2,403 research outputs found
Identification of mode couplings in nonlinear vibrations of the steelpan
The authors are grateful to Bertrand David (Telecom-ParisTech) for computing the code allowing the STFT filtering procedure used in Section 5.1. The filter has been designed in the framework of the PAFI project (Plateforme dâAide la facture Instrumentale, www.pafi.fr) which is also thanked.The vibrations and sounds produced by two notes of a double second steelpan are investigated, the main objective being to quantify the nonlinear energy exchanges occurring between vibration modes that are responsible of the peculiar sound of the instrument. A modal analysis first reveals the particular tuning of the modes and the systematic occurence of degenerate modes, from the second one, this feature being a consequence of the tuning and the mode localization. Forced vibrations experiments are then performed to follow precisely the energy exchange between harmonics of the vibration and thus quantify properly the mode couplings. In particular, it is found that energy exchanges are numerous, resulting in complicated frequency response curves even for very small levels of vibration amplitude. Simple models displaying 1:2:2 and 1:2:4 internal resonance are then fitted to the measurements, allowing to identify the values of the nonlinear quadratic coupling coefficients resulting from the geometric nonlinearity. The identified 1:2:4 model is finally used to recover the time domain variations of an impacted note in normal playing condition, resulting in an excellent agreement for the temporal behaviour of the first four harmonics
ShÔmei TÔmatsu : la mémoire des ruines
Cette analyse se penche sur lâouvrage de ShĂ”mei TĂ”matsu 11 ji 02 fun(11 : 02 Nagasaki), au sein duquel il travaille la ruine comme un motif particulier sâinsĂ©rant au coeur dâun rĂ©cit visuel. Lâauteur examine Ă©galement comment ce photographe transforme la ruine en un Ă©lĂ©ment narratif pour expĂ©rimenter une nouvelle approche de la photographie afin de sâĂ©loigner des conventions de la photographie rĂ©aliste de lâaprĂšs-guerre japonais.This article intends to trace the historical transformation of the ruins. It starts with the work of ShĂ”mei TĂ”matsu 11 ji 02 fun (11 : 02 Nagasaki), in which the artist uses ruins as a âmotifâ fitting into a narrative visual fiction. This essay also examine how this photographer transforms ruins into a narrative element to try out a new approach of photography, moving away from the Japanese post-war period conventions of realistic photography
Supersymmetric Field Theories on Three-Manifolds
We construct supersymmetric field theories on Riemannian three-manifolds M,
focusing on N=2 theories with a U(1)_R symmetry. Our approach is based on the
rigid limit of new minimal supergravity in three dimensions, which couples to
the flat-space supermultiplet containing the R-current and the energy-momentum
tensor. The field theory on M possesses a single supercharge, if and only if M
admits an almost contact metric structure that satisfies a certain
integrability condition. This may lead to global restrictions on M, even though
we can always construct one supercharge on any given patch. We also analyze the
conditions for the presence of additional supercharges. In particular, two
supercharges of opposite R-charge exist on every Seifert manifold. We present
general supersymmetric Lagrangians on M and discuss their flat-space limit,
which can be analyzed using the R-current supermultiplet. As an application, we
show how the flat-space two-point function of the energy-momentum tensor in N=2
superconformal theories can be calculated using localization on a squashed
sphere.Comment: 53 pages; minor change
From Rigid Supersymmetry to Twisted Holomorphic Theories
We study N=1 field theories with a U(1)_R symmetry on compact four-manifolds
M. Supersymmetry requires M to be a complex manifold. The supersymmetric theory
on M can be described in terms of conventional fields coupled to background
supergravity, or in terms of twisted fields adapted to the complex geometry of
M. Many properties of the theory that are difficult to see in one formulation
are simpler in the other one. We use the twisted description to study the
dependence of the partition function Z_M on the geometry of M, as well as
coupling constants and background gauge fields, recovering and extending
previous results. We also indicate how to generalize our analysis to
three-dimensional N=2 theories with a U(1)_R symmetry. In this case
supersymmetry requires M to carry a transversely holomorphic foliation, which
endows it with a near-perfect analogue of complex geometry. Finally, we present
new explicit formulas for the dependence of Z_M on the choice of U(1)_R
symmetry in four and three dimensions, and illustrate them for complex
manifolds diffeomorphic to S^3 x S^1, as well as general squashed
three-spheres.Comment: 55 pages; minor change
Idiophones à plaques et coques. Partie II. Instruments fortement non linéaires : cymbales, tam-tams et plaques tonnerre
International audienceDans cet article nous nous intĂ©ressons aux idio-phones Ă plaques et coques dont le comportement est fortement non linĂ©aire. Nous traiterons du cas des cymbales, des gongs â et plus particuliĂšrement des tam-tams â ainsi que de la plaque tonnerre. Ces instruments sont distinguĂ©s des prĂ©cĂ©dents, dits « Ă faible non-linĂ©aritĂ© », car la physique vibratoire mise en jeu est radicalement diffĂ©rente, beaucoup plus complexe et trĂšs fortement non linĂ©aire. Au niveau perceptif, cette distinction est immĂ©diatement notable Ă l'oreille car les instruments que nous considĂ©rons dans cet article n'ont pas de hauteur dĂ©finie. Leur son caractĂ©ristique est dĂ©crit comme trĂšs brillant : le contenu frĂ©quentiel est tellement riche qu'on ne peut leur attribuer une hauteur prĂ©cise, on observe plutĂŽt un continuum de frĂ©quences
Physiology of exercise in health and disease, with special reference to effort intolerance, training and thermoregulation in man
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Nonlinear vibrations of steelpans: analysis of mode coupling in view of modal sound synthesis.
Steelpans are musical percussions made from steel barrels. During the manufacturing, the metal is stretched and bended, to produce a set of thin shells that are the differents notes of the instrument. In normal playing, each note is struck, and the sound reveals some nonlinear characteristics which give its peculiar tone to the instrument. In this paper, an experimental approach is first presented in order to show the complex dynamics existing in steelpanâs vibrations. Then two models, based on typical modal interactions, are proposed to quantify these nonlinearities. Finally, one of them is observed in free oscillations simulations, in order to compare the internal resonance model to the steelpan vibrations behaviour in normal playing. The aim is to identify the important modes participating in the vibrations in view of building reduced-order models for modal sound synthesis
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