55 research outputs found

    Who crosses the norms? Predictors of the readiness for non-normative political participation among adolescents

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    This study investigated whether adolescents' readiness for non-normative political participation (i.e., readiness to confront social rules for political reasons) was predicted by their interpersonal problems (with parents, teachers, and classmates), low optimism, and political beliefs (political self-efficacy and distrust in public institutions). A structural equation model using two-wave longitudinal data from Czech high school students (N = 768; 54% females; age range at T1 = 14–17, M = 15.97; T2 data collected 1.5 years later) showed that the changes in adolescents' readiness for non-normative participation were predicted by their lower institutional trust. Interpersonal relationships or optimism had no cross-sectional or longitudinal effect on the readiness for non-normative participation. These results suggest that the main source of adolescents' readiness for non-normative political actions lies in their political beliefs, while the effect of adolescents' interpersonal problems is less clear

    Excess cardiovascular mortality associated with cold spells in the Czech Republic

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The association between cardiovascular mortality and winter cold spells was evaluated in the population of the Czech Republic over 21-yr period 1986–2006. No comprehensive study on cold-related mortality in central Europe has been carried out despite the fact that cold air invasions are more frequent and severe in this region than in western and southern Europe.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Cold spells were defined as periods of days on which air temperature does not exceed -3.5°C. Days on which mortality was affected by epidemics of influenza/acute respiratory infections were identified and omitted from the analysis. Excess cardiovascular mortality was determined after the long-term changes and the seasonal cycle in mortality had been removed. Excess mortality during and after cold spells was examined in individual age groups and genders.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Cold spells were associated with positive mean excess cardiovascular mortality in all age groups (25–59, 60–69, 70–79 and 80+ years) and in both men and women. The relative mortality effects were most pronounced and most direct in middle-aged men (25–59 years), which contrasts with majority of studies on cold-related mortality in other regions. The estimated excess mortality during the severe cold spells in January 1987 (+274 cardiovascular deaths) is comparable to that attributed to the most severe heat wave in this region in 1994.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results show that cold stress has a considerable impact on mortality in central Europe, representing a public health threat of an importance similar to heat waves. The elevated mortality risks in men aged 25–59 years may be related to occupational exposure of large numbers of men working outdoors in winter. Early warnings and preventive measures based on weather forecast and targeted on the susceptible parts of the population may help mitigate the effects of cold spells and save lives.</p

    Secular trends: a ten-year comparison of the amount and type of physical activity and inactivity of random samples of adolescents in the Czech Republic

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    BACKGROUND: An optimal level of physical activity (PA) in adolescence influences the level of PA in adulthood. Although PA declines with age have been demonstrated repeatedly, few studies have been carried out on secular trends. The present study assessed levels, types and secular trends of PA and sedentary behaviour of a sample of adolescents in the Czech Republic. METHODS: The study comprised two cross-sectional cohorts of adolescents ten years apart. The analysis compared data collected through a week-long monitoring of adolescents' PA in 1998-2000 and 2008-2010. Adolescents wore either Yamax SW-701 or Omron HJ-105 pedometer continuously for 7 days (at least 10 hours per day) excluding sleeping, hygiene and bathing. They also recorded their number of steps per day, the type and duration of PA and sedentary behaviour (in minutes) on record sheets. In total, 902 adolescents (410 boys; 492 girls) aged 14-18 were eligible for analysis. RESULTS: Overweight and obesity in Czech adolescents participating in this study increased from 5.5% (older cohort, 1998-2000) to 10.4% (younger cohort, 2008-2010). There were no inter-cohort significant changes in the total amount of sedentary behaviour in boys. However in girls, on weekdays, there was a significant increase in the total duration of sedentary behaviour of the younger cohort (2008-2010) compared with the older one (1998-2000). Studying and screen time (television and computer) were among the main sedentary behaviours in Czech adolescents. The types of sedentary behaviour also changed: watching TV (1998-2000) was replaced by time spent on computers (2008-2010).The Czech health-related criterion (achieving 11,000 steps per day) decreased only in boys from 68% (1998-2000) to 55% (2008-2010). Across both genders, 55%-75% of Czech adolescents met the health-related criterion of recommended steps per day, however less participants in the younger cohort (2008-2010) met this criterion than in the older cohort (1998-2000) ten years ago. Adolescents' PA levels for the monitored periods of 1998-2000 and 2008-2010 suggest a secular decrease in the weekly number of steps achieved by adolescent boys and girls. CONCLUSION: In the younger cohort (2008-2010), every tenth adolescent was either overweight or obese; roughly twice the rate when compared to the older cohort (1998-2000). Sedentary behaviour seems relatively stable across the two cohorts as the increased time that the younger cohort (2008-2010) spent on computers is compensated with an equally decreased time spent watching TV or studying. Across both cohorts about half to three quarters of the adolescents met the health-related criterion for achieved number of steps. The findings show a secular decrease in PA amongst adolescents. The significant interaction effects (cohort × age; and cohort × gender) that this study found suggested that secular trends in PA differ by age and gender

    Regional Analysis of Public Capital Expenditure: To Which Regions Is Public Capital Expenditure Channelled - to 'Rich' or to 'Poor' Ones?

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    Blazek J. and Maceskova M. Regional analysis of public capital expenditure: to which regions is public capital expenditure channelled - to 'rich' or to 'poor' ones?, Regional Studies. The paper aims to contribute to the debate on the regional dimension of sectoral (that is, non-regional) policies and to demonstrate empirically the huge discrepancy between both the volume and the regional pattern of sectoral public capital expenditure policies, on the one hand, and official regional policy, on the other. Analyses were based on a unique database of public investment in the Czech Republic covering the years 1995-2005. Their results show significant conflicts in policy objectives and thus represent a clear argument in favour of pursuing territorial impact assessment (TIA) of sectoral policies. [image omitted] Blazek J. et Maceskova M. Une analyse des depenses en capital publiques: vers quelles regions les depenses en capital publiques sont-elles canalisees - vers les regions riches ou les regions pauvres?, Regional Studies. Cet article cherche a contribuer au debat sur la dimension regionale des politiques sectorielles (c'est-a-dire, qui ne sont pas a but regional) et a demontrer de facon empirique l'ecart sensible entre le volume et la distribution regionale des politiques sectorielles pour ce qui concerne les depenses en capital publiques d'un cote, et la politique regionale officielle de l'autre cote. Les analyses sont fondees sur une base de donnees unique sur l'investissement public en Republique tcheque de 1995 a 2005. Il s'avere d'importants conflits entre les objectifs de politique, et les resultats representent donc un argument clair en faveur de la poursuite d'une etude de l'impact territorial des politiques sectorielles. Impact regional des politiques qui ne sont pas a but regional Politiques sectorielles Etude de l'impact territorial Politique regionale Depenses publiques en capital Republique tcheque Blazek J. und Maceskova M. Regionalanalyse offentlicher Investitionen: In welche Regionen werden offentliche Investitionen gelenkt - in 'reiche' oder 'arme'?, Regional Studies. Mit diesem Artikel mochten wir zur Debatte uber die regionale Dimension sektoraler (d. h. nicht-regionaler) Politiken beitragen und empirisch nachweisen, dass zwischen dem Volumen und regionalen Muster sektoraler offentlicher Investitionspolitiken einerseits und der offiziellen Regionalpolitik andererseits eine gewaltige Diskrepanz besteht. Die Analysen stutzten sich auf eine einzelne Datenbank offentlicher Investitionen in der Tschechischen Republik in den Jahren von 1995 bis 2005. Die Ergebnisse lassen auf signifikante Konflikte hinsichtlich der politischen Ziele schliessen und stellen somit ein klares Argument fur eine Untersuchung der territorialen Auswirkungen sektoraler Politiken dar. Regionale Auswirkungen nicht-regionaler Politiken Sektorale Politiken Untersuchung territorialer Auswirkungen Regionalpolitik Offentliche Investitionen Tschechische Republik Blazek J. y Maceskova M. Analisis regional de inversion de capital publico: �A que regiones se canaliza la inversion de capital publico: a las 'ricas' o a las 'pobres'?, Regional Studies. El objetivo de este articulo es contribuir al debate sobre la dimension regional de politicas sectoriales (es decir, no regionales) y demostrar empiricamente las enormes discrepancias entre el volumen y el modelo regional de las politicas de inversion de capital publico sectorial, por una parte, y la politica regional oficial, por otra. Los analisis se han fundamentado en una unica base de datos de la inversion publica de la Republica Checa que abarca los anos 1995-2005. Sus resultados muestran conflictos significativos en objetivos politicos y, por tanto, representan un claro argumento a favor de obrar con arreglo a una evaluacion del impacto territorial de las politicas sectoriales. Impacto regional de politicas no regionales Politicas sectoriales Evaluacion del impacto territorial Politica regional Inversiones publicas Republica ChecaRegional impact of non-regional policies, Sectoral policies, Territorial impact assessment, Regional policy, Public investments, Czech Republic,