102 research outputs found

    The relative growth of walking legs of adult Chinese mitten crabs, Eriocheir sinensis in the Odra estuary (Poland). The major axis statistical modeling

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    Abstract We have quantified the relative growth of the merus and the propodus & carpus of walking legs of an adult of Eriocheir sinensis against the carapace width by fitting the major axis lines. Different lines have been fitted to data relative to male and female individuals. Slope and elevation tests have been performed to investigate sexual dimorphism. Isometry tests have been used to classify the relative growth of each part of the legs against the carapace width as isometric or allometric. All the slope tests have not rejected the null hypothesis of a common slope for the major axes fitted to male data and to female data. However, all the elevation tests have rejected the null hypothesis of a common elevation; so sexual dimorphism was detected for all measured leg parts. The isometry tests have rejected the null hypothesis of isometry only for the merus of the first (left and right) legs of male individuals. All the other isometry tests have not rejected the null hypothesis of isometry. So the relative growth of all the measured leg parts, but the merus of the first (left and right) legs of males, against the carapace width was isometric both for males and for females

    Major axis approach to the statistical analysis of the relative growth of Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis) in the Odra estuary (Poland)

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    Abstract A total of 379 individuals of Eriocheir sinensis (198 males and 181 females) were captured in the Odra estuary (Poland). The crabs were thawed and their carapace length (CL), the maximum carapace width (CW) and the maximum height (CH) were measured. Measurements were also taken on each claw, the claw length (CHL1, the right claw; CHL2, the left claw), the width (CHW1 and CHW2 for the right and the left claw, respectively), and the height (CHH1 and CHH2 for the right and the left claw). For each crab, the wet weight was measured for each of the following body components: the whole crab (CrWe), the carapace (CaWe), the right claw (WRC) and the left claw (WLC). For females, the relationship between CL and CW, CH and CW were isometric, and for all linear measures, the relationship with CW was positively allometric. For males only this first relationship was isometric, but others were positively allometric. The differences between relative growth parameters for males and females were statistically significant

    Flexible prey handling, preference and a novel capture technique in invasive, sub-adult Chinese mitten crabs

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    Technical Report: GeoMe - Post-it notes on the street

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    With the mobile market growing, internet access in urban areas improving in Ireland and Worldwide, much more attractive mobile internet plans and the number of mobile apps downloaded each year increasing by 30%~ per year since 2012 (63,958 mil) to 2015 (179,628 mil) proves that people love their apps and use them daily. Combined with a recent study that showed that the average time spent on mobile phones by users worldwide is 90 minutes a day or a staggering 23 days a year, gave me an idea to use this statistics to provide an application for these users that would allow them to interact anonymously with each other based on their daily travel, mobile usage and places they visit by utilizing their mobile phones geo-location that would allow for them to leave messages for others to pick up with their devices as they pass the geo-location the message was left at. These messages can range from geocaching for prizes and competitions, events happening later in the area that day, giving small reviews of local shops, cafes and restaurants. Share discount codes and promotions, advertise any personal belongings or rooms to rent, that any passer by would already be in the neighbourhood and could see the house in person and decide if it’s suitable for them. Or maybe inscriptions and poems for others to read and share. And with messages having a short-to-medium life span, would make each day a new experience as only the latest notes left by other users would be picked up the mobile device. Creating a sense of excitement and surprise whenever the user receives a notification of a new Geo-location based message they received. With the popularity of other geo based application such as Swarm, Yik-Yak and Google places, I believe mobile app users would be very interested in this concept. And thus this gave birth to GeoMe, a native android application for anonymous social sharing of text, bound to geofences spread around cities and countries


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    Artykuł jest próbą potwierdzenia tezy mówiącej o konotacjach awangardowego programu ideowego artystów z lat 20. i 30. głoszonego w Polsce, między innymi przez członków grupy Praesens i poprzedzającej ją grupy Blok z filozofią międzynarodowej firmy IKEA. Istotny jest jednak kontekst projektowania mebli, produktów i architektury wnętrz pierwotnie określony między innymi przez Le Corbusiera. Pierwszy rozdział artykułu stanowi ogólne studium sytuacji społeczno- gospodarczej w modernizującej się, odrodzonej Polsce i wkładzie awangardowego środowiska artystów w życie państwa, na przykładzie Gdyni. W rozdziale drugim omawiana jest sytuacja sztuk projektowych w Polsce w latach 20. i 30. I dwóch odmiennych nurtów, poszukujących nowych form w meblarstwie i architekturze wnętrz. Szczegółowo nakreślony program ideowy awangardowej grupy Praesens, poparty jest cytowanymi wypowiedziami czołowych przedstawicieli grupy z pierwszego kwartalnika modernistów, opublikowanego w roku 1926. Rozdział trzeci to historia firmy IKEA, przedstawiona chronologicznie od momentu powstania w 1947 roku oraz charakterystyka filozofii marki. Czwarty rozdział stanowi analiza porównawcza programu ideowego awangardowych projektantów z filozofią i zasadami działania firmy IKEA. Zakończenie podsumowuje zebrany materiał i potwierdza wstępnie założoną tezę.This article is an attempt to confirm the thesis about the connotations of ideological program of avant-garde artists from the 20s and 30s proclaimed in Poland, among others, by members of Praesens group and the preceding Blok group of IKEA's philosophy. Important is context of furniture, interior architecture and product design originally specified by Le Corbusier. The first chapter of article is a general study of the socio-economic situation in modernizing, reborn Poland and the contribution of avant-garde artists in the life of the state, for example, Gdynia. The second chapter deals with the situation in Poland's arts design in the 20s and 30s and two different trends, looking for new forms in furniture and interior design. Outlined in detail the ideological program of avant-garde group Praesens, is supported by quoted statements leading representatives of the group of the first quarterly modernists, published in 1926. The third chapter is the story of IKEA, presented chronologically since its inception in 1947, and the characteristics of the brand's philosophy. The fourth chapter constitutes comparative analysis of the ideological program of the avant-garde designers with the philosophy and principles of the company IKEA. The end summarizes taken material and confirms the preestablished theory

    Fecundity assessment of vendace, Coregonus albula L. from six lakes in Polish Western Pomerania

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    Vendace acquired for the fecundity analysis originated from six west Pomeranian lakes: Pile (97 specimens), Komorze (41), Drawsko (62), Pełcz (89), Moryńskie (91), and Leśne (70). The fish were caught during commercial catches using anchored gillnets, 24-mm mesh size. Substantial differences were stated in individual biological parameters between fish representing different lakes, even if the dominant age group everywhere were 2+ vendace. The fish of Drawsko Lake showed the highest individual weight and the total length. The highest fecundity was stated in fish from lakes Komorze and Drawsko (7.21-16.85ּ103 and 6.9-22.23ּ103, respectively), whereas in Pełcz Lake this parameter reached the value as low as 1.61-4.12ּ103. All vendace exhibited a high, statistically significant correlation between the absolute fecundity and their total length

    SWOT and TOWS analysis of selected aspects of distributed energy development in Poland

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    Niniejszy artykuł ilustruje zastosowanie metod SWOT i TOWS do analizy wybranych aspektów funkcjonowania rynku energetyki rozproszonej na potrzeby opracowania Strategii rozwoju energetyki rozproszonej w Polsce. Strategia ma wspierać realizację celów przyjętego przez Radę Ministrów w dniu 02.02.2021 r. dokumentu strategicznego Polityka energetyczna Polski 2040, wdrażającego politykę klimatyczno-energetyczną Unii Europejskiej na terenie Polski. Jednym z głównych założeń tej polityki jest osiągnięcie neutralności klimatycznej w UE do 2050 r. Służy temu wprowadzenie mechanizmów regulacyjnych stymulujących osiąganie kolejnych efektów w najbliższych dziesięcioleciach. Realizacja celów klimatyczno-energetycznych UE na 2030 r. jest kluczowa dla transformacji gospodarki energetycznej w niskoemisyjną.This paper illustrates the application of the SWOT and TOWS methods to analyse selected aspects of distributed energy market functioning for the purpose of developing a Strategy for Development of Distributed Energy in Poland. The strategy is to support the implementation of the objectives of the strategic document Energy Policy of Poland 2040 adopted by the Council of Ministers on 02.02.2021, which implements the European Union climate and energy policy in Poland. One of the main assumptions of this policy is to achieve climate neutrality in the EU by 2050. Achievement of the EU climate and energy targets for 2030 is crucial for the energy transition to a low-carbon economy

    Body weight, condition, and carapace width and length in the Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis H. Milne-Edwards, 1853) collected from the Szczecin Lagoon (NW Poland) in spring and autumn 2001

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    A newcomer to the Baltic Sea, the Chinese mitten crab is especially abundant in the Szczecin Lagoon (NW Poland), where it was first reported in 1927. Body weight, and carapace width and length, were studied in 647 individuals collected with fyke nets in the Szczecin Lagoon from 30 March – 18 April2001 and from 5–21 November 2001. 51.01% of the 543 autumn specimens were males, but only 30.97% of the 113 spring specimens were males. Body weight varied from 45.1 to 306.5 g, carapace length from 41.07 to 81.02 mm and carapace width from 46.68 to 88.85 mm. The autumn crabs were significantly heavier than the spring specimens

    Phenomenon of superstition in context of contemporary Japanese culture.

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    Przesądy są zjawiskiem niezwykle ciekawym, jako że kontrolują aspekty życia, na które nie da się wpłynąć za pomocą racjonalnego myślenia, ani działania. Ponadto istnieją w każdej kulturze na obszarze całej kuli ziemskiej. Praca ta zajmować się będzie tym zjawiskiem i jego obecnością w kulturze współczesnej Japonii, oraz funkcjami i wpływem, jakie ma ono na życie przeciętnego Japończyka.Superstitions are a very interesting phenomenon, as they are controlling aspects of life, which can not be affected by rational thought or action. Furthermore, they are present in every culture across the globe. This paper will deal with this phenomenon and its presence in the culture of modern Japan, with the functions and impact that it has on the life of the average Japanese