27 research outputs found

    Does communal context bring the worst in narcissists?

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    The present experiment (N = 95) investigated the relations of narcissism with social value orientation under façade conditions of testing communal or agentic traits (or none - in a control condition). The results indicated that narcissism predicted less willingness to share resources with others and more competitive orientation in a façade communal condition compared to the remaining two conditions: control and agentic. The results confirm narcissistic disregard for communal domain and are consistent with the extended agency model of narcissism and the “success as a drawback” effect

    Bearing Capacity Standards for Forest Roads Constructed Using Various Technologies from Mechanically and Chemically Stabilised Aggregate

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    Forest roads are essential for adequate forest management and environmental protection. They enable tourism and recreation activity, while at the same time playing a very important role in fire protection. When open to the local traffic, they significantly supplement the public traffic networks. Costs of constructing permanent roads in forested areas are considerable, because they need to have adequate bearing capacity. Forest roads are predominantly constructed using natural or anthropogenic aggregate stabilised mechanically and chemically. A tangible parameter verifying the proper construction of road structure is provided by its bearing capacity, i.e. the capacity of the pavement to carry loads generated by traffic without excessive strains hindering normal use of the pavement or reducing its durability. Some forest road networks are also constructed as temporary roads composed of cheaper aggregates. It seems reasonable to assume different bearing capacity standards for such roads than for permanent roads. The aim of the studies presented in this paper was to develop bearing capacity standards for forest roads constructed using various technologies. The adopted research hypothesis assumes that each of the analysed technologies is characterised by a different bearing capacity required during road construction inspections. An example of such a structure may be provided by the so-called geotextile mattress and crushed stone constructed on wetland soils. When developing the standards, the analyses included the predicted traffic intensity, assumed operation time before rehabilitation is required, soil conditions and the type of construction material. Bearing capacity of the testing road sections was assessed based on values of strain moduli calculated from the static plate load tests (VSS). As a result, bearing capacity standards were obtained for structures constructed using aggregates and chemical stabilisers as well as geotextiles potentially facilitating reduction of the layer thickness without deterioration of road durability

    Biological and chemical indication of roadside ecotone zones

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    A public motor road net crossing forest complexes influences the natural environment to a very high degree. Soils in roadside forest ecotone zones constitute a certain filter buffering chemical contamination generated by motor traffic. The aim of the paper is to present the methods of identification of transport contaminants influencing the roadside stand condition. The results of monitoring roadside ecotone zones indicate the necessity of applying such technical appliances as oil‐derivative separators, filtering screens or geomembranes close to motor roads to limit the migration of chemical compounds and preserve the homeostasis of precious natural forest complexes. Biologinė ir cheminė indikacija pakelės aplinkos zonose Santrauka Transporto kelių tinklas, kertantis miškus, daro didelę neigiamą įtaką natūraliai gamtinei aplinkai. Miškų zonos pakelių dirvožemis veikia kaip filtras, stabdantis transporto sukeltą cheminę taršą. Darbo tikslas – pristatyti metodus, leidžiančius identifikuoti transporto taršos įtaką pakelių miškų būklei. Pakelių zonų būklės stebėjimo rezultatai parodė, kad netoli kelių būtina įrengti technologines priemones, pavyzdžiui, naftos produktų gaudykles, filtrus ar geomembranas. Tai leistų sumažinti cheminių junginių migraciją ir išsaugoti vertingus natūralių miškų kompleksus. Reikšminiai žodžiai: automobilių transportas, miškas, pakelės aplinkos zonos, pėdsekinis užteršimas, monitoringas. Биологическая и химическая индикация в придорожной зоне Резюме Сеть транспортных дорог, пролегающих через лес, оказывает отрицательное воздействие на естественную природную среду. Почва придорожной территории лесной зоны действует как фильтр, пропускающий через себя химические загрязнители, выделяемые автотранспортом. Целью работы было представить методики, позволяющие идентифицировать влияние загрязнителей, выделяемых транспортом, на состояние придорожных лесов. Наблюдения за состоянием придорожной зоны показали, что вблизи дорог следует оборудовать технологические устройства, например, по сбору нефтепродуктов, фильтры или геомембраны. Это позволит уменьшить миграцию химических соединений и сохранить ценные комплексы естественных лесов. First Published Online: 14 Oct 2010 Ключевые слова: автомобильный транспорт, лес, придорожная зона, загрязнение, мониторинг

    Ekonomiczne aspekty wykorzystania energii pochodzącej z pomp ciepła oraz paneli solarnych

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    Z wprowadzenia: "Rozwój gospodarczy i technologiczny pociąga za sobą zwiększone zapotrzebowanie na energię: Konsekwencje tego stanu rzeczy mogą się okazać tragiczne dla przyszłych pokoleń poprzez wyczerpanie tradycyjnych paliw i wzrost efektu cieplarnianego [1,2]."(...

    Rapid oncological diagnosis of lung cancer patients — specific facility experience

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    Introduction: In order to improve diagnosis procedure by public health service, an organizational solution called Rapid Oncological Therapy has been introduced. The introduction of this program caused criticism of the medical community, and state control authorities showed irregularities in its functioning in medical clinics. Its aim was to assess this process among lung cancer patients hospitalized in the Clinic for 9 months. Material and methods: After the analysis of imaging tests, the patients were qualified for invasive tests (bronchoscopy, EBUS). Patients with histopathological diagnosis of NSCLC were subjected to molecular diagnostics. After completing the diagnosis and establishing the final diagnosis, the patient's forfeiture was presented at the clinical meeting. Results: The analysis involved 209 patients who had a DILO card issued. 156 patients were diagnosed with lung cancer and qualified for the consulate. Among the histopathological types, NSCLC dominated — 80%. SCLC was 17% of the types. By the decision made on medical case conference, 135 patients have been qualified for casual treatment, among others 12% surgical treatment; 47% chemotherapy, 18% radiotherapy; 8% chemo-radiotherapy. An average waiting time for diagnosis process to begin, after DILO card has been issued was 16.33 (± 18.78) days, an average hospitalization and diagnosis time was 9.16 (± 6.61) days. Around 31.3 (± 14.93) days on average have passed from the start of diagnostical hospitalization until beginning of the causal treatment. Conclusions: In a multi-specialist center, it is possible to develop a care model for lung cancer patients, consistent with Rapid Oncological Diagnosis

    Blaski i cienie życia – Perspektywa psychologiczna

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    Z wprowadzenia: "Książka zatytułowana Blaski i cienie życia – perspektywa psychologiczna wpisuje się w badania dotyczące uwarunkowań zachowania człowieka w wymiarze biologicznym, psychicznym i społecznym. Poszczególne rozdziały tej publikacji powiązane są z różnorodną problematyką, ale mają pewną wspólną właściwość – wszystkie dotyczą psychologicznych problemów życia współczesnego człowieka, jakże złożonych i interesujących z perspektywy badań i praktyki zawodowej."(...

    Engineering Methods of Forest Environment Protection against Meteorological Drought in Poland

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    The forest cover in Poland reaches almost 30% of the country’s area. Polish forests are characterized by high biodiversity. Unfortunately, in recent years, the forests of Central Europe have been affected by climate change problems, in particular meteorological drought. In Poland, even those stands which consist of species that were widely recognized as drought tolerant and easily adaptable to environmental changes are beginning to die. The article presents engineering methods applicable to forest environment protection, largely developed at the University of Life Sciences in Poznań and implemented by the State Forests—National Forest Holding in Poland, to minimize the effects of drought. Among the issues raised are ways to protect forests against fires, modern technologies for fire road surface construction and small-scale water retention in forests. A comprehensive solution to problems related to progressive drought is a must. Scientists and foresters are observing the dying of large areas of stands and, at the same time, intensification of wildlife migration due to the search for new habitats as a consequence of the drought. Therefore, the issue of building animal crossings during the current dynamic expansion of the road network in Poland has also been presented in the paper. Another subject pointed to in the text is forest tourism. Forests provide opportunities for recreation and rest to society. However, the increasing tourist pressure in some regions may cause adverse environmental effects. Finally, the paper shows some examples of supporting forest environment protection using remote sensing techniques. Generally, the aim of the paper is to present experiences and comprehensive solutions implemented in Poland


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    The article presents institutions performing functions of a central contracting body in the Polish system of Public Procurement Law. It contains a comparison of particular issues and makes reference to the respective European Union provisions laid down in Directive 2014/24/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 February 2014 on public procurement. The author presents fundamental aims and results of awarding procurement contracts with the use of a central contracting body and indicates differences depending on whether a given institution has been appointed in central public administration, local self-government or is additionally a cross-border one. The main aim of appointing a central contracting body is to aggregate procurement, which is to ensure economic benefits for contracting parties. On the other hand, the main threat in this context consists in possible difficulties, which micro, small and medium-sized enterprises may have in obtaining access to the procurement market.Niniejszy artykuł przedstawia instytucje wykonujące funkcje centralnego zamawiającego w polskim systemie Prawa zamówień publicznych. Zawarto w nim porównanie poszczególnych zagadnień wraz z odniesieniami do regulacji unijnych, zawartych w Dyrektywie Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady 2014/24/UE z dnia 26 lutego 2014 r. w sprawie zamówień publicznych. Autor prezentuje podstawowe cele i skutki udzielania zamówień publicznych z wykorzystaniem centralnego zamawiającego, wskazując różnice w zależności od tego, czy dana instytucja została powołana w administracji rządowej, samorządzie terytorialnym czy też ma dodatkowo wymiar transgraniczny. Jako podstawowy cel powołania centralnego zamawiającego uznano zagregowanie zamówienia, które ma zapewnić osiągnięcie korzyści ekonomicznych po stronie zamawiających. Za główne zagrożenie z kolei uznano w tym kontekście wystąpienie możliwości utrudnienia dostępu do zamówienia dla sektora mikro, małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw

    The Impact of Road Investments on the Forest Environment—Case Study: The Impact of Asphalt Roads on the Health Condition and Growth of Trees

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    The study was conducted within the framework of the R&D project entitled “Environmental aspects of reconstruction and construction of forest roads using selected asphalt binders”. The aim of this study was to determine the impact of an asphalt road segment located in the Przymuszewo Forest District, the Regional Directorate of the State Forests in Toruń, Poland (53°57′24.14″ N, 17°34′38.30″ E), on growth increments and health condition of trees in a 60-year-old pine stand. The first stage of the investigation required laboratory analyses and field observations to assess the impact of mineral filler and asphalt mixtures on roadside habitats. Chemical analyses were performed on samples of wood and soil collected from transects located at three distances from the asphalt road, as well as dendrological and dendrometric analyses in circular sample plots of 0.02 ha in analogous transects parallel to the selected asphalt pavement. Analyses of soils and wood showed no negative environmental impact associated with the road. Contents of all the assayed elements in wood were lower compared to their contents in soil, which indicates their markedly reduced phytoextraction. Statistical analyses showed that the asphalt road has an effect on the adjacent forest mass, but that this effect is statistically insignificant with respect to the mean annual increments diameter at breast height and the defoliation of trees growing at various distances from the road