24 research outputs found

    Pemanfaatan Limbah Sereh Wangi (Cymbopogon nardus) Amoniasi sebagai Pengganti Sebagian Pakan Basal terhadap Kualitas Semen Segar Domba Ekor Tipis

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    ABSTRAK. Suatu penelitian tentang kualitas semen segar domba ekor tipis yang diberikan limbah sereh wangi (Cymbopogon nardus) amoniasi sebagai pengganti sebagian pakan basal, dilakukan dengan metode Rancangan Bujur Sangkar Latin (RBSL) dengan 4 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan. Perlakuan A adalah tanpa pemberian limbah sereh wangi amoniasi (kontrol), perlakuan B pemberian limbah sereh wangi amoniasi (10%), perlakuan C pemberian limbah sereh wangi amoniasi (20%), perlakuan D pemberian limbah sereh wangi amoniasi (30%). Parameter yang diamati secara makroskopis yaitu volume, warna, bau, konsistensi dan pH. Sedangkan parameter yang diamati dengan mikroskopis yaitu konsentrasi, motilitas individu, dan motilitas massa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian limbah sereh wangi amoniasi 10%-30% tidak berpengaruh nyata (P0.05) terhadap pengujian kualitas semen segar baik secara makroskopis dan mikroskopis. Pemberian limbah sereh wangi amoniasi sebagai pengganti sebagian hijauan pakan sampai taraf 30% pada domba ekor tipis jantan tidak berpengaruh negatif terhadap kualitas dari semen domba ekor tipis baik pada pengujian makroskopis maupun mikroskopis. (The utilization of ammoniated lemongrass waste (Cymbopogon nardus) as a partial replacement of basal feed on the quality of fresh semen of Javanese thin tailed sheep) ABSTRACT. A study on the quality of fresh semen of Javanese thin tailed sheep with ammoniated the waste of lemongrass (Cymbopogon nardus) as a partial replacement for basal feed, was carried out by the Latin Square Design (LSD) experimental method with 4 treatments and 4 replications. Treatment A was without ammoniated (control) lemongrass waste, treatment B was ammoniated lemongrass waste (10%), treatment C was ammoniated lemongrass waste (20%), treatment D was ammoniated lemongrass waste (30%). The parameters observed macroscopically are volume, color, odor, and consistency. While the parameters observed microscopically are concentration, individual motility, and mass motility. The results showed that the administration of 10% - 30% ammoniated lemongrass waste had no significant effect (P 0.05) on testing the quality of fresh semen both macroscopically and microscopically. The feeding of ammoniated lemongrass waste as a partial replacement of basal feed up to 30% in male rams did not have a negative effect on the quality of semen of thin sheep in both macroscopic and microscopic testing

    The Effect of Jamblang Leaves Extract (Syzygium cumini) Inclusion Skim Milk-Egg Yolk Extender on Motility, Abnormality and Viability of Aceh Cattle Spermatozoa Stored at 4ºC

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    This research aimed to know the effect of the addition of jamblang leaves extract (Syzygium cumini) in skim milk-egg yolk diluent material on motility, abnormality, and viability of Aceh cattle stored at 4ºC. The research design used was Complete Randomized Design consisting of 5 treatment and 5 repetitions. The treatments consisted of J0 (SSKT), J1 (SSKT+ EDJ 0. g/ 100 ml), J2 (SSKT+ EDJ 0.4 g/ 100 ml), J3 (SSKT+ EDJ 0.6 g/ 100 ml) and J4 (SSKT+ EDJ 0.8 g/ 100 ml). The data obtained were analyzed descriptively by determining the mean value and standard deviation using Microsoft Excel. The research result indicated that the addition of jamblang leaves extract in skim milk-egg yolk diluent material maintaining the motility, viability and abnormality of the spermatozoa of Aceh cattle stored at the temperature of 4ºC. Based on the research that has been carried out,  it can be concluded that the addition of jamblang leaves extract in skim milk-egg yolk diluent material can maintain the quality of Aceh cattle spermatozoa, while the use of incorrect dose becomes toxic and disrupt the spermatozoa activities to cause death

    Keamanan Susu Fermentasi Yang Beredar Di Banda Aceh Berdasarkan Nilai Gizi dan Jumlah Bakteri Pathogen

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    Safety condition of commercial fermented milk that put on the market in banda aceh based on nutritive value and pathogenic bacteria ABSTRACT. Fermented milk has much value primarily for the health of digestive system. However without hygienically and sterilized treatment it can become toxic to consumers. This research was conducted to observe nutritive value, the present of pathogenic bacteria, and the safety condition of commercial fermented milk that put on the market in Banda Aceh. Samples of commercial fermented milk tested were obtained from recognized retailers in Banda Aceh. Factorial completely randomized design with six replications was applied in this research. Variety of fermented milk products (yoghurt and drink yoghurt) was the first factor to be analyzed, and the second one was expired date of the products (the date of production and the date of by expired). The amount of crude protein and lipid, pH level, and the amount of lactic acid bacteria, Coliform and Staphilococcus aureus were the parameter determined. The variety and the expired date of the products influenced the amount of crude protein and lipid, the pH level, the amount of lactic acid bacteria, Coliform and Staphilococcus aureus in the level of highly significant different (P0,01). There was also found in highly significant interaction (P0,01) between factors that influenced the amount of lactic acid bacteria and Staphilococcus aureus. On the other hand, the amount of Coliform was not influenced by those factors. The study also results in decreasing of the amount of crude protein and lipid as well as lactic acid bacteria caused by the ongoing time of storing. The longer fermented milk was stored, the lower the level of crude protein, lipid and lactic acid bacteria presented. The lipid level of fermented milk products those put on the market in Banda Aceh have been complied with the requirement standard of SNI 01-2981-1992. However, crude protein level has not achieved the requirement standard yet. Due to the amount of Staphylococcus aureus present, the fermented milk products tested, in fact, were not saved to be consumed. On the contrary, although Coliform was also present, the products were in the category of saved to be consumed

    The Description of The Physiological Response and Milk Production of Etawah Crossbreed (PE) Goats Injected With The Oxytocin Hormone

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    This study aimed to know the physiological response and milk production of Etawah Crossbreed (PE) goat injected with the hormone oxytocin. The mechanism of action of the oxytocin hormone in the body will suppress the production of the cortisol hormone, which causes livestock stress. For now, there are not many publications about the induction of oxytocin hormone in PE goats. In this research, the researchers will provide the latest information. The research material is 18 lactation PE goats divided into 2 groups, namely control and hormone treatment. This research is in the form of an experimental research design with a control group post-test only design. The design used is an independent t-test. Hormone injection is carried out intramuscular, as much as 1 ml with a dose of 10 IU. The parameters measured were milk production (ml), heart rate (times/minutes), and respiration frequency (times/minutes).  Oxytocin injection had no significant effect (P>0.05). Still, it tended to increase the milk production of PE goats in the morning and evening with total milk production of 1103.65±145.72ml compared to without injection of 884.38±90.49ml in 1 day. Similarly, the injection of the hormone oxytocin did not affect the frequency of respiration in the morning and evening. However, it was different from the PE goats heart rate, which had a significant effect (P0.05) in the afternoon. The indicators of stress in dairy cattle are respiration frequency and heart rate outside normal limits, affecting milk production. This study concluded that the induction of the oxytocin hormone did not affect milk production, and the cattle did not experience stress because the heart rate and respiration frequency were in the normal range due to the injection of the oxytocin hormone

    Keamanan Susu Fermentasi Yang Beredar Di Banda Aceh Berdasarkan Nilai Gizi dan Jumlah Bakteri Pathogen

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    Safety condition of commercial fermented milk that put on the market in banda aceh based on nutritive value and pathogenic bacteriaABSTRACT. Fermented milk has much value primarily for the health of digestive system. However without hygienically and sterilized treatment it can become toxic to consumers. This research was conducted to observe nutritive value, the present of pathogenic bacteria, and the safety condition of commercial fermented milk that put on the market in Banda Aceh. Samples of commercial fermented milk tested were obtained from recognized retailers in Banda Aceh. Factorial completely randomized design with six replications was applied in this research. Variety of fermented milk products (yoghurt and drink yoghurt) was the first factor to be analyzed, and the second one was expired date of the products (the date of production and the date of by expired). The amount of crude protein and lipid, pH level, and the amount of lactic acid bacteria, Coliform and Staphilococcus aureus were the parameter determined. The variety and the expired date of the products influenced the amount of crude protein and lipid, the pH level, the amount of lactic acid bacteria, Coliform and Staphilococcus aureus in the level of highly significant different (P0,01). There was also found in highly significant interaction (P0,01) between factors that influenced the amount of lactic acid bacteria and Staphilococcus aureus. On the other hand, the amount of Coliform was not influenced by those factors. The study also results in decreasing of the amount of crude protein and lipid as well as lactic acid bacteria caused by the ongoing time of storing. The longer fermented milk was stored, the lower the level of crude protein, lipid and lactic acid bacteria presented. The lipid level of fermented milk products those put on the market in Banda Aceh have been complied with the requirement standard of SNI 01-2981-1992. However, crude protein level has not achieved the requirement standard yet. Due to the amount of Staphylococcus aureus present, the fermented milk products tested, in fact, were not saved to be consumed. On the contrary, although Coliform was also present, the products were in the category of saved to be consumed

    Karakterisasi Penampilan Reproduksi Sapi Aceh Betina Sebagai Sumber Daya Genetik Ternak Lokal di Kota Subulussalam

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    ABSTRAK. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penampilan reproduksi sapi Aceh betina. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kota Subulussalam Provinsi Aceh yang meliputi lima kecamatan, yaitu  kecamatan Simpang Kiri, Rundeng, Longkip, Penanggalan dan Sultan Daulat. Penelitian dilakukan selama satu bulan (23 Januari sampai 23 Februari 2017). Metode survei digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Penentuan responden adalah dengan menggunakan metode Purposive Sampling yaitu mengambil sampel dengan persyaratan minimal peternak memelihara satu ekor sapi Aceh yang telah beranak dua kali. Sebagai responden ditetapkan sebanyak 30 petani. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa kinerja reproduksi sapi Aceh baik, usia pubertas mencapai usia 1-2 tahun, nilai rata-rata pelayanan per konsepsi adalah 1,5 dan jarak beranak 12,97 bulan. (Characterization of reproductive performans of aceh cattle as local animal genetic resources in subulussalam city) ABSTRACT. This study aims to determine the characterization of reproductive performance of Aceh cattle. This study was conducted in Subulussalam City of Aceh Province covering five districts of Simpang Kiri, Rundeng, Longkip, Penanggalan and Sultan Daulat. The study was conducted for one month (January 23 to February 23, 2017). Survey method was used in this research. Determination of respondent is by using method of Purposive Sampling that is taking sample with minimum requirement of breeder to keep one Aceh cattle that have gave birthtwo times. As the respondents set as many as 30 farmers. From the results can be concluded that the performance of Aceh cattle reproductive is good, age of puberty reached at age 1-2 years, the average value of service per conception is 1.5 and calving interval 12.97 month

    Potensi Khamir Kluyveromyces lactis dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Susu Fermentasi yang Ditambah Jagung Manis (Zea mays saccharata Linn)

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    ABSTRAK. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui peningkatan kualitas produk susu fermentasi dengan menggunakan khamir Kluyveromyces lactis dan penambahan jagung manis. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) pola faktorial yang terdiri dari 2 faktor dan 2 level, yaitu faktor penambahan jagung manis (Zea mays saccharata Linn) (A) terdiri atas 25% (a1) dan 75% (a2), dan faktor penambahan khamir Kluyveromyces lactis (B) terdiri atas 0.5% (b1) dan 1% (b2), dengan lima kali ulangan pada masing-masing perlakuan sehingga memperoleh 20 satuan percobaan. Parameter yang diamati antara lain adalah kadar protein, kadar lemak, kadar asam laktat dan derajat keasaman (pH). Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara statistik menggunakan ANOVA dan dilanjutkan dengan uji lanjut Duncan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan khamir Kluyveromyces lactis tidak berpengaruh nyata (P0.05) terhadap kadar protein, lemak, kadar asam laktat dan derajat keasaman (pH). Sementara penambahan jagung manis tidak berpengaruh nyata (P0.05) terhadap kadar protein dan derajat keasaman (pH), namun berpengaruh sangat nyata (P0.01) terhadap kadar lemak dan kadar asam laktat. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa penambahan khamir Kluyveromyces lactis 1% dan jagung manis (Zea mays saccharata Linn) 75% pada produk susu fermentasi dapat meningkatkan kualitas produk susu.  (Potential of yeast-Kluyveromyces lactis in improving quality of fermented milk added sweet corn (Zea mays saccharata Linn)) ABSTRACT. The aims of this research were to determine the quality improvement of fermented milk products using Kluyveromyces lactis and the addition of sweet corn. This study used factorial experiment conducted with completely randomized design (CRD) which divide into 2 factors and 2 levels, there were the addition of sweet corn (Zea mays saccharata Linn) factors (A) consist of 25% (a1) and 75% (a2), and the addition of yeast Kluyveromyces lactis factors (B) consist of 0.5% (b1) and 1% (b2), with five replications on each treatment to obtain 20 units of experiment. The observed parameters such as protein levels, fat levels, lactic acid levels and acidity degree (pH). Research data were analyzed statistically by using ANOVA and continued by Duncan's tests. The results showed that the addition of yeast Kluyveromyces lactis had no significant effect (P 0.05) on protein levels, fat levels, lactic acid levels and acidity degree (pH). While the addition of sweet corn had no significant effect (P 0.05) on protein levels and acidity degree (pH), but it had a very significant effects (P 0.01) on fat levels and lactic acid levels. The results indicate the addition of yeast Kluyveromyces lactis 1% and sweet corn (Zea mays saccharata Linn) 75% in fermented milk products can improve the quality of dairy products

    Analisa Kualitas Kimia dan Mikrobiologi Susu Kambing Peranakan Etawa dengan Pemberian Pakan yang Ditambahkan Tepung Kulit Manggis pada Persentase yang Berbeda

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    Upaya peningkatan produksi dan kualitas susu dapat dilakukan melalui perbaikan mutu genetik dan pakan yang baik serta tepat. Pemeliharaan ternak kambing perah merupakan salah satu alternatif upaya diversifikasi ternak perah selain sapi. Dalam meningkatkan produksi susu dibutuhkannya bahan tambahan dalam pakan, salah satunya adalah dengan penambahan tepung kulit manggis (Garcinia mangostana L.). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian tepung kulit manggis terhadap sifat kimia dan kemampuan tepung kulit manggis dalam menghentikan aktifitas mikroba dalam susu. Penelitian ini dilakuan pada bulan maret - Juli 2017 di UD Atjeh Livestock, Desa Limpok, Kecamatan Darussalam, Kabupaten Aceh Besar. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan cara mengelompokkan menjadi 3 kelompok dan 5 perlakuan sehingga diperoleh 15 satuan percobaan. Masing-masing perlakuan terdiri dari perlakuan 1 (Ransum kontrol, tanpa penggunaan tepung kulit manggis), perlakuan 2 (Ransum dengan penambahan tepung kulit manggis 2,5%), perlakuan 3 (Ransum dengan penambahan tepung kulit manggis 5%), perlakuan 4 (Ransum dengan penambahan tepung kulit manggis 7,5%), perlakuan 5 (Ransum dengan penambahan tepung kulit manggis 10%). Data penelitian yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) setiap perlakuan terdiri dari tiga ulangan. Parameter yang diamati adalah  aktivitas antioksidan, kadar protein, kadar bahan kering susu, perhitungan jumlah total mikroba, pengukuran pH, asam laktat dan uji antimikroba susu kambing Peranakan Etawa yang diberikan tepung kulit manggis. Materi yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu tepung kulit manggis dan kambing perah peranakan Etawa. Penambahan tepung kulit manggis (TKM) pada pakan Kambing Peranakan Etawa tidak memberikan pengaruh terhadap kadar antioksidan, pH susu, bahan kering susu, total mikroba, asam laktat, dan antimikroba susu, akan tetapi berpengaruh nyata terhadap kadar protein susu dan masih sesuai dengan standar SNI. Penambahan tepung kulit manggis dapat meningkatkan kadar antioksidan sampai pada taraf pemberian 5%, meningkatan kadar protein dan bahan kering susu sampai pada taraf pemberian 7,5%

    Evaluasi Program Inseminasi Buatan pada Sapi Lokal Betina di Kecamatan Juli, Kabupaten Bireuen, Provinsi Aceh

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    ABSTRAK. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keberhasilan program inseminasi buatan pada sapi lokal betina. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kecamatan Juli, Kabupaten Bireuen, Provinsi Aceh, yaitu Desa Keude Dua, Bunyot, Blang Ketumba, Paya Cut dan Desa Batee Raya. Metode survei digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Responden yang digunakan adalah peternak sapi lokal dan inseminator. Responden ditetapkan dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Sebagai responden ditetapkan 40 peternak dan 4 inseminator. Peternak responden harus memenuhi kriteria  memelihara minimal dua ekor sapi lokal yang telah beranak 2 (dua) kali dan sistem perkawinan dilakukan secara inseminasi buatan (IB). Inseminator telah memiliki Surat Izin melakukan Inseminasi Buatan (SIMI). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan program inseminasi buatan di Kecamatan Juli telah berjalan dengan baik, dimana rataan nilai conception rate (CR) sebesar 88,05%, service per conception (S/C) adalah 1,2, jarak beranak (calving interval) sebesar 12,36 bulan, dan calving rate sebesar 84,23%.  (Evaluation of artificial insemination programs in local cows in Juli district, Bireuen, Aceh Province) ABSTRACT. This study aimed to determine the success of the artificial insemination program in local female cattle. This research was carried out in Juli District, Bireuen , Aceh Province, namely the villages of Keude Dua, Bunyot, Blang Ketumba, Paya Cut and Batee Raya villages. The survey method was used in this  study. Respondents were determined by purposive sampling method. Respondents used were local cattle breeders and inseminators. The respondents involved ware 40 breeders and 4 inseminators. Breeders must maintaining minimal two female local cows that have given birth 2 (two) times with artificial insemination as mate system. The Inseminator  involved is the one who has Artificial Insemination License. The results showed that the implementation of the artificial insemination program in the District of Juli has gone well, where the average value of the conception rate (CR) is 88.05%, service per conception (S/C) is 1.2, calving interval equal to 12.36 months and calving rate is 84.23%