16,825 research outputs found

    Chemisorption on a model bcc metal

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    The system considered here is that of a single atom with one energy level chemisorbed on the (001) surface of a model bcc metal. We present the change in the density of electronic states Δn (E) due to chemisorption for two cases: one when the adatom is bound to a single substrate atom in the "on‐site" configuration and the other when it is bound to four substrate atoms in the "centered fourfold site." In principle, this change in the density of states Δn can be related to the results of photoemission measurements

    Technique for studying chemisorption on substrates with complex band structures

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    Adjustment of the basin-scale circulation at 26 degrees N to variations in Gulf Stream, deep western boundary current and Ekman transports as observed by the Rapid array

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    The Rapid instrument array across the Atlantic Ocean along 26 degrees N provides unprecedented monitoring of the basin-scale circulation. A unique feature of the Rapid array is the combination of full-depth moorings with instruments measuring temperature, salinity, pressure time series at many depths with co-located bottom pressure measurements so that dynamic pressure can be measured from surface to bottom. Bottom pressure measurements show a zonally uniform rise (and fall) of bottom pressure of 0.015 dbar on a 5 to 10 day time scale, suggesting that the Atlantic basin is filling and draining on a short time scale. After removing the zonally uniform bottom pressure fluctuations, bottom pressure variations at 4000 m depth against the western boundary compensate instantaneously for baroclinic fluctuations in the strength and structure of the deep western boundary current so there is no basin-scale mass imbalance resulting from variations in the deep western boundary current. After removing the mass compensating bottom pressure, residual bottom pressure fluctuations at the western boundary just east of the Bahamas balance variations in Gulf Stream transport. Again the compensation appears to be especially confined close to the western boundary. Thus, fluctuations in either Gulf Stream or deep western boundary current transports are compensated in a depth independent (barotropic) manner very close to the continental slope off the Bahamas. In contrast, compensation for variations in wind-driven surface Ekman transport appears to involve fluctuations in both western basin and eastern basin bottom pressures, though the bottom pressure difference fluctuations appear to be a factor of 3 too large, perhaps due to an inability to resolve small bottom pressure fluctuations after removal of larger zonal average, baroclinic, and Gulf Stream pressure components. For 4 tall moorings where time series dynamic height (geostrophic pressure) profiles can be estimated from sea surface to ocean bottom and bottom pressure can be added, there is no general correlation between surface dynamic height and bottom pressure. Dynamic height on each mooring is strongly correlated with sea surface height from satellite observations and the variability in both dynamic height and satellite sea surface height decrease sharply as the western boundary is approached

    Land grabbing and formalization in Africa : a critical inquiry

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    Two developments in Africa have generated an extensive literature. The first focuses on investment and land grabbing and the second on the formalization of rural property rights. Less has been written on the impact of formalization on land grabbing and of land grabbing on formalization. Recently, formalization has been put forward to protect the rights of pastoralists and farmers. Leaders in Tanzania have argued that it will free up land for investors that is unused by villages and generate new jobs and improved livelihoods through contract farming while minimizing land grabbing through greater transparency. Others argue that formalization is being promoted to facilitate land grabbing with state-imposed boundaries evicting villagers off land formerly under village control for sale to investors. Proponents assume that securing individual property rights will allow villagers to determine how to best use or dispose of their property. However, this implied notion of voluntarism can deny the hegemonic forces that can be embedded in markets. Unequal power dynamics in market transactions can transform formalization from a protective force into a means of dispossession. These power dynamics operate through various channels, such as juridical capture or influence, control of national and local discourse regarding land use and users, influence or control of land allocation and demarcation process, alienation of smallholders' control over rights of land use, and strategies that promote forced sales of land by the poor. Along these lines, dispossession may not simply be the physical loss of land but the loss of certain rights to land, or in other words, not to land grabbing but what some have termed 'control grabbing' or 'labor grabbing'. Proponents of land titling therefore promote unproblematic visions of customary tenure systems, which ignore both unequal power dynamics due to unequal initial endowments (of power in the form of influence, access, and assets) and the result of such dynamics: formalization converted to an instrument for dispossession

    Unsteady Model Estimation for Generic T-Tail Transport Aircraft Using Computational Data

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    Models including nonlinear and unsteady behaviors are developed for the longitudinal axis of the NASA Generic T-Tail Aircraft over a large range of angle of attack. These models are based on computational simulations of forced-oscillation tests in a wind tunnel. This work continues a recent study and an ongoing effort by NASA to improve aircraft simulations for pilot training in loss-of-control and stalled conditions. The objective of this work is to develop appropriate aerodynamic models that provide representative responses in simulation for a given class of aircraft. In the stall region, nonlinear unsteady responses are often present and may require an extended aerodynamic model compared to that used in the conventional flight envelope. In this study, two objectives are addressed. The first is to obtain representative models for the NASA Generic T-Tail aircraft over a wide range of angle of attack and the second is to continue development of a specialized CFD test technique that uses Schroeder sweeps to create information rich responses for unsteady aerodynamic model identification

    A Coordinated Radio Afterglow Program

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    We describe a ground-based effort to find and study afterglows at centimeter and millimeter wavelengths. We have observed all well-localized gamma-ray bursts in the Northern and Southern sky since BeppoSAX first started providing rapid positions in early 1997. Of the 23 GRBs for which X-ray afterglows have been detected, 10 have optical afterglows and 9 have radio afterglows. A growing number of GRBs have both X-ray and radio afterglows but lack a corresponding optical afterglow.Comment: To appear in Proc. of the 5th Huntsville Gamma-Ray Burst Symposium, 5 pages, LaTe

    Efficient Unsteady Model Estimation Using Computational and Experimental Data

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    Improving aircraft simulations for pilot training in loss-of-control and stalled conditions is one goal of NASA research in the System Wide Safety Program. One part of this effort is to develop appropriate generic aerodynamic models that provide representative responses in simulation for a given class of aircraft. In this part of the flight envelope nonlinear unsteady responses are often present and may require an extended aerodynamic model compared to that used in the conventional flight envelope. In this preliminary study, two objectives are addressed. First, to obtain a representative model for a NASA generic aircraft at an unsteady condition in the flight envelope and second, to evaluate the techniques involved. To meet these objectives, two different generic aircraft configurations are modeled using both experimental and analytical data. With these results, an initial assessment of the efficiency and quality of the tools and test techniques are evaluated to develop guidance for analytical and experimental approaches to unsteady modeling

    Effect of heat treatment and aging on the mechanical loss and strength of hydroxide catalysis bonds between fused silica samples

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    Hydroxide catalysis bonds are used in the aLIGO gravitational wave detectors and are an essential technology within the mirror suspensions which allowed for detector sensitivities to be reached that enabled the first direct detections of gravitational waves. Methods aimed at further improving hydroxide catalysis bonds for future upgrades to these detectors, in order to increase detection rates and the number of detectable sources, are explored. Also, the effect on the bonds of an aLIGO suspension construction procedure involving heat, the fibre welding process, is investigated. Here we show that thermal treatments can be beneficial to improving some of the bond properties important to the mirror suspensions in interferometric gravitational wave detectors. It was found that heat treating bonds at 150\,^\circC increases bond strength by a factor of approximately 1.5 and a combination of bond ageing and heat treatment of the optics at 150\,\circC reduces the mechanical loss of a bond from 0.10 to 0.05. It is also shown that current construction procedures do not reduce bond strength