71 research outputs found

    Fermion Condensate Model of Electroweak Interactions

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    A new dynamical symmetry breaking model of electroweak interactions is proposed based on interacting fermions. Two fermions of different SU_{L}(2) representations form a symmetry breaking condensate and generate the lepton and quark masses. The weak gauge bosons get their usual standard model masses from a gauge invariant Lagrangian of a doublet scalar field composed of the new fermion fields. The new fermion fields become massive by condensation. It is shown that the new charged fermions are produced at the next linear colliders in large number. The model is a low energy one which cannot be renormalized perturbatively. For the parameters of the model unitarity constraints are presented.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figur


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    Oblique radiative corrections are calculated to the parameter SS in a version of the standard model where the Higgs doublet is replaced by a doublet of vector bosons and the gauge symmetry is broken dynamically. We show that to each momentum scale there exists a domain of the masses of charged and neutral vector bosons where SS is compatible with the experiments. At a scale of 1 TeV this requires vector boson masses of at least m0m_0 \approx 400--550 GeV, m+ m_+ \approx 200--350 GeV.Comment: 6 pages LATEX, 1 Latex figure include

    Corrections to gauge theories in effective quantum gravity with a cutoff

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    We calculate the lowest order quantum gravity contributions to QED beta function in an effective field theory picture with a momentum cutoff. We use a recently proposed 4 dimensional improved momentum cutoff that preserves gauge and Lorentz symmetries. We find that there is non-vanishing quadratic contribution to the photon 2-point function but that does not lead to the running of the original coupling after renormalization. We argue that gravity cannot turn gauge theories asymptotically free.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figur

    Resonance Production of Three Neutral Supersymmetric Higgs Bosons at LHC

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    Multiple production of Higgs particles is essential to study Higgs self-couplings at future high-energy colliders. In this paper we calculated the resonance contributions to the production of three lightest neutral supersymmetric Higgs bosons in gluon fusion at LHC. The cross sections due to trilinear Higgs couplings is sizeable but the measurement of the quartic coupling hhhH(h) seems to be impossible.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Fermion Condensate as Higgs substitute

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    A dynamical symmetry breaking model of electroweak interactions is investigated based on strongly interacting fermions. Vector-like fermions of different representations of the weak SU(2) form a symmetry breaking condensate and generate the lepton and quark masses. The weak gauge bosons get their usual standard model masses from a gauge invariant effective Lagrangian of a doublet scalar field composed of the new fermion fields. Gap equations are derived and the conditions for finding a symmetry breaking solution are presented. The parameters of the model are constrained further by perturbative unitarity. The oblique electroweak corrections only slightly constrain the model. It is shown that the new charged fermions are produced at the next linear colliders in large number and the cross section for the LHC is presented.Comment: 27 pages, 11 figure

    ρ\rho Parameter in the Vector Condensate Model of Electroweak Interactions

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    In the standard model of electroweak interactions the Higgs doublet is replaced by a doublet of vector bosons and the gauge symmetry is broken dynamically. This generates masses for the gauge bosons and fermions, as well as it fixes the interactions in the model. The model has a low momentum scale. In this note we show that the model survives the test of the ρ \rho parameter, and to each momentum scale ρ \rho chooses a possible range of vector boson masses.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figs, Te

    Wave function of the radion with BPS branes

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    We investigate coupled gravity and a bulk scalar field on a slice of AdS_5 bulk with special BPS branes at the two ends. With the special scalar potentials on the branes the scalar field does not stabilize the size of the orbifold. With a careful treatment of the general coordinate invariance the complete tensor-scalar spectrum is presented. There are two massless zero modes in the scalar sector, the radion and a dilatonic zero mode. The scalar KK modes acquire masses at the order of the warped mass scale. The four dimensional effective action is of tensor-scalar type.Comment: 15 pages, changed references and discussion of the literatur