90 research outputs found

    Perceptual expertise improves category detection in natural scenes

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    There is much debate about how detection, categorization, and within-category identification relate to one another during object recognition. Whether these tasks rely on partially shared perceptual mechanisms may be determined by testing whether training on one of these tasks facilitates performance on another. In the present study we asked whether expertise in discriminating objects improves the detection of these objects in naturalistic scenes. Self-proclaimed car experts (N = 34) performed a car discrimination task to establish their level of expertise, followed by a visual search task where they were asked to detect cars and people in hundreds of photographs of natural scenes. Results revealed that expertise in discriminating cars was strongly correlated with car detection accuracy. This effect was specific to objects of expertise, as there was no influence of car expertise on person detection. These results indicate a close link between object discrimination and object detection performance, which we interpret as reflecting partially shared perceptual mechanisms and neural representations underlying these tasks: the increased sensitivity of the visual system for objects of expertise – as a result of extensive discrimination training – may benefit both the discrimination and the detection of these objects. Alternative interpretations are also discussed

    Current directions in visual working memory research: An introduction and emerging insights

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    Visual working memory (VWM) is a core construct in the cognitive (neuro-)sciences, assumed to serve as a hub for information exchange and thus supporting a multitude of cognitive functions related to processing visual information. Here, we give an introduction into key terms and paradigms and an overview of ongoing debates in the field, to which the articles collected in this Special Issue on 'Current Directions in Visual Working Memory Research' contribute. Our aim is to extract, from this overview, some 'emerging' theoretical insights concerning questions such as the optimal way to examine VWM, which types of mental representations contribute to performance on VWM tasks, and how VWM keeps features from the same object together and apart from features of concurrently maintained objects (the binding problem)

    Communication Biophysics

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    Contains reports on six research projects.National Institutes of Health (Grant 5 PO1 NS13126)National Institutes of Health (Grant 5 RO1 NS18682)National Institutes of Health (Grant 5 RO1 NS20322)National Institutes of Health (Grant 5 R01 NS20269)National Institutes of Health (Grant 5 T32NS 07047)Symbion, Inc.National Science Foundation (Grant BNS 83-19874)National Science Foundation (Grant BNS 83-19887)National Institutes of Health (Grant 6 RO1 NS 12846)National Institutes of Health (Grant 1 RO1 NS 21322

    Differences in manifestation of sensory-motor reactions and specific perceptions at the men and women doing martial arts

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    Abstract. Purpose: to establish features of manifestation of sensory-motor reactions and specific perceptions at the men and women doing martial arts. Material and methods: analysis of scientific-methodical information, generalization of the best practical experience, psycho-physiological methods of the research, methods of mathematical statistics. 46 sportsmen, who are engaged in different types of combat sports, participated in the research. Participants were divided into two groups: 1 – 27 men, median age (19,41±1,75) years; 2 – 19 women, median age (19,69±1,90) years, reliable differences on age, (p>0,05). Sportsmen had qualification Candidate Master of Sports and Master of Sports. Results: assessment of simple, difficult sensory-motor reactions and specific perceptions of martial artists is executed. The most significant qualities for success of men and women in martial arts allowed distinguishing the analysis of results of the held psycho-physiological testing. In the course of the research it was defined that the best indicators of simple sensory-motor reactions are observed at female martial artists (from 1 % till 2 %), and at male martial artists results in difficult sensory-motor reactions (from 2 % till 11 %) and specific perceptions are higher (from 1 % till 19 %). It is defined that pedagogical features of the organization of educational-training process of martial artists of various sexes is rational planning of loads and volume of trainings, structures of the competitive period, account and use of means of recovery of the lost working capacity. Conclusions: it is established that abilities to analyze, estimate and predict situations quickly and in due time to make the correct decisions during a single combat, that is explained unreliable distinctions (p>0,05) in psycho-physiological indicators of the studied sportsmen are formed at men and women who are engaged in different types of martial arts.Keywords: martial arts, men, women, indicators, sensory-motor reactions, specific perceptions

    Дослідження его та цільової орієнтації серед міжнародних рефері з боротьби

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    Aim: study was to investigate any possible effect(s) of experiences from active membership and participation in task or ego orientations among referees in the sport of wrestling. Material: The sample consisted of 213 international referees from 30 countries (Greece, Turkey, Bulgaria, France, Italy, Germany, Sweden, Finland, Switzerland, Russia, Poland, Hungary, U.S.A, Ukraine, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Iran, Japan, Korea, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Egypt, Canada, Georgia, Croatia, Uzbekistan, Norway, Cuba, Belarus, & Tunisia). Their age ranged from 26 to 60 yrs. old ( M =43, SD =8.6). During the procedure, the participants were asked to fill a specific questionnaire, the «Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire» (Duda & Nicholls, 1992). Results: Results showed that the referees from elite wrestling level’ countries (Russia, Azerbaijan, Iran, Turkey, Georgia, Armenia, Bulgaria, Ukraine, U.S.A., Korea, Japan, Kazakhstan, & Cuba) are more task oriented than those from the non-elite wrestling level’ countries. Researchers believe that this occurred because referees from non-elite wrestling level’ countries might have less game-sport experience and more specifically in high level games. At the same time, the Olympic experience referees were more task oriented than the non-Olympic experienced. Conclusion: Referee’s decisions are an important issue in the sport milieu. The investigations in decision-making by referees and factors that affect it are rather scarce and research should focus on such topics. Improvement of decision-making by referees, would lead to safer and better performance. Thus, better understanding of referees’ behavior, through identification and operationalization of the factors affecting it, might lead to more effective selection, training and performance.Цель: исследовать возможный опыт активного участия в целевой или эго ориентации среди рефери по спортивной борьбе. Материал: Выборка состояла из 213 международных рефери из 30 стран (Греция, Турция, Болгария, Франция, Италия, Германия, Швеция, Финляндия, Швейцария, Россия, Польша, Венгрия, США, Украина, Армения, Азербайджан, Иран, Корея, Монголия, Казахстан, Египет, Канада, Грузия, Хорватия, Узбекистан, Норвегия, Куба, Беларусь и Тунис). Возраст варьировал с 20 до 60 лет ( M =43, SD =8.6). Во время процедуры, участникам было предложено заполнить специальный опросник «Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire» (Duda & Nicholls, 1992). Результаты : Результаты свидетельствуют, что рефери из элитных борцовских стран (Россия, Азербайджан, Армения, Болгария, Украина, США, Корея, Япония, Казахстан и Куба) более ориентированы в решениях конкретных задач, чем другие, представители не элитных борцовских стран. Это, очевидно, связано с тем, что рефери из стран, не являющихся элитными по уровню развития борьбы, имеют меньший спортивный опыт и меньшее представление об уровне соревнований. В тоже время, рефери, имеющие олимпийский опыт были более ориентированы в решении соревновательных задач, чем не имеющие олимпийского опыта. Выводы: Решения рефери являются важным вопросом в спортивной среде. Исследования, посвященные процессу принятия решений рефери и факторов, которые влияют на это решение, весьма скудны. Совершенствование процесса принятия решений рефери, приведет к более безопасной и объективной оценке. Лучшее понимание поведения рефери, путем выявления и введения в действие факторов, влияющих на него, может привести к более эффективному отбору, обучению и эффективности судейства.Мета: дослідити можливості досвіду активної участі у цільовій або его орієнтації серед рефері з спортивної боротьби. Матеріал: Вибірка складалась з 213 міжнародних рефері з 30 країн (Греція, Туреччина, Болгарія, Франція, Італія, Німеччина, Швеція, Фінляндія, Швейцарія, Росія, Польща, Угорщина, США, Україна, Вірменія, Азербайджан, Іран, Корея, Монголія, Казахстан, Єгипет, Канада, Грузія, Хорватія, Узбекистан, Норвегія, Куба, Беларусь та Туніс). Вік варіював з 20 до 60 років ( M =43, SD =8.6). під час процедури, учасникам було запропоновано заповнити спеціальний опитувач «Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire» (Duda & Nicholls, 1992). Результати : Результати свідчать, що рефері з елітних борцівських країн (Росія, Азербайджан, Вірменія, Болгарія, Україна, США, Корея, Японія, Казахстан та Куба) більш орієнтовані у рішення конкретних завдань, ніж інші представники не елітних борцівських країн. Це, вочевидь, пов’язано із тим, що рефері з країн, які не є елітними за рівнем розвитку боротьби мають менший спортивний досвід і менше уявлення про рівень змагань. В той же час, рефері, які мають олімпійський досвід були більш орієнтовані у вирішенні змагальних задач, ніж ті, що не мають олімпійського досвіду. Висновки: Рішення рефері є важливим питанням у спортивному середовищі. Дослідження, присвячені процесу прийняття рішення рефері і факторів, що впливають на це рішення, дуже мізерні. Удосконалення процесу прийняття рішення рефері, призведе до більшої безпеки та об’єктивної оцінки. Краще розуміння поведінки рефері, шляхом виявлення та введення в дію факторів, що впливають на нього, може призвести до більш ефективному відбору, навчанню та ефективності суддівства

    Bidirectional communication between amygdala and fusiform gyrus during facial recognition

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    Decades of research have documented the specialization of fusiform gyrus (FG) for facial information processes. Recent theories indicate that FG activity is shaped by input from amygdala, but effective connectivity from amygdala to FG remains undocumented. In this fMRI study, 39 participants completed a face recognition task. 11 participants underwent the same experiment approximately four months later. Robust face-selective activation of FG, amygdala, and lateral occipital cortex were observed. Dynamic causal modeling and Bayesian Model Selection (BMS) were used to test the intrinsic connections between these structures, and their modulation by face perception. BMS results strongly favored a dynamic causal model with bidirectional, face-modulated amygdala-FG connections. However, the right hemisphere connections diminished at time 2, with the face modulation parameter no longer surviving Bonferroni correction. These findings suggest that amygdala strongly influences FG function during face perception, and that this influence is shaped by experience and stimulus salience.8 page(s