6 research outputs found

    Étude prĂ©liminaire sur des poignards gravĂ©s de type Remedello dĂ©couverts dans les PrĂ©alpes du Sud (Chastel-Arnaud, DrĂŽme, France) et rĂ©flexions sur leur insertion dans le NĂ©olithique final rĂ©gional

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    Engraved figures on a limestone rock wall have recently been identified in the French Alpine foothills (Chastel-Arnaud, DrĂŽme, France). A first plotting session allowed us to characterize a series of daggers associated with other signs as yet poorly identified. Concerning the daggers, first comparisons recall the Remedello culture, in North Italy, traces of which are exceptional in the French Alps. A description of the engravings and a reflection on their meaning in the local Late Neolithic are proposed. Through particular flint arrowheads, the authors wonder about the possible cultural relationship between the southern Alpine foothills and northern Italy, in which copper could have played a significant role. Some of the arrowheads found in the region of Die, the BuĂš'ch valley and the Baronnies, both in burial contexts and in open-air settlements, call for special attention. Those artefacts, in which the 'Sigottier» arrowhead is only one type among many, show us an original knowledge which is not found in the RhĂŽne-Alpine and Provençal corpus. The fact that those artefacts are contemporaneous is not yet certain, however the assumption of a common origin maybe arising from the second Italian «copper» Age (2nd phase of the Remedello culture, 2900/2800 to 2500/2400 B.C.) seems to be an interesting direction for research. This transalpine influence in the local substratum could have led to original types of production such as the «Sigottier» point. A specificity of these productions may be the use of copper retouching tools. Through this debate, the authors ' wish has been to consider the engraved rocks of Les Auberts as part of a profound dynamism established in time, which is for us a better theory than the hypothesis of copper prospectors arriving from Italy. The existence of this engraved rock in the interconnecting valleys between the South Alps and the RhĂŽne valley (DrĂŽme-Chauranne, Roanne-Oule, Eygues-BlĂšme, etc.) reinforced the influence of the Durance valley in the spread of copper metallurgy from the transalpine areas along the MontgenĂšvre and Madeleine routes.Des gravures rĂ©alisĂ©es sur une paroi rocheuse viennent d'ĂȘtre rĂ©cemment authentifiĂ©es dans les PrĂ©alpes du Sud (Chastel-Arnaud, DrĂŽme, France). Un premier relevĂ© a permis de distinguer une sĂ©rie de poignards et d'autres motifs encore mal identifiĂ©s. Pour les poignards, les premiĂšres comparaisons renvoient aux productions de la culture Remedello, en Italie du Nord, dont les traces sont rarissimes dans les Alpes françaises. Un descriptif des gravures et une rĂ©flexion sur leurs implications dans le NĂ©olithique final rĂ©gional sont proposĂ©s. Par le biais de certaines productions d'armatures et de pointes en silex, les auteurs s 'interrogent et mettent en perspective de possibles filiations culturelles entre les PrĂ©alpes du Sud et l'Italie du Nord, dans lesquelles le cuivre pourrait jouer un rĂŽle significatif.Morin Alexandre, Picavet RĂ©gis, Carles Jacques, Bernard Cyril. Étude prĂ©liminaire sur des poignards gravĂ©s de type Remedello dĂ©couverts dans les PrĂ©alpes du Sud (Chastel-Arnaud, DrĂŽme, France) et rĂ©flexions sur leur insertion dans le NĂ©olithique final rĂ©gional. In: Bulletin de la SociĂ©tĂ© prĂ©historique française, tome 102, n°2, 2005. pp. 345-359

    Chasse, culte ou artisanat ? Les fosses « à profil en Y-V-W »

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    Connues sous le nom de Schlitzgruben par les archĂ©ologues nĂ©olithiciens allemands, les « fosses Ă  profil en Y-V-W » - selon l’appellation champenoise - ont vu leur nombre se multiplier rĂ©cemment grĂące aux dĂ©capages de grande envergure menĂ©s dans le cadre d’opĂ©rations d’archĂ©ologie prĂ©ventive, notamment dans le nord de la France. C’est pour faire le point sur cette question encore trĂšs neuve et Ă©clairer les problĂšmes que posent ces structures qu’a Ă©tĂ© organisĂ©e la table ronde internationale « Chasse, culte ou artisanat ? Les fosses ‘ Ă  profil en Y-V-W ’ : structures Ă©nigmatiques et rĂ©currentes du NĂ©olithique aux Ăąges des MĂ©taux en France et alentour » qui s’est tenue Ă  ChĂąlons-en-Champagne en novembre 2010. Les Actes qui constituent le contenu de cet ouvrage rassemblent dix-sept contributions concernant principalement le nord de la France, mais Ă©galement la Belgique, l’Allemagne, la NorvĂšge et le Japon - illustrant l’universalitĂ© de cette question -, ainsi que les discussions qui les ont suivies. La diversitĂ© des approches, tant sur le plan gĂ©ographique que chronologique, la variĂ©tĂ© des situations exposĂ©es, le recours Ă  l’ethno-archĂ©ologie, la prise en compte de datations radiocarbone enrichissent sĂ©rieusement le dĂ©bat et provoquent un intĂ©rĂȘt nouveau pour cette problĂ©matique. Il est maintenant clair qu’une organisation spatiale commence Ă  ĂȘtre perçue et que ces fosses ne sont pas le fruit du hasard. Leur typologie et leur datation se prĂ©cisent, les principales phases d’utilisation se situant du NĂ©olithique Ă  l’Âge du Fer. Cet ouvrage constitue une base indispensable pour le dĂ©veloppement de nouvelles Ă©tudes que cette question va sans aucun doute susciter.Known as Schlitzgruben by German archaeologists of the Neolithic, the number of Y, V or W-shaped pits has increased recently as a result of far-reaching rescue archaeology operations, particularly in northern France. It was to elucidate the current position regarding this very new topic, and to discuss the issues that these structures raise, that an international round table was organised : « Chasse, culte ou artisanat ? Les fosses ‘à profil en Y-V-W’ : structures Ă©nigmatiques et rĂ©currentes du NĂ©olithique aux Ăąges des MĂ©taux en France et alentour », which was held in ChĂąlons-en-Champagne in November 2010. The proceedings of the round table, published here, consist in seventeen contributions that refer primarily to northern France - but also Belgium, Germany, Norway and Japan, thus illustrating the universal nature of the question - and the subsequent discussions. The debate has been seriously broadened by the diversity of geographic and chronological approaches undertaken, the recourse to ethno-archaeology, and the use of carbon dating, thus stimulating further interest. A spatial organisation is beginning to become apparent, confirming that these pits are not the result of chance. Their typology and dating are becoming clearer, with the principal phases of use spanning the period from the Neolithic to the Iron Age. This volume provides an indispensable basis for the development of new studies, which this subject will undoubtedly prompt.Die Anzahl der bei den deutschen PrĂ€historikern als Schlitzgruben und in der Champagne fosses „à profil en Y-V-W“ bezeichneten Grubenstrukturen ist in der letzten Zeit dank der groß angelegten Grabungen im Rahmen der PrĂ€ventivarchĂ€ologie, insbesondere in Nordfrankreich stark angestiegen. Um sich einen Überblick ĂŒber diese erst seit kurzem behandelte Problematik zu verschaffen und die Fragen zu beantworten, die diese Strukturen aufwerfen, wurde im November 2010 in ChĂąlons-en-Champagne die internationale GesprĂ€chsrunde « Chasse, culte ou artisanat ? Les fosses ‘à profil en Y-V-W’ : structures Ă©nigmatiques et rĂ©currentes du NĂ©olithique aux Ăąges des MĂ©taux en France et alentour » organisiert. Die hier vorgestellten Akten umfassen siebzehn BeitrĂ€ge - hauptsĂ€chlich aus Nordfrankreich, aber auch aus Belgien, Deutschland, Norwegen, und Japan sowie die anschließenden Diskussionen. Sie veranschaulichen die weltweite Bedeutung dieser Problematik. Die Vielseitigkeit der AnsĂ€tze, sowohl in geographischer als auch in chronologischer Hinsicht, die Vielseitigkeit der dargestellten Situationen, die Berufung auf die EthnoarchĂ€ologie sowie die BerĂŒcksichtigung von Radiokarbondatierungen bereichern die Debatte wesentlich und erregen neues Interesse fĂŒr dieses Thema. Es nun offensichtlich, dass eine rĂ€umliche Organisation erkennbar ist und dass diese Gruben nicht dem Zufall zuzuschreiben sind. Ihre Typologie und ihre Datierung zeichnen sich ab, wobei die Hauptnutzungsphasen vom Neolithikum bis zur Eisenzeit reichen. Diese Arbeit ist eine unentbehrliche Arbeitsgrundlage fĂŒr die Entwicklung zukĂŒnftiger Studien zu diesem Thema

    Successful Thrombectomy Improves Functional Outcome in Tandem Occlusions with a Large Ischemic Core

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    International audienceBackground: Emergent stenting in tandem occlusions and mechanical thrombectomy (MT) of acute ischemic stroke related to large vessel occlusion (LVO-AIS) with a large core are tested independently. We aim to assess the impact of reperfusion with MT in patients with LVO-AIS with a large core and a tandem occlusion and to compare the safety of reperfusion between large core with tandem and nontandem occlusions in current practice. Methods: We analyzed data of all consecutive patients included in the prospective Endovascular Treatment in Ischemic Stroke Registry in France between January 2015 and March 2023 who presented with a pretreatment ASPECTS (Alberta Stroke Program Early CT Score) of 0–5 and angiographically proven tandem occlusion. The primary end point was a favorable outcome defined by a modified Rankin Scale (mRS) score of 0–3 at 90 days. Results: Among 262 included patients with a tandem occlusion and ASPECTS 0–5, 203 patients (77.5%) had a successful reperfusion (modified Thrombolysis in Cerebral Infarction grade 2b-3). Reperfused patients had a favorable shift in the overall mRS score distribution (adjusted odds ratio [aOR], 1.57 [1.22–2.03]; P < 0.001), higher rates of mRS score 0–3 (aOR, 7.03 [2.60–19.01]; P < 0.001) and mRS score 0–2 at 90 days (aOR, 3.85 [1.39–10.68]; P = 0.009) compared with nonreperfused. There was a trend between the occurrence of successful reperfusion and a decreased rate of symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage (aOR, 0.5 [0.22–1.13]; P = 0.096). Similar safety outcomes were observed after large core reperfusion in tandem and nontandem occlusions. Conclusions: Successful reperfusion was associated with a higher rate of favorable outcome in large core LVO-AIS with a tandem occlusion, with a safety profile similar to nontandem occlusion

    14th International Conference of Archaeological Prospection

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