2,255 research outputs found

    Progenitors of supernova Ibc: a single Wolf-Rayet star as the possible progenitor of the SN Ib iPTF13bvn

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    Core-collapse supernova (SN) explosions mark the end of the tumultuous life of massive stars. Determining the nature of their progenitors is a crucial step towards understanding the properties of SNe. Until recently, no progenitor has been directly detected for SN of type Ibc, which are believed to come from massive stars that lose their hydrogen envelope through stellar winds and from binary systems where the companion has stripped the H envelope from the primary. Here we analyze recently reported observations of iPTF13bvn, which could possibly be the first detection of a SN Ib progenitor based on pre-explosion images. Very interestingly, the recently published Geneva models of single stars can reproduce the observed photometry of the progenitor candidate and its mass-loss rate, confirming a recently proposed scenario. We find that a single WR star with initial mass in the range 31-35 Msun fits the observed photometry of the progenitor of iPTF13bvn. The progenitor likely has a luminosity of log (L/Lsun)~5.55, surface temperature ~45000 K, and mass of ~10.9 Msun at the time of explosion. Our non-rotating 32 Msun model overestimates the derived radius of the progenitor, although this could likely be reconciled with a fine-tuned model of a more massive (between 40 and 50 Msun), hotter, and luminous progenitor. Our models indicate a very uncertain ejecta mass of ~8 Msun, which is higher than the average of the SN Ib ejecta mass that is derived from the lightcurve (2-4 Msun). This possibly high ejecta mass could produce detectable effects in the iPTF13bvn lightcurve and spectrum. If the candidate is indeed confirmed to be the progenitor, our results suggest that stars with relatively high initial masses (>30 Msun) can produce visible SN explosions at their deaths and do not collapse directly to a black hole.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Security of quantum key distribution protocols using two-way classical communication or weak coherent pulses

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    We apply the techniques introduced in [Kraus et. al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 080501, 2005] to prove security of quantum key distribution (QKD) schemes using two-way classical post-processing as well as QKD schemes based on weak coherent pulses instead of single-photon pulses. As a result, we obtain improved bounds on the secret-key rate of these schemes

    Alien Registration- Cogswell, Cyril H. (Freedom, Waldo County)

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    Legal Medicine and Forensic Science: Parameters of Utilization in Criminal Cases

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    Faith in the New Testament

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    The method adopted is to begin with the Pauline literature, and to work forward and backward from that point. In Paul nivtis represents the way to salvation and the life in Christ. John has an equally dynamic conception, demonstrated in his use of the verbal form, with its characteristic object into ( a’s ) Him'. Both these usages point to a dynamism introduced earlier into the term. Acts deepens this impression, and represents a bridge between 'faith' as used in the Synoptics and as understood later in Catfeiolic theology. Hebrews is unique in pointing to Jesus as the pattern believer. Its Platonlsm lights up the conception of faith as the link with the eternal realm. James carries two views concerning faith (1) as 'belief’ and (2) as connecting dynamically with t he power of God, an emphasis which points again to 'faith' as depicted in the ministry of Jesus. The rest of the N.T. books reveal divergent strains, but witness to a deterioration, shown especially in the Pastorals in the equation with 'belief in sound doctrine' and the use of the objective expression, the faith'. This process is continued, in the main, in the Apostolic Fathers. For the origin, of the dynamic use of nivtis, examination is made of its philology and its O.T. background, and of the possible influence of the religious movements of the Graeco-Roman world. Finally the stream is traced to its fountain source in Jesus, in the emphasis He gave to it, and the dynamic use He made of it. Set against the background of the 'Kingdom', it is seen, in the Synoptics - where its results are often super-normal – to provide the channel for the Power and Grace of God to enter human life and redeem it, on all levels

    Relationships of the Medical Examiner

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    Having set forth these relatively simple definitions, I should like to make a rather bold statement that perhaps will find disagreement among some attorneys and physicians. With all due respect to the many skilled and competent men who are active in various aspects of legal medicine and medical jurisprudence, I would suggest that no one field is so intrinsically and unqualifiedly bound up in the practice of legal medicine as is the work of the medical examiner. Again reverting to definitions, the medical examiner is one who deals on a full-time professional basis with cases that in almost all instances eventually involve the application of some principles of legal medicine

    Supplemental Report of Cyril Wecht

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    Dr. Wecht\u27s review of the reports of James Wentzel, forensic photographer, and Dr. Owen Lovejoy, anthropologist. He addresses each finding of Wentzel\u27s report- namely Eberling\u27s scar, blood on Sam\u27s wristwatch, the source of the blood trail in the Sheppard house, and the weapon imprint on the pillow. Wecht disagrees with the methodology of Lovejoy\u27s attempt to recreate Marilyn\u27s head wounds. Consequently, he also disagrees with the conclusion Lovejoy draws from the experiments

    Wecht Analysis of Sheppard Murder

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    Expert analysis of Cyril Wecht on the Sheppard murder and its aftermath. Wecht takes issue with the way the crime scene was processed and how the subsequent investigation was carried out. He opines that Marilyn\u27s state of undress and position on the bed, together with the sperm fractions discovered by Dr. Tahir in the vaginal smears prepared by Dr. Adelson, point to her murder originating as a sex crime. Wecht dismisses the idea of the murder weapon being a sharp, surgical instrument entirely, favoring a heavy cylindrical object such as a flashlight or pipe

    Condensed Testimony of Dr. Cyril Wecht

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    Condensed testimony from Plaintiff\u27s expert witness Dr. Cyril Wecht, forensic pathologist. Wecht was questioned February 28, 2000, with direct examination by Terry Gilbert occurring in the morning session and cross-examination by Steven Dever in the afternoon. Questioning begins with Wecht\u27s education and experience as a forensic investigator, as well as common procedures between the investigators and law enforcement. Other lines of questioning include crime scene evidence and his interpretation of them, assessment on the Kirk and Gerber investigations, and his professional opinions on the forensic testing and experimentation performed for the 1954, 1966, and 2000 trials

    Deposition of Dr. Cyril Wecht

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    Deposition of Dr. Cyril Wecht, taken January 1, 2000 in Pittsburgh, PA. Dr. Wecht was called by the Defendant for examination. Present were Steven Dever and Dean Boland of the County Prosecutor\u27s Office for the Defendant and Terry Gilbert for the Plantiff. Topics addressed include Dr. Wecht\u27s credentials and experience as a forensic pathologist and coroner, standard procedures at the coroner\u27s office he presides over, his opinions on the Gerber inquest, and findings of his own
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