25 research outputs found

    Subpromille Measurements and Calculations of CO (3–0) Overtone Line Intensities

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    Intensities of lines in the near-infrared second overtone band (3–0) of {12}^C{16}^O are measured and calculated to an unprecedented degree of precision and accuracy. Agreement between theory and experiment to better than 1‰ is demonstrated by results from two laboratories involving two independent absorption- and dispersion-based cavity-enhanced techniques. Similarly, independent Fourier transform spectroscopy measurements of stronger lines in this band yield mutual agreement and consistency with theory at the 1‰ level. This set of highly accurate intensities can provide an intrinsic reference for reducing biases in future measurements of spectroscopic peak areas

    Absolute measurement of the ^{1}S_{0} − ^{3}P_{0} clock transition in neutral ^{88}Sr over the 330 km-long stabilized fibre optic link

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    We report a stability below 7×10177\times 10{}^{-17} of two independent optical lattice clocks operating with bosonic 88{}^{88}Sr isotope. The value (429228066418008.3(1.9)syst{}_{syst}(0.9)stat{}_{stat}~Hz) of the absolute frequency of the 1S0{}^{1}S_{0} - 3P0{}^{3}P_{0} transition was measured with an optical frequency comb referenced to the local representation of the UTC by the 330 km-long stabilized fibre optical link. The result was verified by series of measurements on two independent optical lattice clocks and agrees with recommendation of Bureau International des Poids et Mesures

    Observations of Dicke narrowing and speed dependence in air-broadened CO_2 lineshapes near 2.06 μm

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    Frequency-stabilized cavity ring-down spectroscopy was used to study CO_2 lineshapes in the (20013) ← (00001) band centered near 2.06 μm. Two rovibrational transitions were chosen for this study to measure non-Voigt collisional effects for air-broadened lines over the pressure range of 7 kPa–28 kPa. Lineshape analysis for both lines revealed evidence of simultaneous Dicke (collisional) narrowing and speed-dependent effects that would introduce biases exceeding 2% in the retrieved air-broadening parameters if not incorporated in the modeling of CO_2 lineshapes. Additionally, correlations between velocity- and phase/state changing collisions greatly reduced the observed Dicke narrowing effect. As a result, it was concluded that the most appropriate line profile for modeling CO_2 lineshapes near 2.06 μm was the correlated speed-dependent Nelkin-Ghatak profile, which includes all of the physical effects mentioned above and leads to a consistent set of line shape parameters that are linear with gas pressure

    The change of a value system in the twenty-first century mass media. The theme of sin as a promotional benefit in advertising

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    Grzech to współcześnie termin coraz bardziej abstrakcyjny. Trudno wskazać jego granice, określić jakie zachowanie można w ten sposób nazwać, a jakie nie mieści się w granicach pojęcia. Reklamodawcy, korzystając z faktu, iż zjawisko to zostało pozbawione dotychczasowego wizerunku, podejmują próby wykreowania jego nowej wizji. Budują obraz grzechu jako wartości pożądanej, cenionej, jako celu samego w sobie. Odwracając znaczenie grzechu, tworząc z niego pozytywny element współczesnej kultury, próbują wykorzystać ów motyw w celu zwiększenia atrakcyjności swoich produktów. Główną hipotezą pracy jest to, że reklama wykorzystuje grzech jako argument promocyjny, który ma za zadanie zachęcić odbiorców do zakupu reklamowanego produktu. Nie tylko pokazuje żartobliwie ludzkie pokusy, ale wręcz nagradza tych, którzy za nimi podążają. Biorąc pod uwagę, że reklama nie tylko wyprzedza rzeczywistość społeczną, ale sama ją kreuje, promowana przez nią swoboda, wolność, bunt wobec tego, co zastane, stają się stopniowo dla odbiorców nie tylko przykładem godnym naśladowania, ale wręcz „obowiązkiem”. W ten sposób powstaje nowy katalog norm, których nieprzestrzeganie staje się jednoznaczne z brakiem istnienia w społeczeństwie. Z tego właśnie względu motyw grzechu zdaje się wdzięcznym tematem dla reklamodawców. Grzechu rozumianego jednak nie w ten „tradycyjny”, kategoryczny sposób, który budzi lęk i niepokój egzystencjalny. Grzech, przedstawiany w reklamie, widziany jest raczej jako zachowanie dające satysfakcję, spełnienie, niosące wymierne korzyści. Dzięki takim zabiegom dotychczasowy obraz grzechu powoli usuwa się ze świadomości odbiorcy i zostaje zastąpiony jego nowym, bardziej przyjaznym wizerunkiem. Głównym celem pracy jest wskazanie sposobów wykorzystywania motywu grzechu w reklamie telewizyjnej oraz strategii, jakie stosują reklamodawcy w celu zmiany jego wizerunku i przebudowania systemu wartości współczesnego człowieka. Rozdział teoretyczny przedstawia ogólną charakterystykę grzechu oraz definicji pojęć z nim związanych. Część metodologiczna służy zaprezentowaniu schematu, według którego analizowano przekazy reklamowe. W części empirycznej przedstawiono sposoby wykorzystywania motywu grzechu w reklamie telewizyjnej oraz strategie, jakie stosują reklamodawcy w celu zmiany jego wizerunku wraz z wynikami analizy, wnioskami i interpretacją wyników.Nowadays, the term of sin is the concept which becomes more and more abstract and hard to define. It is difficult to indicate its boundaries and identify the nature of its behaviour. Due to this fact, advertisers attempt to create the new, deprived of its previous image vision of sin in mass media. They present sin as a desired value, valued in itself. They reverse the meaning of sin and show it as an acceptable element of contemporary culture in order to increase the attractiveness of their products. The main hypothesis of the project is that advertising uses the new image of sin as a promotional benefit, which is to encourage customers to buy their products. Thus, not only does advertising present human temptations in humorous, insignificant way but it also rewards those who actually follow them. Considering the fact that advertising creates social reality and promotes freedom of choice leading to disruption of traditional values, customers gradually start to feel obliged to follow new trends and beliefs. The failure in keeping up with the new trends and values leads towards one’s exclusion from the society. Due to this, the theme of sin becomes the way for gaining benefits by advertisers. Sin, however, is not perceived in the traditional way which arouse fear and anxiety but it is rather seen as rewarding, fulfilling and bringing profits. By awakening such perception of sin in customers’ minds, the traditional concept of sin is removed from customers’ consciousness and it is replaced by the new, more friendly image. The main aim of the project is to show the ways of using the theme of sin in TV advertisements and indicate the strategies which are used by advertisers to change the image of sin in order to rebuild modern peoples’ systems of values. The theoretical chapter provides the reader with general characteristics of sin and definitions of concepts associated with it. The methodological part is to present the scheme used to analyze some advertisements. The empirical part presents the ways of using the concept of sin in TV advertisements and the strategies which are used by advertisers in order to change its meaning. The results of the analysis, interpretation and conclusions are also included in this section

    Councils of employees

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    Main issues in management of court after the reforms in 2013, on the example of a External Department in Wołów

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    Celem pracy jest przedstawienie problematyki zarządzania sądem po reformach, które weszły w życie z dniem 1 stycznia 2013 roku. Omówione zostały dwie reformy sądownictwa. Pierwsza, która zniosła 79 sądów rejonowych (tzw. „reforma Gowina”) – w tym właśnie Sąd Rejonowy w Wołowie, który po tejże reformie został Zamiejscowym Wydziałem Sądu Rejonowego w Środzie Śląskiej. Druga natomiast wniosła do sądownictwa istotne zmiany w kwestii zarządzania, polegały one głównie na przyznaniu dyrektorom sądów nowych zadań, z jednoczesnym zmniejszeniem zadań prezesów sądów. W pracy podjęto próbę oceny tych reform oraz ich wpływu na funkcjonowanie sądownictwa oraz postrzegania sądownictwa przez społeczeństwo. Część pracy poświęcona jest również wpływowi reform na organizację Wydziału Zamiejscowego w Wołowie oraz wskazaniu ewentualnych możliwości i sposobów dalszego rozwoju tychże reform.The purpose of the study is to present the main issues in management of court after the reforms, which came into force on 1 January 2013. Thesis is based on two judicial reform. The first, which abolished the 79 district courts (the so-called. "Gowin reform") as a result od that reform the District Court in Wołów is now the External Department of the District Court in Sroda Slaska. The second one brought to justice significant changes in the management. It consists mainly to grant the directors of the courts new competence, while reducing tasks of presidents of courts. The study attempts to evaluate these reforms and their impact on the functioning of the judiciary, also the perception of the judiciary by the public. Part of the work is devoted to the impact of the reforms on the organization of the a External Department in Wołów and identifying the opportunities and ways for development of these reforms

    CRDS measurements and ab initio calculations of collisional effects in pure D2

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    International audienceRecent progress in theoretical calculations of dissociation energies of H2, HD and D2 [1–2] gives predictions of the transition frequencies with uncertainty exceeding the level of 10-3 cm-1 for the first overtone band (2–0) [3]. Such predictions open a way for testing relativistic and quantum electrodynamics corrections. They give also the opportunity for searching for new physics like additional long-range hadron-hadron interactions [4]. At this level of accuracy the uncertainty of the H 2 (or its isotopologues) line position determination in Doppler limit becomes considerably affected by the line-shape effects [5] including asymmetry of the line shapes. Spectral line shapes of D2 transitions are atypical and difficult to model. First strategy for overcoming this problem is measuring the spectra at low pressures, where collisional effects are negligible [3]. However, it is experimentally challenging due to exceptionally low intensities of the quadrupole lines. Another approach is recording them at higher pressures and describe the collisions in a more sophisticated way. Here as an example of the second strategy, we present our preliminary results applied for very weak S(2) transition of deuterium in the 2-0 band, using ab initio calculations. Transition has been measured with the frequency-stabilized cavity ring-down spectroscopy (FS-CRDS) assisted by an optical-frequency comb [6,7], using experimental setup described in [8]. The line positions at high pressures, up to 1000 Torr, were measured with sub-MHz accuracy. Furthermore, to validate ab initio model, we extended our experiments to a wide range of temperatures. We compare it with ab initio quantum scattering calculations, where we obtain the generalized spectroscopic cross sections. The real and imaginary parts provide the speed-dependent collisional broadening γ(ν) and shifting δ(ν). The velocity-changing collisions, in turn, are described by hard-sphere approximation of the ab initio potential which is called the speed-dependent billiard-ball profile (SDBBP) [9]