171 research outputs found

    Localist cosmopolitanism: Alevism as a rooted, universal discourse

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    Fractal analysis of the EEG and clinical applications

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    2010/2011Most of the knowledge about physiological systems has been learned using linear system theory. The randomness of many biomedical signals has been traditionally ascribed to a noise-like behavior. An alternative explanation for the irregular behavior observed in systems which do not seem to be inherently stochastic is provided by one of the most striking mathematical developments of the past few decades, i.e., chaos theory. Chaos theory suggests that random-like behavior can arise in some deterministic nonlinear systems with just a few degrees of freedom. One of the most evocative aspects of deterministic chaos is the concept of fractal geometry. Fractal structure, characterized by self-similarity and noninteger dimension, is displayed in chaotic systems by a subset of the phase space known as strange attractor. However, fractal properties are observed also in the unpredictable time evolution and in the 1/f^β power-law of many biomedical signals. The research activities carried out by the Author during the PhD program are concerned with the analysis of the fractal-like behavior of the EEG. The focus was set on those methods which evaluate the fractal geometry of the EEG in the time domain, in the hope of providing physicians and researchers with new valuable tools of low computational cost for the EEG analysis. The performances of three widely used techniques for the direct estimation of the fractal dimension of the EEG were compared and the accuracy of the fBm scaling relationship, often used to obtain indirect estimates from the slope of the spectral density, was assessed. Direct estimation with Higuchi's algorithm turned out to be the most suitable methodology, producing correct estimates of the fractal dimension of the electroencephalogram also on short traces, provided that minimum sampling rate required to avoid aliasing is used. Based on this result, Higuchi's fractal dimension was used to address three clinical issues which could involve abnormal complexity of neuronal brain activity: 1) the monitoring of carotid endarterectomy for the prevention of intraoperative stroke, 2) the assessment of the depth of anesthesia to monitor unconsciousness during surgery and 3) the analysis of the macro-structural organization of the EEG in autism with respect to mental retardation. The results of the clinical studies suggest that, although linear spectral analysis still represents a valuable tool for the investigation of the EEG, time domain fractal analysis provides additional information on brain functioning which traditional analysis cannot achieve, making use of techniques of low computational cost.La maggior parte delle conoscenze acquisite sui sistemi fisiologici si deve alla teoria dei sistemi lineari. Il comportamento pseudo stocastico di molti segnali biomedici è stato tradizionalmente attribuito al concetto di rumore. Un'interpretazione alternativa del comportamento irregolare rilevato in sistemi che non sembrano essere intrinsecamente stocastici è fornita da uno dei più sorprendenti sviluppi matematici degli ultimi decenni: la teoria del caos. Tale teoria suggerisce che una certa componente casuale può sorgere in alcuni sistemi deterministici non lineari con pochi gradi di libertà. Uno degli aspetti più suggestivi del caos deterministico è il concetto di geometria frattale. Strutture frattali, caratterizzate da auto-somiglianza e dimensione non intera, sono rilevate nei sistemi caotici in un sottoinsieme dello spazio delle fasi noto con il nome di attrattore strano. Tuttavia, caratteristiche frattali possono manifestarsi anche nella non prevedibile evoluzione temporale e nella legge di potenza 1/f^β tipiche di molti segnali biomedici. Le attività di ricerca svolte dall'Autore nel corso del dottorato hanno riguardato l'analisi del comportamento frattale dell'EEG. L'attenzione è stata rivolta a quei metodi che affrontano lo studio della geometria frattale dell'EEG nel dominio del tempo, nella speranza di fornire a medici e ricercatori nuovi strumenti utili all'analisi del segnale EEG e caratterizzati da bassa complessità computazionale. Sono state messe a confronto le prestazioni di tre tecniche largamente utilizzate per la stima diretta della dimensione frattale dell'EEG e si è valutata l'accuratezza della relazione di scaling del modello fBm, spesso utilizzata per ottenere stime indirette a partire dalla pendenza della densità spettrale di potenza. Il metodo più adatto alla stima della dimensione frattale dell'elettroencefalogramma è risultato essere l'algoritmo di Higuchi, che produce stime accurate anche su segmenti di breve durata a patto che il segnale sia campionato alla minima frequenza di campionamento necessaria ad evitare il fenomeno dell'aliasing. Sulla base di questo risultato, la dimensione frattale di Higuchi è stata utilizzata per esaminare tre questioni cliniche che potrebbero coinvolgere una variazione della complessità dell'attività neuronale: 1) il monitoraggio dell'endoarterectomia carotidea per la prevenzione dell'ictus intraoperatorio, 2) la valutazione della profondità dell'anestesia per monitorare il livello di incoscienza durante l'intervento chirurgico e 3) l'analisi dell'organizzazione macro-strutturale del EEG nell'autismo rispetto alla condizione di ritardo mentale. I risultati degli studi clinici suggeriscono che, sebbene l'analisi spettrale rappresenti ancora uno strumento prezioso per l'indagine dell'EEG, l'analisi frattale nel dominio del tempo fornisce informazioni aggiuntive sul funzionamento del cervello che l'analisi tradizionale non è in grado di rilevare, con il vantaggio di impiegare tecniche a basso costo computazionale.XXIV Ciclo198

    Life Cycle Environmental Assessment of Energy Valorization of the Residual Agro-Food Industry

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    This study assesses the potential environmental impacts related to the energy valorization of agro-food industry waste thought the Life Cycle Assessment methodology (ISO 14040). The system examined consists of a real anaerobic digester coupled with a combined anaerobic digester and heat and power plant (AD-CHP) operating in Sicily. The analysis accounts for all the impacts occurring from the delivery of the biomass to the AD-CHP plant up to the electricity generation in the CHP. The main outcomes of the study include the eco-profile of the energy system providing electricity and the assessment of the contribution of each life cycle phase aimed at identifying the potential improvement area. The obtained results highlight that the direct emissions associated with the biogas combustion process in the CHP account for 66% of the impact on climate change, and feedstock transport contributes 64% to the impact on mineral, fossil fuels, and renewable depletion. The contribution to the impacts caused by the electricity consumption is relevant in many of the environmental categories examined. It ranges from a minimum of about 22% for climate change up to 82% for freshwater ecotoxicity. Then actions aimed at reducing electricity consumption can significantly improve the environmental performances of the energy system examined

    Analisi CFD su profili aerodinamici: modelli di transizione e rugosità superficiale.

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    Nel presente lavoro di tesi è stata realizzata una campagna di simulazioni numeriche allo scopo di valutare le caratteristiche aerodinamiche di profili alari al variare della turbolenza e rugosità superficiale al bordo d’attacco. I risultati sono stati confrontati con i dati sperimentali e valutata la bontà della procedura. Ove i risultati non fossero soddisfacenti, sono state confrontate diverse opzioni di risoluzione fluidodinamica tramite opportuni modelli di transizione per una più fedele riproduzione della fisica del problema. In particolare, con un approccio di tipo R.A.N.S., è stato analizzato un profilo four-digit NACA 4415 di cui sono state valutate le curve di portanza e resistenza variando i parametri di Reynolds e rugosità superficiale con il modello di turbolenza k-ε in condizioni stazionarie. Successivamente è stato analizzato lo stesso problema avvalendosi di un modello della famiglia k-ω ed una procedura semi-empirica adatti a stimare anche il punto di transizione. Sono stati valutati, inoltre, gli effetti di variazione di turbolenza del flusso base. In secondo luogo è stato studiato un profilo della famiglia six-digit NACA 65(1)-212 al fine di valutare se le procedure utilizzate fossero generalizzabili allo studio di tipologie di profilo differenti. Le analisi CFD del flusso intorno ai singoli profili bidimensionali e le successive analisi sono state condotte rispettivamente mediante i software STAR-CCM+ 8.04® e MATLAB R2014a®

    Life cycle energy and environmental assessment of the thermal insulation improvement in residential buildings

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    The refurbishment of the building stock is a key strategy towards the achievement of the climate and energy goals of the European Union. This study aims at evaluating the energy and environmental impacts associated with retrofitting a residential apartment to improve its vertical envelope thermal insulation. Two insulation materials, stone wool and cellulose fibers, are compared. The life cycle assessment methodology is applied assuming 1 m2 of retrofitted vertical envelope as functional unit. Moreover, to estimate the net energy and environmental benefits achievable in the retrofitted scenario compared with the non‐retrofitted one, a second analysis is performed in which the system boundaries are expanded to include the building operational phase, and 1 m2 of walkable floor per year is assumed as reference. The results show that the use of cellulose fibers involve lower impacts in most of the assessed categories compared to stone wool, except for abiotic resource depletion. In detail, the use of cellulose fibers allows to reduce the impact on climate change up to 20% and the consumption of primary energy up to 10%. The evaluation of the net energy and environmental benefits shows the effectiveness of the retrofit energy policies

    Relationships between absence of functional swimbladder, calculosis and larval mortality in hatcheryreared gilthead sea bream, Sparus aurata L.

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    Abstract. The relationship between absence of functional swim-bladder, calculosis and larval mortality of hatchery-reared sea bream, Sparus aurata L., was observed. There was a temporal variation in the main causes of mortality, i.e. not inflated swim-bladder appears to be the main cause up to the 47th day, and the presence of calculi around the 55th day. Histological sections, semi-quantitative analysis and scanner electron microscope photographs were carried out

    Selecting Insulating Materials for Building Envelope: A Life Cycle Approach

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    This paper aims at assessing the embodied energy and greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) of two building envelopes, designed for a two floors semi-detached house located in the Central Italy. The analysis is performed by applying the Life Cycle Assessment methodology, following a from cradle-to-gate approach. Fixtures (windows and doors), external and internal opaque walls, roof and floors (including interstorey floors) make the building envelopes. Their stratigraphy allows for achieving the thermal transmittance values established in the Italian Decree on energy performance of buildings. The two examined envelopes differ only for the insulation material: extruded expanded polystyrene (XPS) or cellulose fibers. The results shows that the envelope using cellulose fibers has better performance than that using XPS: it allows for reducing the embodied energy and the GHGs of about 13% and 9.3%, respectively. A dominance analysis allows to identify the envelope components responsible of the higher impacts and the contribution of the insulating material to the impacts. The study is part of the Italian research “Analysis of the energy impacts and greenhouse gas emissions of technologies and components for the energy efficiency of buildings from a life cycle perspective” funded by the Three-year Research Plan within the National Electricity System 2019-2021

    Life Cycle Environmental Impacts and Health Effects of Protein-Rich Food as Meat Alternatives: A Review

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    The food sector is responsible for a considerable impact on the environment in most environmental contexts: the food supply chain causes greenhouse gas emissions, water consumption, reduction in cultivable land, and other environmental impacts. Thus, a change in food supply is required to reduce the environmental impacts caused by the food supply chain and to meet the increasing demand for sufficient and qualitative nutrition. Large herds of livestock are inappropriate to achieve these goals due to the relevant impact of meat supply chain on the environment, e.g., the land used to grow feed for animals is eight times more than that for human nutrition. The search for meat alternatives, especially for the intake of critical nutrients such as protein, is a consequent step. In the above context, this paper summarizes the health aspects of protein-rich food alternatives to meat and carries out a literature review on the life-cycle environmental impacts of this alternative food

    Dietary Fibers and Cardiometabolic Diseases

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    The high prevalence of cardiovascular disease (CVD) is largely attributable to the contemporary lifestyle that is often sedentary and includes a diet high in saturated fats and sugars and low ingestion of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), fruit, vegetables, and fiber. Experimental data from both animals and humans suggest an association between increased dietary fiber (DF) intakes and improved plasma lipid profiles, including reduced low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) concentrations. These observations underline that the intake of DF may protect against heart disease and stroke