70 research outputs found

    New xenon results of Phoenix at 28 GHz

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    The classical PHOENIX 28 GHz electron cyclotron resonance ion Source (ECRIS) has been developed to prospect high pulsed multi charged lead ion (MCI lead) beams for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) [1,2]. The goal of the experiment is to reach 1 emA pulses of Pb27+ during 0.4 ms with a 10 Hz repetition rate. This high beam current is one order of magnitude higher than the ones available nowadays. The strategy to take up this challenge is based on an increase of the radio frequency (RF) to 28 GHz and an increase of the RF power density. A new high acceptance, high resolution analysing beam line has been coupled to PHOENIX in order to study efficiently the intense beams delivered by the source. Thus, 0.6 emA of Xe20+ has been measured in the afterglow (AFG) among 9 emA analysed in the Faraday Cup (FC). The lead production is under study and a preliminary beam of 0.6 emA of Pb24+ AFG has already been obtained. The cross check of a 3D beam simulation program and measured beam characteristics enables to estimate the beam emittance to be ~ 200 mm.mrad. The project of development of an upgraded version of PHOENIX is presented (a new ECRIS named APHOENIX)

    Characteristics of the injected ion beam in the ECR charge breeder 1+n+1^{+}\to n^{+}

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    Different ion species (rare gases, alkali, metallic) have been injected on the axis of the MINIMAFIOS - 10 GHz - Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Source which is the basics of the 1+ -> n+ method, special attention have been paid to the optics of the incoming beam for the validation of the 1+ -> n+ method for the SPIRAL project (Radioactive Ion Beam facility). The capture of the incoming ion beam by the ECR plasma depends, first, on the relative energy of the incoming ions with respect to the average ion energy in the plasma, and secondly, on the optics of the injection line. The efficiency of the process when varying the potential V n+ of the MINIMAFIOS source with respect to the potential V 1+ applied to the 1+ source (DV=V n+ -V 1+ ) is an image of the energy dispersion of the 1+ beam. 1+ -> n+ spectra efficiencies, DV efficiency dependence for the most efficient charge state obtained, and measured primary beam emittances are given for the Ar, Rb, Pb, Cr. Highest efficiencies obtained are respectively Ar1+ -> Ar8+ : 8.7 %, Rb1+ -> Rb15+ : 5.5 %, Pb 1+ -> Pb 22+ : 4.8 % , Cr 1+ -> Cr 12+ : 3.5 %. Last results obtained are given for Sulfur and Uranium

    High Current, High frequency ECRIS development program for LHC heavy ion beam application

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    A research program with the aim of producing pulsed currents with hitherto unequalled intensity of Pb27+, with length and repetition ratecompatible with those desired by CERN (1 mAe / 400 ms / 10 Hz in the context of future heavy ion collisions at LHC) is organised in acollaboration between CERN/GSI/CEA-Grenoble and IN2P3-ISNG.Two main experimental programs will be carried out : (i) tests with the LNS-Catania team on the SERSE superconducting source with a 28 GHzgyrotron, (ii) tests on a non-superconducting source (new source at Grenoble) with a 28 GHz gyrotron. For this purpose CEA/DRFMC hasborrowed from CEA a 28 GHz - 10 kW gyrotron transmitter.The project includes also the construction of a source body, by ISNG, with conventional coils and permanent magnets for working at the frequencyof about 28 GHz and biased up to 60 kV. This source called PHOENIX will run on a test bench at ISN. PHOENIX is an improvement of thepresent ECR4-14.5 GHz/CERN source, having a mirror ratio R=2 at 14.5 GHz, and R=1.7 at 28 GHz (possibly reaching 2.1 T on the axis of thesource), and with a plasma volume up to 2.5 larger.Experiments at 28 GHz will be performed on the SERSE source in Catania at INFN/LNS where both the axial and the hexapolar fields will bevaried so that the mirror ratio is continuously varied up to R=1.6 ; the SERSE source will be also operated at lower magnetic fields such as thosewhich can be produced by conventional magnets (less than 2 T axial field at injection - far from the 28 GHz High-B mode)

    In Vivo Methods for the Assessment of Topical Drug Bioavailability

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    This paper reviews some current methods for the in vivo assessment of local cutaneous bioavailability in humans after topical drug application. After an introduction discussing the importance of local drug bioavailability assessment and the limitations of model-based predictions, the focus turns to the relevance of experimental studies. The available techniques are then reviewed in detail, with particular emphasis on the tape stripping and microdialysis methodologies. Other less developed techniques, including the skin biopsy, suction blister, follicle removal and confocal Raman spectroscopy techniques are also described

    Pleas sto-p pulluting our air

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