19 research outputs found

    Choosing observation operators to mitigate model error in Bayesian inverse problems

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    In statistical inference, a discrepancy between the parameter-to-observable map that generates the data and the parameter-to-observable map that is used for inference can lead to misspecified likelihoods and thus to incorrect estimates. In many inverse problems, the parameter-to-observable map is the composition of a linear state-to-observable map called an `observation operator' and a possibly nonlinear parameter-to-state map called the `model'. We consider such Bayesian inverse problems where the discrepancy in the parameter-to-observable map is due to the use of an approximate model that differs from the best model, i.e. to nonzero `model error'. Multiple approaches have been proposed to address such discrepancies, each leading to a specific posterior. We show how to use local Lipschitz stability estimates of posteriors with respect to likelihood perturbations to bound the Kullback--Leibler divergence of the posterior of each approach with respect to the posterior associated to the best model. Our bounds lead to criteria for choosing observation operators that mitigate the effect of model error for Bayesian inverse problems of this type. We illustrate the feasibility of one such criterion on an advection-diffusion-reaction PDE inverse problem, and use this example to discuss the importance and challenges of model error-aware inference.Comment: 33 pages, 5 figure

    Vegetable by-products in the European food legislative framework

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    Vegetable by-products are a source of many useful bioactive compounds, dietary fiber, fatty acids and proteins that have a great potential in the development of new food products and the promotion of the circular economy and sustainability. Considering processed pepper by-products as an example, the aim of this paper is to provide an overview of EU food legislation that should be taken into account before placing such products on the market, as well as of the voluntary labeling of functional, nutritional and sustainability benefits important for consumers

    Pravni aspekti priznavanja bolesti COVID-19 kao profesionalne bolesti u Republici Hrvatskoj

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    Occupational diseases are diseases directly induced by work and working conditions. In the Republic of Croatia, according to the procedure set out by law, occupational diseases are reported and recognized by the Croatian Health Insurance Fund and registered and monitored in the Registry of Occupational Diseases kept by the Croatian Institute for Public Health ā€“ Department of Occupational Health. Diagnoses are under responsibility of occupational medicine specialists and are carried out according to modern occupational health criteria, which include determining the clinical picture of the disease and the damage caused by the work process. The recognition of COVID-19 as an occupational disease is extremely important for the worker considering the financial and pension benefits according to the applicable laws and regulations. Most workers who have had COVID-19 as a professional disease do not get the disease recognized as an occupational disease while they are sick. The length of the acute disease is shorter than the process of application and evaluation of occupational disease. However, the recognition of COVID-19 as an occupational disease may be important for the future. Should any of the complications (e.g. post COVID-19 syndrome) arise in the future, the worker holds their rights under health insurance. The scientific and healthcare community is still in the process of evaluating and recognizing complications of COVID-19 disease and their long-term impact on health and work ability.Profesionalne bolesti su bolesti izravno izazvane radom i radnim uvjetima. U Republici Hrvatskoj, kroz postupak utvrđen zakonom, profesionalne bolesti prijavljuje i priznaje Hrvatski zavod za zdravstveno osiguranje te ih se registrira i prati u Registru profesionalnih bolesti koji vodi Hrvatski zavod za javno zdravstvo ā€“ Služba za medicinu rada. Dijagnoze su u nadležnosti specijalista medicine rada i sporta te se provode prema suvremenim kriterijima zaÅ”tite na radu, Å”to uključuje određivanje kliničke slike bolesti i posljedica na zdravlje koji su povezani s radnim procesom. Priznavanje COVID-19 kao profesionalne bolesti izuzetno je važno za radnika obzirom na financijske i mirovinske beneficije prema važećim zakonima i pravilnicima. Većini radnika koji su imali COVID-19 kao profesionalnu bolest ona nije priznata kao profesionalna bolest dok su bolesni. Duljina akutne bolesti kraća je od procesa primjene i procjene profesionalne bolesti. Međutim, priznavanje COVID-19 kao profesionalne bolesti može biti važno za budućnost. Ako se bilo koja od komplikacija (npr. post COVID-19 sindrom) pojavi u budućnosti, radnik ima svoja prava prema zdravstvenom i mirovinskom osiguranju. Znanstvena i zdravstvena zajednica joÅ” uvijek su u procesu procjene i prepoznavanja komplikacija bolesti COVID-19 i njihovog dugoročnog utjecaja na zdravlje i radne sposobnosti

    Human Lifespan: To Live and Outlive 100 Years?

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    Starenje populacije je dominantno demografsko obilježje razvijenih zemalja. StogodiÅ”njaci su selekcionirana skupina i samo jedna od 7.000 do 10.000 osoba dosegne tu dob. Čimbenici dugovječnosti vjerojatno su brojni i uključuju gensko predodređenje (lokus na 4. kromosomu), zdrav okoliÅ” i zdrave životne navike (prehrana s malo kalorija), redovita tjelesna i psihička aktivnost, kao i dostupnost te učinkovitost zdravstvene zaÅ”tite s primjenom geroprofi lakse. StogodiÅ”njaci se adaptiraju na novi život i na gubitak tjelesnih funkcija koji bivaju postupno sve izraženiji kako se dob povisuje. Granice ljudskog života produžuju se - do sada najstarija poznata osoba doživjela je 128 godina. Pojedina zemljopisna područja bilježe izrazito veći broj stogodiÅ”njaka. Navedene su i neke dugovječne osobe s viÅ”e od 100 godina u svijetu i na području Republike Hrvatske i nekih susjednih zemalja. Iako se uglavnom smatra da se granica trajanja života čovjeka ne može produžiti iznad 120 godina, za sada je ipak teÅ”ko predvidjeti gdje su njezine granice.Aged population dominates in developed countries. Centenarians are a select group, and only one in 7,000 to 10,000 reach that age. Factors of longevity are numerous and include genetic predisposition (a locus on chromosome 4), environment, healthy lifestyle (hypocaloric diet, regular physical and mental exercise), accessible health services, and effi cient health protection at old age. Centenarians are well adapted to the new life and compensate for the loss of functions with age. The limits of human life are extended, so that nowadays the oldest person has reached the age of 128. Some geographic areas are characterised by higher numbers of centenarians. This article mentions a few individuals who outlived 100 years in the world, Croatia, and neighbouring countries. Although some argue that the limits of human life cannot be extended over the age of 120 years, for now we cannot predict the actual limits of human life

    Ružička days : International conference 16th Ružička Days ā€œToday Science ā€“ Tomorrow Industryā€ : Proceedings

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    Proceedings contains articles presented at Conference divided into sections: open lecture (1), chemical analysis and synthesis (3), chemical and biochemical engineering (8), food technology and biotechnology (8), medical chemistry and pharmacy (3), environmental protection (11) and meeting of young chemists (2)