1,479 research outputs found

    Victim-Offender Mediation in Anchorage

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    A version of this paper was published as ""Victim-Offender Mediation in Alaska," Alaska Justice Forum 11(2): 1, 5–6 (Summer 1994).Victim-offender mediation programs provide an opportunity for victims to meet the offenders face-to-face in the presence of a trained mediator for the purpose of resolving the injury of the crime in some way. Mediation is offered as a diversion from the justice system which the offender may accept to avoid more formal adjudication. This paper describes a pilot victim-offender mediation program in Anchorage which involves juveniles accused of certain offenses and the victims of those crimes.Victim-Offender Mediation / Development / The Development of Victim-Offender Mediation in Anchorag

    Pinked Parked and Ponked

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    Irish Pop Music in a Global Context

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    There are a number of reasons that motivate the undertaking of research on the topic of the music section of the culture industry in its present form. In Ireland today it is very hard for people not to have heard of some of the bands, which are going to be examined in this thesis because we hear so much about them in the media and because they are Irish we are expected to be proud of them. In a way its like supporting the national football team no one who knows anything about football likes their style of play but they feel that they are representing Ireland so it is their duty to support them. The same can be said about the treatment many of these bands receive in the Irish media people are afraid to question them because they are Irish and we should criticise our own. As this thesis will show, not only is there very little unique about these bands, also there is very little Irish about them unlike many of the other internationally successful Irish music groups before them who in some way drew creatively from their Irishness, the music examined here could have been produced by anyone, anywhere. Another reason motivating this research is the opportunity to look at an early neo-Marxist theory in an age when many believe that Marxism and Socialist theories are things that should be consigned to history along with the cold war. A further reason is that this early neo-Marxist theory on the culture industiy has never been more relevant in attempting to explain the music section of the culture industry as it is today

    Multichannel Blind Deconvolution of Circularly Polarized Imagery

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    Current methods can be used to recreate an expected Stokes polarization vector from measured light for characterization purposes. However, this only applies to three of the Stokes parameters, that is, the linear polarization components. Circular polarization is not currently being utilized for object characterization because the mathematical complexity is greater than for that of linear polarization. This research will analyze a way to expand existing algorithms to include circular polarization and enable the complete reconstruction of the Stokes vector from the measured light into a blind deconvolution algorithm for Stokes estimation and image reconstruction

    Doctor of Pharmacy

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    dissertationEuglycemia is the goal of therapy for diabetic patients receiving insulin or oral hypoglycemic medications. Without proper control of blood glucose concentration serious» complications may occur, such as, ketoacidosis or hypoglycemic shock. Historically, monitoring outpatient blood glucose has been accomplished by measuring the urine glucose content. Urine glucose indirectly reflects blood glucose concentration of 180 mg/dl or greater depending upon the glucose threshold of the patient's kidneys, and is inadequate in detecting hypoglycemia. Until recently, directly measuring a patient's blood glucose concentration was a process requiring a clinical laboratory and a trained phlebotomist to obtain blood for glucose analysis. With the advent of glucose reagent strips and reflectance photometers, home blood glucose monitoring has now become a possible alternative to urine glucose testing. Numerous reports and studies have defined the role of reagent strips and reflectance photometers in blood glucose monitoring procedures

    Geosynchronous Binary Object Detection

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    This paper will compare competing methods for optically detecting binary objects. This is mostly intended for use in Space Situational Awareness (SSA), though has the potential to be used in other applications. The first method referred to as, “Single Object Detection” is a versatile algorithm which is currently used to detect extraterrestrial objects. However, it does not take into account interference by a nearby object. Therefore a second algorithm is investigated, referred to as “Binary Object Detection”, which does. The binary detection algorithm proved to have a comparable or superior Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve (based upon the area under the curve) in all cases. The algorithm was tested with both simulated and measured data containing single points and binary objects

    Investigation of Reduced-Order Modeling for Aircraft Stability and Control Prediction

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    High-fidelity computational fluid dynamics tools offer the potential to approximate increments for ground-to-flight scaling effects, as well as to augment the dynamic damping derivative data for motion-based flight simulators. Unfortunately, the computational expense is currently prohibitive for populating a complete simulator database. This work investigates an existing surrogate-based, indicial response reduced-order model methodology as a means to efficiently augment a flight simulator database with high-fidelity nonlinear aerodynamic damping derivatives. Creation of the reduced-order model is based on the superposition integrals of the step response with the derivative of its corresponding input signal. Step responses are calculated using a computational grid motion approach that separates the effects of angle of attack and sideslip angle from angular rates, and rates from angle of attack and sideslip. It is demonstrated that the transients produced during the start of a forced-oscillation motion are captured by the reduced-order model to the level of fidelity of a comparable computational solution. Aerodynamic coefficients computed within minutes by the reduced-order model for an aircraft undergoing an 18-second half Lazy-8 maneuver and a 25-second Immelmann turn maneuver are compared with those from full computational flight solutions that required days to complete. Finally, a cost-benefit assessment is included that demonstrates a compelling advantage for this approach. d for maneuvering, flexible vehicles

    Primer for the Transportable Applications Executive

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    The Transportable Applications Executive (TAE), an interactive multipurpose executive that provides commonly required functions for scientific analysis systems, is discussed. The concept of an executive is discussed and the various components of TAE are presented. These include on-line help information, the use of menus or commands to access analysis programs, and TAE command procedures

    Unsteady Model Estimation for Generic T-Tail Transport Aircraft Using Computational Data

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    Models including nonlinear and unsteady behaviors are developed for the longitudinal axis of the NASA Generic T-Tail Aircraft over a large range of angle of attack. These models are based on computational simulations of forced-oscillation tests in a wind tunnel. This work continues a recent study and an ongoing effort by NASA to improve aircraft simulations for pilot training in loss-of-control and stalled conditions. The objective of this work is to develop appropriate aerodynamic models that provide representative responses in simulation for a given class of aircraft. In the stall region, nonlinear unsteady responses are often present and may require an extended aerodynamic model compared to that used in the conventional flight envelope. In this study, two objectives are addressed. The first is to obtain representative models for the NASA Generic T-Tail aircraft over a wide range of angle of attack and the second is to continue development of a specialized CFD test technique that uses Schroeder sweeps to create information rich responses for unsteady aerodynamic model identification

    A Theory of Mind investigation into the appreciation of visual jokes in schizophrenia

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    BACKGROUND: There is evidence that groups of people with schizophrenia have deficits in Theory of Mind (ToM) capabilities. Previous studies have found these to be linked to psychotic symptoms (or psychotic symptom severity) particularly the presence of delusions and hallucinations. METHODS: A visual joke ToM paradigm was employed where subjects were asked to describe two types of cartoon images, those of a purely Physical nature and those requiring inferences of mental states for interpretation, and to grade them for humour and difficulty. Twenty individuals with a DSM-lV diagnosis of schizophrenia and 20 healthy matched controls were studied. Severity of current psychopathology was measured using the Krawiecka standardized scale of psychotic symptoms. IQ was estimated using the Ammons and Ammons quick test. RESULTS: Individuals with schizophrenia performed significantly worse than controls in both conditions, this difference being most marked in the ToM condition. No relationship was found for poor ToM performance and psychotic positive symptomatology, specifically delusions and hallucinations. CONCLUSION: There was evidence for a compromised ToM capability in the schizophrenia group on this visual joke task. In this instance this could not be linked to particular symptomatology
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