36 research outputs found

    Infrared Sensor to Predict Atmospheric Visibility and Rainfall Rate

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    The presented paper describes an instrument called Aurometer which was designed for both atmospheric visibility and rainfall rate measurement. The principle of operation of Aurometer is based on determining the amount of light scattered by particles in the air that passes through the sample volume. The achieved results show that simultaneous estimation of the atmospheric visibility and rainfall rate is possible

    Pomoc materialna dla studentów a decyzje kandydatów na studia na Uniwersytecie Ekonomicznym w Poznaniu i Uniwersytecie Warszawskim

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    Artykuł stanowi próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie, na ile pomoc materialna oferowana przez uczelnie jest istotnym czynnikiem przy wyborze uczelni oraz kierunku studiów. Analiza danych dotyczących zakresu oraz skali wsparcia finansowego dla studentów w Polsce poprzedzona została przeglądem badań na temat uwarunkowań decyzji edukacyjnych. Sugerują one, że status społeczno‑ekonomiczny oraz wyobrażenia o przyszłych perspektywach zawodowych odgrywają szczególnie silną rolę w decyzjach kandydatów na studia. Potwierdzają to wyniki badania ankietowego przeprowadzonego wśród kandydatów na studia na Uniwersytecie Ekonomicznym w Poznaniu oraz Uniwersytecie Warszawskim. Wskazują one także na to, że nawet kandydaci o gorszej pozycji społecznej, dokonując wyboru kierunku i uczelni, w niewielkim stopniu biorą pod uwagę pomoc materialną oferowaną przez uczelnię

    Artificial Activation of Escherichia coli mazEF and hipBA Toxin–Antitoxin Systems by Antisense Peptide Nucleic Acids as an Antibacterial Strategy

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    The search for new, non-standard targets is currently a high priority in the design of new antibacterial compounds. Bacterial toxin–antitoxin systems (TAs) are genetic modules that encode a toxin protein that causes growth arrest by interfering with essential cellular processes, and a cognate antitoxin, which neutralizes the toxin activity. TAs have no human analogs, are highly abundant in bacterial genomes, and therefore represent attractive alternative targets for antimicrobial drugs. This study demonstrates how artificial activation of Escherichia coli mazEF and hipBA toxin–antitoxin systems using sequence-specific antisense peptide nucleic acid oligomers is an innovative antibacterial strategy. The growth arrest observed in E. coli resulted from the inhibition of translation of the antitoxins by the antisense oligomers. Furthermore, two other targets, related to the activities of mazEF and hipBA, were identified as promising sites of action for antibacterials. These results show that TAs are susceptible to sequence-specific antisense agents and provide a proof-of-concept for their further exploitation in antimicrobial strategies

    Product knowledge graphs : creating a knowledge system for customer support

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    PURPOSE: This article explores developing and integrating a product knowledge graph within an e-commerce customer support system to improve product discovery and recommendation processes.METHODOLOGY: The methodology involves a structured development process for the knowledge graph, utilizing natural language processing (NLP) to extract relevant entities from product data and machine learning algorithms to establish and categorize relationships between products. The approach integrates data from multiple sources, including vendor catalogs, online reviews, and customer interactions, ensuring a comprehensive data set.FINDINGS: The research resulted in the creation of a dynamic, scalable knowledge graph that significantly enhances the accuracy and personalization of product recommendations. The graph’s ability to link seemingly disparate data points allows for a nuanced understanding of user behavior and preferences, improving customer satisfaction and sales performance.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The presented method has significant implications for retailers looking to enhance their online presence and customer interaction. By implementing this knowledge graph, retailers can expect to streamline their product recommendation processes and gain deeper insights into customer trends, which can inform broader marketing and inventory decisions.VALUE: This study's novelty lies in applying a comprehensive knowledge graph tailored explicitly for e-commerce systems. This graph integrates abstract and concrete entities to offer a richer, more interconnected dataset than traditional relational databases.peer-reviewe

    Selected mesoeconomic indicators of regional development in Poland based on intermunicipal cooperation

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    PURPOSE: The aim of the study was to identify the mesoeconomic determinants of regional development in Poland based on intermunicipal cooperation.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The research used analytical methods, including the local development index, determined for Polish local government units (municipalities) in 2008- 2014, subsequently evaluated in 2015-2019. Moreover, in programming the inter-municipal cooperation model, the method of diagnostic survey, comparative and descriptive analysis was applied.FINDINGS: There is need for a way of regional development modeling based not only on competitiveness indicators (such as the aggregate Local Development Index), but also on a paradigm of partnership and differentiated cooperation conditions in functional areas.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The Local Development Index can provide a starting point for programming alternative developments in the functional areas. At least two local development roadmaps can be used in practice. First, the idea of homogeneous areas development, programming the growth of socio-economic cohesion at territorial meso-level. Second, the idea for areas with natural spatial and settlement diversity, conscious maintenance of diversity.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: In this study, on the case of Polish municipalities, selected quantitative and qualitative factors of local development were assessed. It was confirmed that the influence of "traditional" competitiveness factors is decreasing. However, the development potential of municipalities and functional areas increases when the important role of intermunicipal cooperation factors and the partnership paradigm is recognized. The partnership model has a specific format, unique for each functional area or municipality, therefore it needs to be programmed, applied and evaluated.peer-reviewe

    The rationale for Multilevel Educational and Motivational Intervention in Patients after Myocardial Infarction (MEDMOTION) project is to support multicentre randomized clinical trial Evaluating Safety and Efficacy of Two Ticagrelor-based De-escalation Antiplatelet Strategies in Acute Coronary Syndrome (ELECTRA – SIRIO 2)

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    The Multilevel Educational and Motivational Intervention in Patients after Myocardial Infarction (MEDMOTION) project will be adopted to support adherence to the study treatment in the Evaluation Safety and Efficacy of Two Ticagrelor-based De-escalation Antiplatelet Strategies in Acute Coronary Syndrome (ELECTRA-SIRIO 2) a randomized clinical trial.A prespecified sub-analysis of the ELECTRA-SIRIO 2 trial will be performed to evaluate the impact of the results of MEDMOTION diagnostic questionnaires on the clinical outcomes.The study population will comprise of 4,500 patients consecutively admitted to the study centres due to acute coronary syndrome. The MEDMOTION project involves the following interventions: patients’ education, motivation, reminding to take medications and to attend consecutive medical appointments. Dedicated questionnaires will be applied to diagnose study participants with regard to their readiness for discharge from the hospital at the end of initial hospitalization, the risk of non-adherence to the medication at the end of 3rd and 12th month of follow up, and the functioning in disease at the end of 3rd and 12th month of follow up. The primary safety composite endpoint of this study is type 2, 3 or 5 bleeding according to the BARC criteria, occurring during the first 12 months after ACS. The primary efficacy endpoint is the composite of death from any cause, the first nonfatal MI, or the first nonfatal stroke. The key secondary endpoint, net clinical effect, was defined as the composite of death from any cause, a nonfatal MI or a nonfatal stroke, and the first occurrence of BARC type 2, 3, or 5 bleeding.Concluding, it is expected that the comprehensive approach designed in the MEDMOTION project, including use of diagnostic questionnaires, will significantly contribute to obtaining a high level of adherence to medication and improving clinical outcomes in the ELECTRA-SIRIO 2 trial

    Konferencja Uzgodnieniowa: Problemy żywieniowe w polskiej onkologii

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    Z inicjatywy Polskiego Towarzystwa Onkologicznego i Polskiego Towarzystwa Onkologii Klinicznej powołano Grupę Roboczą, której zadaniem jest dokonanie oceny obecnego stanu poradnictwa i leczenia żywieniowego w polskiej onkologii, wskazanie kierunków działania i stworzenie podstaw organizacyjnych dla wprowadzenia tematyki żywieniowej do szkolenia onkologów i praktyki leczenia przeciwnowotworowego w Polsce. Podczas pierwszego spotkania Grupy Roboczej dokonano oceny obecnego stanu poradnictwa i leczenia żywieniowego w polskich ośrodkach onkologicznych, a następnie określono zagadnienia wymagające podjęcia działań oraz sposoby ich wdrażania. Niniejszy dokument stanowi podsumowanie ustaleń Grupy Roboczej