1,091 research outputs found

    Oral magnesium supplementation improves endothelial function and attenuates subclinical atherosclerosis in thiazide-treated hypertensive women

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    Background: Epidemiological studies demonstrate an inverse association between serum magnesium and incidence of cardiovascular disease. Diuretics commonly cause hypomagneseamia. Method: We evaluated effects of magnesium supplementation on blood pressure (BP) and vascular function in thiazide-treated hypertensive women in a randomized, double-blind, clinical trial. Hypertensive women (40–65 years) on hydrochlorothiazide and mean 24-h BP at least 130/80 mmHg were divided into placebo and supplementation (magnesium chelate 600 mg/day) groups. Patients were evaluated for nutritional and biochemical parameters, office and ambulatory blood pressure monitoring, brachial flow-mediated dilatation (FMD), peripheral arterial tonometry, assessment of carotid intima–media thickness, central hemodynamic parameters and pulse wave velocity at inclusion and after 6-month follow-up. Results: The magnesium group had a significant reduction in SBP (144 ± 17 vs. 134 ± 14 mmHg, P = 0.036) and DBP (88 ± 9 vs. 81 ± 8 mmHg, P = 0.005) at 6 months, without effect on plasma glucose, lipids, or arterial stiffness parameters. The placebo group showed a significant increase in carotid intima-media thickness (0.78 ± 0.13 vs. 0.89 ± 0.14 mm, P = 0.033) without change in the magnesium group (0.79 ± 0.16 vs. 0.79 ± 0.19 mm, P = 0.716) after 6 months. The magnesium group demonstrated a significant increase in variation of FMD vs. the placebo group (+3.7 ± 2.1 vs. 2.4 ± 1.2%, P = 0.015). There was a significant correlation between the intracellular magnesium variation and FMD (r = 0.44, P = 0.011). Conclusion: Magnesium supplementation was associated with better BP control, improved endothelial function and amelioration of subclinical atherosclerosis in these thiazide-treated hypertensive women

    Dimensionamento prático à força cortante de seções de concreto armado

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    Practical procedures for shear design of reinforced concrete members, with the aid of a programmable calculator, are hereby presented. These procedures result from simplifications on a mechanical model of a cracked reinforced concrete plate, aiming its application to the usual design of reinforced concrete. With the simplified model, shear stresses, corresponding to the tangential components of the compressive stresses on the concrete struts, may be determined through an equivalent concrete section. The equivalent section method could be applied torectangular cross-section linear members with a vertical symetry axis. The application of this method could be extended to members with other cross-sectional shapes, provided that no sharp variation occurs in their width and the symmetry in relation to the z axis is maintained, as it occurs with the circular cross-section members. ln order to permit the use of this method in programmable calculators, a computer program was developed in FORTRAN IV language, generating tables which allow the determination of the axial deformation and the curvature of circular and rectangular section.Um processo prático para o dimensionamento à força cortante de seções de concreto armado, com a utilização de calculadora programável, é apresentado neste trabalho. O processo é resultante de simplificações efetuadas num modelo mecânico de uma chapa fissurada de concreto armado, de modo a adaptá-lo às regras usuais de dimensionamento. Com as simplificações adotadas, as tensões ditas de cisalhamento, correspondentes às componentes tangenciais das tensões nas bielas de concreto, podem ser determinadas através de uma seção equivalente de concreto. O método pode ser aplicado em seções retangulares, com qualquer distribuição simétrica de armadura, em relação ao eixo vertical z, e, por aproximação, em seções em que a largura não varie bruscamente ao longo da altura, como por exemplo, a seção circular. Para a adaptação do método à calculadoras programáveis, foi desenvolvido um programa para computador que gera tabelas de deformações em seções de concreto armado, definidas pela deformação axial no centróide da seção e pela curvatura

    Impact of climate dynamics on cyclical properties of wine production in Douro region using time-frequency approach

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    Abctract. In this paper we model the impact of climate dynamics on wine production temporal cycles for the period 1933 to 2013 in the Douro wine region. We identify the cyclical properties of wine production and which cycles are determined by spring temperature and soil water levels during summer. We achieve that by applying a time-frequency approach, which is based on Kalman filter regressions in the time domain. The time-varying autoregressive model can explain 79% of the variability of wine production in Douro region. We then transfer the results in the frequency domain and can show that wine production is characterized by two cycles of 5.7 and 2.5 years around the long run trend. The in-season spring temperature as well as the temperatures of two and three years ago could explain about 65% of the variability of wine production. When the soil water level in summer is incorporated, the R2 increases to 83% and the Akaike criterion value is lower. The effects of soil water in wine production are depending on the timing. The in-season effect of an increase in soil water is negative, whilst soil water from two and three years ago have a positive effect on wine production. There is a stable but not constant link between production and the spring temperature. The temperature is responsible for two long-medium cycles of 5.8 year and 4.2 years as well as a short one of 2.4 years that began since the 80s. The soil water level can explained 60%of the 7 years cycles of wine production as well as a short one of 2.3 years cycle which has been happening since the 90s. We can recognise a shift of the relative importance away from temperature to soil water. Despite using a new an extended dataset, our results largely confirm the results of the impact of climate on the wine production in Douro region in our previous research. Modelling the impact of climate on the wine production can be an important instrument contributing for mitigation strategies facing the projected climate conditions in order to remain competitive in the market.Keywords. Climate variability, Wine production, Time-varying spectra, Kalman filter, Douro region.JEL. L52, B52, F63

    A ética de Hans Jonas : alcances e limites sob uma perspectiva pluralista /

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    Orientador : Ademar HeemannTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Programa de Pós-Graduaçao em Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento. Defesa: Curitiba, 2007.Inclui bibliografi

    Whole-Body Vibration Exercise as an Intervention to Improve Musculoskeletal Performance

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    The exposure of individuals to mechanical vibrations produced in vibrating platform can generate whole-body vibration (WBV) exercise. This modality of exercise represents a less tiring alternative to sport, which could benefit mechanical human behavior and prevent sports injuries and musculoskeletal disorders. The specificity of the human body, articulated and connected segments, requires to take into account the biomechanical parameters in protocols involving WBV exercise. Moreover, work time, rest time between the bouts in each session number of sessions, extension of the intervention, and week periodicity must be also well established. Responses to WBV exercise are observed at musculoskeletal, neurological, endocrinological and vascular levels. With respect to the musculoskeletal level, it is verified increase of muscle strength, endurance and power, improvement of the balance, increase of bone mineral density and the decrease of risk of falls. There are several tools to evaluate the responses of the body to WBV exercise. The aim of this chapter is to highlight the relevance of the WBV exercise as an intervention of the physical therapy for the better human optimization

    Updating on diagnosis and treatment of chondral lesion of the knee

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    The treatment of chondral knee injuries remains a challenge for the orthopedic surgeon, mainly owing to the characteristics of the cartilage tissue, which promote low potential for regeneration. Chondral lesions can be caused by metabolic stimulation, or by genetic, vascular and traumatic events, and are classified according to the size and thickness of the affected cartilage. Clinical diagnosis can be difficult, especially due to insidious symptoms. Additional tests, as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), may be needed. The treatment of these lesions usually starts with non-operative management. Surgery should be reserved for patients with detached chondral fragments, blocked range of motion, or the failure of non-operative treatment. The surgical techniques used for the treatment of partial thickness defects are Debridement and Ablation. These techniques aim to improve symptoms, since they do not restore normal structure and function of the cartilage. For full-thickness defects (osteochondral lesion), available treatments are Abrasion, Drilling, Microfracture, Osteochondral Autologous and Allogeneic Transplantation, and biological techniques such as the use of Autologous Chondrocyte Transplantation, Minced Cartilage and stem cells.O tratamento das lesões condrais no joelho ainda permanece um desafio para o cirurgião ortopédico, principalmente pelas próprias características da cartilagem, que promovem um baixo potencial de regeneração. As lesões condrais podem ser causadas por estímulos metabólicos, genéticos, vasculares e traumáticos e são classificadas de acordo com o tamanho e espessura da cartilagem acometida. O diagnóstico clínico pode ser difícil, principalmente pela sintomatologia insidiosa, sendo necessário o uso de exames complementares, em especial, a ressonância magnética. O tratamento dessas lesões é, em geral, iniciado de forma conservadora, ficando o tratamento cirúrgico reservado para pacientes com fragmentos condrais destacados, com bloqueio do arco de movimento, ou pacientes refratários ao tratamento clínico. As técnicas cirúrgicas mais usadas para o tratamento dos defeitos de espessura parcial são o desbridamento e a ablação por radiofrequência. Essas técnicas têm o objetivo de melhorar os sintomas, já que não restauram a estrutura e a função normal da cartilagem. Para os defeitos de espessura total (lesão osteocondral), os tratamentos disponíveis são a abrasão, drilling, microfratura, transplante osteocondral autólogo e alógeno e técnicas biológicas como o uso de transplante autólogo de condrócitos, técnica da cartilagem picada (minced cartilage) e o transplante de células-tronco.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)UNIFESPSciEL

    Vascular Dysfunction as Target Organ Damage in Animal Models of Hypertension

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    Endothelial dysfunction is one of the main characteristics of chronic hypertension and it is characterized by impaired nitric oxide (NO) bioactivity determined by increased levels of reactive oxygen species. Endothelial function is usually evaluated by measuring the vasodilation induced by the local NO production stimulated by external mechanical or pharmacological agent. These vascular reactivity tests may be carried out in different models of experimental hypertension such as NO-deficient rats, spontaneously hypertensive rats, salt-sensitive rats, and many others. Wire myograph and pressurized myograph are the principal methods used for vascular studies. Usually, increasing concentrations of the vasodilator acetylcholine are added in cumulative manner to perform endothelium-dependent concentration-response curves. Analysis of vascular mechanics is relevant to identify arterial stiffness. Both endothelial dysfunction and vascular stiffness have been shown to be associated with increased cardiovascular risk

    Educação e saúde via rádio

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    Orientador: Kelly Cristina de Souza PrudencioMonografia (especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Especialização em Educação à DistânciaInclui referênciasResumo: O presente trabalho teve como objetivo principal analisar a viabilidade da utilização do rádio como fonte de capacitação de educadores em saúde. Realizamos uma pesquisa qualitativa e quantitativa para analisar a educação a distância no âmbito da educação em saúde e meio ambiente. O estudo visa contribuir para a integração dos agentes de saúde com as comunidades beneficiadas. A pesquisa qualitativa teve por objetivo verificar como poderia ocorrer a inovação do uso do rádio na prática pedagógica com a introdução de curso de capacitação para agentes educadores em saúde e meio ambiente. Apresenta e analisa o resultado de pesquisa realizado em 24 (vinte e quatro) municípios do Rio Grande do Norte, em especifico na Região do Mato grande, com agentes educadores em saúde pública, lotados na III Regional de Saúde Pública, localizado na região do Mato Grande, onde os mesmo manifestaram suas competências para realizar ações em saúde e meio ambiente e as formas de divulgação dos e seus trabalhos. Além de ressaltar a importância do rádio na educaçã