14 research outputs found


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    Disertacija obravnava problematiko vrednotenja površja. To površje je lahko elementarna ploskev, ploskev, sestavljena iz elementarnih ploskev, 3D skenogram ali mrežni model. Uporabljamo izraz zaznavne ploskve, ki predstavljajo površje, ki ključno vpliva na zaznavanje izdelka z uporabniškega vidika. Pri tem nas ne zanima estetska vrednost teh ploskev, ampak metodologija, ki omogoča vrednotenje. Za ta namen smo predstavili metodologijo n×n, ki se izvaja hkrati v programskem okolju Rhinoceros (RH) in dodatku Grasshopper (GH). V GH je nastavljena procedura z uporabo standardnih gradnikov GH. Rezultat te analize je najprej n×n matrika, v kateri so zbrane n×n razdalje, ki so v nadaljevanju normirane in zbrane v normalizirani n×n matriki. Iz normirane n×n matrike izhajajo izračuni za lastnosti CASP. S temi štirimi lastnostmi lahko ovrednotimo vsako površjeoznačujejo pa ukrivljenost, pospešenost, simetrijo in proporcionalnost. Rezultati so primerljivi samo pri elementarnih ploskvah. Elementarna ploskev je ploskev, ki ima podobno ukrivljenost ali predstavlja oblikovno značilnost ali del oblikovne značilnosti. Pri kompleksnih ali sestavljenih ploskvah lahko rezultate primerjamo samo za določen tip objektovna primer samo za obraze. Sicer kompleksne ploskve segmentiramo in razdelimo na elementarne. Prikazanih je tudi nekaj vmesnih razvojnih faz, v katerih smo uporabili drugačne analitične postopke, ki smo jih na koncu opustili. Vseeno lahko z njimi analiziramo geometrijo, le povezati in aktivirati je potrebno ustrezne gradnike v GHkot je recimo izris in analiza linije prereza ali prerez dveh prostorskih teles. V eksperimentalnem delu je zbranih nekaj praktičnih primerov uporabe CASP in postopki za izboljšavo dizajnerskega procesa za nadaljnjo uporabo. Prikazana je uporaba CASP metode na sedežih profesionalnih tekmovalnih koles, na računalniških miškah, na obrazih, na zadku avtomobila Tushek & Spigel – TS 600 in na obrezilnih orodjih za industrijske stiskalnice. Predstavljena je metoda, ki smo jo poimenovali DEGI, kjer uporabimo obstoječo geometrijo in jo vgradimo v nov izdelek.This work deals with the problem of surface evaluation. The surface can be elementary surface or surface compound of several elementary surfaces. It can also be 3D scan or any mesh model. Term perceptional surface is used to present surface that has key impact on perception of a product. At this point the aesthetic value is not important, however we are interested in the methodology which enables the evaluation. N×n, methodology is introduced, which runs within computer modeller Rhinoceros (RH) and its add-in Grasshopper (GH). In GH the procedure with standard GH components is set as a base. The result of this analysis is in first place the n×n matrix where n×n distances are collected and normalized alter on in normalized n×n matrix. From normalized n×n matrix the CASP properties are calculated. By using these four properties any surface can be evaluated. Term CASP stands for curvature, acceleration, symmetry and proportionality. The results are comparable only for elementary surfaces. Elementary surface is a surface with similar curvature or presents same shape feature or a part of it. For complex and compound surfaces the results can be compared merely for specific types of objects, e.g. just for human faces. Otherwise the compound surface can be segmented into elementary surfaces. Several intermediate evolutional phases are shown, but were later excluded from further research. Anyhow, different geometries can be analysed with proper components adjustment in GH that should be connected and activated, e. g. intersection line creation and analysis or intersection of two geometrical bodies. In the experimental part, the CASP methodology is represented by using concrete examples, in addition, some steps for design process improvement in future work are listed. The CASP methodology is shown on professional bike seats, on computer mice, on human faces, on Tushek & Spigel – TS 600 sports car tail and on cutting tools for industrial presses. At the end, the method we called DEGI is shown, where existing geometry is used and implemented in some newly created product

    CASP Methodology for Virtual Prototyping of Garments for People with Postural Disorders and Spinal Deformities

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    “Nobody is Perfect” is a phrase we often hear and use for different purposes. It can relate to our physical appearances or behavioral properties. A great share of the world’s population is faced with difficulties caused by postural disorders and spinal deformities. In our chapter we are not dealing with medical points of view. Instead, our intention is to highlight the problems and needs of affected people for suitable, well-fitted, and attractive garments. It is a fact that they need clothing items, not only for everyday use but also for special, festive occasions and sports. Finding suitable garments can be a nightmare for them. Normally, ready-made garments cannot be used if the postural disorders and spinal deformities are very expressive. Therefore, an individual approach is needed for planning, designing, and producing such garments. We propose virtual prototyping and CASP methodology for analyzing digitized geometry supported by computer-aided pattern designs for designing suitable, well-fitted garments for people with postural disorders and spinal deformities. “CASP” stands for Curvature, Acceleration, Symmetry, and Proportionality. It is used for methodology to analyze those four properties on surfaces in a virtual computer environment, as explained further on

    3D virtual prototyping of a ski jumpsuit based on a reconstructed body scan model

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    3D virtual prototyping become a topic of increasing interest of both computer graphics and computer-aided design for apparel production. These technologies are especially important when a garment prototype should be developed for a special purpose, such as ski-jumper suit. Namely, shape and size of a jumpsuit need to be individually adapted to each ski-jumper according to the exact requirements set by FIS (Fédereation Internationale de Ski). The FIS requirements change annually or even more often in order to assure ski-jumpers\u27 safety during competitive ski jumps. The conventional body measurement technique and development of ski-jumpers pattern are time consuming. In order to develop an accurate and rapid design, as well as an adaptable and quickly changeable jumpsuit, different modern technologies were used. The obtained virtual prototypes of a skijumper and a jumpsuit enable both - fast re-modelling according to FIS rules and expeditious development and/or simulations of a jumpsuit. All these measures are taken to improve the aerodynamic design of a suit and jumper\u27s result. The body scanning technology represents a great potential for textile industries and above all for producers of garments. It enables fast and reliable capture of 3D body data and extraction of precise measurements needed for design, construction, visualisation and animation of garments on virtual mannequins. However, there are also some problems related to the scanned body models, caused by the scanning technique. In this article we are discussing the techniques for reconstruction of the body models and its results using the example from one of the competitive sports clothing - ski-jumper suit. In our study we have used different computer graphics programmes in order to reconstruct and prepare the 3D body scan model for successfully importing it into OptiTex CAD programme. The aim of this research was to enable effective 3D virtual garment prototyping using the reconstructed body scan model

    Textile Forms’ Computer Simulation Techniques

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    Computer simulation techniques of textile forms already represent an important tool for textile and garment designers, since they offer numerous advantages, such as quick and simple introduction of changes while developing a model in comparison with conventional techniques. Therefore, the modeling and simulation of textile forms will always be an important issue and challenge for the researchers, since close‐to‐reality models are essential for understanding the performance and behavior of textile materials. This chapter deals with computer simulation of different textile forms. In the introductory part, it reviews the development of complex modeling and simulation techniques related to different textile forms. The main part of the chapter focuses on study of the fabric and fused panel drape by using the finite element method and on development of some representative textile forms, above all, on functional and protective clothing for persons who are sitting during performing different activities. Computer simulation techniques and scanned 3D body models in a sitting posture are used for this purpose. Engineering approaches to textile forms’ design for particular purposes, presented in this chapter, show benefits and limitations of specific 3D body scanning and computer simulation techniques and outline the future research challenges


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    V diplomi je po konceptu \u27\u27geštaltovskega\u27\u27 oblikovanja od \u27\u27znotraj navzven\u27\u27 razvita merilna naprava višjega cenovnega razreda. Pri tem velja vodilo, da oblika sledi funkciji. Estetsko je instrument oblikovan v smislu minimalizma. Značilne linije merilne naprave nakazujejo širino in višino instrumenta ali ga zakrožijo in omehčajo robove. Uporabljena je inovativna zgradba jedra in ohišja. Jedro je pri tem funkcionalna celota. Predstavljene so faze razvoja, evolucijske stopnje v tehničnem ter oblikovnem smislu. Pri razvoju so upoštevani mnogi tehnični dejavniki, ki so ključnega pomena za merilni instrument, saj tečejo skozenj tokovi do 1000 voltov, ki so lahko življenjsko nevarni.In this diploma is, developed a high class measuring device. It is developed from inside out by means of the concept of ’’gestalt’’ design. The form should follow the function. Characteristic lines indicate width and height of the instrument, or they just round the edges. Innovative structure of core and casing is used. Core is totally functional. There are shown the phases of development, evolution stages in technical and design sense. In development are considered several technical factors, some of them are of greatest significance for the measuring device, because in the instrument could be deathly electric current up to 1000 V

    Product Development from a Functional Prototype to Small Series Production – Case Study: VITAPRINT CNC platform

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    V magistrskem delu je obravnavan razvoj naprave za specializirano tržišče, ki je po razvoju različnih prototipov v fazi funkcionalnega prototipa pripravljena za maloserijsko proizvodnjo. Skozi analizo razvoja prototipov VITAPRINT CNC platforme in stanja konkurenčnih rešitev na tržišču je bil izdelan nabor idejnih konceptov orodij za potencialne nadgradnje funkcionalnosti in razširitev kroga ciljnih uporabnikov naprave, za potrebe maloserijske proizvodnje pa izdelana dokumentacija ter promocijski material v tiskani in spletni obliki. Skupaj s spletno stranjo je nastala tudi serija predstavitvenih fotografij produkta. Rezultati magistrskega dela bodo služili kot model za prihodnje projekte, ki bodo uporabni pri različnih stopnjah razvoja.This master\u27s thesis deals with the development of a device for a specialized market, which is in its functional phase now ready for small-size production after the development of various prototypes. Through the analysis development of different prototypes of the VITAPRINT CNC platform, a set of conceptual ideas for tools was created, for upgraded functionality and expansion of targeted users. Along with the website, a series of presentation photos was created. The results of the master\u27s thesis will serve as a model for future projects that will be useful at different stages of product development

    Study Regarding the Kinematic 3D Human-Body Model Intended for Simulation of Personalized Clothes for a Sitting Posture

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    This study deals with the development of a kinematic 3D human-body model with an improved armature in the pelvic region, intended for a sitting posture (SIT), using Blender software. It is based on the scanned female body in a standing posture (STA) and SIT. Real and virtual measures of females’ lower-body circumferences for both postures were examined. Virtual prototyping of trousers was performed to investigate their fit and comfort on the scanned and kinematic 3D body models and to make comparison with real trousers. With the switch from STA to SIT, real and virtual lower-body circumferences increase and are reflected in the fit and comfort of virtual and real trousers. In SIT, the increased circumferences are attributed to the redistribution of body muscles and adipose tissue around the joints, as well as changes in joints’ shapes in body flexion regions, which are not uniformly represented on the kinematic sitting 3D body model, despite improved armature in the pelvic region. The study shows that average increases in waist, hip, thigh, and knee circumferences should be included in the process of basic clothing-pattern designs for SIT as minimal ease allowances, as should, in the future, armature designs that consider muscle and adipose tissues, to achieve realistic volumes for kinematic 3D body models in SIT

    Development, fabrication and mechanical characterisation of auxetic bicycle handlebar grip

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    The auxetic cellular structures are one of the most promising metamaterials for vibration damping and crash absorption applications. Therefore, their use in the bicycle handlebar grip was studied in this work. A preliminary computational design study was performed using various auxetic and non-auxetic geometries under four load cases, which can typically appear. The most representative geometries were then selected and fabricated using additive manufacturing. These geometries were then experimentally tested to validate the discrete and homogenised computational models. The homogenised computational model was then used to analyse the biomechanical behaviour of the handlebar grip. It was observed that handle grip made from auxetic cellular metamaterials reduce the high contact pressures, provide similar stability and hereby improve the handlebar ergonomics

    The Use of New Technologies for the Development of Protective Clothing: Comparative Analysis of Body Dimensions of Static and Dynamic Postures and its Application

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    In this research, the use of new technologies for the development of special protective overall for sport aircraft pilots was studied, with a focus on a comparative analysis of the static and dynamic body postures’ dimensions, intended for the development of the overall’s pattern design. For this purpose, digitalization of five male persons was carried out with the 3D human body scanner Vitus Smart by using 3D printed markers, precisely positioned on defined body locations, intended for exact measurement of body dimensions. Male persons, aged between 19 and 35 years with the same athletic body type and different body heights and body mass indexes (BMIs), were scanned in a standard static standing body posture and three dynamic body postures. A comparative analysis between the static and dynamic body postures was carried out. Based on the established body dimensions and girth dimensions of the 3D body model with 3D-modeled compression elements, made-to-measure construction of the overall pattern design was carried out. The function of these compression elements is redistribution of the blood from the lower extremities to the upper body parts at the appearance of high g-forces. Therefore, increased girth dimensions due to the use of compression elements were applied in the overall development process as construction measures with needed ease allowances. The functionality of the developed special protective overall was explored on the scanned 3D body model with 3D-modeled compression elements in a real sitting posture of the sport aircraft pilot in a cab by using virtual prototyping. The virtual simulation technology showed that a well-fitted protective overall for sport aircraft pilots can be developed by using a 3D scanned body model of a person in a sitting posture and its 3D body dimensions

    Reverse Engineering of Parts with Optical Scanning and Additive Manufacturing

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    AbstractThis paper presents reverse engineering of car volume button. The purpose of article is to introduce reverse engineering procedure, what we need to do this kind of procedure and how we can remanufacture car's volume button. The purpose of reverse engineering is to manufacture another object based on a physic and existing object for which 3D CAD is not available. The first we need digital version of object. Because our car's volume button has free formed surfaces we decided to use 3D scanning technology to obtain the point cloud of existing object. With the help of point cloud we can developed 3D CAD model which will be used for manufacturing of button pair. We used for manufacturing of pair of buttons machine for selective laser sintering Formiga P 100. In the paper are also described costs of making of one pair of buttons and whole workspace