81 research outputs found

    Az Életgyakorlat-alapú alprogram módszertana

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    The basic principles determining the concept of the life-practice-based sub-program reflect the guidelines of the Complex Basic Program. The sub-program enables students to acquire knowledge and experiences with practical use thereby contributing to the maintenance of productive life practices. The program addresses issues and contexts relevant to children including family, class, school, surroundings etc. Consequently, it contributes to the complex, that is cognitive, affective, and social development of students. It is also important that on the individual, family, class, school, surroundings, natural environment, and labour market levels such activities be organized which help to improve performance, widen one’s perspective, and promote openness. The sub-program aims to develop such competences as cooperation, critical thinking, self-development, tolerance, conflict-resolution, debating skills, taking responsibility, problem solving, and empathy. The sub-program maintaining a complex perspective deals with six fundamental questions: healthy lifestyle, managing one's life, environmental awareness (sustainability), citizenship (community roles), life path supporting career orientation, family, partner selection, emotional intelligence (development of social skills)

    Changes of MDA level and O2 scavenging enzyme activities in wheat varieties as a result of PEG treatment

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    The malondialdehyde (MDA) level and the changes of the activity of superoxide dismutases, and peroxidases of two drought resistant Triticum aestivum genotypes and one with high crossing efficiency (Mv9Kr1) were studied under the effect of osmotic stress brought about by PEG in the nutrient solution. There were characteristic differences among the varieties examined in inducible enzymatic activities and maliondialdehyde production reflecting different mechanisms in its stress induced reactions

    A líra peremvidékén: a bökversek és Arany János = On the Periphery of Lyric Poetry: Light Verses and János Arany

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    Kis-dózisú stresszorok stimuláló hatásának jelátviteli és hormonális háttere növényi sejtekben = Signal transduction and hormonal effects in plant cells stimulated by low-dose stressors

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    Vizsgálat tárgyává tettük a kis-koncentrációjú kémiai stresszorok által kiváltott serkentő hatás (hardening, eustressz) mechanizmusát az alábbi kísérleti rendszerekben : 1. levágott, nem gyökeresedő levél (árpa), 2. levágott, gyökeresedő levél (bab), 3. csíranövény, gyökéren át kezelve (árpa), 4. csíranövény, levélen át kezelve (bab). Azt találtuk, hogy a hatás nem ágens-specifikus, tehát szubmikromólos koncentrációban fémion vagy herbicid ugyanúgy hat. Nevezetesen a PIP2-IP3/DAG jelpálya DAG-ágán, majd a PKC-től egy MAPK útvonalon küld szignált a sejtmembrántól a sejtmagig. A válasz viszont specifikus arra a sejttípusra, amely kontaktusba került az ágenssel. Gyökér esetében a citokinin-szint emelkedik, a levél klorofill-szintézissel és fokozott CO2-beépítéssel válaszol. | The mechanism of stimulation by low-concentration chemical stressors (hardening, eustress) was investigated in the following experimental systems : 1.detached non-rooting leaf (barley), 2. detached rooting leaf (bean), 3. seedling treated via the root (barley), 4. seedling treated via the leaf (bean). It was found that the effect was not agent-specific, i.e. submicromolar metal ion or herbicide acted the same way. Namely, a signal was sent from the plasma membrane via the DAG branch of the PIP2-IP3/DAG pathway, then PKC activated a MAPK signaling pathway leading to the nucleus. The response, however, was specific to the cell type coming into contact with the agent. In case of root, the cytokinin level increased, while the leaf responded by increased chlorophyll synthesis and CO2 incorporation