892 research outputs found

    Nutrition and Diet in Rheumatoid Arthritis

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    Rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases (RMDs) are chronic systemic immune/inflammatory conditions characterized by the interaction between gene predisposition, autoimmunity and environmental factors. A growing scientific interest has focused on the role of nutrition in RMDs, suggesting its significant contribution to the pathogenesis and prognosis of these diseases

    Coexistence of osteopoikilosis with seronegative spondyloarthritis and Raynaud's phenomenon: first case report with evaluation of the nailfold capillary bed and literature review.

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    Osteopoikilosis (OPK) is a rare autosomal dominant bone disorder characterized by numerous hyperostotic areas that tend to localize in periarticular osseous regions. It is usually asymptomatic and is often diagnosed incidentally during X-rays. OPK may be an isolated finding or associated with other pathologies, e.g. skin manifestations, rheumatic and/or skeletal disorders. We report a literature review and, for the first time, the coexistence of OPK with seronegative spondyloarthritis and Raynaud's phenomenon in a 48-year old female. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case of OPK studied by videocapillaroscopy, demonstrating the absence of specific microvascular abnormalities of nailfold capillaries

    Moving mass over a viscoelastic system: asymptotic behaviours and insights into nonlinear dynamics

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    Moving masses are of interest in many applications of structural dynamics, soliciting in the last decades a vast debate in the scientific literature. However, despite the attention devoted to the subject, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, there is a lack of analysis about the fate of a movable mass when it rolls or slips with friction on a structure. With the aim of elucidating the dynamics of the simplest paradigm of this system and to investigate its asymptotic response, we make reference to a two-degree-of-freedom model made of an elastically vibrating carriage surmounted by a spherical mass, facing the problem both theoretically and experimentally. In case of linear systems, the analytical solutions and the laboratory tests performed on ad hoc constructed prototypes highlighted a counterintuitive asymptotic dynamics, here called binary: in the absence of friction at the interface of the bodies’ system, the mass holds its initial position or, if nonzero damping acts, at the end of the motion it is in a position that exactly recovers the initial relative distance carriage–sphere. While the first result might be somewhat obvious, the second appears rather surprising. Such a binary behaviour is also confirmed for a Duffing-like system, equipped with cubic springs, while it can be lost when non-smooth friction phenomena occur, as well as in the case of elastic springs restraining the motion of the sphere. The obtained analytical results and the numerical findings, also confirmed by experimental evidences, contribute to the basic understanding of the role played by the damping parameters governing the systems’ dynamics with respect to its asymptotic behaviour and could pave the way for designing active or passive vibration controllers of interest in engineering

    A phosphite dehydrogenase variant with promiscuous access to nicotinamide cofactor pools sustains fast phosphite-dependent growth of transplastomic chlamydomonas reinhardtii

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    Heterologous expression of the NAD+-dependent phosphite dehydrogenase (PTXD) bacterial enzyme from Pseudomonas stutzerii enables selective growth of transgenic organisms by using phosphite as sole phosphorous source. Combining phosphite fertilization with nuclear expression of the ptxD transgene was shown to be an alternative to herbicides in controlling weeds and contamination of algal cultures. Chloroplast expression of ptxD in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii was proposed as an environmentally friendly alternative to antibiotic resistance genes for plastid transformation. However, PTXD activity in the chloroplast is low, possibly due to the low NAD+/NADP+ ratio, limiting the efficiency of phosphite assimilation. We addressed the intrinsic constraints of the PTXD activity in the chloroplast and improved its catalytic efficiency in vivo via rational mutagenesis of key residues involved in cofactor binding. Transplastomic lines carrying a mutagenized PTXD version promiscuously used NADP+ and NAD+ for converting phosphite into phosphate and grew faster compared to those expressing the wild type protein. The modified PTXD enzyme also enabled faster and reproducible selection of transplastomic colonies by directly plating on phosphite-containing medium. These results allow using phosphite as selective agent for chloroplast transformation and for controlling biological contaminants when expressing heterologous proteins in algal chloroplasts, without compromising on culture performance

    Microvascular damage evaluation in systemic sclerosis : the role of nailfold videocapillaroscopy and laser techniques

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    Microvascular damage and a decrease in peripheral blood perfusion are typical features of systemic sclerosis (SSc) with serious clinical implications, not only for a very early diagnosis, but also for disease progression. Nailfold videocapillaroscopy is a validated and safe imaging technique able to detect peripheral capillary morphology, as well as to classify and to score any nailfold abnormalities into different microangiopathy patterns. Capillaroscopic analysis is now included in the ACR/EULAR classification criteria for SSc. The decrease in peripheral blood perfusion is usually associated with microvascular damage in SSc, which may be studied by different methods. Several of these make use of safe laser technologies. This paper focuses on these new clinical aspects to assess SSc microvascular impairment

    Optical fiber technology enables smart needles for epidurals. An in-vivo swine study

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    Nowadays, epidural space identification is made by using subjective and manual techniques characterized by failure rates up to 7%. In this work, we propose a fiber optic sensor technology based needle guidance system, that is directly inspired by the most common technique currently used for epidurals; through real-time strain measurements, the fiber Bragg grating integrated inside the needle lumen is able to effectively perceive the typical force drop occurring when the needle enters the epidural space. An in vivo swine study demonstrates the validity of our approach, paving the way for the development of lab-in-a-needle systems

    Review on Augmented Reality in Oral and Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery: Toward 'Surgery-Specific' Head-Up Displays

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    In recent years, there has been an increasing interest towards the augmented reality as applied to the surgical field. We conducted a systematic review of literature classifying the augmented reality applications in oral and cranio-maxillofacial surgery (OCMS) in order to pave the way to future solutions that may ease the adoption of AR guidance in surgical practice. Publications containing the terms 'augmented reality' AND 'maxillofacial surgery', and the terms 'augmented reality' AND 'oral surgery' were searched in the PubMed database. Through the selected studies, we performed a preliminary breakdown according to general aspects, such as surgical subspecialty, year of publication and country of research; then, a more specific breakdown was provided according to technical features of AR-based devices, such as virtual data source, visualization processing mode, tracking mode, registration technique and AR display type. The systematic search identified 30 eligible publications. Most studies (14) were in orthognatic surgery, the minority (2) concerned traumatology, while 6 studies were in oncology and 8 in general OCMS. In 8 of 30 studies the AR systems were based on a head-mounted approach using smart glasses or headsets. In most of these cases (7), a video-see-through mode was implemented, while only 1 study described an optical-see-through mode. In the remaining 22 studies, the AR content was displayed on 2D displays (10), full-parallax 3D displays (6) and projectors (5). In 1 case the AR display type is not specified. AR applications are of increasing interest and adoption in oral and cranio-maxillofacial surgery, however, the quality of the AR experience represents the key requisite for a successful result. Widespread use of AR systems in the operating room may be encouraged by the availability of 'surgery-specific' head-mounted devices that should guarantee the accuracy required for surgical tasks and the optimal ergonomics

    The role of nailfold videocapillaroscopy in Raynaud's phenomenon monitoring and early diagnosis of systemic sclerosis

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    Several connective tissue diseases, in particular systemic sclerosis (SSc), have Raynaud's phenomenon (RP) as their first clinical manifestation. Primary RP represents a benign condition often observed in otherwise healthy subjects, especially women: it is due to an exaggerated response to the physiological cold-induced vasospasm, whereas the secondary form of RP is typically associated with connective tissue diseases, especially SSc. Nailfold videocapillaroscopy (NVC), particulary after the recent technological advances, is a safe and reliable method to observe the microvascular structure and its early changes, especially during the transition from primary to secondary RP. In case of SSc, by considering validated patterns and scoring systems, NVC is the main tool that rheumatologists can rely on, besides the presence of specific auto-antibodies, to perform a very early diagnosis of the disease. This implies the possibility of early treatment of SSc, with an eye of predicting and preventing its major clinical complications


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    Background:Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients shown an increased risk of low bone mass as a result of multifactorial events: physical inactivity, persistent inflammation, low vitamin D levels (photosensitivity) and glucocorticoid treatment. Trabecular Bone Score (TBS), is an index extracted from the dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) that provides an indirect measurement of bone axial microarchitecture and allows to get information about bone quality in several rheumatic diseases (1-4).Objectives:The aims of this study were to examine the prevalence and risk factors for low bone mineral density (BMD) (osteoporosis or osteopenia) in female patients affected by SLE and to compare with matched healthy subjects (CNT).Methods:70 female patients (mean age 41±20 years) affected by SLE and 65 age- matched CNT (mean age 46±7 years) were enrolled. Bone Mineral Density (BMD, g/cm2) of the lumbar spine (L1-L4) was analyzed using a DXA scan (GE, Lunar Prodigy). Lumbar spine TBS was derived for each spine DXA examination using the TBS index (TBS iNsight Medimaps).Results:The mean BMD±SD was 0.47±0.57 g/cm2 at the lumbar spine and 0.78 ± 0.22 g/cm2 at the hip in SLE patients. The prevalence of osteopenia was 40.0% and was 19.4% of osteoporosis in SLE patients. Most of SLE patients (75%) presented a bone loss that was significantly higher when compared with control group (p<0.001). Lumbar spine TBS score was found significantly lower in SLE patients compared with CNT (0.687±0.675 vs, 1.294±0.809 p<0.001, respectively) and of 0,47±0,94 times lower than expected from the concomitant reference BMD value.Conclusion:The study shows that the further TBS analysis, independently from the concomitant BMD value, is significatively lower then expected in SLE patients. The detection of the TBS, together with the BMD, may offer a more reliable indication of the real whole bone condition in chronic and systemic inflammatory rheumatic diseases, such as SLE.References:[1]Cutolo M et al. Ann Rheum Dis. 2009;68 446-7; 2 Dey M et al. Lupus. 018;271547-1551; 3 Ruaro B, Casabella A, et al. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2018;57:1548-1554. 4 Ruaro B, Casabella A, et al. Clin Rheumatol. 2018 Nov;37(11):3057-3062.Disclosure of Interests:Andrea Casabella: None declared, Sabrina Paolino: None declared, Elisa Alessandri: None declared, Vanessa Smith Grant/research support from: The affiliated company received grants from Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO), Belgian Fund for Scientific Research in Rheumatic diseases (FWRO), Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co and Janssen-Cilag NV, Consultant of: Boehringer-Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co, Speakers bureau: Actelion Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Boehringer-Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co and UCB Biopharma Sprl, Barbara Ruaro: None declared, Carmen Pizzorni: None declared, Alberto Sulli Grant/research support from: Laboratori Baldacci, Maurizio Cutolo Grant/research support from: Bristol-Myers Squibb, Actelion, Celgene, Consultant of: Bristol-Myers Squibb, Speakers bureau: Sigma-Alph
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