72 research outputs found

    Fenomenologia boskości Siemiona L. Franka

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    Twórczość S.L. Franka (1877-1950) ewoluowała od tzw. Legalnego marksizmu, przez neokantyzm i idealizm, do filozofii zorientowanej religijnie. Rosjanin współpracował z wieloma kulturalnymi i religijno-filozoficznymi czasopismami. Przekładał na język rosyjski prace F.Nietzschego, F.D.E. Schleiermachera, W. Windelbanda oraz K. Fischera. Redagował tłumaczenie Badań logicznych E. Husserla. Frankowska myśl filozoficzna jest myślą niezwykle bogatą, daleko przekraczającą tradycję rosyjskiej filozofii przełomu wieków

    Definiteness in a Language without Articles - A Study on Polish

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    The aim of this book is to investigate how definiteness is expressed in Polish, a language which is claimed to have no definite and in-definite articles. The central question is how the difference in definiteness is indicated between 'a woman' and 'the woman' in Polish. In English, the definite article 'the' and the indefinite article 'a' express the category of definiteness explicitly. Since definiteness is also relevant in articleless languages, there are other means to indicate that a nominal phrase is definite or indefinite. This study is delimited to four means for expressing definiteness in Polish, which are demonstratives, aspect, case alternation, and information structure. Each strategy is investigated independently from the others, although they interact in a complex way, which is shown at the end of this book resulting in a decision tree. Polish is not investigated in isolation, however, the study is complemented by comparisons with other Slavic languages and also with a Polish dialect called 'Upper Silesian', which differs from Polish. The analysis in this book is based on Löbner’s theory of 'Concept Types and Determination' (CTD). Löbner’s distinction of the four concept types (sortal, relational, functional, individual) is crucial since definiteness phenomena under discussion can be explained. Therefore, the interaction of the four concept types with the four definiteness strategies plays a central role in this book. This series explores issues of mental representation, linguistic structure and representation, and their interplay. The research presented in this series is grounded in the idea explored in the Collaborative Research Center 'The structure of representations in language, cognition and science' (SFB 991) that there is a universal format for the representation of linguistic and cognitive concepts

    Fenomenologia boskości Siemiona L. Franka

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    Twórczość S.L. Franka (1877-1950) ewoluowała od tzw. Legalnego marksizmu, przez neokantyzm i idealizm, do filozofii zorientowanej religijnie. Rosjanin współpracował z wieloma kulturalnymi i religijno-filozoficznymi czasopismami. Przekładał na język rosyjski prace F.Nietzschego, F.D.E. Schleiermachera, W. Windelbanda oraz K. Fischera. Redagował tłumaczenie Badań logicznych E. Husserla. Frankowska myśl filozoficzna jest myślą niezwykle bogatą, daleko przekraczającą tradycję rosyjskiej filozofii przełomu wieków

    O nacjonalizmie w filozofii

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    The article is a translation into Polish Semyon L. Frank’s review of Vladimir F. Ern’s famous work entitled A few words about Logos, the Russian philosophy and scientific spirit. Because of the new philosophical journal „Logos”. The author of this review regards Ern’s article as a eulogy of Russian philosophical thought. Ern rejects the whole “modern Western philosophical awareness.” It is – as he claims – imbued with the principle of ratio, hostile to the idea of Logos, expressed in Russian philosophy and the Orthodox Church. First and foremost, Frank accuses Ern of a vague outline of the concept of ratio. According to the author of the review, the principle of ratio is a fundamental feature of the concept of philosophy as such, and the history of ancient philosophy is the history of the origin of rational science. He stresses that Ern blurs the difference that exists between philosophy and religion and Ern’s hidden thought is the belief that religion better replaces philosophy. According to him, Ern is a conceited and blind nationalist who lacks a proper perspective on the assessment of his native philosophy and, at the same time, he impertinently tramples on the eternal values of European thought. Ultimately Frank supports the development of philosophical culture in Russia not writing off the meaning of the relations of thought with Western heritage.The article is a translation into Polish Semyon L. Frank’s review of Vladimir F. Ern’s famous work entitled A few words about Logos, the Russian philosophy and scientific spirit. Because of the new philosophical journal „Logos”. The author of this review regards Ern’s article as a eulogy of Russian philosophical thought. Ern rejects the whole “modern Western philosophical awareness.” It is – as he claims – imbued with the principle of ratio, hostile to the idea of Logos, expressed in Russian philosophy and the Orthodox Church. First and foremost, Frank accuses Ern of a vague outline of the concept of ratio. According to the author of the review, the principle of ratio is a fundamental feature of the concept of philosophy as such, and the history of ancient philosophy is the history of the origin of rational science. He stresses that Ern blurs the difference that exists between philosophy and religion and Ern’s hidden thought is the belief that religion better replaces philosophy. According to him, Ern is a conceited and blind nationalist who lacks a proper perspective on the assessment of his native philosophy and, at the same time, he impertinently tramples on the eternal values of European thought. Ultimately Frank supports the development of philosophical culture in Russia not writing off the meaning of the relations of thought with Western heritage

    Development of Open Backend Structures for Health Care Professionals to Improve Participation in App Developments: Pilot Usability Study of a Medical App

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    BACKGROUND: Efficient digitization in medicine still is in its infancy but undeniably has great potential for current and future challenges in health care. Thus far, the rollout of medical apps has not resulted in widespread use of smartphones in the German health care sector-the reasons for this have not been clarified so far. Nevertheless, the lack of user involvement in the development process and content creation might contribute to low acceptance of these products. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to outline an approach to involve medical expertise without any coding knowledge for developing medical app content and functions. METHODS: An end user-operable backend was built. Its usability was evaluated using a usability evaluation test protocol. The results of the usability tests were evaluated by the app development team, and the usability test was repeated for optimizing backend usability. In total, 40 criteria to measure the ease of app usage were defined a priori. The usability test comprised 20 tasks that had to be fulfilled. Usability tasks were analyzed for completion, dropout, and test duration. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, digital videoconferencing platforms (Zoom and QuickTime Player) were used to complete usability questionnaires. Finally, several backend-based apps for several specialties (infectiology, plastic and reconstructive surgery, and orthopedics) were developed by health care professionals as prototypes. RESULTS: Initial usability testing was conducted with 5 participants (4 men and 1 woman; mean age 39.2, SD 5.97 years). All of them could complete the assigned backend tasks with only a few workflow interruptions and some minor errors. After usability optimization, the workflow completion time decreased from 5.03 minutes to 3.50 minutes, indicating a time saving. The basic backend structure was clear to all test users and the handling was intuitive to learn. Some minor errors in the backend occurred during the test rounds. The apps developed using the aforementioned approach are in clinical use as a proof of concept. CONCLUSIONS: Backends offering operability for medical professionals might have great potential for app development in the mobile health sector. Sophisticated and time-saving usability are pivotal for the acceptance of medical software, as illustrated by the backend-based apps presented herein, which are in clinical use as a proof of concept. Basic interventions are essential and sufficient for adequate usability optimization. Practicable, well-structured software usability evaluation is possible based on the usability evaluation test protocol

    Meaning and Grammar of Nouns and Verbs

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    The papers collected in this book cover contemporary and original research on semantic and grammatical issues of nouns and noun phrases, verbs and sentences, and aspects of the combination of nouns and verbs, in a great variety of languages. A special focus is put on noun types, tense and aspect semantics, granularity of verb meaning, and subcompositionality. The investigated languages and language groups include Austronesian, East Asian, Slavic, German, English, Hungarian and Lakhota. The collection provided in this book will be of interest to researchers and advanced students specialising in the fields of semantics, morphology, syntax, typology, and cognitive sciences

    On the Spirit (of Brexit): With Additional Remarks on the Thymotic Stimulation of the Nation in the Latest Polish Literature

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    Artykuł stanowi próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie o obecność „ducha brexitu” w tekstach literackich powstających poza Wyspami. Pierwsza część poświęcona jest wyjaśnieniu sformułowania „duch brexitu” w świetle kategorii Zeitgeist. W drugiej partii tekstu wskazuję na zbieżności i różnice pomiędzy eurosceptycznymi nastrojami w brytyjskiej literaturze, a eurosceptycyzmem polskich XXI-wiecznych pisarzy, sytuujących się blisko prawej strony sceny politycznej. W myśl głównej tezy artykułu „duch brexitu” uobecnia się tak w brytyjskiej, jak i w polskiej literaturze w pracach dowartościowujących kategorię narodu, jego tradycji i dziejów. Prace te pobudzają godnościowe roszczenia i aktywizują narodowe resentymenty. Wykorzystane w szkicu ustalenia filologów, socjologów, filozofów i badaczy retoryki służą dowiedzeniu przedstawionej tezy, ukazaniu sposobów przejawiania się omawianego fenomenu oraz sformułowaniu odpowiedzi na pytanie o jego przyczyny.The article is an attempt to answer the question about the presence of the “Brexit spirit” in literary texts created outside the UK. The first part is devoted to explaining the term “Brexit spirit” in the light of the Zeitgeist category. In the second part, I point out the similarities and differences between the Eurosceptic moods in British literature and the Euroscepticism of Polish twenty-first-century right-wing writers. According to the main thesis of the article, the “Brexit spirit” is present in British and Polish literature in works that value the category of the nation, its traditions and history. These works stimulate dignity claims and activate national resentments. The findings of philologists, sociologists, philosophers and researchers of rhetoric used in the sketch serve to prove the presented thesis, to show the ways in which the discussed phenomenon manifests itself, and to formulate an answer to the question about its causes