97 research outputs found

    Soggettivazioni: tra vuoti e contiguitĂ 

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    The intent of this collection, which takes the title of "Subjectivations", was to open a reflection on the theory of Lacanian subjectivation, just as Lacan left it to us, in fits and starts, in the texts established starting from from his thirty years of oral teaching. What can an asystematic psychoanalysis, distant from university institutions, tell us about problems of an innervated concreteness of reality? Those who attend the Psychology departments and together the Lacanian teaching know that the distance between the specificity and the sectorialization of institutional tools is immeasurable compared to the universality of the broad and voluntarily never defined concepts of the Parisian psychoanalyst. Between the extremely particular (the ad hoc of contemporary psychology) and the extremely universal (the concept, a synthetic unit of philosophy) there is the risk of running into a derailment of the focal point, caused by a clash of epistemological methods that have stabilized at opposite edges to each other.L’intento di questa raccolta, che prende il titolo di “Soggettivazioni”, è stato quello di aprire una riflessione attorno alla teoria della soggettivazione lacaniana, così per come ce l’ha lasciata in eredità Lacan, a singhiozzi, nei testi stabiliti a partire dai suoi trent’anni di insegnamento orale. Cosa può dirci una psicoanalisi asistematica, distante dalle istituzioni universitarie rispetto a problemi di una concretezza innervata di realtà? Chi frequenta i dipartimenti di Psicologia e assieme l’insegnamento lacaniano sa che è incommensurabile la distanza che intercorre tra la specificità e la settorializzazione degli strumenti istituzionali a confronto con l’universalità dei concetti larghi e volontariamente mai definiti dello psicoanalista parigino. Tra l’estremamente particolare (l’ad hoc della psicologia contemporanea) e l’estremamente universale (il concetto, unità sintetica della filosofia) si rischia di incorrere in un deragliamento del punto focale, causato da uno scontro di metodi epistemologici che si sono stabilizzati ai bordi opposti l’uno rispetto all’altro. Nella scelta di prendere in considerazione un tema vasto e generale come la teoria della soggettivazione c’era l’interesse, da parte nostra, di porlo in dialogo con il campo altrettanto vasto e generale del presente. Speriamo che questa prima ricerca possa costituirsi come un’indagine (sebbene parziale) sullo statuto del soggetto in quanto campo epistemologico aperto: attingendo dalla teoria psicoanalitica e dal dibattito che ne è scaturito, il presente volume segue molteplici sentieri analitici e sottolinea di contributo in contributo la difficoltà di giungere a un’idea organica di soggetto, per la varietà di ipotesi spesso contrastanti in merito alla sua rappresentazione, formalizzazione e interpretazione. In questa raccolta crediamo che i punti maggiormente messi in rilievo da chi ha collaborato riguardino il problema della genesi, lo statuto della trasformazione, e infine un’attenzione specifica è stata rivolta al registro del Reale e ai suoi effetti

    Characterization of Pupillary Light Response Features for the Classification of Patients with Optic Neuritis

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    Pupillometry is a promising technique for the potential diagnosis of several neurological pathologies. However, its potential is not fully explored yet, especially for prediction purposes and results interpretation. In this work, we analyzed 100 pupillometric curves obtained by 12 subjects, applying both advanced signal processing techniques and physics methods to extract typically collected features and newly proposed ones. We used machine learning techniques for the classification of Optic Neuritis (ON) vs. Healthy subjects, controlling for overfitting and ranking the features by random permutation, following their importance in prediction. All the extracted features, except one, turned out to have significant importance for prediction, with an average accuracy of 76%, showing the complexity of the processes involved in the pupillary light response. Furthermore, we provided a possible neurological interpretation of this new set of pupillometry features in relation to ON vs. Healthy classification

    MMM2- Turismo patrimonial: la Arquitectura del Movimiento Moderno en Misiones.16H374

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    Luego de una primera etapa de investigación concluida, que durante tres años nos llevó a investigar interdisciplinariamente turismo y arquitectura, el mismo equipo de investigación que llevara adelante el proyecto Patrimonio, turismo y educación: la arquitectura del Movimiento Moderno de Misiones 16H313 2010/12, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales (F.H.y C.S.) Universidad Nacional de Misiones (U.Na.M.), se propone un segundo estamento de investigación. Este equipo interdisciplinario de investigación en producción continua desde 2001 donde a partir del patrimonio jesuítico y el concepto de territorio museo abierto, luego con la inclusión de otras fundamentaciones como el aportado recientemente por ICOMOS de espíritu del lugar. Utilizado desde la antigüedad por el hombre el espíritu del lugar le ha servido para acordar con sus dioses antes del asentamiento de un poblado/castro/chester/burgo/burger/borgo/burg, entre ellos el de locus genius que los campamentos de centuriones romanos utilizaban para denominar al espíritu dueño de ese espacio, que en general tenía alguna caracterización particular y diferente del resto. En este nuevo ciclo nuestro equipo se plantea la cuestion en tres escalas de trabajo: La escala Macro/Territorial: el antiguo Territorio Nacional devenido con la presidencia de Juan Domingo Perón mediante, en provincia de Misiones en diciembre de 1953 en una escala macro; en La escala Media/Urbana: la influencia que algunas obras tuvieron en el devenir de sus poblados y las que no lo hicieron. La escala Micro/Arquitectónica: en la que se estudiará detenidamente la Escuela Normal de Alem, declarada recientemente Monumento Historico Nacional mediante decreto N°1934/12 del Poder Ejecutivo Nacional con la firma de la presidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, y otros. La utilización de la información de este modo producida tendrá como resultado más tangible la formulación en la provincia de un Circuito Turístico de la Modernidad que utilice como antecedente el producido, puesto en marcha y analizado en MMM1, sin perjuicio de una profundización del análisis de dicho modelo en MMM

    Intimate Partner Violence in the Golden Age: Systematic Review of Risk and Protective Factors

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    Intimate partner violence (IPV) is identifiable as a major public health concern worldwide. The international literature highlights how this phenomenon is complex and transversal to all age groups. While the global population is becoming older, the scientific research about risk and protective factors related to IPV in the golden age is diverse, and the different findings of the various studies have not been systematized so far. Thus, in this systematic review, we aim to analyze the scientific studies that investigate the risk and the protective factors of violent dynamics between elderly couples. From the perspective of the theoretical frameworks and the methodological approaches used, we present the main conceptual themes that emerge. Following the guidelines of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses statement, we review the articles that report the analyses of protective and risk factors of IPV perpetration. Our results indicate social support, help-seeking behavior, and the availability of community-based services addressing the issues of abuse as the main protective factors. The risk factors are related to economic conditions, belonging to an ethnic minority, cognitive or physical impairment, other conditions associated with cultural background and relational dynamics, such as intrapartner dependence and intergenerational transmission of violence and trauma, and caregiving stress. We discuss possible future directions of research to improve the understanding of IPV in the elderly population and the implications for the development of intervention policies at preventive and supportive levels

    Outcome Prediction for SARS-CoV-2 Patients Using Machine Learning Modeling of Clinical, Radiological, and Radiomic Features Derived from Chest CT Images

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    Featured Application The present study demonstrates that semi-automatic segmentation enables the identification of regions of interest affected by SARS-CoV-2 infection for the extraction of prognostic features from chest CT scans without suffering from the inter-operator variability typical of segmentation, hence offering a valuable and informative second opinion. Machine Learning methods allow identification of the prognostic features potentially reusable for the early detection and management of other similar diseases. (1) Background: Chest Computed Tomography (CT) has been proposed as a non-invasive method for confirming the diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 patients using radiomic features (RFs) and baseline clinical data. The performance of Machine Learning (ML) methods using RFs derived from semi-automatically segmented lungs in chest CT images was investigated regarding the ability to predict the mortality of SARS-CoV-2 patients. (2) Methods: A total of 179 RFs extracted from 436 chest CT images of SARS-CoV-2 patients, and 8 clinical and 6 radiological variables, were used to train and evaluate three ML methods (Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator [LASSO] regularized regression, Random Forest Classifier [RFC], and the Fully connected Neural Network [FcNN]) for their ability to predict mortality using the Area Under the Curve (AUC) of Receiver Operator characteristic (ROC) Curves. These three groups of variables were used separately and together as input for constructing and comparing the final performance of ML models. (3) Results: All the ML models using only RFs achieved an informative level regarding predictive ability, outperforming radiological assessment, without however reaching the performance obtained with ML based on clinical variables. The LASSO regularized regression and the FcNN performed equally, both being superior to the RFC. (4) Conclusions: Radiomic features based on semi-automatically segmented CT images and ML approaches can aid in identifying patients with a high risk of mortality, allowing a fast, objective, and generalizable method for improving prognostic assessment by providing a second expert opinion that outperforms human evaluation

    Prevalence and follow-up of occult HCV infection in an Italian population free of clinically detectable infectious liver disease.

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    BACKGROUND: Occult hepatitis C virus infection (OCI) is a recently described phenomenon characterized by undetectable levels of HCV-RNA in serum/plasma by current laboratory assays, with identifiable levels in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and/or liver tissue by molecular tests with enhanced sensitivity. Previous results from our group showed an OCI prevalence of 3.3% in a population unselected for hepatic disease. The present study aimed to evaluate OCI prevalence in a larger cohort of infectious liver disease-free (ILDF) subjects. Clinical follow-up of OCI subjects was performed to investigate the natural history of the infection. METHODS AND FINDINGS: 439 subjects referred to a Turin Blood Bank for phlebotomy therapy were recruited. They included 314 ILDF subjects, 40 HCV-positive subjects and 85 HBV-positive subjects, of whom 7 were active HBV carriers. Six subjects (4/314 ILDF subjects [1.27%] and 2/7 active HBV carriers [28%]) were positive for HCV-RNA in PBMCs, but negative for serological and virological markers of HCV, indicating OCI. HCV genotypes were determined in the PBMCs of 3/6 OCI subjects two had type 1b; the other had type 2a/2c. OCI subjects were followed up for at least 2 years. After 12 months only one OCI persisted, showing a low HCV viral load (3.73Ă—10(1) UI/ml). By the end of follow-up all OCI subjects were negative for HCV. No seroconversion, alteration of liver enzyme levels, or reduction of liver synthesis occurred during follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrated the existence of OCI in ILDF subjects, and suggested a high OCI prevalence among active HBV carriers. Follow-up suggested that OCI could be transient, with a trend toward the decrease of HCV viral load to levels undetectable by conventional methods after 12-18 months. Confirmation studies with a longer follow-up period are needed for identification of the OCI clearance or recurrence rates, and to characterize the viruses involved

    Effectiveness of Radiomic ZOT Features in the Automated Discrimination of Oncocytoma from Clear Cell Renal Cancer

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    Background: Benign renal tumors, such as renal oncocytoma (RO), can be erroneously diagnosed as malignant renal cell carcinomas (RCC), because of their similar imaging features. Computer-aided systems leveraging radiomic features can be used to better discriminate benign renal tumors from the malignant ones. The purpose of this work was to build a machine learning model to distinguish RO from clear cell RCC (ccRCC). Method: We collected CT images of 77 patients, with 30 cases of RO (39%) and 47 cases of ccRCC (61%). Radiomic features were extracted both from the tumor volumes identified by the clinicians and from the tumor’s zone of transition (ZOT). We used a genetic algorithm to perform feature selection, identifying the most descriptive set of features for the tumor classification. We built a decision tree classifier to distinguish between ROs and ccRCCs. We proposed two versions of the pipeline: in the first one, the feature selection was performed before the splitting of the data, while in the second one, the feature selection was performed after, i.e., on the training data only. We evaluated the efficiency of the two pipelines in cancer classification. Results: The ZOT features were found to be the most predictive by the genetic algorithm. The pipeline with the feature selection performed on the whole dataset obtained an average ROC AUC score of 0.87 ± 0.09. The second pipeline, in which the feature selection was performed on the training data only, obtained an average ROC AUC score of 0.62 ± 0.17. Conclusions: The obtained results confirm the efficiency of ZOT radiomic features in capturing the renal tumor characteristics. We showed that there is a significant difference in the performances of the two proposed pipelines, highlighting how some already published radiomic analyses could be too optimistic about the real generalization capabilities of the models
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