98 research outputs found

    Real-time smart multisensing wearable platform for monitoring sweat biomarkers during exercise

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    Sweat secreted by the human eccrine sweat glands can provide valuable biomarker information during exercise in hot and humid conditions. Real-time noninvasive biomarker recordings are therefore useful for evaluating the physiological conditions of an athlete such as their hydration status during endurance exercise. In this work, we describe a platform that in- cludes different sweat biomonitoring prototypes of cost-effective, smart wearable devices for continuous biomonitoring of sweat during exercise. One prototype is based on conformable and disposable soft sensing patches with an integrated multi-sensor array requiring the integration of different sensors and printed sensors with their corresponding functionalization protocols on the same substrate. The second is based on silicon based sensors and paper microfluidics. Both platforms integrate a multi-sensor array for measuring sodium, potassium, and pH in sweat. We show preliminary results obtained from the multi-sensor prototypes placed on two athletes during exercise. We also show that the machine learning algorithms can predict the percentage of body weight loss during exercise from biomarkers such as heart rate and sweat sodium concentration collected over multiple subjects

    Multisensing wearables for real-time monitoring of sweat electrolyte biomarkers during exercise and analysis on their correlation with core body temperature

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    Sweat secreted by the human eccrine sweat glands can provide valuable biomarker information during exercise. Real-time non-invasive biomarker recordings are therefore useful for evaluating the physiological conditions of an athlete such as their hydration status during endurance exercise. This work describes a wearable sweat biomonitoring patch incorporating printed electrochemical sensors into a plastic microfluidic sweat collector and data analysis that shows the real-time recorded sweat biomarkers can be used to predict a physiological biomarker. The system was placed on subjects carrying out an hour-long exercise session and results were compared to a wearable system using potentiometric robust silicon-based sensors and to commercially available HORIBA-LAQUAtwin devices. Both prototypes were applied to the real-time monitoring of sweat during cycling sessions and showed stable readings for around an hour. Analysis of the sweat biomarkers collected from the printed patch prototype shows that their real-time measurements correlate well (correlation coefficient ≥0.65 ) with other physiological biomarkers such as heart rate and regional sweat rate collected in the same session. We show for the first time, that the real-time sweat sodium and potassium concentration biomarker measurements from the printed sensors can be used to predict the core body temperature with root mean square error (RMSE) of 0.02 °C which is 71% lower compared to the use of only the physiological biomarkers. These results show that these wearable patch technologies are promising for real-time portable sweat monitoring analytical platforms, especially for athletes performing endurance exercise

    Analyse d'intervalles pour l'ordonnancement d'activités

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    This work focuses on the interests of interval analysis in scheduling. The analysis of intervals considers the order relation (Allen's algebra) among the execution intervals of the tasks (or their processing time intervals) in order to deduce useful problem properties. For several kinds of scheduling problems, we particularly show how interval analysis allows defining dominance-based optimality conditions or sufficient conditions of feasibility, which characterize remarkable sets of schedules. Using these conditions, taking an interest in some one machine scheduling problems, we establish new and efficient integer-linear-programming formulations. Since the dominance conditions are relatively insensitive to variations of schedule parameters, we also show the interest of such conditions for characterizing a set of robust schedules. We also present some other works also based on interval analysis.Ce travail s'attache à décrire l'intérêt de l'analyse d'intervalles en ordonnancement. L'analyse d'intervalles considère les relations d'ordres existantes (algèbre de Allen) entres certains intervalles caractéristiques des tâches à ordonnancer. On montre comment, pour certains problèmes particuliers, elle permet de définir des conditions de dominance ou des conditions suffisantes d'optimalité, caractérisant des ensembles remarquables de solutions. Dans le cas de certains problèmes à une machine réputés difficiles, nous montrons comment de telles conditions peuvent être utiles pour déduire des nouvelles formulations de programmation linéaire en nombres entiers très efficaces. De plus, les conditions étant relativement indépendantes des valeurs numériques du problème, on montre aussi leur intérêt pour la caractérisation d'ensembles flexibles et robustes de solutions. D'autres travaux seront également évoqués dans lesquels la notion d'intervalle est centrale

    A new

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    In this paper, a new schedule generation scheme for resource-constrained project scheduling problems is proposed. Given a project scheduling problem and a priority rule, a schedule generation scheme determines a single feasible solution by inserting one by one each activity, according to their priority, inside a partial schedule. The paper proposes a generation scheme that differs from the classic ones in the fact that it allows to consider the activities in any order, whether their predecessors have already been scheduled or not. Moreover, activity insertion is performed so that delaying some already scheduled activities is allowed. The paper shows that this strategy remains polynomial and often gives better results than more classic ones. Moreover, it is also interesting in the fact that some priority rules, which are quite poor when used with classic schedule generation schemes, become very competitive with the proposed schedule generation scheme

    De l'ordonnancement déterministe à l'ordonnancement distribué sous incertitudes

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    TOULOUSE3-BU Sciences (315552104) / SudocTOURS-Polytech'Informat.Product. (372612209) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Minimizing the number of tardy jobs for the single machine scheduling problem: MIP-based lower and upper bounds

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    This paper considers the problem of scheduling n jobs on a single machine. A fixed processing time and an execution interval are associated with each job. Preemption is not allowed. The objective is to find a feasible job sequence that minimizes the number of tardy jobs. On the basis of an original mathematical integer programming formulation, this paper shows how good-quality lower and upper bounds can be computed. Numerical experiments are provided for assessing the proposed approach

    Activity Insertion Problem in a RCPSP with Minimum and Maximum Time Lags

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    chapter 11This chapter considers the RCPSP with minimum and maximum time lags. We focus on the problem of activity insertion in a schedule represented by a resource flow, which can occur in reactive scheduling (see next chapter) or as a component of a local search method. We show the problem is NP-hard and propose a polynomial algorithm when only minimum time lags are considered

    Cooperative project scheduling with controllable processing times: a game theory framework

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    International audienceThis paper considers a project-scheduling environment assuming that the activities of the project network are distributed among a set of actors (or agents). Activity durations are modeled as time intervals and are assumed con-trollable, meaning that every actor is allowed to shorten the duration of some activities by adding extra-money. For performing the project, actors have to collaborate with each other intending to satisfy the desired project duration , defined by the project customer as a time interval. In this work, every actor's payoff corresponds to a fixed percentage of the total customer's payment, which itself depends on the ability of the actors to achieve the project in time, provided daily penalty costs are applied in case of tardiness. This problem can be modeled as a game, where players (actors) have to select a strategy (a duration vector for their activities) intending to maximize their profit. In this paper, the focus is put on the modeling of this project game, and on the connections between various decision problems, arising either in decision or game theory. We also study the particular case where each activity is assigned to one specific agent
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