42 research outputs found

    Let the Wind Blow

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    Editorial Notes: Exhibition Complex: Displaying People, Identity, and Culture

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    Editorial Notes on section relating to submissions from the symposium Exhibition Complex: Displaying People, Identity, and Culture held October 18-20, 2012 at the Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

    'Dearest Wife, Most Famous Woman': Gender, Commemoration, and Women's Funerary Monuments in Rome, 1550-1750

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    This dissertation examines women’s funerary memorials produced in Rome from 1550 to 1750. Their numbers represent only a small share of the surviving funerary monuments made in these two centuries. They survive as proof that some women’s achievements and characters were considered worthy of public recognition at a time and place where women’s activities have been assumed to be domestic and negligible. Some of these memorials were modest floor plaques and slabs, others framed tributes attached to walls and pillars, and a few were grand structures dominating entire walls in a family chapel or in prominent locations in the aisle of Rome’s most prestigious church: St. Peter’s. These memorials represent almost all social classes, except of course wealthy individuals of both genders who chose to give to charity instead, or those too poor to afford this public record of their lives. In order to understand these memorials, my first task was to find them and account for their prevalence. My database (Appendix A) now contains over five hundred examples, from which major patterns relative to their location, commission, and commemorative programs can be observed and analyzed. With selected case studies, I then show that the design of individual memorials both celebrated women’s roles in the private sphere, and praised their contributions to cultural and religious life in the city. As such, this thesis adds to the expanding body of scholarship on women patrons of Roman architecture, and adds a significant new dimension by considering the female patrons and subjects of public sculpture. This dissertation demonstrates for the first time that Roman women’s funerary monuments were part of complex (and sometimes conflicting) dialogues about the role of women in the papal city. Moreover, it revises traditional assumptions about gender tensions in Rome, revealing the ways women and their memorials provided desirable models of female accomplishment in the name of religious reform

    Picidae in the agricultural landscape of the eastern part of Zamosc Region

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    W 2017 roku oceniono liczebność i rozmieszczenie dzięciołów na powierzchni 339 km2 w krajobrazie rolniczym wschodniej Zamojszczyzny. Do wykrywania stanowisk ptaków w lasach (15,6 km2 – zajmujących 5% powierzchni) i zadrzewieniach nieleśnych (10,4 km2 – zajmujących 3% powierzchni) wykorzystano metodę kartograficzną połączoną ze stymulacją głosową. Na te- renie badań dominował dzięcioł duży Dendrocopos major stanowiący 72% (428 par) całkowitej populacji dzięciołów. Większość terytoriów dzięcioła dużego (97,7%) odnotowano w lasach, gdzie jego zagęszczenie wynosiło 19,3 p./100 ha lasów i 0,9 p./100 ha powierzchni badawczej. Wyłącz- nie w lasach występował dzięcioł średni Dendrocoptes medius (55 par), dzięcioł czarny Dryocopus martius (8 par) i dzięciołek Dryobates minor (14 par). Zagęszczenia tych gatunków wynosiły odpo- wiednio 3,5, 0,5 i 0,9 p./100 ha lasów oraz 0,16, 0,02 i 0,04 p./100 ha powierzchni badawczej. W przypadku dzięcioła białoszyjego Dendrocopos syriacus i krętogłowa Jynx torquilla stwierdzono odpowiednio 92% (25 par) i 94% (18 par) terytoriów w zadrzewieniach nieleśnych. Gatunki te na obszarze badań osiągały zagęszczenie odpowiednio 2,2 i 1,6 p./100 ha zadrzewień nieleśnych oraz 0,07 i 0,05 p./100 ha powierzchni badawczej. Pomimo znacznego pofragmentowania i nie- wielkiej powierzchni lasów, były one podstawowymi siedliskami dzięciołów, skupiającymi 89% par. W krajobrazie rolniczym istotną rolę pełniły również zadrzewienia nieleśne (sady, parki, aleje i grupy drzew, cmentarze, etc.), stanowiąc podstawowe siedlisko dla dzięcioła białoszyjego i krę- togłowa

    Workforce Stability: Motivation Factors Impacting Satisfaction in the IDD Field

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    For decades, individuals who are direct support professionals working with people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) have been under strain. The current study looked at the prevalent themes that impact workforce stability among providers, advocates, policymakers, and researchers in the field of IDD. The researchers applied Herzberg\u27s two-factor theory of motivation and hygiene factors to data gathered through focus group interviews on workforce challenges and opportunities. Findings revealed that motivational factors relating to employee satisfaction, including organizational culture, retention, and credentialing, were identified as critical to workforce stability

    Cluster-Randomized Trial of Clinical Pharmacist Tobacco Cessation Counseling among Patients with Cardiovascular Disease

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    Optimal management of patients with cardiovascular disease (CVD) includes evaluation of risk factors using a team-based approach. Tobacco use often receives less attention than other CVD risk factors; therefore, utilization of nonphysician health care providers may be valuable in addressing tobacco use. The purpose of this trial was to assess the impact of brief, structured, telephone tobacco cessation counseling (BST) delivered by clinical pharmacists on tobacco cessation attempts compared to usual care. The BST consisted of 1 to 5 minutes discussing 3 key counseling points, including a recommendation to quit and education about cessation aids. This was a cluster-randomized trial of tobacco-using patients with CVD who were enrolled in a clinical pharmacist-managed, physician-directed, CVD disease state management service. Clinical pharmacists were randomized to provide usual care (control) or BST (intervention) to their tobacco-using patients during a 4-month period. Patients were surveyed 3 months later to assess their tobacco cessation attempts, use of tobacco cessation aids, and self-reported cessation. One hundred twenty patients were enrolled. Subjects were predominately white males, aged ≥65 years, with a history of myocardial infarction. One hundred and four subjects completed the follow-up survey. No differences were detected between the 36.2% and 38.6% of control and intervention subjects, respectively, reporting a tobacco cessation attempt (P=0.804) or in the other outcomes (all P\u3e0.05). A BST delivered by clinical pharmacists may not adequately affect patient motivation enough to increase tobacco cessation attempts in tobacco-dependent patients with CVD. Future research is needed to evaluate other team-based strategies that can decrease tobacco use in patients with CVD. (Population Health Management 2015;18:300-306

    Inhaled non-steroid anti-inflammatories for children and adults with bronchiectasis (Review)

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    Free to read Plain language summary: Inhaled non-steroid anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs) for children and adults with bronchiectasis People with bronchiectasis experience chronic inflammation of the lungs. Anti-inflammatory effects of inhaled non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may be beneficial for patients with bronchiectasis. However, short-term and long-term benefits in adults and children must be investigated, in addition to potential side effects of NSAIDs used over the long term. Results We included one small study on 25 people with chronic lung disease. Of those 25, only eight people had bronchiectasis. Other individuals had chronic bronchitis of diffuse panbronchiolitis and were at risk for bronchiectasis. However, we must remember when interpreting the results that not all study participants had bronchiectasis. Overall, the small study reported improvement in sputum production and dyspnoea (shortness of breath) in adults with chronic lung disease (chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis or diffuse panbronchiolitis) who received inhaled indomethacin compared with placebo. Researchers observed no significant improvement in lung function (forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) and vital capacity (VC)) and reported no adverse events. Conclusions The small scale of this study and collective analysis of data from the three disease states made it difficult for review authors to draw solid conclusions on the benefit of using NSAIDs to treat adults with bronchiectasis. Review authors identified no studies examining the use of NSAIDs in children with bronchiectasis