1,191 research outputs found

    More Than a Leadership Position

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    Kanoia Cuttitta discusses student engagement at Linfield College with regard to her involvement in ASLC (the Associated Students of Linfield College).https://digitalcommons.linfield.edu/inauguration2019_students/1005/thumbnail.jp

    Financial Determinants of Yield Rates for Bachelor of Arts and Sciences Colleges

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    This paper investigates the effects of financial factors on the yield rates of Bachelor of Arts and Sciences colleges. We define the yield rate as the percentage of students accepted who choose to enroll. Our data is drawn from the Integrated Post-secondary Education Data System (IPEDS) and consists of 107 Bachelor of Arts and Sciences colleges during the period from 2010 to 2016. Controlling for institutional factors, we find that the responses of the yield rate to increases in federal student loans and increases in tuition and room and board costs are negative and inelastic, while the response to changes in grant aid is not statistically significant

    Repoliticization Through Search and Rescue? NGOs and Humanitarian Migration Management in the Central Mediterranean

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    This article analyses the search and rescue (SAR) activities carried out by three NGOs (MOAS, MSF and Sea-Watch) in the Central Mediterranean, and asks whether and in how far nongovernmental SAR contributes to the repoliticization of the EU maritime border. The article first introduces the concept of depoliticization/repoliticization, as well as that of humanitarianization. Two sections summarize the development of the SAR regime and the governmentalization of international waters in the Strait of Sicily from the Cap Anamur case to 2016, and from late 2016 to recent days. Against this backdrop, the article analyses the different political positions taken by MOAS, MSF and Sea-Watch, their operational activities, as well as their cooperation and relations with the other actors involved in SAR. The three NGOs react differently to the contradictions that are typical of humanitarian non-state action. MOAS keeps a neutral political profile, whereas MSF and Sea-Watch regard their SAR activities as part of a political, not only humanitarian commitment. While the convergence of delocalized state sovereignty and humanitarian reason leaves hardly any room for manoeuvre, MSF and Sea-Watch try to question and contrast governmental policies and practices, as well as to turn international waters into a political stage from which they can make their voice heard and on which they can play the watchdog role

    Egypt. Europe’s other North African border

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    Europe's borders must stop bleeding

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    La frontière Lampedusa. Mises en intrigue du sécuritaire et de l’humanitaire

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    Cet article montre que l’île de Lampedusa est un théâtre sur lequel est donné le « spectacle de la frontière ». Sont présentés les acteurs et les spectateurs de ce spectacle, selon leurs places et rôles respectifs dans l’architecture de l’espace scénique et dans la dramaturgie de la représentation. On analyse les cinq actes du spectacle, selon les périodes durant lesquelles ils se déroulent et selon les événements qui les marquent. Chacun des actes est étudié en fonction des rhétoriques qui le caractérisent. La guerre aux migrations irrégulières se fonde et se justifie en recourant à deux registres discursifs différents : le registre sécuritaire et le registre humanitaire. Sur le théâtre de Lampedusa, les deux récits dominent la scène en alternance, mais sont en réalite toujours concomittants, étroitement entremêlés. Ensemble, ils contribuent à former et à renforcer les politiques et les pratiques de contrôle de l’immigration et des frontières.This paper presents the island of Lampedusa as the theatre stage on which the “border play” of immigration control is performed. The paper first introduces the performers and spectators of the play, outlining their roles and places with respect to the architecture of the theatre space as well as the dramaturgy of the play. Next, the paper analyses the five acts of the play, notably examining the time period in which each of them transpires and the most marking or spectacular events. Each act is analysed with regard to its dominant narratives. The war against irregular migration is waged and justified in resorting to two different narratives: one being security, and the other humanitarian. On the Lampedusa stage, while both narratives take turns commanding the scene, they both are in fact always present. The two rhetorics are intertwined with one another, and together they contribute to constituting and strengthening the policies and practices of migration and border control

    Le monde-frontière. Le contrôle de l’immigration dans l’espace globalisé

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    Loin de marquer la fin des frontières, l’ère de la mondialisation met plutôt en lumière le processus continu de redéfinition de leurs formes et de leurs modalités opératoires. Cela est particulièrement visible dans le champ des contrôles de l’immigration. Le pouvoir territorial y opère à travers une double modalité. D’un côté, il agit directement sur ses frontières territoriales, en les diversifiant et en délocalisant l’action dans l’espace : les points constitutifs de la ligne de frontière sont clonés, multipliés et projetés en deçà et au-delà de la ligne même, en produisant un effet de flexibilisation introvertie ou extravertie de la frontière. La frontière peut ainsi passer de frontière fixe à frontière mobile, de matérielle à immatérielle, de linéaire à punctiforme ou zonale. D’un autre côté, le pouvoir territorial investit la sphère des frontières représentées par les statuts, par les conditions personnelles de migrants, en mettant en relief non seulement les différents statuts déjà existants, mais en les multipliant, en en remodelant les contours et en en différenciant les contenus.Far from marking the end of borders, the globalization era enlightens us actually more about the continuous process by which borders are redefined in their shape and in the operational modalities. This is most obvious in the field of immigration control where territorial power operates through a double modality. On the one hand, it has a direct effect on territorial borders, diversifying and relocating actions in space: the constitutive points of the borderline are duplicated, multiplicated and projected bellow and beyond the line itself, thus producing an effect of either introvert or extravert flexibilisation of the border. The border is thus transformed from a fixed one to a mobile one, from a material one to an immaterial one and from a linear one to a zonal one. On the other hand, territorial power vests itself in the sphere of the borders, borders represented by the status and personal conditions of migrants, by not only delineating the different status already existing but by multiplying them through the remodelling of their outlines and the differentiation of their contents
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