42 research outputs found

    Slow (1 Hz) repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) induces a sustained change in cortical excitability in patients with Parkinson's disease

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    Objective: Low-frequency ( lt = 1 Hz) rTMS (LF-rTMS) can reduce excitability in the underlying cortex and/or promote inhibition. In patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) several TMS elicited features of motor corticospinal physiology suggest presence of impaired inhibitory mechanisms. These include shortened silent period (SP) and slightly steeper input-output (I-O) curve of motor evoked potential (MEP) size than in normal controls. However, studies of LF-rTMS effects on inhibitory mechanisms in PD are scarce. Objective: In this companion paper to the clinical paper describing effects of four consecutive days of LF-rTMS on dyskinesia in PD (Filipovic et al., 2009), we evaluate the delayed (24 h) effects of the LF-rTMS treatment on physiological measures of excitability of the motor cortex in the same patients. There are very few studies of physiological follow up of daily rTMS treatments. Methods: Nine patients with PD in Hoehn and Yahr stages 2 or 3 and prominent medication-induced dyskinesia were studied. This was a placebo-controlled, crossover study, with two treatment arms, "real" rTMS and "sham" rTMS (placebo). In each of the treatment arms, rTMS (1800 pulses; 1 Hz rate; intensity of the real stimuli just-below the active motor threshold) was delivered over the motor cortex for four consecutive days. Motor cortex excitability was evaluated at the beginning of the study and the next day following each of the four-day rTMS series (real and sham) with patients first in the practically defined "off" state, following 12 h withdrawal of medication, and subsequently in a typical "on" state following usual morning medication dose. Results: The SP was significantly longer following real rTMS in comparison to both baseline and sham rTMS. The effect was independent from the effects of dopaminergic treatment. There was no difference in MEP size, rest and active motor threshold. The I-O curve, recorded from the relaxed muscle, showed a trend towards diminished slope in comparison to baseline, but the difference was not significant. There was no consistent correlation between prolongation of SP and concomitant reduction in dyskinesia following real rTMS. Conclusions: Low-frequency rTMS delivered over several consecutive days changes the excitability of motor cortex by increasing the excitability of inhibitory circuits. The effects persist for at least a day after rTMS. Significance: The results confirm the existence of a residual after-effect of consecutive daily applications of rTMS that might be relevant to the clinical effect that was observed in this group of patients and could be further exploited for potential therapeutic uses

    Postsynaptic nigrostriatal dopamine receptors and their role in movement regulation

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    The article presents the hypothesis that nigrostriatal dopamine may regulate movement by modulation of tone and contraction in skeletal muscles through a concentration-dependent influence on the postsynaptic D1 and D2 receptors on the follow manner: nigrostriatal axons innervate both receptor types within the striatal locus somatotopically responsible for motor control in agonist/antagonist muscle pair around a given joint. D1 receptors interact with lower and D2 receptors with higher dopamine concentrations. Synaptic dopamine concentration increases immediately before movement starts. We hypothesize that increasing dopamine concentrations stimulate first the D1 receptors and reduce muscle tone in the antagonist muscle and than stimulate D2 receptors and induce contraction in the agonist muscle. The preceded muscle tone reduction in the antagonist muscle eases the efficient contraction of the agonist. Our hypothesis is applicable for an explanation of physiological movement regulation, different forms of movement pathology and therapeutic drug effects. Further, this hypothesis provides a theoretical basis for experimental investigation of dopaminergic motor control and development of new strategies for treatment of movement disorders

    Discrimination of motor and sensory processing in human EEG by power and synchronization analysis

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    grantor: University of TorontoDo EEG-based measures show the same sustained changes throughout different motor behaviors or conditions of sensory stimulation as observed in fMRI studies? EEG was recorded as subjects performed a variety of motor and auditory tasks. Power and mean cross-correlation values analyzed over a "large time window" were calculated in the high alpha (10.5-13Hz), mid beta (18-24Hz), and gamma (30-40Hz) frequency bands. Intrasubject comparisons (one way ANOVA) of power values, and to a lesser extent of cross-correlation (0 phase-delay) values, distinguished neuronal activity associated with some behavioral states compared to others. Generally however, patterns for both "regional" power and synchronization did not uniquely identify specific behavioral conditions. Also, intersubject analysis (pooled data) showed no significant differences (one way ANOVA) in power or synchronization values among experimental paradigms, but did reveal basic trends inherent in cortical activity and EEG based measures.M.Sc

    Effects of peripheral sensory input on cortical inhibition in humans

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    Cortical inhibitory systems play an important role in motor output. The motor cortex can be inhibited by intracortical mechanisms and by peripheral sensory inputs. We examined whether cortical inhibition from peripheral sensory input is mediated through previously identified intracortical inhibitory systems and how these inhibitory systems interact. Two types of intracortical inhibition were assessed by paired-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). Short-interval intracortical inhibition (SICI) was determined with a subthreshold conditioning stimulus (CS) followed by a test stimulus 2 ms later and long-interval intracortical inhibition (LICI) with suprathreshold conditioning and test stimuli 100 ms apart. Cortical inhibition from peripheral sensory input was induced by median nerve stimulation (MNS) of the right hand and followed by a suprathreshold TMS over the left motor cortex 200 ms later. The first set of experiments tested the effects of different test stimulus intensities on SICI, LICI and cortical inhibition induced by median nerve stimulation (MNSI). With higher test stimulus intensities, LICI and MNSI decreased whereas SICI showed a trend towards an increase. The extent of SICI, LICI and MNSI did not correlate. The second experiment assessed the interaction between MNSI and LICI. The results of applying MNSI and LICI simultaneously were compared with MNSI and LICI alone. MNSI was virtually abolished in the presence of LICI and LICI was also significantly decreased in the presence of MNSI. Thus, the effects of MNSI and LICI when applied together were much less than their expected additive effects when applied alone. The degree of interaction between MNSI and LICI was related to the combined strength of MNSI and LICI but not to the strength of LICI alone. The third experiment investigated the interaction between SICI and MNSI. MNSI and SICI were applied together and the results were compared with MNSI and SICI alone. SICI remained unchanged in the presence of MNSI. We conclude that MNSI is mediated by circuits distinct from those mediating LICI or SICI. The MNSI circuits seem to have an inhibitory interaction with the LICI circuits, whereas the SICI and MNSI circuits do not seem to interact

    Changes in cortical and pallidal oscillatory activity during the execution of a sensory trick in patients with cervical dystonia

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    We examined the effects of a sensory trick (SeT) on cortical EEG and globus pallidus (GP) local field potentials in four cervical dystonia patients, two of whom had an effective SeT and two who did not. The application of an effective SeT was associated with bilateral desynchronization in the 6-8 Hz and beta bands in the GP and sensorimotor cortical regions. In contrast, mimicking an SeT led to a worsening of dystonia, which was associated with desynchronization of the beta band and synchronization in the 4-6 Hz range. These preliminary findings suggest a role for 4-8 Hz frequency synchronization in the pathophysiology of dystonia.Neurophysiological mechanisms of human subthalamic nucleusCIHRMOP 42505 and MOP 1512