45 research outputs found

    The implications of the Saturn 5 systems approach to education and other programs

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    Implications of Saturn 5 systems approach to education and other program

    Finite element models of wire rope for vibration analysis

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    The usefulness of wire rope in shock and vibration isolation is briefly reviewed and its modeling for the purpose of vibration analysis is addressed. A model of a nominally straight segment of wire rope is described in which the rope structure is represented by a maiden, or central, strand of wire with one (or more) strand(s) wrapped around it in a helix (helices). The individual strands are modeled using finite elements and MSC NASTRAN. Small linear segments of each wire are modeled mathematically by dividing them lengthwise into triangular prisms representing each prism by a solid NASTRAN element. To model pretensioning and allow for extraction of internal force information from the NASTRAN model, the wound strands are connected to the maiden strand and each other using spring (scalar elastic) elements. Mode shapes for a length of wire rope with one and fixed to a moving base and the other attached to a point mass, are presented. The use of the NASTRAN derived mode shapes to approximate internal normal forces in equations of motion for vibration analyses is considered

    Initial investigations into the damping characteristics of wire rope vibration isolators

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    Passive dampers composed of coils of multi-strand wire rope are investigated. Analytical results range from those produced by complex NASTRAN models to those of a Coulomb damping model with variable friction force. The latter agrees well with experiment. The Coulomb model is also utilized to generate hysteresis loops. Various other models related to early experimental investigations are described. Significant closed-form static solutions for physical properties of single-and multi-strand wire ropes are developed for certain specific geometries and loading conditions. NASTRAN models concentrate on model generation and mode shapes of 2-strand and 7-strand straight wire ropes with interfacial forces

    Vaccines against toxoplasma gondii : challenges and opportunities

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    Development of vaccines against Toxoplasma gondii infection in humans is of high priority, given the high burden of disease in some areas of the world like South America, and the lack of effective drugs with few adverse effects. Rodent models have been used in research on vaccines against T. gondii over the past decades. However, regardless of the vaccine construct, the vaccines have not been able to induce protective immunity when the organism is challenged with T. gondii, either directly or via a vector. Only a few live, attenuated T. gondii strains used for immunization have been able to confer protective immunity, which is measured by a lack of tissue cysts after challenge. Furthermore, challenge with low virulence strains, especially strains with genotype II, will probably be insufficient to provide protection against the more virulent T. gondii strains, such as those with genotypes I or II, or those genotypes from South America not belonging to genotype I, II or III. Future studies should use animal models besides rodents, and challenges should be performed with at least one genotype II T. gondii and one of the more virulent genotypes. Endpoints like maternal-foetal transmission and prevention of eye disease are important in addition to the traditional endpoint of survival or reduction in numbers of brain cysts after challenge

    Sarampo: idade ótima e número de doses recomendadas para a vacinação no Brasil

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    Este estudo foi inicialmente conduzido em população adulta normal, compreendendo doadores de Banco de Sangue, estudantes universitários e parturientes, totalizando 889 indivíduos. Foi observado que cerca de 87% desta população apresentava anticorpos específicos para o sarampo, e que o mesmo porcentual de positividade observado nas gestantes, foi encontrado nos seus respectivos conceptos dada a passagem transplacentária dos anticorpos maternos. Foi verificado o declínio desses anticorpos após o 4.° mês, do recém-nato. Os resultados à vacinação contra o sarampo foi estudada em 1268 crianças divididas em três grupos: I) vacinadas aos 7 meses e revacinadas aos 15 meses; II) vacinadas aos 9 meses e III) vacinadas aos 7 meses e revacinadas aos 9 meses. Os resultados deste estudo indicam que apesar da resposta à vacinação ter sido mais eficiente no grupo de crianças maiores, é importante que se vacine aos 7 meses de idade, embora a porcentagem de soroconversão tenha sido de 50%. Esta medida deve ser levada em consideração, tendo em vista que a mortalidade por sarampo em crianças com menos de 1 ano representa a metade dos óbitos pela doença. Foi verificado que após a aplicação da 2.° dose, não houve diferença quanto à soroconversão, tanto no grupo revacinado 2 meses ou 8 meses após a 1.º dose da vacina. Portanto, a vacinação aos 7 meses é necessária, visando diminuir a mortalidade e a morbidade dentro do 1.º ano de vida, e a revacinação aos 9 meses, a fim de imunizar as crianças não beneficiadas com a 1.ª dose

    Joined-wing model vibrations using PC-based modal testing and finite element analysis

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    Vitamin D Deficiency: Implications for Acute Care in the Elderly and in Patients With Chronic Illness

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    There is evidence that the vast majority of hospitalized patients have vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D deficiency is a poorly recognized pandemic with evidence to indicate inadequate testing and monitoring of response to treatment in high-risk populations. Vitamin D receptors are ubiquitous in the human body and while the endocrine effects of vitamin D are well recognized, the autocrine and paracrine effects of this steroid hormone are less well appreciated. These functions include antimicrobial and immunomodulation effects as well benefits on cardiovascular health, autoimmune disease, cancer and metabolism. Vitamin D deficiency increases mortality and even a modest amount of vitamin D may enhance longevity. Emerging evidence suggests that a vitamin D replete state carries significant health benefits in acute illness. In this review, we discuss the role of vitamin D deficiency and potential benefits in treating this deficiency focusing on the implications for managing acute illness in elderly patients and those with an underlying chronic illness

    Descriptive Analysis of Clinical Encounters by Emergency Medical Services Physicians Using the RE-AIM Framework

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    CONTEXT: Emergency medical services (EMS) medicine continues to expand and mature as a recognized subspeciality within emergency medicine. In the United States, EMS physicians historically supported training, protocol development, and EMS clinician credentialing. In the past, only limited programs existed in which prehospital physicians were engaged in the direct and routine care of prehospital patients; however, a growing number of EMS programs are recognizing the value and impact of direct EMS physician involvement in prehospital patient care. PROGRAM: A large suburban, volunteer-based EMS agency implemented a volunteer prehospital physician program where providers routinely responded to emergency calls for service. IMPLEMENTATION: Beginning in November 2019, a cadre of board-certified physicians completed a field preceptorship and local protocol orientation. Once complete, the physicians were released to function and respond independently to high acuity emergency calls or any call at their discretion. Prehospital physicians were authorized to utilize their full scope of practice and expected to provide field mentorship to traditional prehospital clinicians. EVALUATION: This study systematically evaluated a prehospital physician program for public health relevance, sustainability, and population health impact using the RE-AIM framework. A retrospective descriptive analysis was performed on the role and responses by a cohort of prehospital physicians using dispatch data and electronic medical records. DISCUSSION: Over the 17-month study period, 9 prehospital physicians responded to 482 calls, predominately cardiac arrests, traumatic injuries, and cardiac/chest pain. The physicians performed 99 procedures and administered 113 medications. Ultimately, the program added physician-level care to the prehospital setting in an ongoing and sustainable way. The routine placement of physicians in the prehospital environment can help benefit patients by enhancing access to advanced clinical knowledge and skills, while also benefiting EMS clinicians through opportunities for enhanced patient-side training, education, and medical control