394 research outputs found

    Investigation of wrist and hand function for the improvement of upper limb prosthetic device design

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    The development of upper limb prostheses faces many different challenges. Speciically, improvements in device design are urgently required, together with increased personalisation of devices according to patients’ needs and overall device ease of use and affordability. This investigation is part of a project entitled Anthropomorphic Design for Advanced Manufacturing (ADAM) which aims to develop a new Design System for personalisation of upper limb prosthetics using additive manufacturing technology. Here, a novel procedure for acquiring data on the movement features of the sound and prosthetic upper limb will be presented, as input for those design requirements

    A microfluidics tool for high-throughput, real-time multimodal imaging of nanoparticle-cell interactions

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    The increasing use of nanomaterials for biomedical applications has raised the need for efficient, robust and low-cost high-throughput assessment of nanotoxicity and cell-nanoparticle interactions. Microfluidics provides the tools for high-throughput single-cell functional monitoring, while gold nanorods have unique potential for intracellular tracking and can simultaneously be used as drug carriers. Presented here is a miniaturised platform that integrates these features with a multimodal approach to cell imaging. A microfluidic device allows for trapping of an array of singlecells, followed by the controlled delivery of nanoparticles into the cell array and subsequent real-time multimodal imaging of cellular interactions with functionalised nanoparticles. This system has been successfully used to assess cellnanoparticle interactions at the single-cell level

    Time-lapse measurement of single-cell response to nanomaterial : a microfluidic approach

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    This work presents the successful application of a single-cell microfluidic platform for high-throughput, real-time screening of nanoparticle-cell interactions. Taking vaccine delivery as a proof-of-concept application, ovalbumin-conjugated gold nanorods were produced and controllably delivered to primary dendritic cells within the device. Time-lapse imaging enabled monitoring of hundreds of single-cells during exposure to a range of concentrations of nanoparticle conjugates and simultaneous quantification of specific cellular functions. This integrated system provides throughput and statistical data comparable to that obtained with flow cytometry but also offers a novel approach to determine the dynamics of nanoparticle-cell interactions and nanoparticle-mediated antigen delivery with single-cell resolution

    Laser Monotherapy in Plantar Fasciitis

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    Introdução: A fasceíte plantar (FP) constitui a causa mais frequente de dor no retropé. Está recomendada uma prova terapêutica inicial conservadora. Objetivos: Caraterizar fatores demográficos e sintomáticos, terapêutica prévia e resultados de monoterapia com laser. Material e Métodos: Estudo observacional retrospetivo (12 meses). O tratamento aplicado foi laser infravermelho (AsGa 904nm; densidade de energia 20J/cm2; potência de pico 200mW). Fez-se análise estatística descritiva e comparativa (nível de significância de 0,05). Resultados: Seguiram-se 32 doentes com FP, com idade média de 54,28 anos (24–86; DP 13,95), 66% mulheres, Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC) médio de 30,18Kg/m2 (17,91-41,13; DP 5,19), 75% unilaterais, tempo médio de evolução de 6,28 meses (0,2-24; DP 6,82), 21 tinham feito previamente farmacoterapia e 12 outros tratamentos de MFR. O nível de dor inicial (END) médio foi 7,31 (5-10; DP 1,38). Dos 26 doentes tratados (6 perdas), 24 (92,3%) reportaram melhoria. O número médio de sessões foi 28,5 (11– 60; DP 14,01). O nível médio de dor final foi 0,75 (0-5; DP 2,37), com melhoria média de 89,7% (28,6%-100%; DP 0,16) do nível de dor. A intensidade de dor inicial foi maior em doentes com IMC superior (p=0,002). Não se encontraram outras relações estatisticamente significativas. Conclusões: A FP caraterizou-se por um nível de dor significativo (moderado a grave). A obesidade pareceu ser um fator de risco. A taxa de melhoria com o tratamento com laser foi muito satisfatória. A terapia com laser de baixa intensidade IV constitui uma boa opção terapêutica, a justificar avaliação suplementar por ensaios prospetivos controlados e randomizados

    Diagnostico ambiental com subsidio ao desenvolvimento sustentavel para producao rural em comunidades das microbacias hidrograficas no Estado do Rio de Janeiro.

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    bitstream/item/62955/1/CNPS-PESQ.-AND.-8-98.pdfex.1; ex.2

    Produção integrada de abacaxi.

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    O abacaxi (Ananas comosus var. comosus) é explorado no Brasil em cerca de 62.000 hectares, com predominância de minifúndios, onde mais de 80% das propriedades possuem menos de 10 hectares. O abacaxizeiro é a quarta fruteira mais cultivada no País, tendo importante papel social, por gerar emprego e renda no meio rural. A abacaxicultura reveste-se de elevada importância econômica nos Estados do Pará, Paraíba, Minas Gerais e Bahia. No Tocantins, o abacaxizeiro é cultivado em maior ou menor escala, em todos os municípios, constituindo o terceiro PIB agrícola do Estado

    ENERWAT project: some preliminary results

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    Water and energy are two linked important resources and its use efficient must be profoundly studied. On the other hand, it is believed that there are significant differences between the pattern of water and energy consumption in rural and urban areas, whose influencing factors require study too. Swveral research state a large difference in urban and rural household water consumption pattern. However, rural household's consumptions are under-researched compared to urban residential consumptions. This paper aims to provide some preliminary results of a research project named ENERWAT, supported by the Portuguese Science and Technology Fiundation. One of the parts of the referred project was the design, application and results analysis of a survey, in order to find the main differences in the water and energy consumptions at the end-use level, and tha factores that influence it in urban and rural households. A total of 245 households participated in the research during the year of 2016 (urban: 110 dwellings) and (rural: 135 dwellings), responding to questions such as their family composition, dwellings characterization, water and energy consumption habits and conservation behaviors of these resources. Some of the obtained results will be here provided.This work was partially funded by project POCI-0-0145-FEDER-016730 (PTDC/AAG-REC/4700/2014) under the name ENERWAT: Water for energy: characterization, modeling and measures for reducing domestic urban and rural consumption, funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology and co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through COMPETE 2020 - Operational Competitiveness and Internationalization Program (POCI). This work was partially supported by the FCT (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) through the project PEst-OE/ECI/UI4082/2013 (C-MADE)

    A vocação da Amazônia é florestal e a criação de novos estados pode levar ao aumento do desflorestamento na Amazônia brasileira

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    The state of Pará has a rich diversity of ecosystems. However, it is one of the states that the most contribute with the deforestation of Amazonian. Actually, 22% of the state was deforested. Currently, a new policy of occupation is being studied for the Amazonian, based on the creation of new states. The creation of new states can increase deforestation in the Amazonian, especially in regions where the agricultural frontier and minerals activities are intense such as the state of Para. This study compares the changes of the representativeness of protected areas and deforestation, considering the proposed of division of the Para in three new states. The creation of new states can lead to a reduction or elimination of the protected areas resulting in the increase of the deforestation. Another serious consequence of the creation of new states will be the extinction of the Ecological-Economic Zoning of Para, an important instrument of public policy. The creation of new states must be preceded by studies involving the evaluation of the environmental, social and economic variables. One of the most serious consequences if it is not taken into consideration is the creation of a legal vacuum that will be used to increase the pressure on natural resources of the Amazon.O Pará detém uma rica diversidade de ecossistemas. Contudo, é um dos Estados que mais contribuem para o desmatamento na Amazônia. Atualmente, 22% do Estado foram desflorestados. Uma nova política de ocupação está sendo estudada para a Amazônia, baseada na criação de novos Estados. A criação de novos Estados pode aumentar o desmatamento na Amazônia, especialmente em regiões onde a fronteira agropecuária e mineraria é intensa como no Pará. Este estudo compara as mudanças da representatividade das áreas protegidas e do desmatamento, considerando a proposta de divisão do Estado do Pará em três novos Estados. A criação dos novos Estados pode levar a uma diminuição ou mesmo eliminação de algumas unidades de conservação, o que terá como consequência direta o aumento do desmatamento. Outra consequência grave da criação de novos Estados será a extinção do Zoneamento Ecológico-Econômico do Pará, um importante instrumento de políticas públicas. A criação de novos Estados deve ser precedida de estudos que envolvam uma avaliação criteriosa dos impactos ambientais, sociais e econômicos. Umas das consequências mais graves se isso não for levado em consideração é a criação de um vácuo jurídico que será aproveitado para aumentar a pressão nos recursos naturais da Amazônia