35 research outputs found

    Un modello per la previsione della distribuzione spaziale dell'infestazione da Phyllocnistis vitegenella nei vigneti trentini

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    Phyllocnistis vitegenella Clemens is a grape leafminer observed for the first time in Italy in the Veneto (1995) and whose presence has been observed since 2004 in Trentino. This species overwinters as an adult on tree species and re-colonize the vineyard in spring, with a diffusion gradient from the overwintering sites. This study aimed at validating a model for predicting the spatial distribution of leafminer through surveys of the damage in the field. Through this approach we estimated a possible distribution area suitable to perform an insecticide treatment when the hypothetical damage threshold was exceeded in order to reduce the environmental and economic impact. Although data on the population dynamics of the leafminer should be further investigated, it was possible to propose, calibrate and validate a model of spatial distribution of damage. New crucial issues arose from the analysis of the data. For example, the role of some tree species on the interface between the vineyards and the woodland must be investigated for the parameterizations of the boundary conditions in the model. A new experiment addressing these issue is currently being carried in the monitoring site

    Bridging Python to Silicon: The SODA Toolchain

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    Systems performing scientific computing, data analysis, and machine learning tasks have a growing demand for application-specific accelerators that can provide high computational performance while meeting strict size and power requirements. However, the algorithms and applications that need to be accelerated are evolving at a rate that is incompatible with manual design processes based on hardware description languages. Agile hardware design tools based on compiler techniques can help by quickly producing an application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) accelerator starting from a high-level algorithmic description. We present the SODA Synthesizer, a modular and open-source hardware compiler that provides automated end-to-end synthesis from high-level software frameworks to ASIC implementation, relying on multi-level representations to progressively lower and optimize the input code. Our approach does not require the application developer to write register-transfer level code, and it is able to reach up to 364 GFLOPS/W efficiency (32-bit precision) on typical convolutional neural network operators

    A System Development Kit for Big Data Applications on FPGA-based Clusters: The EVEREST Approach

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    Modern big data workflows are characterized by computationally intensive kernels. The simulated results are often combined with knowledge extracted from AI models to ultimately support decision-making. These energy-hungry workflows are increasingly executed in data centers with energy-efficient hard-ware accelerators since FPG As are well-suited for this task due to their inherent parallelism. We present the H2020 project EVEREST, which has developed a system development kit (SDK) to simplify the creation of FPGA-accelerated kernels and manage the execution at runtime through a virtualization environment. This paper describes the main components of the EVEREST SDK and the benefits that can be achieved in our use cases

    GrailQuest & HERMES: Hunting for Gravitational Wave Electromagnetic Counterparts and Probing Space-Time Quantum Foam

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    Within Quantum Gravity theories, different models for space-time quantisation predict an energy dependent speed for photons. Although the predicted discrepancies are minuscule, GRB, occurring at cosmological distances, could be used to detect this signature of space-time granularity with a new concept of modular observatory of huge overall collecting area consisting in a fleet of small satellites in low orbits, with sub-microsecond time resolution and wide energy band (keV-MeV). The enormous number of collected photons will allow to effectively search these energy dependent delays. Moreover, GrailQuest will allow to perform temporal triangulation of high signal-to-noise impulsive events with arc-second positional accuracies: an extraordinary sensitive X-ray/Gamma all-sky monitor crucial for hunting the elusive electromagnetic counterparts of GW. A pathfinder of GrailQuest is already under development through the HERMES project: a fleet of six 3U cube-sats to be launched by 2021/22

    Confraternite in Trentino e a Riva del Garda

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    Dopo aver delineato alcune recenti tendenze storiografiche, il volume offre uno sguardo sulla presenza delle confraternite della diocesi di Trento, in un arco cronologico che parte dai primi esempi di partecipazione laicale alla vita devozionale per giungere fino alle soppressioni di epoca giuseppina e napoleonica, con un affondo particolare sulla storia dei Disciplinati rivani