Choice of place of fruit purchase depending on socio-economic and demographic features of consumers Wybór miejsca zakupu owoców w zależności od cech demograficznych i społeczno-ekonomicznych konsumentów

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    The purpose of the paper was to establish influence of some consumer features like sex, age, education, income, type of family and source of income for declaration of the place of fruit purchase, reasons of choice of the place of fruit purchase and changeability of consumer preferences between years 2002 and 2006. The analysis was conducted on the basis of the data from questionnaire studies carried out among the inhabitants of Lublin in the years 2002, 2003 and 2006. Results of the studies point out that the consumers’ demographic and socio-economic features significantly differentiated preferences concerning the choice of the place of apple and citrus fruit purchase and had no effect on the place pf seasonal fruits purchase. Term of studies was significantly influenced by preferences concerning place of apples and seasonal fruits purchase. Place of citrus fruit purchase did not significantly change in the analysed period

    Wpływ akcesji do Unii Europejskiej na jakość owoców i warzyw na rynku krajowym

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    The purpose of the paper was to point out causations and changes concerning fruit and vegetable quality in the domestic market. For this end attention was paid to legal aspects of assuring fruit and vegetable quality in the European Union market. Results of commercial and health quality of fruit and vegetable were analyzed. The research has shown that domestic fruit and vegetable are safe for consumer’s health. Contents of toxic elements in fruit and vegetable, except for singular cases, are consistent with standing legal regulations. Commercial quality of domestic fruit destined for fresh consumption, due to detected irregularities concerning the consistency with the binding norms, requires permanent supervisions from the part of the authorized controlling organs. / Synopsis. Zamierzeniem pracy było wskazanie uwarunkowań i zmian w zakresie jakości owoców i warzyw na rynku krajowym. W tym celu zwrócono uwagę na aspekty prawne zapewnienia jakości owoców i warzyw na rynku wspólnotowym oraz przeanalizowano wyniki urzędowego nadzoru jakości handlowej i zdrowotnej owoców i warzyw. Przeprowadzone analizy wskazują, że krajowe owoce i warzywa są bezpieczne dla zdrowia konsumentów. Zawartość pierwiastków toksycznych w owocach i warzywach jest, poza nielicznymi wyjątkami, zgodna z obowiązującymi regulacjami prawnymi. Jakość handlowa owoców krajowych przeznaczonych do spożycia w stanie świeżym, w związku z wykrywanymi nieprawidłowościami w zakresie zgodności z obowiązującymi normami, wymaga stałego nadzoru ze strony upoważnionych organów

    Changeability of consumer preferences concerning the methods of fruit production

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    The purpose of the paper was to establish and compare consumer preferences concerning the methods of fruit production (traditional or organic ones) in the years 2001, 2003 and 2006 and the relations between the preferences and the socio-economic and demographic features of the consumers. The analysis was conducted on the basis of the data from surveys carried out among the inhabitants of Lublin. Results of those surveys point out that certain features of the consumers such as the sex, incomes and the family type significantly differentiated preferences concerning the method of fruit production. Increased incomes were connected with greater acceptance of the organic method, and their decrease was related to greater frequency of indicating the conventional method. Interest in the method of production, while buying the fruit was significantly higher among men than among women. Declaring the willingness to pay more for organic fruit was also correlated with the consumers’ sex. Besides, in 2006 it was not too strongly related to the incomes of the respondents. In the years 2001 and 2006 changeability of preferences con-cerning the willingness to pay a higher price for organic fruit and no change in the interest in the technology of fruit production while purchasing the fruit were shown


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    Poland is significant producer of fruits in Europe. After accession to the EU, fruit producers are obligated to comply with operative rules and standards on this market which are related to ensuring commercial and healthcare products of appropriate quality. The quality of fruits available on the market is varied. This results from the fact that in the past, in domestic horticulture, more attention was paid to enlargement of the acreage, the modernization of orchards, increasing the intensity of production and productivity than on issues related to certification and quality management systems. Therefore, the aim of the work was to show the producer's opinion on methods and systems which assure quality of fruits. It was stated that producers have a good knowledge of the methods and systems of fruit quality assurance. Knowledge of these issues is significantly associated with the scale of the fruit production. The knowledge of the principles of integrated fruit production and trading standards GLOBALG.A.P. was declared most often. These methods of quality assurance were also top rated by producers and implemented mostly in farms

    Uwarunkowania i perspektywy rozwoju biogospodarki w Unii Europejskiej

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    At present the world is facing many global social challenges like food security, climate change and depletion of natural resources. Bioeconomy as a strategic form of action based on knowledge can meet these challenges. The aim of the study was to determine the conditions and prospects of the development of the bioeconomy in the European Union. The subject of the study is the bio-economy, its base, objectives, strategy, importance and the possibilities and limitations of its development in the EU. Sources of information were legal acts and documents of the European Commission, the OECD and literature. The work used the method of review and critical analysis of source materials. It was found that the development of the bioeconomy will foster effective cooperation of various groups and stakeholders for the implementation of the results of research and development of pro-innovation policies. / Synopsis. Obecnie świat stoi w obliczu wielu wyzwań społecznych o charakterze globalnym jak zapewnienie bezpieczeństwa żywnościowego, zmiany klimatu, wyczerpywanie zasobów naturalnych. Biogospodarka jako strategiczna forma działania oparta na wiedzy może sprostać tym wyzwaniom. Celem pracy było określenie uwarunkowań i perspektyw rozwoju biogospodarki w Unii Europejskiej. Przedmiotem opracowania jest biogospodarka, jej podstawy, cele, strategia, znaczenie oraz możliwości i ograniczenia rozwoju w UE. Źródło informacji stanowiły akty prawne i dokumenty Komisji Europejskiej, OECD oraz literatura przedmiotu. W pracy wykorzystano metodę przeglądu i krytycznej analizy materiałów źródłowych. Stwierdzono, że rozwojowi biogospodarki będzie sprzyjać efektywna współpraca różnych środowisk i podmiotów na rzecz wdrażania wyników badań i rozwoju proinnowacyjnej polityki


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    Celem pracy jest ocena poziomu i zmienności cen owoców borówki wysokiej uzyskiwanych w gospodarstwie (hurtowa sprzedaż na rynek krajowy i eksport) i na rynku hurtowym w latach 2007-2016 w kontekście wyboru kanału dystrybucji. Przeanalizowano poziom, kierunek i nasilenie zmian cen. Z przeprowadzonych badań wynika, że ceny borówki wysokiej na poziomie producenta charakteryzowały się większymi wahaniami z roku na rok niż na rynku hurtowym. Ceny uzyskiwane przez badanego producenta w sprzedaży krajowej miały znacznie niższy poziom niż w eksporcie oraz na rynku hurtowym, średnio w badanym okresie stanowiły jedynie 69% ceny eksportowej i 52% ceny na rynku hurtowym. Niezależnie od miejsca powstania, najwyższą cenę za owoce uzyskiwano we wrześniu, a najniższą w sierpniu, czyli miesiącu największej podaży tych owoców na rynku