28 research outputs found

    Wpływ instytucji samorządu robotniczego na kulturę polityczną załogi przedsiębiorstwa socjalistycznego

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    https://wuj.pl/The report, "The institution of the workers’ self-government and its effect upon the political culture of a socialist plant’s employees" has been prepared within a programme of investigations carried out the Stalowa Vola Steelworks Integrated. It comprises, roughly speaking, three basio problems. The first concerns the normative-legal characteristics of.this institution. The second part is devoted to the practical activities of the workers* self-government agencies. Finally, the third part: presents the empiric research on the manner in which the workers’ self-government influences the standard of political culture. The object of the present publication has been to describe and analyse the principles on which the normative-legal regulation of this institution was founded. The two remaining questions were dealt with in Ho. 14 of the Jagiellonian University Scientific Publications, "Praoe z Nauk Politycznych". In the part published presently the following questions have been discusseds the principles on whioh a workers’ self-government is organized in an industrial plant, the basio rights, assignments and competences of the different agenoies within the structure of a workers’ self-government, as well as the main trends in their activities. In the latter question the assignments of the different agencies of the workers’ self-governing board have been characterized in the following spheres t /1/ eoonony of production, /2/ improvement of working conditions, /J/ social questions, /4/ labour relations and their regulation, /5/ education and culture, and /6/ personal relations and their shaping

    Funkcjonowanie instytucji samorządu robotniczego w Kombinacie Przemysłowym Huta Stalowa Wola i jego wpływ na kształtowanie kultury politycznej załogi

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    https://wuj.pl/The paper is composed of two parts. The first, on the basis of records concerning the activities of the Workers’ Self-Government Board at the Plant, brings an essay in establishing: (1) on what principles the respective branches of the Board are made to participate in the sessions (plenary session of Workers’ Board, Praesidium of Workers’ Board, Special-Problems Committees), and (2) to what extent the tasks assigned to these branches are carried into effect. Upon analysing this second point it has become possible to reach conclusions of fairly high importance. We have found out, in fact, that in practice the Workers’ Self-Government agencies achieved the tasks entrusted to them, but that their activities were not of the same standard 'in the different fields. Their decision-taking and supervising functions were certainly the most prominent, while their initiatory function was carried out to the least extent. In the objective sense, the activities of self-government agencies ".ended to concentrate on questions relating to problems of economics and production. Within the examined time period, a decline of the activity of most of the self-government agencies was noted in the years 1974—75 as compared with the 1971—1973 period. The second part of the paper deals with the problem of the way in which the institution of the Workers’ Self-Government Board influences the political culture of the Plant’s staff. The interviews made with members of the staff (in their prevailing' part, factory workers, half of them members of the Polish United Workers’ Party, and the other half non-party men, employed at the Plant for ten years or more) were undertaken in order to establish: (1) how much was known on the main trends of activity conducted by the Workers’ Board at the Plant, (2) how did the workers visualise some of the functions performed by the Board (for instance, on what principles the sessions were prepared, the resolutions were proposed, etc.), (3) under what light did they see the role of the Board as an institution making it possible for the workers to participate in the Plant’s management, and (4) what postulates for possible changes in the functioning of this institution were advanced by the workers. Our inquiry has shown that the workers know comparatively little about the basic issues involved in the functioning of the Workers’ Self-Government Board. It has found, too, that in the overwhelming majority of the respondents the institution of self-government and its functioning do not lead to the conviction that they really co-participate in the Plant’s management

    Empirical Explanation and Interpretive Explanation of Political Activities

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    Artykuł porządkuje kwestie dotyczące wyjaśniania zjawisk społecznych, przede wszystkim działań politycznych. W literaturze wymienia się trzy rodzaje wyjaśnień: wyjaśnienie przyczynowe, wyjaśnienie interpretacyjne (humanistyczne, rozumiejące) oraz wyjaśnienie integralne, łączące te dwa. Autor omawia rodzaje wyjaśniania, przy czym termin „wyjaśnianie przyczynowe” zastępuje terminem „wyjaśnianie empiryczne”. Następnie charakteryzuje działania polityczne i ich rezultaty jako przedmiot wyjaśniania. W ostatniej części, na dwóch przykładach analizuje praktykę wyjaśniania empirycznego i interpretacyjnego. W odniesieniu do przykładu wyjaśniania interpretacyjnego przywołuje wnioskowanie abdukcyjne, czyli wnioskowanie do najlepszego wyjaśnienia. W procesie interpretacji, przy braku niezbitych dowodów, nie da się potwierdzić prawdziwości żadnej z hipotez. Można je tylko uprawdopodabniać lub uatrakcyjniać. Biorąc pod uwagę niedoskonałości wyjaśniania empirycznego i interpretacyjnego, należy dążyć do stosowania ich komplementarnie.The article arranges issues related to explaining social phenomena, primarily political activities. Three types of explanation are mentioned in the literature: a reason explanation, an interpretative explanation (humanistic, understanding) and an integral explanation combining these two. The author discusses the types of explanation, where he replaces the term “causal explanation” with the term “empirical explanation”. Then he characterizes political activities and their results as an object of explanation. In the last part, on two examples, he examines the practice of empirical and interpretive explanation. With reference to the example of interpretive explanation, he recalls abductive reasoning, i.e. inference to the best explanation. In the interpretation process, in the absence of irrefutable evidence, none of the hypotheses can be confirmed. They can only be enhanced or made more attractive. Considering the imperfections of empirical and interpretive explanation, one should strive to use them complementarily

    Polityka wobec zabijania ludzi w konfliktach społecznych. Wykład teoretyczno-metodologiczny

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     Politica towards killing people in social conflicts. Theoretical-methodological lectureThere are two sides of life: its continuation to natural death and premature annihilation. These two processes occur in parallel, subjecting to nature and culture. This means that human life, regardless of natural condi­tions, depends in some respects on tradition and politica politics and policy. People primarily protect life, but at the same time kill people and prevent killing in order to meet a number of needs. Often the cause of killing is the clash of those aims and then the killing is used to settle conflicts. Politica has a contradictory role in killing people: on the one hand counteracts this phenomenon, and on the other hand favors. De­pending on the relationship between politica and killing, we differentiate killing politica, politica facilitating killing, anti-killing politica and non-killing politica.The nature and implications of politica involvement in killing of people in conflicts depend on the nature of the conflict. Another is the relation of politica to this phenomenon when the conflict is non-political and the other when it is political.Politica — from its advent to our modern times — is transformed into: apparently killing and encouraging killing, giving way to ever more visible counteracting killing and non-killing. Politica towards killing people in social conflicts. Theoretical-methodological lectureThere are two sides of life: its continuation to natural death and premature annihilation. These two processes occur in parallel, subjecting to nature and culture. This means that human life, regardless of natural condi­tions, depends in some respects on tradition and politica politics and policy. People primarily protect life, but at the same time kill people and prevent killing in order to meet a number of needs. Often the cause of killing is the clash of those aims and then the killing is used to settle conflicts. Politica has a contradictory role in killing people: on the one hand counteracts this phenomenon, and on the other hand favors. De­pending on the relationship between politica and killing, we differentiate killing politica, politica facilitating killing, anti-killing politica and non-killing politica.The nature and implications of politica involvement in killing of people in conflicts depend on the nature of the conflict. Another is the relation of politica to this phenomenon when the conflict is non-political and the other when it is political.Politica — from its advent to our modern times — is transformed into: apparently killing and encouraging killing, giving way to ever more visible counteracting killing and non-killing

    „Teoria Polityki” 2017, nr 1

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    Polityka w pięciu odsłonach: metatypologia zjawiska

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    Politics in five acts: Metatypology of phenomenaThe notions of “politics” and “political character” are more intuitive than scientific. They make difficult any distinguishing what is general, universal or political. They have a lot of logical mistakes in the definitions of political phenomena and also of typological shortages of such behaviors, like the political ones. The researchers try to classify a variety of concepts of politics. These categorizations capture the politics as it is commonly seen. For these reasons, they are insufficient. We need a comprehensive typology, capable of introducing the discipline, more precision as to the classification criteria, without demonstrating what the politics is. Taking into account my previous remarks, I propose the following approaches to this phenomenon: 1. common; 2. material and ideological-doctrinaire; 3. theoretical; 4. methodological; 5. sectional. Only within such general types, one might classify the politics according to its constituent characteristics and its different understandings.Politics in five acts: Metatypology of phenomenaThe notions of “politics” and “political character” are more intuitive than scientific. They make difficult any distinguishing what is general, universal or political. They have a lot of logical mistakes in the definitions of political phenomena and also of typological shortages of such behaviors, like the political ones. The researchers try to classify a variety of concepts of politics. These categorizations capture the politics as it is commonly seen. For these reasons, they are insufficient. We need a comprehensive typology, capable of introducing the discipline, more precision as to the classification criteria, without demonstrating what the politics is. Taking into account my previous remarks, I propose the following approaches to this phenomenon: 1. common; 2. material and ideological-doctrinaire; 3. theoretical; 4. methodological; 5. sectional. Only within such general types, one might classify the politics according to its constituent characteristics and its different understandings

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