167 research outputs found

    Stimulation of 3D osteogenesis by mesenchymal stem cells using a nanovibrational bioreactor

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    Bone grafts are one of the most commonly transplanted tissues. However, autologous grafts are in short supply, and can be associated with pain and donor-site morbidity. The creation of tissue-engineered bone grafts could help to fulfil clinical demand and provide a crucial resource for drug screening. Here, we show that vibrations of nanoscale amplitude provided by a newly developed bioreactor can differentiate a potential autologous cell source, mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), into mineralized tissue in 3D. We demonstrate that nanoscale mechanotransduction can stimulate osteogenesis independently of other environmental factors, such as matrix rigidity. We show this by generating mineralized matrix from MSCs seeded in collagen gels with stiffness an order of magnitude below the stiffness of gels needed to induce bone formation in vitro. Our approach is scalable and can be compatible with 3D scaffolds

    Leibhafte Kunst. Statuen und kulturelle Identität

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    Dreidimensionale lebensgroße Figuren gehören zu den wirkmächtigen und auffälligsten Artikulationsformen der griechischen und römischen Antike. Wegen ihrer Anschaulichkeit sowie wegen ihrer dauernden und körperhaften Präsenz sind sie besonders einflussreiche Konkretisierungen von religiösen Auffassungen, Machtverhältnissen und Wissensordnungen. Spätere Epochen der europäischen Kulturgeschichte haben sich in immer neuen Rückbezügen daran orientiert. Der vorliegende Band untersucht die Leistung der Statu­en als eine Konkretisierungsform von politischen, sozia­len und religiösen Vorstellungen. Den Ausgangspunkt bilden Phänomene der griechischen und römischen Antike, doch machen Beiträge aus der Kunstgeschichte, Ethnologie und Germanistik deutlich, dass das Thema weit über die Altertumswissenschaften hinaus interessant und wichtig ist. Gerade der Blick auf außereuropäische Ausdrucksformen macht deutlich, dass die Entwicklung der antiken Skulptur, die aus einer europäischen Per­spektive konsequent und selbstverständlich erscheint, nur eine unter vielen möglichen Optionen darstellte

    Detection of Gene Expression in an Individual Cell Type within a Cell Mixture Using Microarray Analysis

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    BACKGROUND: A central issue in the design of microarray-based analysis of global gene expression is the choice between using cells of single type and a mixture of cells. This study quantified the proportion of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) induced differentially expressed monocyte genes that could be measured in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC), and determined the extent to which gene expression in the non-monocyte cell fraction diluted or obscured fold changes that could be detected in the cell mixture. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Human PBMC were stimulated with LPS, and monocytes were then isolated by positive (Mono+) or negative (Mono-) selection. The non-monocyte cell fraction (MonoD) remaining after positive selection of monocytes was used to determine the effect of non-monocyte cells on overall expression. RNA from LPS-stimulated PBMC, Mono+, Mono- and MonoD samples was co-hybridised with unstimulated RNA for each cell type on oligonucleotide microarrays. There was a positive correlation in gene expression between PBMC and both Mono+ (0.77) and Mono- (0.61-0.67) samples. Analysis of individual genes that were differentially expressed in Mono+ and Mono- samples showed that the ability to detect expression of some genes was similar when analysing PBMC, but for others, differential expression was either not detected or changed in the opposite direction. As a result of the dilutional or obscuring effect of gene expression in non-monocyte cells, overall about half of the statistically significant LPS-induced changes in gene expression in monocytes were not detected in PBMC. However, 97% of genes with a four fold or greater change in expression in monocytes after LPS stimulation, and almost all (96-100%) of the top 100 most differentially expressed monocyte genes were detected in PBMC. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The effect of non-responding cells in a mixture dilutes or obscures the detection of subtle changes in gene expression in an individual cell type. However, for studies in which only the most highly differentially expressed genes are of interest, separating and analysing individual cell types may be unnecessary

    Uncovering mechanisms of transcriptional regulations by systematic mining of cis regulatory elements with gene expression profiles

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Contrary to the traditional biology approach, where the expression patterns of a handful of genes are studied at a time, microarray experiments enable biologists to study the expression patterns of many genes simultaneously from gene expression profile data and decipher the underlying hidden biological mechanism from the observed gene expression changes. While the statistical significance of the gene expression data can be deduced by various methods, the biological interpretation of the data presents a challenge.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A method, called CisTransMine, is proposed to help infer the underlying biological mechanisms for the observed gene expression changes in microarray experiments. Specifically, this method will predict potential cis-regulatory elements in promoter regions which could regulate gene expression changes. This approach builds on the MotifADE method published in 2004 and extends it with two modifications: up-regulated genes and down-regulated genes are tested separately and in addition, tests have been implemented to identify combinations of transcription factors that work synergistically. The method has been applied to a genome wide expression dataset intended to study myogenesis in a mouse C2C12 cell differentiation model. The results shown here both confirm the prior biological knowledge and facilitate the discovery of new biological insights.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results validate that the CisTransMine approach is a robust method to uncover the hidden transcriptional regulatory mechanisms that can facilitate the discovery of mechanisms of transcriptional regulation.</p

    Technical Variability Is Greater than Biological Variability in a Microarray Experiment but Both Are Outweighed by Changes Induced by Stimulation

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    INTRODUCTION: A central issue in the design of microarray-based analysis of global gene expression is that variability resulting from experimental processes may obscure changes resulting from the effect being investigated. This study quantified the variability in gene expression at each level of a typical in vitro stimulation experiment using human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). The primary objective was to determine the magnitude of biological and technical variability relative to the effect being investigated, namely gene expression changes resulting from stimulation with lipopolysaccharide (LPS). METHODS AND RESULTS: Human PBMC were stimulated in vitro with LPS, with replication at 5 levels: 5 subjects each on 2 separate days with technical replication of LPS stimulation, amplification and hybridisation. RNA from samples stimulated with LPS and unstimulated samples were hybridised against common reference RNA on oligonucleotide microarrays. There was a closer correlation in gene expression between replicate hybridisations (0.86-0.93) than between different subjects (0.66-0.78). Deconstruction of the variability at each level of the experimental process showed that technical variability (standard deviation (SD) 0.16) was greater than biological variability (SD 0.06), although both were low (SD<0.1 for all individual components). There was variability in gene expression both at baseline and after stimulation with LPS and proportion of cell subsets in PBMC was likely partly responsible for this. However, gene expression changes after stimulation with LPS were much greater than the variability from any source, either individually or combined. CONCLUSIONS: Variability in gene expression was very low and likely to improve further as technical advances are made. The finding that stimulation with LPS has a markedly greater effect on gene expression than the degree of variability provides confidence that microarray-based studies can be used to detect changes in gene expression of biological interest in infectious diseases

    Continued Use of Exogenic Materials found on Mars as Planetary Research Tools

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    Exogenic materials (meteorites, micrometeorites and chemical tracers) are encountered both serendipitously and as campaign targets during Mars rover terrain traverse and reconnaissance. We advocate the continued study of these materials in-situ when encountered and permitted by extended and new Mars surface missions in the 2023–2032 decade.Whitepaper submitted to the Planetary Science and Astrobiology Decadal Survey 2023-2032. Additional co-authors: Sara Motaghian, Brandi L. Carrier, William H. Farrand, Marc D. Fries, Peter Grindrod, Andrew Langedam, Jérémie Lasue

    Combining Fungal Biopesticides and Insecticide-Treated Bednets to Enhance Malaria Control

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    In developing strategies to control malaria vectors, there is increased interest in biological methods that do not cause instant vector mortality, but have sublethal and lethal effects at different ages and stages in the mosquito life cycle. These techniques, particularly if integrated with other vector control interventions, may produce substantial reductions in malaria transmission due to the total effect of alterations to multiple life history parameters at relevant points in the life-cycle and transmission-cycle of the vector. To quantify this effect, an analytically tractable gonotrophic cycle model of mosquito-malaria interactions is developed that unites existing continuous and discrete feeding cycle approaches. As a case study, the combined use of fungal biopesticides and insecticide treated bednets (ITNs) is considered. Low values of the equilibrium EIR and human prevalence were obtained when fungal biopesticides and ITNs were combined, even for scenarios where each intervention acting alone had relatively little impact. The effect of the combined interventions on the equilibrium EIR was at least as strong as the multiplicative effect of both interventions. For scenarios representing difficult conditions for malaria control, due to high transmission intensity and widespread insecticide resistance, the effect of the combined interventions on the equilibrium EIR was greater than the multiplicative effect, as a result of synergistic interactions between the interventions. Fungal biopesticide application was found to be most effective when ITN coverage was high, producing significant reductions in equilibrium prevalence for low levels of biopesticide coverage. By incorporating biological mechanisms relevant to vectorial capacity, continuous-time vector population models can increase their applicability to integrated vector management

    Identification of four novel susceptibility loci for oestrogen receptor negative breast cancer

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    Common variants in 94 loci have been associated with breast cancer including 15 loci with genome-wide significant associations (P<5 × 10−8) with oestrogen receptor (ER)-negative breast cancer and BRCA1-associated breast cancer risk. In this study, to identify new ER-negative susceptibility loci, we performed a meta-analysis of 11 genome-wide association studies (GWAS) consisting of 4,939 ER-negative cases and 14,352 controls, combined with 7,333 ER-negative cases and 42,468 controls and 15,252 BRCA1 mutation carriers genotyped on the iCOGS array. We identify four previously unidentified loci including two loci at 13q22 near KLF5, a 2p23.2 locus near WDR43 and a 2q33 locus near PPIL3 that display genome-wide significant associations with ER-negative breast cancer. In addition, 19 known breast cancer risk loci have genome-wide significant associations and 40 had moderate associations (P<0.05) with ER-negative disease. Using functional and eQTL studies we implicate TRMT61B and WDR43 at 2p23.2 and PPIL3 at 2q33 in ER-negative breast cancer aetiology. All ER-negative loci combined account for ∼11% of familial relative risk for ER-negative disease and may contribute to improved ER-negative and BRCA1 breast cancer risk prediction
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