33 research outputs found

    Who practices sports can be vegetarian?

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    In recent years, interest in "vegetarianism" has increased considerably, both among the common population and among sportsmen. Athletic performance and post-workout recovery can be improved through optimal nutrition: choosing the right foods and introducing them at the right time can make a difference in terms of sports results, for the same number of sessions and training hours. But those who practice sports can follow a vegetarian diet? The choice to become vegetarian is often based on the mere refusal to consume meat or animal products, a choice attributable to philosophical motivations of different nature. In this manuscript, we will try to determine, by commenting on the scientific data published in recent years, the effects, positive or negative, that could be a consequence from adopting a diet of this type, both in everyday life and in sports

    Engagement and tennis: The applicability of occupational psychology to the world of sport

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    The working activity, as well as the sports one, foresees that results have to be achieved and be decided/evaluated by others, a personal physical and mental effort is required in a well-defined time and space, constraints and limitations established by the nature of the tasks have to be overcome, and a consistent and defined part of one's own time has to be employed. The aim of this research is to demonstrate how work phenomena (specifically work engagement) can be conveyed to the world of sport, highlighting the applicability of occupational psychology also in a sports context

    Sport & technology to support the development of inclusive didactics

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    The aim of this paper is to introduce the importance of the sport-technology pair to support the possibility to generate the psycho-physical, inclusive and athletic benefits for non-disabled and, especially, disabled athletes.In the school context, the technological innovations represent an excellent tool to develop inclusive education policies, and it is believed that they can be developed in the sports context too. Sport has always carried an important and inclusive value and, through an appropriate and efficient management of the technological potential available, it is possible to break down further barriers. In this regard, a research analysis on some athletes of an amateur football club composed of 4 subjects with disabilities was carried out to assess the differences in terms of final performance, a training strategy carried out through a technological support (Powersprint), and a traditional one

    Giochi didattici per l’apprendimento

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    The aim of this article is to show the state of the art of the Teaching Games for Understanding (Thorpe R., Bunker D., 1982) through the analysis of the literary review. The words teaching games for understanding (Tgfu) mean in schools and sports context, a teaching model designed for physical education, as an original modification of the global-analytic-global system. Scientific literature looks to be very careful to the topic, showing many different points of view. About Tgfu there are so many methodologies and procedures, contrasting and similar at the same time. The aim of the project is a careful analysis of the studies about Tgfu, among the different points of view of the researches about it. The aim is also comparing procedures and problems, common characteristics and differences, highlighting where it is possible, the seeming gaps and any other possible study areas to explore. L’obiettivo del contributo è illustrare lo stato dell’arte dei Teaching Games for Understanding (Thorpe R., Bunker D., 1982) attraverso l’analisi della letteratura di riferimento. Con la locuzione TGFU (insegnare i giochi per comprendere) si indica, in ambito scolastico e sportivo, un modello di insegnamento, ideato per il settore scolastico, come originale variante del sistema globale-analitico-globale. La letteratura scientifica analizzata è apparsa molto fertile ed attenta alla tematica prescelta, mostrando numerosi punti di vista, metodologie e procedure contrastanti e simili allo stesso tempo. Il fine del progetto è una attenta analisi degli studi effettuati sui TGFU, passando in rassegna i tanti punti di vista delle copiose ricerche in tema, confrontando procedure e problemi, caratteri comuni e differenze, evidenziando dove possibile gli apparenti gap e le eventuali e possibili aree di studio da approfondire

    Reliability of aerobic and anaerobic field tests in in measuring athletes’ performances: A statistical approach on a cohort of 100 subjects

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    To determine the statistical relationships among different consolidated performance tests (Yo-Yo, jump, sprint and agility), and the Powersprint™ device, an isotonic equipment, usually used to increase the muscular strength of athletes, used here as performance test. One hundred individuals were involved in the tests (16 females and 84 males). Ninety-five subjects were practicing different field sports, whereas 3 female and 2 male subjects were inactive. Gender, height and body mass were recorded. Participants completed the following tests: Squat Jump, Counter Movement Jump, 10 m sprint, 15 m sprint, Change of Direction, Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test level 1 and PowerSprint 3.0™. Results of this experiment highlighted that PowerSprint 3.0™ is positively and significantly correlated with Squat Jump, Counter Movement Jump, 10 m sprint, 15 m sprint, Change of Direction, Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test level 1. Additionally, the principal component analysis, as expected, was able to neatly differentiates between male, female and inactive subjects. The selected tests appeared particularly effective in giving information about athlete performances in soccer. Performances measured with the PowerSprint 3.0™ positively and significantly correlated with jumps, COD, sprint and YYIR1 tests. This is an indication of the possible use of this light, inexpensive and portable instrument for measuring athlete performances and checking the effectiveness of training programs


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     A positive relational climate in the group-class is a prerequisite and an indispensable condition for effective learning. Diversity is a general category that commits the whole school to respecting personal biographies, enhancing talents, and taking into account students' wealth of experience and knowledge. The school is forced to deal with different cultures, with new attitudes, with interactions not experienced before, with different systems of values. Each school is, therefore, called upon to promote the "well-being" of pupils at school, carrying out projects, paths, methodologies aimed at improving the mutual knowledge of children and young people, self-esteem, the quality of relationships, respect for differences, responding to the needs of all children and, in particular, of children with special needs. The main objective is to ensure serenity, precise points of reference, respect and awareness of one's potential. In this context, this paper aims to highlight how differences can become the founding element of relationships, representing a challenge that involves all the main agents of change: school principal, teachers, school community, families and territory, each with specific functions


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    Te purpose of gene therapy is to use the foundations of genetic engineering for therapeutic use through the correction or manipulation of defective genes, and is fundamental for the treatment of many degenerative. Te frst genetic therapy tests were conducted with proteins closely related to doping (e.g. erythropoietin and growth hormone). Terefore, genetic doping exploits the same concept of gene therapy but not for therapeutic purposes, but to improve the performance of athletes by modifying some genes that lead to increase endurance and muscle mass. Tis method is certainly not devoid of adverse, and sometimes fatal, efects that each of these techniques has on the athlete. Te use of the athlete’s biological-molecular passport represents a possible preventive and precautionary anti-doping strategy


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    Te development of chemistry, pharmacology and molecular biology has made it possible to multiply substances capable of favoring athletes in sports preparation and during the race as well as to recover the energies spent in a short time, especially when commitments racing are very frequent. Pharmacological knowledge has already highlighted the negative efects and damage to health deriving from the abuse of these substances. As is known, the damage caused by doping can be detectable in the short and long term