31,552 research outputs found

    Accurate performance measure but meaningless ranking exercise? An analysis of the English school league tables.

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    Parental choice among schools in England is informed by annually published school performance (league) tables. The 2006 league tables included a measure of contextual value added (CVA) for the first time. By explicitly accounting for the characteristics of a school’s intake, CVA should provide a more accurate measure of the impact a school has on its pupils’ progress, i.e. on school effectiveness. In this paper we use UK government administrative data to replicate CVA and other key performance measures in order to investigate the extent to which the current league tables provide the information necessary to support parental choice on the basis of school effectiveness. We find that while CVA does provide a more accurate measure of school performance or effectiveness, school rankings based on CVA are largely meaningless: almost half of English secondary schools are indistinguishable from the national average.education, performance measures, ranking

    Credit Valuation Adjustment

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    Credit risk has become a topical issue since the 2007 Credit Crisis, particularly for its impact on the valuation of OTC derivatives. This becomes critical when the credit risk of entities involved in a contract either as underlying or counterparty become highly correlated as is the case during macroeconomic shocks. It impacts the valuation of such contracts through an additional term, the credit valuation adjustment (CVA). This can become large with such correlation. This thesis outlines the main approaches to credit risk modelling, intensity and structural. It gives important examples of both and particular examples useful in the calculation of CVA, the intensity model of Brigo and the structural model of Hull and White. It details Brigo's market standard model independent framework for derivatives valuation with CVA. It does this for both its unilateral form where only one counterparty is credit risky and also for its bilateral form where both counterparties are credit risky. This thesis then shows how these frameworks can be applied to the valuation of a credit default swap contract (CDS). Finally, it shows how Brigo's and Hull and White's model for credit risk apply to the valuation of the CVA of CDS and draws comparisons, especially based on their ability to capture correlation effects

    On the mathematical form of CVA in Basel III.

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    Credit valuation adjustment in Basel III is studied from the perspective of the mathematics involved. A bank covers mark-to-market losses for expected counterparty risk with a CVA capital charge. The CVA is known as credit valuation adjustments. In this paper it will be argued that CVA and conditioned value at risk (CVaR) have a common mathematical ancestor. The question is raised why the Basel committee, from the perspective of CVaR, has selected a specific parameterization. It is argued that a fine-tuned supervision, on the longer run, will be beneficial for counterparties with a better control over their spread.CVA, CVaR, statistical methodology.

    Continuum limit of self-driven particles with orientation interaction

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    We consider the discrete Couzin-Vicsek algorithm (CVA), which describes the interactions of individuals among animal societies such as fish schools. In this article, we propose a kinetic (mean-field) version of the CVA model and provide its formal macroscopic limit. The final macroscopic model involves a conservation equation for the density of the individuals and a non conservative equation for the director of the mean velocity and is proved to be hyperbolic. The derivation is based on the introduction of a non-conventional concept of a collisional invariant of a collision operator

    Pursuing the Need for Physical Activity in Recurrent CVA Patients During Hospitalization: A Case Report

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    Cerebrovascular accident (CVA) is a neurological deficit condition caused by an acute focal injury of the central nervous system by cerebral infarction or intracerebral hemorrhage. CVA patients who do not reduce risk factors after the first attack have an 8.7 times higher risk of CVA recurrence. The effect of a recurrent CVA is six times greater than the risk of a first CVA in the general population of the same age and sex, and nearly half of them remain alive but are physically disabled. This case report illustrates the process of recurrent CVA and disability experienced by a 69-year-old Malay woman, a patient at a private hospital in West Kalimantan. The nursing strategy of two post-CVA physical rehabilitation exercise programs for patients during hospitalization will be explained according to the stages in nursing theory.Abstrak Mengejar Kebutuhan Aktivitas Fisik Pasien CVA Berulang Selama Hospitalisasi: Laporan Kasus. Cerebrovaskuler Accident (CVA) adalah kondisi defisit neurologis karena cedera akut pada sistem saraf pusat disebabkan infark serebral atau perdarahan intraserebral. Pasien CVA yang tidak menurunkan faktor risikonya secara optimal setelah serangan pertama memiliki risiko CVA berulang sebesar 8,7 kali lebih tinggi. Efek dari CVA berulang adalah 6 kali lebih besar dari episode CVA pertama pada populasi umum, dengan usia dan jenis kelamin yang sama, hampir setengah dari mereka tetap hidup tetapi mengalami cacat secara fisik. Laporan kasus ini menggambarkan penyakit CVA berulang dan kecacatan yang dialami seorang wanita Melayu berusia 69 tahun, seorang pasien di Rumah Sakit Swasta, Kalimantan Barat. Strategi keperawatan untuk dua program latihan rehabilitasi fisik pasca-CVA bagi pasien selama hospitalisasi akan dijelaskan sesuai dengan tahapan pada teori keperawatan. Kata Kunci: aktivitas fisik, CVA berulang, hospitalisas
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