11 research outputs found

    Early foreign language learning at pre-school children

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    Predmet ovog rada i istraživanja je rano učenje stranog jezika kod djece predškolske dobi. U radu je prikazan teorijski okvir, vodeći se relevantnom literaturom. Također je provedeno i istraživanje na roditeljima, koje je za cilj imalo dobivanje uvida u mišljenje roditelja o ranom učenju stranog jezika u predškolskoj dobi. S obzirom na postavljeni cilj, zadaci istraživanja bili su: D) Ispitati mišljenje roditelja o razlozima uključivanja djeteta u program učenja stranog jezika E) Ispitati mišljenje roditelja o metodama koje se koriste pri učenju stranog jezika F) Ispitati stupanj zadovoljstva roditelja postojećim programima za rano učenje stranog jezika Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 53 roditelja, čija djeca pohađaju neki od programa za rano učenje stranog jezika. U provedenom istraživanju korišten je Upitnik za procjenu mišljenja o ranom učenju stranog jezika kod djece predškolske dobi. S obzirom na postavljene zadatke zaključeno je: A) Glavni razlog za uključivanje djece u program učenje stranog jezika je mišljenje roditelja kako je znanje stranih jezika bogatstvo. B) Kao najuspješnije metode učenja stranog jezika roditelji navode igre i pjesmice, te poticanje korištenja stranog jezika u slobodnoj igri. C) Roditelji su uglavnom zadovoljni postojećim programima, a dio ispitanika koji izražava nezadovoljstvo dali su prijedloge i sugestije za poboljšanje.The subject of this paper and research is foreign language education for preschool children. The paper presents the theoretical framework, based on relevant literature. In addition, field research was carried out amongst parents in order to gain an insight into parent’s opinions regarding foreign language education for preschool children. Based on the objective, the research tasks were to: D) Explore parent’s opinions on the reasons for enrolling children into a foreign language programme E) Explore parents opinions on the methods used for learning a foreign language F) Explore the degree of parent’s satisfaction with existing programmes for early learning of a foreign language. The research was carried out on a sample of 53 parents, whose children are attending an early learning foreign language programme. The research utilised a survey to evaluate the opinions on foreign language education for preschool children. Based on the given tasks, the research concluded that: A) The main reason for enrolling children into a foreign language programme is parent’s opinion that knowledge of a foreign language is enriching B) The best foreign language teaching methods parent's mentioned include games and songs as well as encouraging foreign language use in free-play C) Parents are mainly satisfied with the existing foreign language programmes, while the ones which are dissatisfied have offered suggestions on how to improve the offering.L’oggetto di questo lavoro è l’apprendimento precoce della lingua straniera nei bambini in età prescolare. Oltre al quadro teorico, accompagnato dalla relativa bibliografia, è stato svolto un sondaggio tra genitori, finalizzato a capire le opinioni dei genitori sull’apprendimento precoce della lingua straniera in età prescolare. Considerato l’obiettivo fissato, i compiti della ricerca erano: A) Vedere i motivi dei genitori per l’inserimento del proprio bambino in un programma di studio di lingua straniera B) Valutare il parere dei genitori sui metodi usati nell’insegnamento della lingua straniera C) Valutare quanto sono soddisfatti i genitori con i programmi per l’apprendimento precoce della lingua straniera esistenti La ricerca è stata svolta su un campione di 53 genitori, i cui bambini frequentano alcuni dei programmi per l’apprendimento precoce della lingua straniera. Nella ricerca svolta è stato utilizzato il Questionario per la valutazione del parere sull’apprendimento precoce della lingua straniera nei bambini in età prescolare steso per l’occasione. Considerati i compiti prefissati è stato concluso: A) La ragione principale dell’inserimento dei bambini nel programma di studio della lingua straniera secondo i genitori è perché considerano la conoscenza delle lingue straniere una ricchezza. B) I genitori affermano che i migliori metodi per lo studio della lingua straniera sono il gioco e le canzoni, e l’uso della lingua straniera nel gioco. C) I genitori sono generalmente soddisfatti con i programmi esistenti, mentre gli intervistati dimostratisi insoddisfatti hanno espresso le loro proposte e i suggerimenti per migliorare i programmi

    Mosquitoes in Croatia, transmitting diseases, ways of prevention and control

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    SažetakZaštita prirode i okoliša danas čini sastavni dio gospodarskog i šireg društvenog razvoja. Podizanjem razine svijesti, proaktivnim razmišljanjem i djelovanjem, možemo računati na 10.održivi razvoj nadolazećih generacija. Ipak, u toj namjeri promjene ekosustava posljedično utječu na brojnost pojedinih vrsta insekata. Komarci su kozmopolitske životinje iz porodice Culicidae. Prenosnici su mnogih patogena koji izazivaju brojne bolesti kod ljudi i životinja: denga groznica, žuta groznica, groznica Zapadnog Nila, tularemija, japanski encefalitis, malarija, zika groznica i dr. Cilj ovoga preglednog rada je sažeto objediniti trenutne znanstvene spoznaje o komarcima, njihovom životnom ciklusu, vrstama prisutnima u Republici Hrvatskoj, načinu prenošenja mikroorganizama, bolestima koje pojedine vrste komaraca na području Hrvatske prenose te prikaz najmodernijih rješenja prevencije i suzbijanja invazivne vektorske vrste komarca Aedes albopictus putem tehnike sterilnih mužjaka (SIT) koja se smatra među ekološki najprihvatljivijom i najrazvijenijom metodom suzbijanja štetočina kukaca.SummaryToday, the protection of nature and the environment is an integral part of economic and general social development. By raising awareness, thinking and acting proactively, we can count on the sustainable development of future generations. Nevertheless, changes in the ecosystem also have an impact on the number of individual insect species. Mosquitoes are cosmopolitan animals belonging to the family Culicidae. They are carriers of many pathogens that cause numerous diseases in humans and animals: Dengue fever, yellow fever, West Nile fever, tularemia, Japanese encephalitis, malaria, Zika fever, etc. The aim of this review is to summarize the current scientific knowledge about mosquitoes, their life cycle, the species present in the Republic of Croatia, the mode of transmission of microorganisms and the diseases transmitted by certain mosquito species in Croatia, and to present the most modern solutions for prevention and control of invasive vector species of mosquito Aedes albopictus using the technique of sterile males (SIT), which is considered one of the most environmentally friendly and developed methods of insect pest control

    The relationship between bone mineral density and lipid status and anthropometric parameters in patients with dyslipidaemia

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    Cilj: Statini značajno smanjuju rizik od kardiovaskularnih bolesti, a s obzirom na mehanizamdjelovanja sličan bisfosfonatima, mogu povoljno djelovati i na koštani metabolizam. Ciljje bio istražiti povezanost između mineralne gustoće kosti (BMD) slabinske kralježnice i lijevogkuka s lipidnim i antropometrijskim parametrima u pacijenata liječenih zbog dislipidemije. Osimtoga, cilj je bio analizirati odnos između vremenskog perioda liječenja statinima i BMD-a. Ispitanicii metode: Ispitanici su većinom žene u postmenopauzi (N = 65), ali i muškarci (N = 15), kojise zbog dislipidemije liječe statinima. Iz ispitivane skupine isključeni su oni pacijenti koji se zbogosteoporoze liječe bisfosfonatima. U svih ispitanika su koštanom denzitometrijom izmjerenevrijednosti BMD-a slabinske kralježnice i lijevog kuka. Rezultati: BMD slabinske kralježnice pozitivnokorelira s koncentracijom triglicerida u krvi (r = 0,24, P = 0,046), ali korelira negativno sukupnim kolesterolom (r = -0,31, P = 0,008), HDL kolesterolom (r = -0,28, P = 0,020) i LDL kolesterolom(r = -0,35, P = 0,004). BMD lijevog kuka korelira pozitivno s trigliceridima (r = 0,25,P = 0,031), dok su negativne korelacije nađene s ukupnim kolesterolom (r = -0,30, P = 0,011),HDL kolesterolom (r = -0,28, P = 0,015) i LDL kolesterolom (r = -0,30, P = 0,010). Vremenski periodliječenja statinima pozitivno korelira s BMD-om slabinske kralježnice (r = 0,23, P = 0,048).Zaključak: Razvidno je da postoji povezanost između koštanog metabolizma i lipidnog statusa,kao i između koštanog metabolizma i vremenskog perioda liječenja statinima. Ipak, potrebno jeprovesti nova randomizirana klinička istraživanja kako bi se taj odnos u potpunosti razjasnio.Aim: Statins significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, and with regardto the mechanism of action similar to bisphosphonates, may have a favorable effect on bonemetabolism. The aim was to investigate the relationship between bone mineral densities(BMD) of the lumbar spine and left hip with anthropometric and lipid parameters in patientstreated for dyslipidemia. In addition, the aim was to analyze the relationship between theperiod of treatment with statins and BMD. Patients and methods: Respondents were mostlypostmenopausal women (N = 65), and men (N = 15) who are treated with statins for dyslipidemia.Patients who are treated for osteoporosis with bisphosphonates were excluded from thestudy group. Bone densitometry was used to measure values of BMD of the lumbar spine andleft hip in all patients. Results: BMD of the lumbar spine is correlated positively with concentrationof triglycerides in the blood (r = 0.24, P = 0.046), but negatively correlated with totalcholesterol (r = -0.31, P = 0.008), HDL cholesterol (r = -0.28, P = 0.020) and LDL cholesterol(r = -0.35, P = 0.004). Left hip BMD correlated positively with triglycerides (r = 0.25, P = 0.031),whereas a negative correlation was found with total cholesterol (r = -0.30, P = 0.011), HDLcholesterol (r = -0.28, P = 0.015) and LDL cholesterol (r = -0.30, P = 0.010). Period of treatmentwith statins is positively correlated with BMD in the lumbar spine (r = 0.23, P = 0.048).Conclusion: It is obvious that there is a relationship between bone metabolism and lipid profile,as well as between bone metabolism and the period of treatment with statins. However, it is necessaryto carry out new randomized clinical researches to fully clarify these relationships

    The relationship between bone mineral density and lipid status and anthropometric parameters in patients with dyslipidaemia

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    Cilj: Statini značajno smanjuju rizik od kardiovaskularnih bolesti, a s obzirom na mehanizamdjelovanja sličan bisfosfonatima, mogu povoljno djelovati i na koštani metabolizam. Ciljje bio istražiti povezanost između mineralne gustoće kosti (BMD) slabinske kralježnice i lijevogkuka s lipidnim i antropometrijskim parametrima u pacijenata liječenih zbog dislipidemije. Osimtoga, cilj je bio analizirati odnos između vremenskog perioda liječenja statinima i BMD-a. Ispitanicii metode: Ispitanici su većinom žene u postmenopauzi (N = 65), ali i muškarci (N = 15), kojise zbog dislipidemije liječe statinima. Iz ispitivane skupine isključeni su oni pacijenti koji se zbogosteoporoze liječe bisfosfonatima. U svih ispitanika su koštanom denzitometrijom izmjerenevrijednosti BMD-a slabinske kralježnice i lijevog kuka. Rezultati: BMD slabinske kralježnice pozitivnokorelira s koncentracijom triglicerida u krvi (r = 0,24, P = 0,046), ali korelira negativno sukupnim kolesterolom (r = -0,31, P = 0,008), HDL kolesterolom (r = -0,28, P = 0,020) i LDL kolesterolom(r = -0,35, P = 0,004). BMD lijevog kuka korelira pozitivno s trigliceridima (r = 0,25,P = 0,031), dok su negativne korelacije nađene s ukupnim kolesterolom (r = -0,30, P = 0,011),HDL kolesterolom (r = -0,28, P = 0,015) i LDL kolesterolom (r = -0,30, P = 0,010). Vremenski periodliječenja statinima pozitivno korelira s BMD-om slabinske kralježnice (r = 0,23, P = 0,048).Zaključak: Razvidno je da postoji povezanost između koštanog metabolizma i lipidnog statusa,kao i između koštanog metabolizma i vremenskog perioda liječenja statinima. Ipak, potrebno jeprovesti nova randomizirana klinička istraživanja kako bi se taj odnos u potpunosti razjasnio.Aim: Statins significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, and with regardto the mechanism of action similar to bisphosphonates, may have a favorable effect on bonemetabolism. The aim was to investigate the relationship between bone mineral densities(BMD) of the lumbar spine and left hip with anthropometric and lipid parameters in patientstreated for dyslipidemia. In addition, the aim was to analyze the relationship between theperiod of treatment with statins and BMD. Patients and methods: Respondents were mostlypostmenopausal women (N = 65), and men (N = 15) who are treated with statins for dyslipidemia.Patients who are treated for osteoporosis with bisphosphonates were excluded from thestudy group. Bone densitometry was used to measure values of BMD of the lumbar spine andleft hip in all patients. Results: BMD of the lumbar spine is correlated positively with concentrationof triglycerides in the blood (r = 0.24, P = 0.046), but negatively correlated with totalcholesterol (r = -0.31, P = 0.008), HDL cholesterol (r = -0.28, P = 0.020) and LDL cholesterol(r = -0.35, P = 0.004). Left hip BMD correlated positively with triglycerides (r = 0.25, P = 0.031),whereas a negative correlation was found with total cholesterol (r = -0.30, P = 0.011), HDLcholesterol (r = -0.28, P = 0.015) and LDL cholesterol (r = -0.30, P = 0.010). Period of treatmentwith statins is positively correlated with BMD in the lumbar spine (r = 0.23, P = 0.048).Conclusion: It is obvious that there is a relationship between bone metabolism and lipid profile,as well as between bone metabolism and the period of treatment with statins. However, it is necessaryto carry out new randomized clinical researches to fully clarify these relationships

    Farmakoterapija šećerne bolesti tipa 2

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    Although normoglycemia for most diabetic patients is hard to achieve, any therapy that contributes to glucose regulation may delay the development of complications and improve the quality of life for the patients. While therapy of type 1 diabetes is primarily focused on maintaining good glycemic control, in patients with type 2 diabetes attention should also be paid to the treatment of comorbidities. Polypharmacy in type 2 diabetes increases the risk of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) and negatively affects patient adherence. In order to attain optimal treatment outcomes, an individualized approach with awareness of possible ADRs should be applied in the pharmacotherapy of diabetic patients. The risks of long-term use of new antidiabetics are not fully clarified and spontaneous reporting of their suspected ADRs resulted in a series of safety signals in post-approval phase. This paper reviewed the available literature on the pharmacotherapeutic options for the treatment of type 2 diabetes and lists current knowledge on the safety profile of antidiabetic drugs

    Vitamin D and Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis: Observations from CROHT Biobank

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    The aims of this study were to evaluate: (1) associations of vitamin D with the presence/severity of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (HT) and (2) correlations of vitamin D with thyroid-related phenotypes. Total 25(OH)D (vitamin D in the text) was measured from stored serum samples of 461 HT patients and 176 controls from a Croatian Biobank of HT patients (CROHT). (1) Vitamin D levels, and proportions of vitamin D deficiency, were compared between HT cases and controls. HT patients were additionally divided into two groups (MILD and OVERT) to take into account HT severity. (2) Correlations between vitamin D and 10 clinical phenotypes in all HT patients and two subgroups of HT patients were tested using the Spearman correlation test. Our analyses were adjusted for age, gender, BMI, smoking status and seasonality of blood sampling. (1) No significant differences in vitamin D levels, or proportions of vitamin D deficiency, were detected between HT patients of all disease stages and controls. However, a nominally significant difference in vitamin D levels between MILD and OVERT subgroups (OR = 1.038, p = 0.023) was observed. Proportions of individuals with vitamin D deficiency during winter–spring were high: all HT cases (64.69%), MILD (60.64%), OVERT (68.7%), controls (60.79%). (2) A nominally significant negative correlation between vitamin D and TSH in all HT patients (r = −0.113, p = 0.029) and a positive correlation between vitamin D and systolic blood pressure in OVERT HT patients (r = 0.205, p = 0.025) were identified. Our study indicates that there is no association between vitamin D and HT; however, there may be a subtle decrease in vitamin D levels associated with overt hypothyroidism

    Medical teachers' attitudes towards science and motivational orientation for medical research

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    BACKGROUND: Research is an important motivating factor for pursuing a career in academic medicine, but the relation between motivation and other factors involved in scientific research are not clear. ----- PURPOSE: To explore the motivational orientation for doing research and its relation with attitudes towards science and publication practice among members of faculty at a medical school. ----- METHODS: We used a Science Attitude Survey and the Work Preference Inventory (intrinsic and extrinsic motivational orientation using 4 Likert-type scales of motivation, possible range 1-5) to survey two groups of teachers at the Zagreb University School of Medicine (n = 327, 66% response rate): professors, elected to tenure-track positions (n = 150), and instructor/research fellows working on or just completing their thesis (n = 177). RESULTS: Overall, teachers scored highest on the Enjoyment subscale of intrinsic motivational orientation (mean score +/- standard deviation 4.3 +/- 0.42 for professors vs 4.1 +/- 0.42 for instructors/research fellows, P = 0.001, t-test). Professors also scored higher than instructors/research fellows on the Challenge subscale of intrinsic motivational orientation (3.8 +/- 0.55 vs. 3.5 +/- 0.64, P < 0.001, t-test), whereas instructors/research fellows scored higher on the Compensation subscale of extrinsic motivational orientation (3.5 +/- 0.74 vs. 3.1 +/- 0.71, P < 0.001, t-test). Multiple linear regression analysis showed that the number of publications was positively associated with scores on the Science Attitude Survey and the Challenge subscale of intrinsic motivation, and negatively associated with scores on the Compensation subscale of extrinsic motivation. ----- CONCLUSIONS: Members of the medical faculty differ in motivational orientation for research depending on their academic status, and their motivation is associated more with requirements for academic advancement than with research. These findings have important implications for developing strategies for enhancing academic research production

    Investigation and Spatial Distribution of Hard Ticks by Geographical Information System (GIS) in the Region of Istria, Croatia

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    Ticks are significant vectors of pathogens in human and veterinary medicine and have been identified as (re)emerging health threats. The primary objective of this study was to collect new data on the fauna of hard ticks within the region of Istria with a focus on spatial distribution using a geographical information system (GIS). All tick specimens were collected over three years (2020–2023), and this research included all 41 self-government units of Istria and Brijuni Islands National Park. Ticks were collected using the flagging/dragging method and manually from hosts (humans, domestic, or wild animals). In addition, morphological identification using tick keys was performed. The obtained data were used to create maps and feed models and to predict risk assessments. Collected data reveal the predominant presence of Ixodes ricinus, accounting for (n = 446) or 48.1% of the tick population. Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Ixodida: Ixodidae) follows with (n = 253) or 27.23%, and Hyalomma marginatum represents (n = 136) or 14.64% of the tick species collected using the host method in the region. Tick–host relationships are complex and influenced by a range of ecological and environmental factors. The results of this research will contribute to a better understanding, identification, and prediction of the changes in their geographic ranges and help in the prevention and control of zoonosis transmitted to humans by ticks. The obtained results mapped using GIS support the first study on the spatial distribution of ticks in the region of Istria in Croatia

    Propolis ethanolic extracts reduce adenosine diphosphate induced platelet aggregation determined on whole blood

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    Abstract Background Propolis is a well-known bee product containing more than 2000 identified compounds. It has many beneficial effects on human health that include antibacterial, antiviral, anticancer and hepatoprotective justifying its use as a dietary supplement. Platelet aggregation plays crucial role in thrombus formation that can cause stroke or heart attacks. As cardiovascular diseases, including those caused by thrombus formation, are related to 50% of deaths of Western population, the objective of this study was to determine antiaggregatory activity of propolis on platelet aggregation on the whole blood samples. Methods Twenty one propolis samples from Southeast Europe were characterized by spectrophotometric methods to determine content of the total flavonoids and phenolic acids. High performance liquid chromatography coupled with diode array detection was used to identify and quantify individual polyphenols. Platelet aggregation was tested by impedance aggregometry on the whole blood samples of ten healthy volunteers. Results The mean content of total polyphenols was 136.14 mg/g and ranged from 59.23 to 277.39 mg/g. Content of total flavonoids ranged between 6.83 and 55.44 mg/g with the mean value of 19.28 mg/g. Percentage of total phenolic acids was in the range 8.79 to 45.67% (mean 26.63%). Minimal antiaggregatory concentration, representing the lowest concentration of propolis extract sample that can cause statistically significant reduction of aggregation, ranged from 5 μM to 10.4 mM. Samples of propolis with lower content of luteolin and higher content of pinocembrin-7-methyleter showed better antiplatelet activity i.e. lower values of minimal antiaggregatory concentration. Conclusions This is the first study that shows antiaggregatory potential of propolis ethanolic extracts on the whole blood samples in the low micromolar concentrations suggesting that propolis supplementation may influence platelet aggregation and consequently thrombus formation. Further in vivo studies are needed to confirm the beneficial effects in prevention of cardiovascular diseases